[Q] Intermittent GPS Operation - One (M8) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

When I start GPS operation I get a FIX very quickly in 2-5 seconds. Then I operate my navigation program and it's OK without any issue.
When I close the navigation program and leave the GPS status ON the device turns OFF the GPS as it should and again it's OK.
And now comes the problem.
When I open again my navigation program the GPS comes on but cannot detect any satellite. I Use GPS status program and it shows an empty screen without any satelite detected.
To overcome the problem I turn OFF the GPS, Wait for 2-3 minutes and turn GPS back on to get a very quick fix.
Has anyone encounter such a problem?

I leave my GPS always on, sinds it is only being used when needed. But never had this problem. I would try out some GPS apps to monitor. Otherwise you may have a defective or bugged out GPS and then I would return for warrenty. But if there is anyone you know with the same device see if it also happens to them with the same use senario. Otherwise you should contact the app dev.


[Q] Problem with GPS

I have a problem with my Defy.
The GPS doesn't seem to work properly. I've tested it with GPS Status & GPS Test...it detects satellites but doesn't use any of them to locate the cell phone.
A few days ago, I've succeed to get a localization but since it doesn't work.
I've just reboot it so that I'll have the manufacturing settings but, it still doesn't work...
Can someone be of any help ?
ernold said:
I have a problem with my Defy.
The GPS doesn't seem to work properly. I've tested it with GPS Status & GPS Test...it detects satellites but doesn't use any of them to locate the cell phone.
A few days ago, I've succeed to get a localization but since it doesn't work.
I've just reboot it so that I'll have the manufacturing settings but, it still doesn't work...
Can someone be of any help ?
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Have you tried calibrating the compass in the settings? I had what sounds like a similar problem and I did that it worked for me.
Have you tried going into airplane mode, then using the GPS?
The compass is calibrated.
I've tried to turn on the airplane mode & then to launch the gps...same result no satellite in use, no localization...
I tried the GPS today, no airplain mode, defy was working as usual. I had to wait quite long time to get the fix but then no issues. FYI compass was already calibrated.
Since your defy is able to detect the satellites it should not be an hardware issue, i guess you were using pre-installed gmaps and navigator, have you tried any other software which makes use of gps location? (e.g. TrackMe)
Since your defy is able to detect the satellites it should not be an hardware issue, i guess you were using pre-installed gmaps and navigator, have you tried any other software which makes use of gps location? (e.g. TrackMe)
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Yes, that's what I think, it shouldn't be a hardware issue...
I tried with the apps GPS test & GPS status which were not pre-installed and it doesn't work either...
ernold said:
Yes, that's what I think, it shouldn't be a hardware issue...
I tried with the apps GPS test & GPS status which were not pre-installed and it doesn't work either...
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I can't figure out what's causing your issue... but, take a look here:
maybe it could be helpful, second post of cheaplikeafox, he's talking about a gps reset (made through GPS status) which solved the problem. Did you try that specific option in GPS status?
Sadly, I've already tried...arf...I don't what to do.
Maybe I should try with other Motorola phones' owners...
ernold said:
Sadly, I've already tried...arf...I don't what to do.
Maybe I should try with other Motorola phones' owners...
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Just to be sure, are you trying to use the GPS without being in "maps" that came with the phone? But on a separate set of installed maps? Except for the link above, I don't see GPS as an issue on the Motorola forums.
If I turn on network nav. and go into maps, my location is off by from two miles to forty miles. If I then turn on GPS it will correct my location within thirty second (time, that is). Turn off network nav., go back into maps and hit location and it corrects within 10-15 seconds using just GPS.
FWIW I just bought and downloaded Copilot live for North America ($5) Shut off data and ran on GPS -- it loaded very quickly. Of course it's pulling maps off the SD, but there was no lag in the GPS.
Same issue here.
Bought a defy (made in brazil) today and no gps (endomondo, gps test, gps status).
I already have a x10, and their gps always works.
carlosklein said:
Same issue here.
Bought a defy (made in brazil) today and no gps (endomondo, gps test, gps status).
I already have a x10, and their gps always works.
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When I first tried GPS on my phone it took so long to "kick in" I thought the phone was broken. Finally it did. I later got "GPS status" and it picks the satellites up right away. However, I believe you must have your google maps "Maps" turned on or the GPS won't work in the stock phone.
How much time your gps needed in the first time? I im trying right now.
In google maps: My location: Accurate to 70 meters (wireless method).
In endomondo: Locating satellites
In Gps Test: In view 1, In Use 0, Gps On (yellow), Accuracy (feet): 0
After about 1 hour, i am getting 2 sats in view on Gps test, but no one in use.
After hours, i am getting 2 sattelites in GPS Test (sometimes 3). But the color of the bars (SNR Color, according the documentation) is white. Not working...
On my xperia, i am getting 9 sattelites (yellow and green).
Make sure you're not on WiFi
carlosklein said:
After hours, i am getting 2 sattelites in GPS Test (sometimes 3). But the color of the bars (SNR Color, according the documentation) is white. Not working...
On my xperia, i am getting 9 sattelites (yellow and green).
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My previous phone was an xperia x1 too, yes GPS was much much better. More than a issue with defy it looks like Android is not so brilliant in dealing with GPS.
I need long time to get my position fixed (could it be the lack of QuickGPS??), and it seems many apps can't correctly display the satellites while the device is searching for a fix.
It gets better if i have google maps app opened in background.
Finally got gps working.
I made a few things (not sure what work...)
- Factory reset
- Install a bunch of softwares (Endomondo, GPS Test, WisePilot, TrackerBooster)
What work (i think)
- Leave my phone with TrackerBooster and GPS Test turned on, in open space (a bench on a park) for about 45 minutes (airplane mode off, wifi on and connected, 3g on). In the early minutes, GPS Test only find a few satellites (4 or 5). Suddenly 10 satellites appear and change the color to yellow and green (it was white). Working!
Thanks all!
ps: Defy is better than X10. Even motoblur is better than TimeScape (IMOHO).
carlosklein said:
Finally got gps working.
ps: Defy is better than X10. Even motoblur is better than TimeScape (IMOHO).
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When i read "xperia" i thought about x1, anyway, i agree defy is better than xperia (them all) except for GPS. With my x1, in open spaces, i got 10-11 satellites in just 2 minutes (without QuickGPS) and it needed about 20 seconds when QuickGPS was working.

Navigation, "Searching for GPS" constantly? ? ?

When trying to use google maps & the built in turn by turn navigation it will load up then just say searching for gps & it never locks on & doesn't give me the voice guided turn by turn anymore. Google maps is up to date, gps is on & showing in the status bar, & I have tried in numerous locations with the same result. Am I alone on this one?
This has happened to me a few times with diff ROMs even. GPS test app shows that there are sufficient sats in view but the system never locks in. Next day it works fine.
Could be radio or kernal related. Try clearing data and cache. Probly wont help but can't hurt.
Do you open maps first then navigation? For some reason, when I open just navigation, it will do what you say and never lock on. Get to navigation by typing the address in to maps and then hitting driving navigation.
does the same in mine no matter what... i dunno what to do. running incredibly re engineered rom (newest one)
Driving around while trying to get a lock can cause it to take a little longer... Cloudy skies can do this also. Being inside a building can also interfere.
If you just have standalone GPS turned on, well that's your problem right there. The other two assist in getting a GPS lock alot quicker. The other two that I'm talking about is Google's and VZW's Location Services. Those two will also help get a better and more precise position aswell.
NOTE: Navigation. If this was a fresh/wipe install or you get stuck at "Checking Navigation Availability" do the following:
1) Turn on GPS
2) Start Maps
3) When prompted turn on WiFi (do not need to connect to any)
4) Map should then show approximate location
5) Get out of maps
6) Reboot
6) Start Navigation
I think this stuff is all on the right track. Here's my method (I get the same thing on a de-sensed stock rom):
I think Google Maps has the ability (not so great) to 'block' itself via using huge amounts of resources whereas the GPS doesn't use much resource and needs a helper app to get itself oriented the first time. Once oriented it is fine.
The one I use is a free market tool called "GPS Status" by EclipSim. It takes ~3 seconds to get a fix. So you start GPS (via power widget settings, whatever) and start GPS Status, wait a little while and you can see it locking onto satellites, and when it says first fix = ~3 seconds or ~30 seconds, (it depends on some unknown conditions), then close it and you can use navigation because it knows where it is.
Worth a shot. I've been doing that since the 'dawn of droids'.
I completely unrooted my phone and no matter what I do it will not get a GPS lock. I deleted Google maps and redownloaded it, uninstalled updates, tried every combination of settings in location, etc. and nothing.
I tried on my wife's stock incredible also and it immediately locks on to her location and starts the turn by turn navigation without any issues.
I think there was something wrong with the internal GPS chip/locator in the phone itself. I contacted Verizon and they are sending me out another replacement. Hopefully this one works properly.
Thanks for all the replies guy's but it looks like the phone is just defective.
read on another thread to wipe dalvik cache. So I tried it and it works. After initial wipe, GPS quickly acquired satellites and locked on.

[ION] Phone freezes after turning on GPS (ICS ATT ION)

Recently, I noticed that my phone always freezes after turning on GPS. Right now, I am still running it on 6.1.E.3.7.
I've tried several apps as well as GPS test in service menu, the results are all the same, the screen blacks out and phone automatically restarts..
I've also purge the GPS assistant data, no use..
However, if i open GoogleMap with GPS off and then turn GPS on under the request from Googlemap, "this app requires GPS service blablabla..", the phone won't freeze.
eiclkun said:
Recently, I noticed that my phone always freezes after turning on GPS. Right now, I am still running it on 6.1.E.3.7.
I've tried several apps as well as GPS test in service menu, the results are all the same, the screen blacks out and phone automatically restarts..
I've also purge the GPS assistant data, no use..
However, if i open GoogleMap with GPS off and then turn GPS on under the request from Googlemap, "this app requires GPS service blablabla..", the phone won't freeze.
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have you had this problem only on 6.1.E.3.7? (if yes then proceed)
i suggest you update or rollback to another update, it may be that that version is causing the crash, it may be fixed in a newer version if avaliable

[Q] GPS stucked

anytime I want to use GPS I need to switch it OFF and ON from notification bar, otherwise it doesn't work.
It's enough to open Maps to experience the issue: no GPS notification is shown on the bar, but after switching OFF and ON it loads position within a few seconds.
I usually see GPS notification blinking when there's no GPS app running, so I suspect an application is continuously using GPS, maybe stucking it after some time.
To troubleeshoot I've been doing a full wipe and I've been reflashing ROM; I started with a blank device (only SDcard has not been formatted) and I installed all apps one by one checking anytime the problem.
Well, I installed all apps without the problem to occour, but it started to accour again in some hours.
I don't know what to do anymore, because I'n not able to check which application is using GPS or any GPS related log information.
Can anybody help me?
Phone specs are in my signature.
Thanks and best regards
ultradj83 said:
anytime I want to use GPS I need to switch it OFF and ON from notification bar, otherwise it doesn't work.
It's enough to open Maps to experience the issue: no GPS notification is shown on the bar, but after switching OFF and ON it loads position within a few seconds.
I usually see GPS notification blinking when there's no GPS app running, so I suspect an application is continuously using GPS, maybe stucking it after some time.
To troubleeshoot I've been doing a full wipe and I've been reflashing ROM; I started with a blank device (only SDcard has not been formatted) and I installed all apps one by one checking anytime the problem.
Well, I installed all apps without the problem to occour, but it started to accour again in some hours.
I don't know what to do anymore, because I'n not able to check which application is using GPS or any GPS related log information.
Can anybody help me?
Phone specs are in my signature.
Thanks and best regards
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I used to have that issue ..the best thing is just shut down GPS after usage and switch it on when you want
also maybe try TopNTP it's a GPS fix which allows you to lock to GPS quickly it works by patching the GPS files on your system maybe it may help...just a suggestion
Sent from my Samsung Note II N7105 LTE using Tapatalk 4

gps cannot fix

Hi all,
I have note 2014, wifi. Recently, I tried to open map & gpsstatus, and I just realize that my gps "stops" working. I can see the satellites, however it cannot fix them. on gpsstatus, the satellites always grey, and it restarts to lock every minutes or so.
I am not sure if this is hardware or software issue. anyone know how to solve this problem?

