[MOD] i927 Hacker's keyboard layout... [DE/EN] - Samsung Captivate Glide

Hi all,
have been using this custom keypad layout for a while and now finally get around to post it...
Keyboard Allocation Modifications (touch keys unchanged):
MENU key mapped to TAB
HOME key mapped to CTRL_LEFT
SEARCH key mapped to CTRL_RIGHT
OK key (DPAD_CENTER) mapped to FORWARD_DEL (normal delete - instead of delicate (touch-)cursor-positioning, then backspace)
shift+alt+E: Euro sign (€)
shift+alt+K: < instead of (
shift+alt+L: > instead of )
shift+alt+,: ~ instead of =
shift+alt+.: ^ instead of \
shift+alt+?: | instead of / (pipe linux commands without switching to soft keyboard for that one stupid symbol!)
MIC key (+ shift/alt): mapped to [ {
www./.com key (+ shift/alt): mapped to ] }
DE layout: Z <=> Y
DE layout: [äöüß] mapped on shift+alt+[aous]
This allows proper usage of terminal, debian, tmux..
Little known fact: some useful common keyboard combinations become available when your device provides TAB & CTRL keys:
- ALT+TAB: application switcher
- CTRL + A [in text fields]: select all
- CTRL + C/X/V [in text fields]: copy/cut/paste
- CTRL + Z: unfortunately, no undo (what the fail?)
- TAB [in terminal]: shell tab completion!
- CTRL + C [in terminal]: interrupt running process
- CTRL + D [in terminal, empty command line]: exit shell
Improvement suggestions or questions, bring 'em on.
The files have to replace /system/usr/keychars/STMPE_keypad.kcm and /system/usr/keylayout/STMPE_keypad.kl respectively to be active.. Installable ZIP files in third post. :good:

nice, but you should make installable zip, like this , just change zip file.

recovery installable ZIP
ok here it comes

very great job! many thanks will test that soon

Hey Admin!!! ^^ Sorry My English Not Good
Can you Mod Volume Up = Wake Phone, Or Search = On/Off Phone?

I wana turn off Search key on the phone, too

ahem this is a great feature but I may have made an error in flashing because it'd be nice to compare the original setup! I was sold with ~ and <> etc but I kinda miss the search key believe it or not (for SMS etc it had become a habit)..
my suggestions after 20 mins.. if "Menu" key was L-Ctrl instead of tab, (flip them), you could slide your thumb from menu to A to "select all" in one motion (I even found it possible with home as L-Ctrl but not easy). Also, you could hit Alt-Tab w the same one thumbstroke!! Then, you really don't need R-Ctrl because XCV have enough space to hit with your right thumb while left thumb on Menu (now L-Ctrl). Then I can have my search key back and not lose any function
If you can share the original I can set it up this way! Oh, and also "OK" for delete is OK.. but could it be L-Ctrl + Bksp, or Shift+Bksp? OH WAIT that IS the default!! Shift+BKSP = delete!! Lucky guess
Thanks tho this is awesome!!

zWiLLX said:
I kinda miss the search key believe it or not (for SMS etc it had become a habit)..
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You are aware that there is one beneath the display on the right? & these capacitive buttons continue to work with expanded keyboard.
zWiLLX said:
my suggestions after 20 mins.. if "Menu" key was L-Ctrl instead of tab, (flip them), you could slide your thumb from menu to A to "select all" in one motion (I even found it possible with home as L-Ctrl but not easy). Also, you could hit Alt-Tab w the same one thumbstroke!!
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I might actually try swapping these.. although I already used this layout for months. But good point about CTRL+A (my tmux key) and ALT+TAB :good:
So just swap the numbers of both keys in the STMPE_keypad.kl:
key 139 TAB WAKE
zWiLLX said:
If you can share the original I can set it up this way! Oh, and also "OK" for delete is OK.. but could it be L-Ctrl + Bksp, or Shift+Bksp? OH WAIT that IS the default!! Shift+BKSP = delete!! Lucky guess
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well the Shift+BKSP trick doesn't work everywhere and definitely not within the terminal.
You can find the default files here:

did the swaps and modded the KB a bit and it's friggin fantastic!! Great tips Used the one-thumb ctrl+a today as well as the one-thumb alt-tab just by coincidence and they work great!! w 4.4.4 the phone is crazy fast(er) as well as less battery and with this mod it's friggin fantastic!! Glad I didn't commit to longer contract and went w ole cheapo glide again!! Thanks EMP!!


calculator for s620

If I'm already releasing alpha software, why not this one, too...
Here is a calculator for the dash. The idea is similar to Lygea 123 and 1-calc for the s620, in that it displays a replacement keyboard on the screen. This way one can use our dash almost like any other scientific calculator. Why did I make this one when the other two already exist?
Lygea 123 is not a scientific calculator, but instead just a financial/business calculator, so it didn't have the features I wanted. And I didn't like the interface of 1-calc....
It is very rough, and I'm sure has some bugs. But it is quite usable - it is the calculator that I use. The problem is that I don't have time to work on it now, but I think people might already enjoy it!
It might be a bit strange to use - it is a mixture of infix and prefix. You can use it as a regular calculator if you like, and everything should work as expected.
Here is an example of how it can be used:
say you want to calculate
you enter: 2 * sin ( 40 + 35 ) =
you can also enter: 2 * ( 40 + 35 ) sin =
(which would be like a regular calculator - infix)
to calculate sin(60) you can enter
60 sin =
sin 60 =
to calculate 1/4 +3 you can type
[1/x] 4 + 3 =
4 [1/x] + 3 =
Notice that because of this strange way to calculate things, the result of 4 [1/x] is only displayed when you type '+'. (maybe a later version will not have this 'problem')
the button 'ANS' recalls the last answer (the result of the last time '=' was pressed)
There is now prelimnary unit conversion. It isn't really optimal. What I'd really like is to be able to do
1 [m] + 3 [feet] =
Currently, it just switches the current number displayed. So to convert m to inches, do this:
2.5 [m] [inch]
To switch to unit conversion mode, press right. To switch back, press left.
To store in a memory location, hit STO, and then write the location. Valid locations are 0..99
memory locations 0..9 are displayed under the respective key.
STO+ STO- STO* STO/ do operations on those locations.
1+4 = [STO] 9 =
memory location 9 now contains 5.
You can also do operations while doing calculations.
34 + 60 [STO] 3 =
displays 94, and 60 is stored in memory location 3.
To recall simply hit recall, and the location
34 [STO] 3 =
5 + [RCL] 3 * 9 + [RCL] 3 =
should give
5 + 34 * 9 + 34, i.e. 345.
The calculator still does not remember things across separate invocations.....
There currently is a problem with using the calculator postfix.
So you can calculate
sin(60) by typing
60 sin =
sin 60 =
But there are problems with using two operations postfix.
sin(60^2) will give the wrong result if done like this:
60 [x^2] sin
but the right result if done like this:
sin [x^2] 60
So for now, if you envoke multiple functions in a row, use prefix - type the function before the operand.
This is especially annoying for RC, for doing calculations on stored values.
You have to type
sin RCL 2
and not
RCL 2 sin
update: now a cab file is available! And, new version will run only one instance at time.
update: keys have the letters on them now. Also moved keys a bit. Now / and * are in the right place.
1. added a few functions (factorial, n choose k)
2. added deg-rad-grad for trigonometric functions. Switch between them with up-down
3. added preliminary unit conversion. Celsius<->Fahrenheit.
4. added preliminary unit conversion for lengths and weights. Switch between modes using left-right.
update: v2.01
The two current ugliest bugs fixed:
keys don't wander down any more on a long press (I kinda liked it...)
Pressing * twice doesn't crash any more.
In addition, a small change: You can leave the shift (yellow key) pressed when pressing another key. In this case the alternate
function is used, but the keys do not remained shifted. Pressing only shift leaves it locked.
update: v2.02
made a bit more stable. Can now calculate up to 170 factorial. Log window scrolls.
update: v2.03
Added memory functions.
To store in a memory location, hit STO, and then write the location. Valid locations are 0..99
memory locations 0..9 are displayed under the respective key.
STO+ STO- STO* STO/ do operations on those locations.
To recall, hit RCL, and then location.
update: v2.031: small cosmetic change.
I wll test it tomorrow. Good point anyway .
update: now a cab file
I uploaded new file: now it is a cab file.
And, now if program is running, it will be brought into the foreground when run again (instead of running a 2nd version).
I tried, Its hard to use it coz I am not sure what button what does.
/ is the simbol on my key, but in your calc is * - why?
And when I hit * twice I have some error exepton
littleclown said:
I tried, Its hard to use it coz I am not sure what button what does.
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The layout on screen is supposed to be identical to the layout of the s620 keyboard. So don't look at the keyboard, only at the screen.
littleclown said:
/ is the simbol on my key, but in your calc is * - why?
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Here I'm not sure what is better. If you really look only at the screen, and not at the keys, then my layout is better, because then the keys are in logical places - otherwise '-' would be somewhere on the right, '*' at the bottom-left.
But I also get confused by the '*' vs. '/' key. Maybe I'll just switch them in the layout....
littleclown said:
And when I hit * twice I have some error exepton
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This is a bug....
Dude... its so no-user-friendly .
In many situation I must count buttons from left to right and to right to left to find my button - you may know it, put for new users is some kind of hell .
Can you combine this with cursor, to control with narrows some sqare to select buttons?
This is good idea to utilize Dash's keyboard, but counting which key to use makes it much harder then necessary. I suggest you can display keyboard letters on screen, in a small font or in background. It will make key-hunting much easier.
You are right, I'll try to add little letters to the buttons.
In the meantime - here is a hint: the numbers and the left black column are really no problem. The only problem are the middle block black of keys, such as
sin cos tan
x^2 exp 10^x
For these, you can use the top row as guides: + ( ) are all in the right place....
Very useful looking! The mental reinforcement of the glowing letters/symbols on the keypad is just too much for me to overcome, though.
Having '=' mapped to space is very practical, but I want to press enter. Are you up for feature requests? A base converter on one of the yet unused keys would be outstanding. bin/hex/dec? OF course, then you'd need more numeral keys... hmmm.
Or, it could be skinnable/mappable. Some shiny .png buttons, remapping options, and you would probably have the #1 Smartphone Calc. No, you definitely would.
OK OK - keys have labels.
I added labels with the letter to each key. This is not read from key mapping, though, so it only works correctly for QWERTY keyboard. I also moved the keys around a bit, so now / and * are in the right place.
What's the best way to read the keyboard mapping?
Much better now! Do you have time to add Memory functions and some basic unit conversion functions?
The following is a tiny calculator I wrote many years ago for REX6000. Still have that baby in my wallet today
Ahhhhh the Rex...
qaplus said:
Much better now! Do you have time to add Memory functions and some basic unit conversion functions?
The following is a tiny calculator I wrote many years ago for REX6000. Still have that baby in my wallet today
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Wow! That is really cool! I got my wife a Rex for her birthday many years ago. Why don't they make this form factor any more? It was perfect!
Her second one died just last year
That's a cool calculator! If it had been my Rex, I would have installed it
added unit conversion and a few other things
Due to popular demand, I added unit conversions. I'm still not quite happy with the result. But I'm not quite sure how it should be done.
The best would be to be able to do
1 [m] + 3 [inch] =
and then pressing [feet] will give the result in feet.
This doesn't work now.
For now, just do unit conversion on the result of calculations... not during calculations.
So, you can do
1.54 [inch][m]
2 + 4*6 = [feet][km]
To switch to conversion mode, press .
See first post for other changes.​
The yellow square creeps down the screen if you hold alt. Fixes on relaunch.
The numeral keys do this as well.
Pressing + twice with no entry causes an exception.
This appears to happen with the * key as well.
Soft Key labels do not take Windows Button appearance.
I really like the speed with which I can get to everything. Switching to units mode is elegant and going to be very handy at work, thanks!
I am curious as to why the temp conversion is on the scientific functions page rather than the units page.
May I make more requests? Automatic save on exit of last page used would be handy. Perhaps the Alt key should say alt and flash when clicked instead of movingMaking the ! match its keyboard location would be nice, I guess, too.
Profezza said:
The yellow square creeps down the screen if you hold alt. Fixes on relaunch.
The numeral keys do this as well.
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This was quite ugly. I liked the fact that the program still worked correctly, but with a crooked keyboard...
Fixed now
Profezza said:
Pressing + twice with no entry causes an exception.
This appears to happen with the * key as well.
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This is also fixed. Now you can correct your last operation.
3 [+] [*] 2 =
gives 6.
Profezza said:
Soft Key labels do not take Windows Button appearance.
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This I don't understand. Do you mean that the shift key is not trapesoidal, like on the keyboard? Or that the key labels (i.e. the blue letters) don't move down?
Profezza said:
I am curious as to why the temp conversion is on the scientific functions page rather than the units page.
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Simply ugly programming. First I just made a F->C and C->F button like qaplus' REX6000 program. Then I added my style of units as a different function.
But there is a problem that if I want the following to work later, then
3[m] - 2[mm] =
makes sense. But
98 F - 32 F =
is something special. It is not degrees F any more, but instead a difference between degrees, in F.
99 [F] - 90 [F] =
should eventually show a difference of 5 degrees C, and not
9 degrees F converted to C, which is (-12.777) degrees C.
Profezza said:
Perhaps the Alt key should say alt and flash when clicked instead of moving
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It could say alt. Though on my keyboard, it is labeled FN (I have a dopod). But why flash instead of moving?
If you mean that the change shouldn't be permanent (i.e. not shift-lock), then now there are two ways to use shift:
press and hold, and press another key will not lock, just do the alternate function. Press and release shift with no interveaning keypress will lock the shift state.
Profezza said:
Making the ! match its keyboard location would be nice, I guess, too.
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This will come later, when instead of ln, exp, log, 10^, log2, 2^, I will have just one key, and you can switch the log base as you do now with rad-grad-deg.
Currently I like that they are all together.
ghostwheel said:
This was quite ugly. I liked the fact that the program still worked correctly, but with a crooked keyboard...
Fixed now
This is also fixed. Now you can correct your last operation.
3 [+] [*] 2 =
gives 6.
This I don't understand. Do you mean that the shift key is not trapesoidal, like on the keyboard? Or that the key labels (i.e. the blue letters) don't move down?
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That was fast! I was making a lighthearted reference to the fact that the bottom-of-screen captions for the "soft keys", meaning the two above the home and back <- keys, don't have the shiney/glowie look that they do in the native OS screens.
I imagine this is related to the software you are developing in, and not really important anyway.
ghostwheel said:
should eventually show a difference of 5 degrees C, and not
9 degrees F converted to C, which is (-12.777) degrees C.
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Sounds like it will be really handy for doing several rapid temp related tasks! K would be nice too, if you can find space for it.
ghostwheel said:
It could say alt. Though on my keyboard, it is labeled FN (I have a dopod). But why flash instead of moving?
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I was just thinking of other ways to communicate it's state, I didn't realize you would be able to stop the creep-bug so fast.
ghostwheel said:
If you mean that the change shouldn't be permanent (i.e. not shift-lock), then now there are two ways to use shift:
press and hold, and press another key will not lock, just do the alternate function. Press and release shift with no intervening keypress will lock the shift state.
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That sounds consistent with xt9, so perfect to our existing habits.
ghostwheel said:
This will come later, when instead of ln, exp, log, 10^, log2, 2^, I will have just one key, and you can switch the log base as you do now with rad-grad-deg.
Currently I like that they are all together.
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Then, I will keep watching on this thread for updates. I already am using it a bit in work and home Thanks!
FYI: It works perfectly with 6.1, but throws an alert on install. "made for older version, blah blah..."
Very very good job gentelman....!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice job! thanks!
Let me try it for several days before posting feedback/requests
sorry for hang from your post. But will there be a financial calculator like the HP 17BII for 19bii for use with the S620?

Hardware Keyboard mapping problem

I'm trying to type the italian vocabulary letters à è ì ò ù with the US Sprint TP2 hardware keyboard as an alternate typing of keys A E I O U.
This can be easily accomplished using the keys in connection with FN key by editing CH1 and CH2 value in the eT9.Rhodium.0409.kmap.txt file this way:
(before mod: )
// Row 3
{A A A A A 0x0a}
(after mod: )
// Row 3
{A A A À À 0x0a}
Unfortunately in US Sprint hardware keyboard only the A key is free to have an FN alternate meaning, while the keys E I O U have already a printed alternate value with € + = - charachters, so i wanted to use the "press and hold" function provided by VK2 value, editing .kmap file this way:
(before mod: )
{U U U + + 0x06}
(after mod: )
{U U Ù + + 0x06}
This way i expected that:
- pressing the U key to get u charachter
- pressing and holding the U key to get ù charachter
- pressing the U key along with FN to get + charachter
Instead the press and hold function don't work, i get only a repeating u charachter.
Anyone knows how to take advantage of the press and hold function in .kmap file (perhaps need enabling?)?
Thanx all.
try installing Rhodium Keyboard Controller, as it allows you to remap any key to do whatever you want (single press, long press, double-click, etc)
Joe Pinball said:
try installing Rhodium Keyboard Controller, as it allows you to remap any key to do whatever you want (single press, long press, double-click, etc)
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Does that work on the stock roms too?
Joe Pinball said:
try installing Rhodium Keyboard Controller, as it allows you to remap any key to do whatever you want (single press, long press, double-click, etc)
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Thank you Joe for the hint, though i'm still looking for a way to have it to work in the simplest way.

Remapping soft keys

So I'm looking at remaping the soft keys (specifically the search) on the front of the phone. There appears to only be one "SEARCH" in the /system/usr/keylayout/vision-keypad.kl - key 217 (see code below) - that if changed has the following 2 effects:
1. Alters the functions of both the soft key on the front of the phone and the search key on the hardware keyboard. When I remap one, they both change to match your modification.
2. When changed, long press functionality of the soft key is lost. It will only accept a short press.
"SEARCH" can be successfully changed to "MENU", "BACK", and "CALL" (possibly others I have not tried) then pushed to the phone in recovery and function perfectly. However, when I map it to be the "POWER", the soft key does nothing on press, while the hardware search key on the slide-out works fine.
Has anyone found a way around this?
We remap the track pad to wake because we dont like using the top mounted power button, but it only does a half-ass job because when you want to shut the screen back off, you still have to reach for the power button. I think the track pad wake mod needs its own 'bacon bits'
# column 0
I think you're out of luck with regard to an easy fix. I just did a quick experiment with evtest and it looks like the softkeys on the screen are just areas of the touchscreen that the window manager treats specially and generates synthetic key events in response to touches on, instead of being actual mappable keys.
teferi said:
I think you're out of luck with regard to an easy fix. I just did a quick experiment with evtest and it looks like the softkeys on the screen are just areas of the touchscreen that the window manager treats specially and generates synthetic key events in response to touches on, instead of being actual mappable keys.
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Well the are mappable. I managed to make it be the menu button and the back button just fine. It just doesnt want to be the power button..
The same key can be used as a single quick press or a long press. It is considered two different keys though. So you would have to figure out what the long press equivalent of the search button would be and change that one.
The way this thread can stay in developmental, is show steps on how you are remapping the keys.
For others to gain knowledge or this thread is moving to Q&A
Mikey1022 said:
The way this thread can stay in developmental, is show steps on how you are remapping the keys.
For others to gain knowledge or this thread is moving to Q&A
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Maybe I'm off here, but if I was making this post to show the steps, would that not fall under a "How To" or "Guide"? My goal here is development. Development –noun 1. the act or process of developing; growth; progress. Or in my case, I'm in the act/process of developing a remapped key file to make the search soft key into a power key, and to then share with the rest of the forum. My progress so far is that I've managed to map it to a menu key and a back key with no problems, and am reaching out to others for help as to why it is that when I change it to the power key, it doesn't accept my changes.
Its kinda a gray zone, in that if I were to successfully remap it to the power button and post the file here, it would, technically speaking, be less of a development thread than it is now - because it would be finished developing and instead, merely contain a file with instructions.
However, as requested, and for those who are interested:
The file you are looking for, is as mentioned in the OP, "vision-keypad.kl" and is located in /system/usr/keylayout. You can edit it with a text editor like Notepad++. The line that I am looking at, also refer to OP, is key 217.
I'm thinking now, after messing with it some more, that maybe because it is a soft key it cant be mapped to power, being that as soon as the screen shuts off it no longer functions... But then again there exists widgets that, upon press, turn off the screen and they function fine, so I see no reason this shouldn't. I'll keep you posted on what I find, and would appreciate any help in the mean time.
i'd love to be able to map a longpress menu and a longpress back action. Cyanogen 6.1 allows longpress back to be turned into force kill foreground process. So there is a way to capture longpress on those 4 keys, the question is, what does the system read that keypress as and how can it be mapped.
sundar2012 said:
i'd love to be able to map a longpress menu and a longpress back action. Cyanogen 6.1 allows longpress back to be turned into force kill foreground process. So there is a way to capture longpress on those 4 keys, the question is, what does the system read that keypress as and how can it be mapped.
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So it is doable! There are some .bin files in the /system/usr/keychar folder that correspond to the .kl files in the ../keylayout folder, but i havent been able to read them. Maybe thats it.. Gonna figure that out when I land tomorrow and get my computer set up
I changed the Search function key to Camera and it only works on a long press and I get no result on a short press. So maybe the function you are trying to rename the Search key to has to be specific to either way i.e. short or long press but not both.
So it will either work as a long press key for some functions or a short press key for others.
Read the window manager source (from AOSP or CM), determine what scancodes it synthesizes in response to touches or long-touches on the softkeys, edit keylayout accordingly.
Doesn't ButtonRemapper from Android App Dev section work on G2? :S
hey guys, i dont know if you all figured this out or not, I just got the g2, and to remap the key to power button you have to change it to "ENDCALL" not "POWER", after, reboot and voila! your search button now acts like a power button!!!!! Hope this helps!!!!!
Need to Map Back button to one of the soft key
Rceently I bought HTC Desire Z (no warranty), and I am facing the problem with 4 bottom buttons of the touch screen (menu, back, home and search). So I am planning to do hardware map for one of the softkeys to BACK button.
Could you please provide me step-by-step installation of all the softwares and the procedure I need to do for updating "vision-keypad.kl" file. Appreciate your help.
My one more doubt is that what is the difference between "WAKE_DROPPED" & "WAKE". I have seen these keywords in ".kl" file in GITHUB.
Please give me reply ASAP. I am frustrated with the way the mobile is working. Just imagine how it will be if back button stop working and you are in the middle of some application. I restarted my mobile some dozens of times.

[Q] Keymap editing?

I've bought a Captivate Glide, and I'm very happy with the phone!
The only issue I have with the phone is the nordic letters (Æ, Ø, Å). I have to long press A or O, then navigate to the letter I want. Is there any way to hack the keypad to have the norwegian letters first in the selection? My phone is rooted.
Good question. I have too to edit the physical keymap because I can't use ~, < or > keys.
EMegamanu said:
Good question. I have too to edit the physical keymap because I can't use ~, < or > keys.
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Hit the symbol button and you should find those keys. Also if you mess around with the keyboard, hitting alt + shift + n gives you the ~ symbol. I dont know any shortcuts for < or >
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I927R using xda premium
If I ask too, it is because I don't have these keys with the Sym button.
Thanks for the ~, alt + shift + k seems working too.

[TUT] Disable capacitive buttons stock Xperia S

1.Make sure you have on-screen buttons enabled i recommend: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1940842
2. Download a root file explorer. Root Browser Lite --> http://goo.gl/b9ISW This is what I will use.
3.Load up Root Browser and navigate to system>usr>keylayout. We will be looking for a file called "clearpad.kl".
4. Select it and hit "Open as..." then "Text file" then "RB Text Editor"
5. Now we see this:
key 158 BACK HOME
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All you have to do is option out the keys you don't want to work with a #. So if you are like me and think the home button is fine, it will look like this.
#key 102 HOME VISUAL
key 158 BACK HOME
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6. When you have the ones you want optioned out just tap the little disk icon in the top right. It will ask for root rights, grant it, saved.
7. Now just reboot and DONE!
tut copied from http://rootzwiki.com/topic/31065-tu...acitive-buttons-lights-and-use-on-screen-nav/ so i didn't have to rewrite it, but modified for xperia s....
peace out.
Thanks man,was looking for it
This is perfect for XZXperience 2!
Thanks for the tutorial man works like a charm.:thumbup:
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium
Can this work to remap the menu key to the app switcher key?
I find the appeal for the soft/screen buttons really inexplicable. I have an Xperia TX and, really, this is the only thing that puts me down in that phone - I really wish it had capacitive buttons, much like the acro S. The most annoying thing about software buttons is that it takes up valuable screen area, leaving me with a sub-HD area available for other stuff. The interference with screen size in some apps is extremely annoying.
I'm thinking of getting an acro S solely because of this. And you guys here trying to disable your capacitive buttons! Taste really is something funny, I guess.
DeathMetalDiamond, once you see how difficult to operate and unpredictable in behavior the capacitive keys on the Xperia S are; you'll wish you had on-screen buttons as well!
Same goes for Ion.. its simply a nightmare especially in the dark. I literally have to guess where the buttons are. If they are well built, they are an asset. If not, they just screw u up.
i just recently tried out the OSB and i found it appealing, albeit lessening the screen space but i'll live with the trade off..capacitive buttons on the Acro S is sometimes none sensitive as i find myself tapping the back button 2x or 3x before i get it right..thanks for this tutorial :good:
edit: i got systemui FC [im using @niaboc79 's tab-n-grid sysui] when trying to access options menu in CyberShot 5.7.2 mod..everything else is good

