Hi guys,
I prepared some test builds of K^Kernel that I'd like to share with you, after some testing...
These builds have been already tested by @lafactorial, thanks a lot for his support and also thanks @Madridii for the features he ported some time ago for your device.
This thread is now closed, please take a look at the new thread:
[GT-I8150][ION] K^Kernel 3.4 for KK 4.4 ION+PMEM ADSP
Thank you all for your support.
İts nice to see you here Chris
Countless "Thanks" chris! :good:
Thank you for your support to ancora community.
Sent from my GT-I8150 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Big thanks Christopher! I'll test EXUV-VHM and I ll' give my feedback later
should i disabled ksm? i use xhm kernel
gregoriaz said:
should i disabled ksm? i use xhm kernel
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Yes, you have to disable it because could break video playback...
406mb .WOW amazing .thanks sir
Before trying XHM builds, please switch to 480p recording inside camcorder options.
Keep also KSM disabled inside Settings -> Performance -> Memory Management.
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Confirmed: FC switching from camera to video and vice versa so you'll be stuck at video mode
using oc/uv xhm working fine to me, but when i try to camcorder, camera force close
switching camera to camcorder, camcorder to camera working fine
dec0der said:
Confirmed: FC switching from camera to video and vice versa so you'll be stuck at video mode
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If you forgot to switch to 480p before flashing a build with XHM configuration, try this workaround suggested by @ktulu84:
ktulu84 said:
if you forgot to switch to 480p, using a file explorer:
- go inside /data/data/com.android.camera2/shared_prefs
- open com.android.camera2_preferences_0.xml
- change the last line from
<string name="pref_video_quality_key">5</string>
<string name="pref_video_quality_key">4</string>
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I did changed it to SD 480p/ H.264/ AAC. I just flash VHM version to fix it Thnx
sir @Christopher83 , in @lafactorial's DCM 4.4.3 using with OC, EXUV, XHM kernel
Issue: I can switch camera to video mode and video to camera mode. I can take a picture, but in 480p, even QCIF, I can't take a video. I take "Unfortunately, camera has stopped." error.
ps: build.prop lines are included, ksm disabled.
edit: I also tried with OC, UV, XHM, the issue still continues.
Hi @Christopher83
i am actually testing UV VHM. It is working fine so far, beside the already known camera issues. 720p recording doesnt work too, i can press the button to start, but nothing happens.
But a major issue, and a main reason i started building a kernel on my own a few weeks ago, still exist. I already figured out and posted a while ago, that this commit mm: Added filesystem dynamic read-ahead (Credits to Chad Gooldman) causes huge lags in minion rush, which makes it unplayable. And possibly other games can be harmed too.
Well, i have to mention, that i moved all minion rush data to my external sd with the app foldermount. Maybe they are some incompatibilities. I actually dont know if the lags disappear, if i would move the data back. But meanwhile i am absolutely sure (by building an testing some kernels on my own), that reverting this commit, makes the game running very smooth again in my configuration. So i would recommend and greatly appreciate it, if you check this too, find a workaround or revert this commit too.
Thx again for your fabelous work and your support for our Wonder too!
Best regards
tycoo said:
Hi @Christopher83
i am actually testing UV VHM. It is working fine so far, beside the already known camera issues. 720p recording doesnt work too, i can press the button to start, but nothing happens.
But a major issue, and a main reason i started building a kernel on my own a few weeks ago, still exist. I already figured out and posted a while ago, that this commit mm: Added filesystem dynamic read-ahead (Credits to Chad Gooldman) causes huge lags in minion rush, which makes it unplayable. And possibly other games can be harmed too.
Well, i have to mention, that i moved all minion rush data to my external sd with the app foldermount. Maybe they are some incompatibilities. I actually dont know if the lags disappear, if i would move the data back. But meanwhile i am absolutely sure (by building an testing some kernels on my own), that reverting this commit, makes the game running very smooth again in my configuration. So i would recommend and greatly appreciate it, if you check this too, find a workaround or revert this commit too.
Thx again for your fabelous work and your support for our Wonder too!
Best regards
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Could you tell me which are the read ahead values your device has currently applied for internal sd and external sd:
/sys/block/mmcblk0/bdi/read_ahead_kb = ?
/sys/block/mmcblk1/bdi/read_ahead_kb = ?
Which is the size of your external SD card?
On cm11 with EXUV-VHM I noticed a phone freeze and reeboting while I'm trying to see any video on youtube app. Build.prop lines are included and ksm disabled.
xlollomanx said:
On cm11 with EXUV-VHM I noticed a phone freeze and reeboting while I'm trying to see any video on youtube app. Build.prop lines are included and ksm disabled.
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Please always provide /proc/last_kmsg after the reboot when facing such issues.
Christopher83 said:
Could you tell me which are the read ahead values your device has currently applied for internal sd and external sd:
/sys/block/mmcblk0/bdi/read_ahead_kb = ?
/sys/block/mmcblk1/bdi/read_ahead_kb = ?
Which is the size of your external SD card?
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Of course
It is 256 for /sys/block/mmcblk0/bdi/read_ahead_kb
& 1024 for /sys/block/mmcblk1/bdi/read_ahead_kb
I have a Transcend Extreme-Speed Micro SDHC 32 GB Class 10 card.
I love my wonder, I love our wonder, I love this community...thank master all dev support galaxy w...
Sent from my GT-I8150 using Tapatalk
Christopher83 said:
Please always provide /proc/last_kmsg after the reboot when facing such issues.
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I noticed freeze happened too if I tried to play youtube's video on browser. I take "last_kmsg" with an app because I can't find it with root explorer, I hope I did the right thing
Note2Core Kernel for Galaxy Note II N7100 / N7105 (LTE)
I am posting this here because it works on our LTE notes, since they all use a Qualcomm modem. I am running I on my AT&T note with no issues. All credit goes to g.lewarne - I am just posting here to so he doesn't have to maintain 2 threads. See his original post here
For the moment, exFAT formatted SD cards are NOT supported.
About this kernel
This kernel is built from pure Samsung GT-N7100 source, with modifications and tweaks to provide the best user experience in reliability, performance and stability. Built upon my experience firstly with NoteCore and then HydraCore for the original Note, as many of you know, I strive for the best
There are 4 versions of each kernel, for the International LTE model GT-N7105.
This kernel has all debuging removed - logcat, android log, kernel log, schedular log, etc etc all disabled. This is for performance reasons, so if you are a developer this kernel is probably not for you
Kernel Versions
There are three variants of the kernel for each device
STANDARD (STD) - 1.6ghz FSync() enabled
OVERCLOCK (OC) - 1.8ghz FSync() enabled
EXTREME (EX) - 1.8ghz FSync() disabled
ASYLUM (AS) - 1.920ghz FSync() disabled
The standard version, has no modifications to the processor clocks or voltages and can be considered a direct replacement for the stock kernel, and with FSync() enabled is completely stable
The OC kernel automatically scales up to 1.8ghz, with the proven voltages and stability from the perseus kernel (the same frequency table is used), and with FSync() enabled is completely stable
The EX kernel also scales to 1.8ghz, and has FSync() disabled. It offers by far the best possible performance. In rare circumstances you must be aware that this can lead to data corruption and the need to wipe / reflash a rom back to the phone. 99% of people will have no issues with this, as it has been extensively tested and proven on my previous kernel, but the risk is there. Dont go moaning to me if you lose your data and haven't got a nandroid backup!
The AS kernel is meant for the crazy ones. People who come from an asylum, those from the Note 1 know I am crazy, so this was meant for them. If there is a demand for the 7100 I will build that as well. I am not responsible if you are able to cook bacon on your device after running. It features up to a 1.920ghz over clock, and 640ghz on the GPU, it will go up, however for the moment we will run with 640. The phantom bug is that voltages cannot be set with SetCPU. Neither myself nor gavin know why. The code is spot on. So we don't get it. Lol. The source code is on github.com/glewarne
Kernel Features
- Built from official GT-N7100 sources
- 1.6 / 1.8ghz auto scaling
- Optimised VM memory settings, and global readahead
- Auto-rooting of any rom when flashed, even stock
- init.d script support
- CPU Voltage support through 3rd party apps
- Modified GPU DVFS utilisation steps for maximum GPU performance, far better than stock (this is NOT overclocking!)
- No logging / debugging of any kind for higher performance
- Decreased CPU frequency transition latency
- CRC32 slicing-by-8 algorithm
- SLUB allocator
- PEGASUSQ governor (default, others available)
- NOOP schedular, (default, others available)
- +50mb more free ram compared to all other kernels
- lots of other minor tweaks and changes
- ODIN TAR and CWM ZIPS available for all versions
- TouchWiz roms only
Download - Current Version v1.00
For N7105 (LTE) phones - Links pulled
The latest AsylumCore versions can be found - link pulled
Asylum 2.11
-fixed 640 gpu clock(it works now!)
-switched to google 4.7 toolchain
-Note2Core STD, OC remain unchanged. AsylumCore EX and AS versions updated with 640 GPU clocks.
- Rebuilt from new N7100T source, released Dec 3rd
- All rotation issues in 4.1.2 fixed
- GPU steps reworked for better speed and responsiveness
- Built with linaro 12.11 GCC toolchain, with -O3 optimisation level
- lots of other internal changes
AsylumCore V2.01 - source on github now - github.com/antiochasylum/note2core_asylumcore_note2kernel
- version with *733* in file name is the 733 GPU @ 1150mV
- based off new source code 7100T
- compiled using latest linaro tool chain
- tweaked gpu scaling
- ro.secure=0 - I was tired of typing mount -o remount,rw -t /dev/block/mmcblk0p13 /system everytime to push a modified APK
- voltage bug still present
AsylumCore 1.339
- 1.920 CPU over clock
- 640 GPU clock
- other optimizations
- Fixed Voltages
- Other minor changes
- Source is now on github - github.com/glewarne
- Fixed video recording
- Added custom boot animation support, to use place desired boot animation in /system/media under *bootanimation.zip*
- Fixed video playback for some users.
- Initial release
Source Code
Click here
Credits and Thanks
sswagonman for being the bravest of souls, and a good friend
g.lewarne for his encouragement, help and support and friendship
phjz for coding help
Some parts of my code changes can be attributed to the following - Entropy512, franciscofranco, hardcore, gokhanmoral, AnderiLux
If I have forgotten anyone, let me know and ill add you to the list!
Please make sure to only download the 7105 variant of the kernel!!
Nice another kernel! Will test this baby out!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2
In testing right. I went straight to extreme and so far lovin it!
sent using gNote II.
Hmm I flashed the OC version on my note 2 seems to be running great but the phone does not see my external sd card :/ just says external card removed safe to remove now even when trying to remount it, my card is formated to exFat not sure if that is the problem
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2
Love seeing the development...can't wait till my 14 day grace period is up...I got to be good for at least that long:angel::angel::angel:
turilo said:
Hmm I flashed the OC version on my note 2 seems to be running great but the phone does not see my external sd card :/ just says external card removed safe to remove now even when trying to remount it, my card is formated to exFat not sure if that is the problem
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2
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Yes, exFAT is not supported, we just found out. A fix is coming soon. Also videos in games such as zombie wood don't play. Fixes coming soon.
Nice to see another kernel here.
Can you please update the OP with a link to the original n7100/n7105 kernel thread? (It might make it easier for users to pop over there and see current discussion, etc.)
Also, I'm kind of curious what kind of difference people have noticed by blocking the majority of kernel logging. In theory, it shouldn't make make a significant difference, but I never got around to testing it, so I'm not sure how well the theory applies. (kernel logs aren't backed by persistent storage, so there's no real I/O overhead to it.)
Take care
turilo said:
Hmm I flashed the OC version on my note 2 seems to be running great but the phone does not see my external sd card :/ just says external card removed safe to remove now even when trying to remount it, my card is formated to exFat not sure if that is the problem
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2
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So I checked the extfat on extreme and I have access to all files. Also checked the storage under settings and everything looks to be mounted.
sent using gNote II.
garyd9 said:
Nice to see another kernel here.
Can you please update the OP with a link to the original n7100/n7105 kernel thread? (It might make it easier for users to pop over there and see current discussion, etc.)
Also, I'm kind of curious what kind of difference people have noticed by blocking the majority of kernel logging. In theory, it shouldn't make make a significant difference, but I never got around to testing it, so I'm not sure how well the theory applies. (kernel logs aren't backed by persistent storage, so there's no real I/O overhead to it.)
Take care
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Its there. Very top where I said I was posting here to help him maintain
Mac11700 said:
Love seeing the development...can't wait till my 14 day grace period is up...I got to be good for at least that long:angel::angel::angel:
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Was trying to do the same thing but, already stated custRomizing. Tethering working perfectly. So now on the the kernel for some speed!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium
antiochasylum said:
Please make sure to only download the 7105 variant of the kernel!!
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Just curious what governor and schedulerare you using....
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda app-developers app
blkghost22 said:
Just curious what governor and schedulerare you using....
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda app-developers app
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Using the extreme version, pegasusq and noop.
If you guys try and play a movie in game, of won't work. There is a fox already and I'm running it on my phone. However he is trying to figure out ex fat before another version.
I just flashed this , cleared all my cache prior and after to installing it but for some reason I can't watch a video. ( I know you stated you can't in a game, but I can't in just my gallery)
I installed the OC one.. I will reflash to std one and report back
EDIT: flashed the STD one cleared all caches again and nothing.
Using the ex kernal without oc on dagr8 rom. Getting quadrant of 6700 if it matters to anyone.
Sent from the TermiNOTEr 2!
redrider54 said:
I just flashed this , cleared all my cache prior and after to installing it but for some reason I can't watch a video. ( I know you stated you can't in a game, but I can't in just my gallery)
I installed the OC one.. I will reflash to std one and report back
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Watch a video in what? The gallery works, you tube works, the only thing that should not is video through a game. Which has been fixed, and uploaded. download the new version 1.01
antiochasylum said:
Watch a video in what? The gallery works, you tube works, the only thing that should not is video through a game. Which has been fixed, and uploaded. download the new version 1.01
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Yeah I wasn't able to watch a video in my gallery, I just reflashed to the Perseus kernel after another cache wipe and it works again.
I tried both the OC and STD ones you had linked but both would not allow me to watch a video. ( Just gave me an error)
I will download the new version and try thanks!
---------- Post added at 03:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:12 PM ----------
I can CONFIRM V1.01 Has fixed my gallery video playback issues thanks!!!!!!!
Is the 1.01 ok with extFat? Thank you for another great kernel and your work.
borijess said:
Using the ex kernal without oc on dagr8 rom. Getting quadrant of 6700 if it matters to anyone.
Sent from the TermiNOTEr 2!
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My antutu score was 1000 less than on the perseus Rom. I really don't notice any differences between the two kernels do far though
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium
theraker007 said:
My antutu score was 1000 less than on the perseus Rom. I really don't notice any differences between the two kernels do far though
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium
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Mine is 1000 more than persaus. Is any one having issuse with the screen turning off. Mine just stays on and is set to 1 minute. I am running the ex kernal on dagr8 rom.
Sent from the TermiNOTEr 2!
I've got a Tegra One X running SlimBean 4.2.2 WEEKLY 5.7 and n3okernel.
So far so good but there are still some things I'm not really sure about.
First there's something very annoying compared to other phones and even to Sense One X's.
From pressing the lock button to the screen coming on it takes about 1-2 seconds (which is still quite slow but acceptable to me), but sometimes the phone just takes a little bit longer. Sometimes it takes up to 20 seconds (haven't stopped it but it's my impression).
Does anyone have an idea why this could be? Is it possible to disable the fade on animation? I don't need it. I'd rather have the screen just coming on.
And otherwise I've been playing around with Pimp My Rom Beta from the Play Store and fiddled around with some settings and the results seemed quite good to me. Can someone tell me if it's recommended to turn these settings on:
Hardware acceleration (Pimp My Kernel - Android Features)
Lock Launcher In Memory (Pimp My Kernel - Android Features)
Call Ring Delay 0 (Pimp My Kernel - Telephony)
Proximity Sensor Delay 0 (Pimp My Kernel - Telephony)
AMR Wideband (Pimp My Kernel - Telephony)
Optimize sqlite3 Databases (Pimp My Kernel - Miscellaneous)
Ext4 File-Systems Tweaks (Pimp My Kernel - Miscellaneous)
Internal SD-Card I/O Tweaks (Pimp My Kernel - Miscellaneous)
Zipalign all APKs at each boot (Pimp My Kernel - Miscellaneous)
Battery savings (Pimp My Kernel - Miscellaneous)
Quick Power-On (Pimp My Kernel - Miscellaneous)
Adjust GPS config to my country
Wifi Scan Interval 180 (System Tweaks - Internet)
It doesn't have anything to do with speed but I discovered that my battery drains quite fast if I have mobile data enabled. If I disable it there's nearly any drain.
Is this normal and is there a way to make the drain a bit less extreme?
Thanks in advance!
Change kernel would probably fix screen on delay
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
This is the reason why I've chosen n3okernel. It seems to be better now but still not completely cured.
Which one would you recommend?
I've got the same problem on my Nexus 7 also.
I've flashed Faux there.
Oh boy, where to even start. First it's a known issue with higher end mobile processor's (like tegra 3) that fstrim is not correctly adjusted. To take care of that go to play store and download lagfix and run it, you'll probably notice an immediate difference. I would also download cache mate, clean master (has a broom icon) and also clean master pro (has a little ying/yang icon). Download all 4 of those apps and run them all and you should notice a huge difference. If your SD card space is getting low, that can also slow down your phone. Again, I would go to the playstor and download SD maid and use that to clan up your SD card. This should all make a huge difference. Like I said though I would start with the lagfix app.
I tried lag fix but it made everything worse I suppose.
So I didn't try the other tools.
My SD still has some gigabytes of space so this shouldn't be a problem.
My main problem really is the slow unlocking at the moment.
And the battery drains pretty fast too, but unlocking is really what's annoying me at the moment.
Thanks anyway!
You gotta remember too, the Rom your running is basically a constant beta if you're using weeklies, these issues may pop up. Might wanna try a different Rom and see if it persists.
from my Viped out one x
A few apps could help alot
Download greenify, and seeder
< Coming to you live from the planet One X >
I was running the official build 5 until yesterday but then I thought I should maybe try a newer build. Maybe it's better.
As Build 6 came out today, I've upgraded to this one.
Does Seeder really help?
I've read that it does not help at all because entropy is not really needed so often.
Is there no simple solution for faster unlocking?
This version includes openpdroid, but PDroid does NOT work with ART (bootloop). To use PDroid, you'll need to install PDroid Manager from the play store.
ROM (1/4)
The linaro toolchain seems to reduce 3D Graphics and RAM performance slightly, so I decided to build without it for now. Still ART-default.
ROM (12/30)
Built normally this time, no extra optimization flags. ART is the default startup for this build (supports Dalvik, ART, and ART debug, the non-default two were unintentional, but I don't know how to remove them). It takes a little bit longer to start up than the previous build, but the performance is about the same, if not a little better.
ROM (12/29)
Make sure you install CWM Recovery and stay on it while you are using this ROM, since if you install through TWRP, your SIM card will not be recognized.
I don't exactly game on my Android, but I've yet to see issues with ART. If a game does crash on first start, try to start it again, it worked for me the second time.
I didn't exactly test this long enough to say anything about the battery, but it's quite smooth so far.
I'll update this thread again in 12 days, or whenever I figure out how to make it ART-only.
Changes from nicktastique's version:
See attachment for my repo manifest (Uses TheMuppets for proprietary files) (yes, it takes longer to download, but nicktastique's local_manifest kept failing to build for me, possibly because I was using Java 1.7 until I realize I wasn't supposed to)
Built with Linaro Toolchain 13.11 (4.8)
mka CFLAGS='-O3 -pipe -Wl,–hash-style=gnu -fstrict-aliasing -Wstrict-aliasing=2 -Werror=strict-aliasing -ffast-math' CXXFLAGS='-O3 -pipe -Wl,–hash-style=gnu -fstrict-aliasing -Wstrict-aliasing=2 -Werror=strict-aliasing -ffast-math' bacon
^not really sure if best, feel free to suggest something better
Any major bugs?
Sent from my SGH-T889 using XDA Premium HD app
MikeSpears said:
Any major bugs?
Sent from my SGH-T889 using XDA Premium HD app
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Not that I've come across. Still testing. Passes the 3D benchmark from Antutu too.
Throughout CM 11 though, I've seen GPU tearing in Chrome Beta. Perhaps some Developer Settings may fix it.
Benchmark-wise, insignificant change in the cpu (+.3%), some improvement in Database I/O (+2%), some improvement in 3D graphics (+13.26%). However, RAM speed suffered (-7.3%)
rmanne said:
Not that I've come across. Still testing. Passes the 3D benchmark from Antutu too.
Throughout CM 11 though, I've seen GPU tearing in Chrome Beta. Perhaps some Developer Settings may fix it.
Benchmark-wise, insignificant change in the cpu (+.3%), some improvement in Database I/O (+2%), some improvement in 3D graphics (+13.26%). However, RAM speed suffered (-7.3%)
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Cool, 64gb microsd's work?
MikeSpears said:
Cool, 64gb microsd's work?
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I haven't had a chance to test that (my new microsd should be delivered within a few days, but don't expect it to work. I haven't had a chance to tweak the kernel or even look at it yet.
EDIT: yep, 64gb microsds work (exFat support)
Works. Found a bug tho. When I listen to music using my Bluetooth headset, its fine until I put the phone to sleep. When I put the phone to sleep, audio starts skipping. Other than that, this ROM kicks ass. The BT issue seems to be on all 4.4 ROMs tho.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using XDA Premium HD app
MikeSpears said:
Works. Found a bug tho. When I listen to music using my Bluetooth headset, its fine until I put the phone to sleep. When I put the phone to sleep, audio starts skipping. Other than that, this ROM kicks ass. The BT issue seems to be on all 4.4 ROMs tho.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using XDA Premium HD app
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Switching from Davlik to ART seems to have fixed it.
Is anyone able to get screencasting to work? thanks in advance?
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2
dingo502 said:
Is anyone able to get screencasting to work? thanks in advance?
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2
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No idea, haven't tried it since I don't own anything it would work with.
Credits go to @ktoonsez for his kernel sources and KT apps (KTweaker and KTmonitor) :good:
Disclaimer: me no responsible if you use this!
So what is this? KT-SGS4 AOSP-4.4 S4 kernel ported to S4 Active (Intl). What has changed is of course jactive related stuff:
jactive board definitions and kernel config
camera sources and handler functions
some display settings
assorted stuff, can't really remember all the imporant bits
pre 1.0.0 AOSP4.4
Also, i tried to make a unified kernel, i.e. all differences between original and jactive are controlled with code ifdefs. But this haven't been tested as i don't have S4
So what works? So far i have found only one bug, when making or receiving calls i can't hear what the other side is saying and vice versa, i.e. no audio. Call sounds fixed.
Also overclocking the CPU seems to be broken, at least KTmonitor shows CPU to go only up to 1890 even though the clock is set over that value. So that's one thing to work on. I'll try to debug someday next week.
Compiled with linaro-4.7-12.10 toolchain.
This should work on CM11 and AOSP based roms. Personally i have it running on SlimKat (dualboot) and CM11. Just flash the CWM zip. It contains KTweaker and KTmonitor apps, courtesy of ktoonsez. Thanks mate.
Latest version 04.14.2014
Personal experiences:
benchmarks are slower than with CM11 kernel, dunno if it matters...
still it's smooth in everyday use
KTweaker has lots of stuff to tweak, only if i had time...
This one works with CM11 and AOSP v 1.0.0 and later. Don't use with earlier AOSP since this needs newer blobs.
Built with Linaro 4.9 2014.09
Beta release
As there is no AOSP5.0 for jactive yet, just use CM12 .
fixed bootloop for now at least
supports ext4/f2fs partitions
Built with Linaro 4.9 2014.09
Beta release
This one works with KK TW roms (well i have tried only WizCyan...). Seems stable with default clocks and even with some OC. But every phone is different in regards OC, so YMMV. KTweaker and KTmonitor included. Do note that Display settings might not work as we don't have Amoled.
Changes ver 01.12.2015
Fixed unresponsive screen bug
Compiled with Linaro 4.9-2014.09
Changes ver 01.03.2015
overclocking works better now
increased touchscreen min limit freq, hopefully removes problem with unresponsiveness
built with Linaro
Changes ver 12.15.2014 (BETA)
first version of KT TW kernel for jactive
added KEXEC_HARDBOOT support, works with MultiROM
General notes
Do keep in mind that if you don't set oc settings in boot, you need to use KTweaker app and reset the cpu min and max sliders for the settings to take effect. Even though the app asks if you want to apply the settings, it doesn't update the actual min and max values.
Download here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BzJzDM42pkRvd1ZtMDZOR1M1OFE&usp=sharing
Github here: https://github.com/spegelius/KT-SGS4
god !!!!!! .... spegelius did it again you beast ... keep up the good work :good::good:
mythi said:
god !!!!!! .... spegelius did it again you beast ... keep up the good work :good::good:
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Heh, thanks. Sadly there seems to be a bug with call audio, so for test use only at this point. I went through the kernel code and all i can think of to do is to try audio stuff from CM11 kernel, to see if that's the problem. Still, audio works perfectly everywhere else so really hard to say what's wrong...
spegelius said:
Heh, thanks. Sadly there seems to be a bug with call audio, so for test use only at this point. I went through the kernel code and all i can think of to do is to try audio stuff from CM11 kernel, to see if that's the problem. Still, audio works perfectly everywhere else so really hard to say what's wrong...
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Whats even harder is taking a logcat and ksmg while in a call
mythi said:
Whats even harder is taking a logcat and ksmg while in a call
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True, but luckily i have two phones and sims (other one is my work phone) so it's easier to debug.
Some progress: it turns out that for some reason es325 codec can't connect to slimbus sink and thus no audio. slimbus has some kt additions, need to debug more. Also i think it would be good to try to build the kernel with some other toolchain than linaro...
spegelius said:
True, but luckily i have two phones and sims (other one is my work phone) so it's easier to debug.
Some progress: it turns out that for some reason es325 codec can't connect to slimbus sink and thus no audio. slimbus has some kt additions, need to debug more. Also i think it would be good to try to build the kernel with some other toolchain than linaro...
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Hmmm... does it build modules with kernel ?? Ya changing the compiler to maybe the google ndk gcc may fix up some issues but I think u will have alot of pain in debugging files since not all elements that linaro supports are supported by other .... I maybe wrong but ...xxxx
Good job man :good: :highfive:
mythi said:
Hmmm... does it build modules with kernel ?? Ya changing the compiler to maybe the google ndk gcc may fix up some issues but I think u will have alot of pain in debugging files since not all elements that linaro supports are supported by other .... I maybe wrong but ...xxxx
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Yes, modules are compiled and part of the cwm package. I haven't checked that all required modules are present, but i don't think that's the problem. Gonna be setting up a proper kernel dev env, found a good howto for Eclipse here: http://simonkagstrom.livejournal.com/33093.html. Regular editors just aren't cutting it anymore
ktoonsez said:
Good job man :good: :highfive:
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Thanks . Luckily i had some experience with LeJay's cm10.2 kernel and cm11 kernel so i knew roughly what parts differ between jf an jactive. Just a matter of diffing those parts (meld is my tool of choice for that kind of work).
This kernel s awesome. It's speeded up my phone. I want to use this regularly has anyone found a way for the phone call sound??
Sent from my GT-I9295 using xda app-developers app
lijoc said:
This kernel s awesome. It's speeded up my phone. I want to use this regularly has anyone found a way for the phone call sound??
Sent from my GT-I9295 using xda app-developers app
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Not yet. Been debugging and the problem is somewhere in kernel's slimbus communication, it seems es325 codec cannot get audience firmware loaded properly or something...
spegelius said:
Not yet. Been debugging and the problem is somewhere in kernel's slimbus communication, it seems es325 codec cannot get audience firmware loaded properly or something...
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Ah, found he bug; && should be || when checking if CONFIG_JACTIVE_ATT or CONFIG_JACTIVE_EUR... es325 wasn't configured properly. Now call sounds work. I'll upload a new build after i do some testing first.
Waiting for the upload
Sent from my GT-I9295 using xda app-developers app
Uploading, KT-SGS4-KK4.4-AOSP-jactive_eur-04.19.2014.zip should be online soon.
It's working now. The volume is too low is there a way to increase it?
Sent from my GT-I9295 using xda app-developers app
lijoc said:
It's working now. The volume is too low is there a way to increase it?
Sent from my GT-I9295 using xda app-developers app
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Hmm doesn't the volume button work? Also what rom are you running?
Volume button works and is on maximum. I am using carbon rom
Sent from my GT-I9295 using xda app-developers app
I am running your AOSP 4.3.1 ROM http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2621883
I flashed this kernel in recovery, wiped cache and dalvik, but it will not boot. I get the "Samsung Galaxy S4 Active I-9295" splash screen, then it hangs, and hangs, and hangs.
I had to restore back to the version 8 nandroid of that thread. ADB would give me nothing so early in the boot sequence.
Pkt_Lnt said:
I am running your AOSP 4.3.1 ROM http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2621883
I flashed this kernel in recovery, wiped cache and dalvik, but it will not boot. I get the "Samsung Galaxy S4 Active I-9295" splash screen, then it hangs, and hangs, and hangs.
I had to restore back to the version 8 nandroid of that thread. ADB would give me nothing so early in the boot sequence.
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Did you read the topic? this kernel is for 4.4
Indeed, it's for AOSP 4.4.x. You propable need to reflash the whole rom to get back original boot.img and kernel modules.
As for the phone sound being too low, dunno. If it was working ok with the original Carbon kernel, that points the problem being in the new kernel. But to my limited understanding, the volumes come from settings outside the kernel... personally i'm running CM11 with this kernel and volumes are ok.
The volume in carbon rom also is the same. I tried the sound mods but it changes all the volumes of system other than the incall volume.
Sent from my GT-I9295 using xda app-developers app
The audio bug on our devices which cause the music to stutter and pause can be fixed by a very simple hack. You just have to download a kernel tweaking app, preferably kernel adiutor, and disable hotplugs from the hotplugs section. And manually enable two or more cores and voila music will never lag from now on!!!( even with viper4android or audiofx switched on ). Also you can preferably use AwesomePlayer instead of nuPlayer. This setting can be switched in Developer Options. For cm13 with default kernel you need to enable audio offload in the build.prop file in system directory.
Alternative / better method
add this line to /system/build.prop
Thanks @vicky romero
Great! I will try it later and give you feedback.
Have a question, about awesomeplayer. I never find it in my current rom. What rom do you use?
vhick said:
Great! I will try it later and give you feedback.
Have a question, about awesomeplayer. I never find it in my current rom. What rom do you use?
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It's a Developer Options
I'll follow this thread. It really interests me. I look forward to your reviews
Enviado desde mi HM 1SW mediante Tapatalk
nishanthhh said:
It's a Developer Options
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I'm using Dirty Unicorn 10.2 but I never find that option in developers option as see in screenshot.
I cannot use custom kernel until some issues that I've experienced has been fix. So this feedback is for default kernel of DU.
I removed media storage in "don't optimize" state. I cannot retain to use only two cores because it dynamically change, so the only option that I change is mpdecision. I disabled mpdecision, I also use PowerAmp and enabled "use wakelock" under mics tweaks, then reboot.
I've surprised that I don't experienced annoying audio bug. I don't know the impact in battery but I really happy with the result.
This is initial because I've plan to use custom kernel and I will do this again if will replicate the result. Still, I'll give feedback in the future.
Thanks for the fix.
vhick said:
Great! I will try it later and give you feedback.
Have a question, about awesomeplayer. I never find it in my current rom. What rom do you use?
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I use cm 12.1 by fiefofum
phantom97 said:
I use cm 12.1 by fiefofum
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Do you still suffer from audio bug even if in lollipop?
I use Mokee 5.1 Lollipop (History versión) with STOCK kernel and I never face the music bug.
Nevertheless I know that changing into a custom kernel will bring me along the music bug.... That's why I want to know If this hack really works fine with custom kernels.
If it does for you, say Rom and Kernel, please. Thank you.
Enviado desde mi ifiveMini4 mediante Tapatalk
vhick said:
I'm using Dirty Unicorn 10.2 but I never find that option in developers option as see in screenshot.
I cannot use custom kernel until some issues that I've experienced has been fix. So this feedback is for default kernel of DU.
I removed media storage in "don't optimize" state. I cannot retain to use only two cores because it dynamically change, so the only option that I change is mpdecision. I disabled mpdecision, I also use PowerAmp and enabled "use wakelock" under mics tweaks, then reboot.
I've surprised that I don't experienced annoying audio bug. I don't know the impact in battery but I really happy with the result.
This is initial because I've plan to use custom kernel and I will do this again if will replicate the result. Still, I'll give feedback in the future.
Thanks for the fix.
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There isn't awesome player option on MM Rom. The awesome player option only exist on Lollipop Rom. I think the problem is on mpdecison cause I only change/disable mpdecision using kernel adiutor and the music bug is definitely gone.
This seems to work!! Oh.. man finally something which works.. but doing what the OP says to do so makes the phone a little bit hotter. But atleast the issue is gone! Thanks Bro! :highfive:
vhick said:
Do you still suffer from audio bug even if in lollipop?
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Yeah with xcelerate kernel i do
ateeq72 said:
This seems to work!! Oh.. man finally something which works.. but doing what the OP says to do so makes the phone a little bit hotter. But atleast the issue is gone! Thanks Bro! :highfive:
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Try setting the max frequency to 300Mhz if you are only using your phone for audio. Btw nice signature
good job I will try it on miui and cm (two device i have) and give you feedback
just flash this zip and hit thank button if i helped you . enjoy
those who are using custom kernel, set 2 core max when screen off in hotplug setting
you will good to go
phantom97 said:
The audio bug on our devices which cause the music to stutter and pause can be fixed by a very simple hack. You just have to download a kernel tweaking app, preferably kernel adiutor, and disable hotplugs from the hotplugs section. And manually enable two or more cores and voila music will never lag from now on!!!( even with viper4android or audiofx switched on ). Also you can preferably use AwesomePlayer instead of nuPlayer. This setting can be switched in Developer Options. For cm13 with default kernel you need to enable audio offload in the build.prop file in system directory.
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tq brother i followed ur method music lag is no more on my redmi 1s , actually iam using xsop 6.1 rom with god's kernal music lag is not there ... tq so much ......
@iam_babloo With God's kernel you can set the minimum cores screen off to two in the hotplug section and it won't bother you
phantom97 said:
@iam_babloo With God's kernel you can set the minimum cores screen off to two in the hotplug section and it won't bother you
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yes its working bro.... tq so much
phantom97 said:
Try setting the max frequency to 300Mhz if you are only using your phone for audio. Btw nice signature
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For now, I have added the code provided by @fefifofum in his thread to build.prop, you know the one which makes MPDecision to keep two cores always on. That kinda fixed the Audio bug :highfive: . But, the heating issue is still there though. But, that aint no big deal for me now!. So, :highfive:
And, Thanks!
this is working for all roms starting from kitkat to nougat