Weather APK HTC - T-Mobile HTC One (M8)

I am being searching around, however I thought I would ask...
I removed the weather updater and the APK for the weather (No, I was a goof and didn't back them up as I should)
Does anyone have thse for the M8?
Weather.apk HTC Weather
"/system/media/weather" HTC Weather Animations ~145MB
HTCWeatherClockWidgetAgent.apk HTC Weather Clock Widget Agent (Remove if clock widget has been removed)
HtcWeatherClockWidget*.apk Weather Clock Widget
As an edit I have found all the apk's to get it back to normal, however when i try to add one of the clock widgets to the home screen, it force closes right away. I can open the weather app fine.
Any thoughts?

Moved to Q&A forum.
Try changing permissions to rw-r-r for the APK files.
That might work.


HTC EVO - Clock/Weather Widget?

We need a widget like HTC flip clock weather widget. Or at least script change to remove accuweater as default weather provider. I just called HTC directly to see if they could update widget, they said DOUBT IT!! theres nothing wrong with it.
(Insert) BIG LOL! I've tried beautiful widgets and others just not the same. I.E. the animations, the flip clock, etc.

[Q] How can i remove MIUI Weather Widgets?

i've installed [ICS IMM76I][Open][Multi-Lang 25 local languages] MIUI v.4 2.7.6 and its pretty nice. By longpressing on screen i can add different widgets (eg.Clock, Music). If i select the MIUI weather widget (2x4 and 1x4), the widget tells that MIUI Weather is not installed. OK. Then i download the app from and it works good. My problem is, that i still see the old widgets in the widget list, but i can't delete it. I searched also in the system/app folder and i deleted the WeatherProvider.apk, but the old widgets are still there.
Where can i find the stupid apk file that shows the unuseless icons in the widget list??

[Q] Problem with JellyBomb Weather and Lockscreen

On JellyBomb 9.0, I can't figure out how to get the weather on the lock screen. Is there a pre-loaded weather app? I downloaded two weather programs to see if it would link, but no luck. Also, can I get rid of the wallpaper on the lock screen?
I think he removes the Accuweather apk's. He should have a mods folder listed in the OP. Look for removed apps and it should be in there.

Weather widget

For who wish here 2 extended weather widget for s3 mini.
Choose one folder and copy in system/app with permission RW-R-R-
PS:the original weather widget remain after instal new widget;its my wife phone and if i can i make other weather widget.
For who use CWM here is flashzip:

Clock and Weather App?

I don't have my previous ROM name at hand, sadly, But I recently flashed SR Lollipop v6.
I use Nova Launcher and thought it had it's own Weather widget, so when I went to try and place a weather widget with a clock on it, I couldn't find one. Any app I download to use as a replacement, I can't get my LG Clock app to open when I tap the time. Is this an System App issue or a user issue?
In other words, before I flashed a new rom, when I tapped on the clock in my weather app, it opened my alarms. If I tapped the weather, it opened a weather app. HOWEVER, It was NOT the default weather app that comes with LG. It was a centered clock with weather underneath, similar to yahoo weather.
How do I fix this?
Please delete this thread, or close it. I have figured out my issue. It was an App called Chronus.

