So I am thinking that JB Roms are still in development and won't have good battery. Is there any good battery roms on ICS?
Also are there any gingerbread roms?
You would be thinking right seeing as jb just came out. Just search and see what people are commenting on, battery wise
Can i have a ICS rom and a JB rom running on Boot Manager or do they have to be the same?
I also want to know the answer to this question.
There is no best battery ROM. each ROM behave differently. they will give good battery for some, and bad for others.
what do you reccomend?
It's really less about the ROM, and more about the kernel you use...whether you undervolt or underclock or not, how you set up your apps, and how you use your phone. I'm using mROM at the moment, with Franco's kernel, undervolted. I just swapped kernels today, so I can't speak to the battery life just yet.
Sent from my Full AOSP on Toro-VZW using xda premium
+1 on the kernel being important for battery life.
I chose AOKP for its high customization. Lots of ROMs are as smooth, or even maybe a little smoother than AOKP, but many are just way too bare bones for me. I find AOKP to be the best package for my style, allows for nav bar control, notification control and toggles for phone features in the notication tray and many many more things. Plus, on the market there are many AOKP theme apps like Kiwi Cobalt or Purple Kush that make your phone look saaaa-weeeeeet.
And I always run Trinity kernels on my Nexus for battery life. Not sure why, but they seem to give my phone the best life. I haven't had luck with franco or other kernels in that aspect. But every phone and setup is different.
The combo I am running is the best I have found for a perfect balance between great speed and really good battery life on my phone.
Just remember to do backups. :good: The most important thing I can recommend, especially if new to flashing/custom-ing like myself.
mattwilkinson11 said:
So I am thinking that JB Roms are still in development and won't have good battery. Is there any good battery roms on ICS?
Also are there any gingerbread roms?
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I have NEVER tried this Rom.
But the Redemption Rom is supposed to be fast and have amazing battery life.
The catch is ZERO features. Just Stock. But that is why it's so fast apparently and have amazing battery.
Maybe u get to the Softkeys bar, I dunno.
Jellybean ROMs are smashing ICS in terms of battery life on the Nexus, and I think it may be a result of better RAM management. If you're just not ready to take the plunge on JB (source based ROMs are out now btw), and want a mix of customization, and battery life, CM9 may be the way to go. As for Gingerbread... hmmm... I doubt there are any ROMs available for the Nexus, and it sounds like a harsh, Benjamin Button type thing to do to such a great phone, lol.
Sent from my Full AOSP on Toro-VZW using xda premium
Here's my take on what really effects battery life:
As long as you have a ROM that doesn't malfunction and keep the phone active when it shouldn't be, all ROMs should get around the same battery life. If they don't, it's probably because you don't know about the difference in their settings - one might simply be using a more aggressive CPU governor. Even if you have a ROM that does absolutely nothing as much as possible, you are the cause of battery drain. I've tried all sorts of ROMs, and in the end, I'm the one causing battery drain. Whether it be me being sloppy and accidentally allowing too many background settings for apps, or me using more battery intensive features, I'm the one draining the battery in the end. From my experience, Stock, Liquid ICS, CM9, AOKP, Jelly Bean, Jelly Bean AOSP, any kernel you want to try, the user has the most affect on the battery life. Try adjusting your habits to improve battery life. I'm a heavy, heavy user (Sometimes with unlimited amperage from a 2.1amp charger, my phone still will die while charging.) I'm also in the Army, and when I know I will be in the field without power for extended periods of time, I change how I interact with my phone. Maybe don't overclock, even underclock/undervolt, use a more strict governor, even disable a CPU core, change Android settings to not allow ANY background apps, always turn off 4G and syncing, of course turn off BT and WiFi when not needed. I change from a user who can barely make it through the day to a user that can make it almost two. If you want something to give you better battery life without changing your habits, go buy a bigger battery or a newer phone.
Trinity 307 kernel all the way!!! Add in its conservative governor option and your conserving a lot of battery. Not to mention the kernel runs at a very low temp so your device will last well beyond the end of your 2yr contract plus it comes with a stock color mod thing that makes your gnex look amazing IMO.
I am not asking which one is the best, but which one would you prefer for best battery backup? Samsung's latest release is forcing me to use a custom kernel, but I'd like to know which one I should use as I am not freak about flashing plenty stuffs.
Thanks in advance.
Redpill or uneak or perseus. You can try them all.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
Yeah, but I don't want to try them all bro. I know they all are great but that's why I asked which one is the preferable for battery backup specifically.
I am on Perseus now, I hope I've made the right choice. Lets see...
Persues is good for battery.neak is battery experience
You're not asking which ones the best, but I'll tell you. I have used all the available kernels for my Note 2, and in my experience RedPill is the only one that is giving me consistent and best battery and overall performance. With more and more updates the developer has been adding more and more options. You can also undervolt the CPU and GPU with RedPill for further enhance your battery life. I had huge battery problems on my S3, So i had to go through a bunch of crap like different custom roms, undervolting, under-clocking etc to achieve good battery life. But when i got my Note 2 i used it for a few days completely stock and un-modified. And i was surprised at how amazing the battery life was. But if your having problems i can recommend AllianceRom + RedPill kernel, than undervolt the CPU/GPU (The utility needed to do so comes with the kernel, after flashing there will be an app installed on the phone called STweaks). And do some other minor adjustments to achieve incredible battery life. If you need any help or additional information you can contact me anytime.
I also want to know...
I would also like to know this as well. Since upgrading to 4.1.2 I am having bad battery backup, never thought of switching kernels but now I have to.
Shame on you Samsung....
I'm experiencing very bad battery life on non sammy roms. With sammy roms battety lasts twice as long. I have tried different kernels, some give a little battery boost, but still not comparable to sammy based roms. Is this normal?
Sure. stock TW samsung roms have the best battery life. that's normal don't worry about it.
hope i helped
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
fronogy said:
I'm experiencing very bad battery life on non sammy roms. With sammy roms battety lasts twice as long. I have tried different kernels, some give a little battery boost, but still not comparable to sammy based roms. Is this normal?
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It really comes down to your apps, Id say i get better battery life on TW roms like you, but i may see 5% more life not twice. I would download an app like better battery stats, or even just check the base battery stats, see whats using all that battery.
My CM roms use a lot of energy on the "android OS" If you are seeing something else using all your energy, You may need to uninstall that app. It may be conflicting with that rom, but not with TW.
Is it really worth flashing a custom rom? In terms of speed, features and batt life?
Additional question:
Howcome when I do voice search in google it doesn't show me the cards? Instead it only go straight to search results.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
Justinhopaolo said:
Is it really worth flashing a custom rom? In terms of speed, features and batt life?
Additional question:
Howcome when I do voice search in google it doesn't show me the cards? Instead it only go straight to search results.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
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for now atleast I personally I repeat ONLY my personal opinion I have tried other ROMs but I just end up using original Samsung stock but rooted though and using perseus kernel!! as other ROMs for me were just not 100% perfect but in sure many people here would prefer the custom phone hasn't slowed down an inch !! a quad core processor + 2GB RAM why should I get worried anyway!! battery can last upto 2 days with minimal use though..if you want to try out other ROMs try them or check them out on YouTube before you commit yourself as you will have some good idea about the ROM
Sent from my Samsung Note II N7105 LTE using Tapatalk 4
Justinhopaolo said:
Is it really worth flashing a custom rom? In terms of speed, features and batt life?
Additional question:
Howcome when I do voice search in google it doesn't show me the cards? Instead it only go straight to search results.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
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for me i was on latest mg1 on and it has worst battery life and doesnot have some tweaks i want like sound controls,ignore unstable charging etc,so i decided to switch to wannamlite 3.9 and i thoroughly enjoy it,it has noticeably better smoothness and battery,i tried various custom roms but i always come back to wannamlite
I had Nexus 4 and I have tried many custom roms,
Eventually there isn't a big difference in your day to day use, now and then you can find a few cool feature - but nothing you can't live without.
For me, the main attraction in custom roms is having latest Android version.
I would recommend you stay put, after a few modification like canceling animation and launchers - you will have a great android experience with Stock note 2.
I prefer Samsung's tweaks with the SPen and multitasking. I tried some other ROMs on other devices, but on the Note 2, I prefer a rooted phone running the stock ROM.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 4
I tried other stuff too. Now I'm back on stock. I thought I'd try it unrooted for a while and see what I thought.
That was 3 months ago, and I still haven't felt the need to root.
Sent from my US Cellular Galaxy Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 beta
We don't, imo, have a great selection of roms for our phone and I dont think any rom will be as stable as stock.
Root is pretty important but, unlike other phones I've had, I don't think custom roms are as necessary.
With all that said I do like my Jedi custom Rom lol
Sent from my GT-N7105 using xda app-developers app
For me, it is worth it. I like the different options and customizations provided. Battery life is a hit and miss and depends a lot in the user of course. Though I keep switching between stocks and custom, I personally prefer custom rooms over stock rom.
For me its a big YES..customization, tweaks, root apps are boon for Android users!
I love using phone in 240dpi..moreover 240dpi looks awesome for our giant note 2 screen.
Secondly, access to root apps like titanium backup , supersu, root toolbox and more..
Third-rid of all bloatware
There are alot to be mentioned..its endless.
Sent from my AweSoMe ☆♥Note2♥☆
for many xda is like a second home....if you are here you need to root
and flash
android is a beautiful language to learn
Of course! My note 2 had drastically slowed down on stock! To such a level that it was taking a good 5 seconds to open the dialer! It was too slow to switch between apps!
But once I switched to a custom Rom, it was lightning fast! And the abundance of customizations! It's just awesome! I'm on probam.. check it out! It's got all the goodies of all the top roms available!
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
Absolutely - I would highly recommend at least rooting and flashing kernel like RedPill. It certainly improves battery life, and gives you calibrated screen (seriously, you don't know what the hell you are missing, because Samsung Calibration is horrible), has option to amplify headphone volume, and gives you better sound quality etc. And also many other useful apps need rooted phone.
ARHD is apparently smooth for many people. There are plenty of other ROMs like Project AOSP (AOSP look and feel), X Note (floating multiwindow) etc. Battery life should be awesome too.
I've tried plenty of roms on this phone and my experience has been that none of them offer much benefit over rooted stock in conjunction with the xposed framework. Battery life is great as is reliability. Sometimes those customs will have a funky bug which went rear it's head until the worst time.
Sent from my GT-N7100
My Note 2 was pretty slow on stock. Huge lag on lockscreen, unlock and lags all over the place.
Installing Nova Launcher and a custom lockscreen did help quite a bit, but it still left a bit to be desired.
Now I'm on Phoenix Rom and it seems much better. Battery life is much improved as well. And perhaps most importantly, I got rid of most of the ungodly TouchWiz ugliness in the process! The default 320 dpi is ridiculous for me! Huge menus occupying most of the precious screen estate. With 240 the phone is much more productive and everything just looks better and sharper.
So for me it was definately worth it!
Though with root, Xposed and custom skinning you can achieve quite a lot already. But root and Xposed are pretty much mandatory.
artikle said:
For me, it is worth it. I like the different options and customizations provided. Battery life is a hit and miss and depends a lot in the user of course. Though I keep switching between stocks and custom, I personally prefer custom rooms over stock rom.
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Im not sure how true it is but I heard battery life is more dependant on the kernel. I'm using saber kernel and am getting a screen off loss per hour of 1%. I've never had it that Good before
Sent from my GT-N7105 using xda app-developers app
Hey guys,
So school is starting again. Ugh. I've been trying out different ROM and kernel combinations (AOSP and stock), yet none of them really fulfill what I'm looking for in a daily driver. I know this is kind of a cliche request, but I want to know from you guys (the XDA LG G3 community) what ROM and kernel combo you guys use, and maybe give your combinations a try since mine haven't been working out for me. Priorities:
BATTERY LIFE (this one I cannot stress enough, I need somethings that'll last me most of the day with music, some light to moderate browsing, and some moderate social networking)
Stability (I hate having to troubleshoot my phone on the go when I'm studying or working on other things)
Smoothness (I guess this just depends on the kernel and the phone usage, but some ROMs tend to be overloaded with customization features that I don't use but still bog my device down)
Again, this is just to get an idea of what I could possibly try out on my phone - any help and/or suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!
I'm using BlissPop at the moment and it has good battery life and smooth compared to other ROMs. First thing is stay away from stock ROMs, they have awful battery life. AOSP is life.
Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
If you don't mind me asking, what kinds of apps do you use and what is the battery life on your phone (like hours and minutes wise?)
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