I need to flash the stock .15 factory Rom because I forgot to do a backup can anyone help. Verizon HTC ONE
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Check the bottom of post#2 in this thread
Well, I'm on XquiziT's ROM, and I've been dying to get the actual JB release.
If I do the OTA update, will it erase root and reset my flash counter?
Will it harm my phone if I do an OTA while rooted?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
I read around and found that I should ODIN root66,.. Anyone have an idiot-proof guide for doing this?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
Try the firmware thread in my sig. Instructions for Odin are there.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
Kelevro said:
Well, I'm on XquiziT's ROM, and I've been dying to get the actual JB release.
If I do the OTA update, will it erase root and reset my flash counter?
Will it harm my phone if I do an OTA while rooted?
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Odin + root66 or official tar images will NOT trip your counter.
I rooted my phone and put twrp on it while it was android 4.1.1 and the ota update came to my phone and I tried to do the update and it would load it and restart to twrp so I reset back to stock recovery plus root and I load the ota update it now reboots to stock recovery but only installs to 98% and fails please help what can I do? Can someone upload a 4.1.2 at&t gs3 update for me
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Did you know there is a dedicated forum for your device? It has many guides as well as a Q & A section too.
Check out this index first:
Please any one?
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pontiacguy27 said:
Please any one?
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Put twrp back on and flash either stock rooted rom or the rom of your choice. Options for roms, including stock rooted, can be easily found in the android development section of the at&t gs3
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Would it be ok if i updated to a 4.4.2 TW rom with NB4 modem(odin) and wanted to go back to a 4.3 could I simply just restore my backup without any problems? Thanx!
Sent from my SGH-M919 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Daniel323la said:
Would it be ok if i updated to a 4.4.2 TW rom with NB4 modem(odin) and wanted to go back to a 4.3 could I simply just restore my backup without any problems? Thanx!
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If you use a custom recovery to flash the ROM and Odin for the modem only, you should be ok to just restore a backup. If you were to take the official 4.4.2 update though, then no; you'd be stuck on 4.4.2 thanks to Knox.
Sent from my SGH-M919 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Hello, so I never took the OTA update to Kit Kat. I just stayed on 4.3 and flashed a Kit Kat Rom. My sig says what I'm running right now. My question is.....can I just update my bootloader somehow from MJB to the new one so I can get the latest modem? I dont want to have to go back to stock and get the ota and then reflash my rom and all that stuff. Or do I have to do that?
Oh and if I have to go back to stock to get the new bootloader and modem....will this suffice? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2658486
Just follow enewman17's thread on how to update. Its in the General section. And yes you have to go back to stock 4 3.
My warranty bit is 1. Will that be an issue?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Nope. Doesnt affect OTA's in my experience.
Lol you answered my question on both threads....hah thank you sir!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Where can I download the NF4 bootloader? I updated my modem and I'm looking to upgrade the bootloader as well. Also what are the benefits of updating it. Thanks in advance for any response!
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Sent from my SGH-T999L using XDA Free mobile app
You can't... It has to be extracted from the ROM as far as I know. Anyway, there isn't much need to upgrade a boitloader, and its by far the most dangerous item in the firmware to disturb. Unless you have a reason requiring it to be upgraded, its best left alone, or just go up to the next full stock ROM with a new bootloader included.
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