Hey all I just got a new HTC one and was going through the process of doing s-off and everything and I flashed a custom recovery on the phone and I turned it off, and then when I went to boot into the custom recovery it was flashing the home button and everything but then just shut off and it will NOT turn back on whatsoever. I'm freakin out right now because I followed everything to a T and made sure I was doing it right so I don't know why my phone won't turn on. Any help is appreciated.
Despaired said:
Hey all I just got a new HTC one and was going through the process of doing s-off and everything and I flashed a custom recovery on the phone and I turned it off, and then when I went to boot into the custom recovery it was flashing the home button and everything but then just shut off and it will NOT turn back on whatsoever. I'm freakin out right now because I followed everything to a T and made sure I was doing it right so I don't know why my phone won't turn on. Any help is appreciated.
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Was the battery fully charged?
Hi Friends,
I did a lot of searching and tried a bunch of things, but I am not very successful. Can you experts please tell me if my EVO is dead/gone for good?
My Evo was charging (it was rooted and S-Off), I took the charger cable off, and the phone rebooted.
It went to the White HTC Evo screen that comes before any ROM boots, and basically looped their infinitely.
Since then, the symptoms have switched back and forth from Bootloops on the white screen OR STUCK on the white screen, infinitely.
Currently, I am getting white screen boot loops
Things I have tried:
1. Cleared Storage (via Bootloader/Fastboot)
2. Chose "Recovery" from Bootloader/Fastboot (nothing happens, reboots and stuck on the white screen or loops)
3. Reverted back to S-ON
4. Flashed other Recovery zips
5. Upgraded the Fastboot version
6. Flashed the RUU
Current Situation:
Nothing changed guys... and after the RUU flash (out of which the Radio flash was the only component that FAILED) my PC31IMG.zip files are no longer being promoted for updates in my Fastboot/Bootloader menu.
While the reboots continue on the white screen...
Can't access Recovery
Can't run PC36IMG.zips anymore
Am I done here guys, or is there still anything I can do to save my EVO?
Appreciate ALL your help!
Man I have the same problem execept I'm not rooted or s off if you change the battery and let it sit for awhile off it will turn on but it will reboot in about 5 mintues then get stuck on the sprint 4g screen of the htc screen
Hey theneguy,
Thanks for your response... My phone was rooted, but is now S-On and Unrooted, I believe (I can't tell because I am not able to get in the OS).
I can't get into Recovery and my PC31IMG is not being read now...
Any ideas, friends?
theneguy said:
Man I have the same problem execept I'm not rooted or s off if you change the battery and let it sit for awhile off it will turn on but it will reboot in about 5 mintues then get stuck on the sprint 4g screen of the htc screen
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same thing happened to my son, pulled sd card and it would boot fine, found and deleted a corrupt .img file on sd...all is fine
Latest Update guys:
I tried flashing the RUU via HBoot/Flashboot, and the update failed, but the progress bar at the screen was full/successful. The on-screen wizard tried to take me to the "Recovery" steps, nothing was fixed.
The computer wizard was stuck at: Sending Signature....
And the phone had the full progress bar from the previous flash.
So I yanked the battery out, cause I had no options left.
Well, needless to say, now, NOTHING turns on. The phone doesn't charge, and blah, blah, blah.
So guys, can someone give me a verdict... is my EVO done for good?
Thanks for your help.
I can't get in the recovery eather I tryed pulling the sd card out it is still doing the same thang
ProFragger said:
Hey theneguy,
Thanks for your response... My phone was rooted, but is now S-On and Unrooted, I believe (I can't tell because I am not able to get in the OS).
I can't get into Recovery and my PC31IMG is not being read now...
Any ideas, friends?
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It should be PC36IMG not 31.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks Mark,
But I don't think it matters anymore... I think with the battery pulled out after a failed RUU.exe installation has truly bricked my phone for good.
It doesn't charge, the battery was good, NOTHING lights up, and I just think it's game over...
MarkEv0 said:
It should be PC36IMG not 31.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
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I think you're right...
Sorry if for making a new thread about this, but I need a little help.
What happened is this:
Got home;
Battery went dead;
Put it to charge;
Turned the phone on;
System loaded;
Got every force close imaginable;
Phone went off;
Tried to power it on, nothing;
Got to fastboot;
Recovery gone;
Tried to flash a new one via Android Flasher;
Phone froze;
Now, no reactions to any button, and the phone just won't turn on.
Black screen. It charges though.
Also, the ROM I had was An-Droid 2.2.0. data++ HBOOT, meaning I was S-OFF.
Is it completely dead, or is there something I can do? I would appreciate the help on this one please.
So I'm not sure what happened with my girlfriend's Gnex, she updated to 4.2 a couple days ago, then her battery died. So she went to charge it and when it finished charging, she went to turn it on normally, but it went into a reboot loop? So i was talking to someone else on another thread that i saw similar, so i tried to do a flash stock + unroot, it connected i got into recovery menu and everything, went to do it, and then the screen started going staticy, and it said it failed then it said it should take 5-10 minutes or something. So i guess it froze or something, so i took the battery out and the screen was still staticy, and then i unplugged it from the USB, and now it won't turn back on. Did i brick the device? :/ Thanks in advance for future answers.
you cant get into to recovery either? or fastboot mode?
k786 said:
you cant get into to recovery either? or fastboot mode?
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nope, when i went into recovery it went staticy again and then went back into its bootloop :/
but now it just won't turn at all, i've done a battery pull, battery swap, nothing worked.
AdmiralAqbar said:
nope, when i went into recovery it went staticy again and then went back into its bootloop :/
but now it just won't turn at all, i've done a battery pull, battery swap, nothing worked.
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Then I am afraid you're hard bricked pal
Sent from my GNexus
AdmiralAqbar said:
nope, when i went into recovery it went staticy again and then went back into its bootloop :/
but now it just won't turn at all, i've done a battery pull, battery swap, nothing worked.
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what about fastboot mode?
AdmiralAqbar said:
So I'm not sure what happened with my girlfriend's Gnex, she updated to 4.2 a couple days ago, then her battery died. So she went to charge it and when it finished charging, she went to turn it on normally, but it went into a reboot loop? So i was talking to someone else on another thread that i saw similar, so i tried to do a flash stock + unroot, it connected i got into recovery menu and everything, went to do it, and then the screen started going staticy, and it said it failed then it said it should take 5-10 minutes or something. So i guess it froze or something, so i took the battery out and the screen was still staticy, and then i unplugged it from the USB, and now it won't turn back on. Did i brick the device? :/ Thanks in advance for future answers.
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I'm having a similar issue. I wanted to flash the memory so i relocked the phone using the wugkit, then unlocked and rooted. For some reason, it wouldn't load a new rom. I kept getting the triangle exclamation point android graphic. I pulled the battery and that was it. Black screen. Won't turn on. A cpl of times, it was almost recognized by the computer via USB, but just kept failing. This sucks.
cyberelli said:
just a thought: are you sure it's charged up enough to boot? i know i've mistakenly thought my phone was messed up when the battery was just dead
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Yes the battery is charged. Occassionally, when I plug it into the computer, it makes the new device notification and then fails over and over again. I keep trying to get a glimpse of a lock so i can adb it.
I ran into some serious problems with my OneX about an hour ago...
here's my problem:
I flashed Ice Cold Jelly about a week ago with the provided boot.img. Everything worked fine until now. My Phone started to not turn back on after I turned off the screen so I turned it off using the 8sec powerbutton. After this it booted up and after around 5 mins the same thing happenend again.
So I wanted to go back to stock with a cwm recovery img I made just before I flashed the ICJ-Rom. I booted into the bootloader > fastboot and flashed the stock boot.img via the OneX AIO kit. After that I went into the cwm recovery and restored my stock rom.
The phone was plugged into the Pc during the whole process!
After the recovery finished I rebooted the phone and the stock boot animation greeted me so I plugged it off the Pc and just as I wanted to type in my pin the touchscreen didn't react. As I tried to figure out what happened the auto-lock kicked in and turned the screen off. Tried to turn it on again but it failed. Tried to power it off and on again pressing power for 8sec and rebooting it but no response.
Now I'm sitting here with my OneX which does not react to any button, is not recognized by the Pc and no powerLED when I plug it into the Pc or wall.
Some further information:
power was at 70% when I started
Cid is HTC__002
hboot was 0.95 (I'm not sure about that but it was before v 1.0)
Security was S on
I'm really helpless and a bit afraid right now... so if anyone could help me it would be just awesome!
Atm it's plugged into the wall, as I read in some other threads that after several hours this might help reviving it.
Thanks for any help!
Forunke said:
I ran into some serious problems with my OneX about an hour ago...
here's my problem:
I flashed Ice Cold Jelly about a week ago with the provided boot.img. Everything worked fine until now. My Phone started to not turn back on after I turned off the screen so I turned it off using the 8sec powerbutton. After this it booted up and after around 5 mins the same thing happenend again.
So I wanted to go back to stock with a cwm recovery img I made just before I flashed the ICJ-Rom. I booted into the bootloader > fastboot and flashed the stock boot.img via the OneX AIO kit. After that I went into the cwm recovery and restored my stock rom.
The phone was plugged into the Pc during the whole process!
After the recovery finished I rebooted the phone and the stock boot animation greeted me so I plugged it off the Pc and just as I wanted to type in my pin the touchscreen didn't react. As I tried to figure out what happened the auto-lock kicked in and turned the screen off. Tried to turn it on again but it failed. Tried to power it off and on again pressing power for 8sec and rebooting it but no response.
Now I'm sitting here with my OneX which does not react to any button, is not recognized by the Pc and no powerLED when I plug it into the Pc or wall.
Some further information:
power was at 70% when I started
Cid is HTC__002
hboot was 0.95 (I'm not sure about that but it was before v 1.0)
Security was S on
I'm really helpless and a bit afraid right now... so if anyone could help me it would be just awesome!
Atm it's plugged into the wall, as I read in some other threads that after several hours this might help reviving it.
Thanks for any help!
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Okay, did you flash the ruu's stock boot.img and system recovery the relock the bootloader before flashing the ruu?
---------- Post added at 02:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 AM ----------
sorry i misread it. You flashed a backup of your stock rom and flashed the boot.img. i would recommend trying to flash the original ruu if youre getting errors. The fails to turn it on sounds like it out of battery. If you can find the thread there is a batch file you can run to start it charging through your pc
XxJibblesxX said:
The fails to turn it on sounds like it out of battery. If you can find the thread there is a batch file you can run to start it charging through your pc
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I hope that's the problem, but I can't imagine my phone using up 70% of the battery plus the usb hub power in about half an hour.
...this all seems to me like there's a hardware fail (which I really don't want to) as the system booted and then crashed into brick mode.
I'm not home tonight but the phone is on usb and tomorrow I'll try the tool and report my findings
Ok, the phone spent 6 hours plugged into the pc and until now it was plugged into the wall but nothing. It seems to be completely dead -.-
Tried the batch file but there's nothing much to try when I can't even get into fastboot. The phone simply won't react to anything...
I will send it back as it's only about a month old and hope the warranty will fix it.
There is a stock rom with stock kernel on it so I hope they don't bother about the bootloader beeing unlocked.
But what I think is that there is a serious hardware problem. As I continued to read through other posts I realized that I had the same audio problems (stuttering and slowing down of the music) like some others...
If HTC tells me something about what caused the problem I'll post it here.
So far thanks for your help
Hello everyone
Yesterday I tried to reboot my phone because it froze.
After the phone turned down and tried to boot up the only thing it did was showing a green led light (as when the phone is fully charged) and vibrate for 5 times.
As I toughed it was bricked I peeled the battery out and went to sleep.
This morning I putted the battery back in my phone and it booted, but only in safemode.
I noticed that my volume down button only worked in the bootloader and not in recovery or in a safe-booted Android.
I tried serval things like putting the battery out, heating my phone, even got the volume keys out and than booted it but nothing worked.
Then I tried flashing a new Rom but it booted in safe mode right after flashing.
Also factory reset in the bootloader doesnt change a thing.
Can someone help me please?
Thanks in advance!