Why isn't anything implemented in cm11 or anything?
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The remote isn't built in, that's an HTC app. You need to get one in the market and make sure that it will work with cm 11. From what I've seen, kit kat supports ir so it should work
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exzacklyright said:
Why isn't anything implemented in cm11 or anything?
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IR Smart Remote from the play store should work. It's a bit pricey, but if you're sticking to AOSP, it'll be worth it.
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Can the HTC Remote app be ported to aosp?
Gs0230 said:
Can the HTC Remote app be ported to aosp?
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Does anyone know where to find the gmail tab-app (like the one in ParanoidAndroid)? The one with the "sidebar"
I really miss it, coming from an PA modded rom on my EVO3D...
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nordvik said:
Does anyone know where to find the gmail tab-app (like the one in ParanoidAndroid)? The one with the "sidebar"
I really miss it, coming from an PA modded rom on my EVO3D...
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It is the same app! The reason you see the tablet interface is the whole raison d'etre of ParanoidAndroid (per app DPI settings).
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Hmmmmm..... But is there possible to make it look like the same without running i.e. PA rom?
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nordvik said:
Hmmmmm..... But is there possible to make it look like the same without running i.e. PA rom?
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not at stock rom, wait custom rom or hack
Hi, i was just wondering if anyone was working on air view/gesture, smart stay/pause/scroll, or multiwindow, or screen mirrioring on any of the CM builds? Or is that kind of a lost cause because its implimented in the tw framework? Thanks.
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If you are going to use CM then all of the Samsung air gestures aren't going to be there, so yes it is in the touchwiz framework
Sent from my DROID RAZR using xda premium
Thanks, but i already knew that, i was asking if devs were working on a port, or if they have deemed it impossible because it is implimented inside touchwiz?
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ChadBFlores said:
Thanks, but i already knew that, i was asking if devs were working on a port, or if they have deemed it impossible because it is implimented inside touchwiz?
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cyanogenmod 10.1 supports hover events and kondik said he looks forward to implementing them meaningfully
CyanogenMod Team has released a brand, new focal camera with their latest CM10.2 Android 4.3 custom ROMs.
Overall, Focal camera is pretty good at 'focusing', takes rapid photos with great touchscreen options for adjusting your shots. Also, many stock AOSP ROMs don’t support manual focus for camcorder function but Focal camera does this very well, making it an ideal camera for videographers.
Since this is a separate app, it will install as an additional camera on your Android device.
Notes from the main dev
1) yes, the app is in alpha. There are many cases and many devices we didn't test so you can get FC's just by using it wrong.
2) the UI is still work in progress. It's a first glimpse of what we're targeting but there is still much more to do.
3) the camera is not laggy or sluggish. Enable HDR scene mode on your nexus 4, then blame Google.
4) we won't give any support on pre-4.2 non-cyanogenmod ROMs. Your ROM, your problem.
5) you can remove unwanted buttons in the settings to have a cleaner sidebar
Working ROMS:
CM 10.1/10.2
JB 4.2/4.3
LATEST: https://www.copy.com/s/pjlUn/Focal.apk
Special Thanks:
CyanogenMod Team for their awesome work!
If it worked please hit thanks
Thanks, the feature is pretty awesome !
Envoyé depuis mon Nexus 4
Debating between this and moto x cam...
Sent 4rm my Paranoid Nexus 4.3 LTE...
Whats the difference?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
10.2 camera but we don't have an official 10.2 release.
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drmclove69 said:
Whats the difference?
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front camera works, NO fc's thusfar!
chiikko561 said:
Debating between this and moto x cam...
Sent 4rm my Paranoid Nexus 4.3 LTE...
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must say i havent tried the moto x cam, so cant help ya with that one
Package cannot be parsed on install. :'(
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4
Installed fine, looks great... But no matter how many times I press the button it won't take a photo. Oh well.
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For me it installed and ran perfectly except for panoramic mode which force-closes the app...
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sandpaperback said:
Installed fine, looks great... But no matter how many times I press the button it won't take a photo. Oh well.
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redeuxx said:
Package cannot be parsed on install. :'(
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ELB27 said:
For me it installed and ran perfectly except for panoramic mode which force-closes the app...
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4
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Sorry to hear you guys are having issues, it all seems fine on this end. What version of android are you on, see OP for supported ROMs (updated)
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does not have the application settings menu?
paiktaras said:
does not have the application settings menu?
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When you first open the app swipe to the right and you'll get menu slide out from the left side of the screen you will then see the settings option including other options
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What's the difference between this one and
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Latest update, should fix some FCs although picsphere still a little buggy.
Latest build
OP has been updated, just install like a normal apk.
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drmclove69 said:
Whats the difference?
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g2uzer said:
What's the difference between this one and
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As far as I can tell they are the same.
Please use the existing thread.
Thread closed.
is there a aosp based rom that have a s-view cover support functionality
Nope. Only touchwiz
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Well i learned something new. I also found this for basic on/off support
dj_m said:
is there a aosp based rom that have a s-view cover support functionality
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It actually works. I flashed VirginROM and I can use the case.
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nivekx9 said:
It actually works. I flashed VirginROM and I can use the case.
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good i am going to try it
dj_m said:
good i am going to try it
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Works but the status bars are blue (built into framework), but they'll be white by KitKat. But yeah it works because Google has to include that feature in the S4 and the GPE is a mix of AOSP and TW.
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so basically any gpe based rom is capable of using a s view cover
dj_m said:
so basically any gpe based rom is capable of using a s view cover
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i tried virgin rom but for now i am on lets play rom from att s4 let's play rom and it works like a charm
dj_m said:
i tried virgin rom but for now i am on lets play rom from att s4 let's play rom and it works like a charm
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Glad to here it. You ready for the 4.4 update to VRom?
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Hmmmmmm very tempting 8-0
dj_m said:
Hmmmmmm very tempting 8-0
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I can't wait . Google experience launcher looks nice plus the ram drain is down which means miter battery.
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does teh slide to answer function work in VirginROM with cover closed?
It doesn't in the Danvdh 4.4.2 ROM...
I am just posting this to see if there is any interest in a pure google build AOSP rom? this means not using CMs build system. Let me know.
I'd be interested in a pure Google based ROM.
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Absolutely. I've been using the GPe-based ROMs over CM11 just because I love that pure-stock experience.
Wouldn't that just be stock?
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Leraeniesh said:
Wouldn't that just be stock?
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by stock you mean no extras like lock screen tweaks and such?
Mmmmm pure vanilla Google.....
Sent from my Ecliptic One.
What would be the difference between this and the GPE rom?
Yum vanilla android!!!!!
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buckmarble said:
by stock you mean no extras like lock screen tweaks and such?
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By stock I mean the exact variant of Android that comes per-installed on your Nexus 7, which you could also consider as Google AOSP.
It comes pre-installed with all Google services and applications (Chrome vs AOSP Browser, Play Newstand, Play Music/Movies/Books, ect.)
EDIT: I just realized I wasn't in the Nexus 7 forums. Sorry guys.
Yes this means vanilla like a nexus would be shipped with from factory
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brymaster5000 said:
Mmmmm pure vanilla Google.....
Sent from my Ecliptic One.
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This ^
dogredwing1 said:
Yum vanilla android!!!!!
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And this ^
I'm in.
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how would this be different from the other GPE Roms?
Snakehn said:
how would this be different from the other GPE Roms?
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don't the gpe ROMs keep beats audio and the HTC camera features? AOSP wouldn't have this.
nrfitchett4 said:
don't the gpe ROMs keep beats audio and the HTC camera features? AOSP wouldn't have this.
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Seems like a pretty easy build then.
Just AOSP with the Google suite (and GEL?)
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HTC adds quite a bit to their builds frame work wise. Total size of my ROM if you include gapps size is still about 200 mb less than a gpe ROM. You would have same functionality as GPe minus beats audio
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Pm if you want to try it
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Well some of you pm'd me and I gave you a link. None of you have replied back with a response on anything. Its really irritating when I send something out to test and get no response. If you are going to pm to test something have the courtesy of giving some feedback.
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I'll test and give you some feedback
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