Not able to connect to kies on windows 7 running on iMac - Galaxy Note II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am trying to flash philz touch in order to get MultiTool but my phone does not connect to Kies and does not show up on Odin. When I connect my phone using USB then it just get charged nothing else. Though the phone works well with Kies on Mac OSX 10.9 Mavericks.
I tried re-installing drivers but still no luck.
Any suggestions?

Ok, problem fixed! Driver was the problem, I updated those through device manager and now everything is working.


[Q] Samsung Galaxy Ace II GT S7500, Windows 8 and Kies

Hi I have that stuffs what in the title, and have connection problems also
I have 64 bit Win8 Pro so I have media stuffs and all what Kies need. I installed Kies, restarted the machine and try to connect phone. Connected the USB Kies still write to me Connect some device.... In windows device manager have an Unrecognized Android Phone, so I think driver sucks. Try to connection problem wizard in Kies, doesn't help. If I run as an admin don't help to me....
Have some way to manually install that driver in win device manager?
Under win7 64 problem few weeks ago I can use my phone with Kies, but with win8 I can't.
I hope we can figure something out guys!
loool samsung support want to make me do it factory reset I said lol, this device work under win7 with Kies but nothing happened since yesterday, I found a way to manually instal driver, but just write me connecting for a half hour, and I so bored and disconnect the phone. Please anyone help me out!
Same problem
Im having the same problem. My pc doesnt recognize the phone(with kies installed and the latest updates from microsoft and samsung)(with drivers ofc). I have contacted with samsung support center and they say that so far they cant guarantee that kies will work fine for all the devices in windows 8. I ve never had windows 7 so i dont know about a problem there. I ve upgraded from Windows XP(which Kies was working exellent) to Windows 8 and now im facing these problems. Hope to fix soon
Samsung galaxy ace, gt-s5830, 2.3.6
Windows 8 Pro 32-bit
Win7 drivers "SHOULD" work with Win8... but anyways, did you try uninstalling ALL drivers of your phone and removing cached drivers from your system? Then do a fresh install of drivers try offline first. It doesn't work, remove everything and try if windows itself can find the driver for you. But usuallly the phone itself would make the PC install the drivers the phone needs.
palinko91 said:
Hi I have that stuffs what in the title, and have connection problems also
I have 64 bit Win8 Pro so I have media stuffs and all what Kies need. I installed Kies, restarted the machine and try to connect phone. Connected the USB Kies still write to me Connect some device.... In windows device manager have an Unrecognized Android Phone, so I think driver sucks. Try to connection problem wizard in Kies, doesn't help. If I run as an admin don't help to me....
Have some way to manually install that driver in win device manager?
Under win7 64 problem few weeks ago I can use my phone with Kies, but with win8 I can't.
I hope we can figure something out guys!
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Galaxy Ace 2 is I8160 not S7500

[Solved] [Q] I9250M not recognized by fastboot or adb.

Hi guys,
I'm using the I9250M for work, and attempted an update through Kies with usb debugging off. The update failed, and now I'm left with a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark.
I've tried holding both volume up/down buttons and power, but cannot get into download mode or any other mode. I've taken out the battery and held the power button down for 30 seconds, then replaced the battery, but still nothing.
It seems that there is no communication between the pc and phone regardless of the drivers being found and installed.
Things I've tried:
Connecting with Kies - Installed drivers through device manager using windows update. Kies is stuck on "Connecting". Only the OMAP4440 driver could not be found so had to install the OMAP4460 driver.
OMAPFlash - this seems to work ok but not sure what to do when it says "Press any key". There is no mode change after flashing (I still have the yellow triangle).
After looking through the stickies and other tutorials I've tried using the Galaxy Nexus toolkit, PDANet, Odin and WugFresh tools, but they all seem to need usb debugging on, which I can't get to.
From past experience (with windows mobile), I've usually been able to unbrick a phone if it is recognized by a windows pc, so even though this is an android phone, I'm hoping that I can do something to get this phone back in working order.
Further info: The two Samsung usb drivers installed on my windows 7 64 bit machine are modem and CDC. I've also tried using a couple of the adb interface drivers in device manager with no luck.
If I can somehow get to the download mode, that would be half the battle won.
Any suggestions.
You need Odin.
Beamed from my Grouper
Thanks for your reply Mach3.2.
As mentioned in my first post, I tried Odin 1.85 and 1.87 already but the phone wasn't recognized. So, I decided to try Odin 1.87 on XP, and hey presto, the phone was recognized.
So that was my problem, I needed to use Odin on Windows XP. Hope this helps someone.

Computer won't recognize phone after Kies uninstall

In searching for a better way to share files between my phone, my tablet, and my computer, I downloaded and installed Kies, only to find out it wasn't what I wanted and uninstalled it again. Unfortunately, now I can't get my computer to recognize my phone when I connect the USB cable. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the samsung drivers, but it still won't recognize it, so now I'm at a loss for what went wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
PS; I'm using Win 7 x64
try unistalling and then reinstalling the samsung usb drivers
here is the link to samsung's s3 site

USB Device Not recognized, VMware causing problem

My phone (i317 Note2 stock ROM) is no longer detected by my win 8 PC. It use to be working fine.
The issue seems to be that the phone, when connected via usb, is detected as "VMware USB device" everytime, and shows exclamation mark in device manager.
How can I get to stop doing that?
Running VM Workstation 9
EVOO2 said:
My phone (i317 Note2 stock ROM) is no longer detected by my win 8 PC. It use to be working fine.
The issue seems to be that the phone, when connected via usb, is detected as "VMware USB device" everytime, and shows exclamation mark in device manager.
How can I get to stop doing that?
Running VM Workstation 9
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Same thing happened to me yesterday for some reason. I just reinstalled the drivers and rebooted both the phone and computer. One of those three did the trick. Hope this helps.
ojai00 said:
Same thing happened to me yesterday for some reason. I just reinstalled the drivers and rebooted both the phone and computer. One of those three did the trick. Hope this helps.
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I did two of those (reinstall drivers and reboot) and no dice. Ill try all three at once and see what happens.There must be some way on un -associating the phone to the vmware usb driver without reinstalling drivers....

Is there a fix for the MCP connection fail thing?

I'm having some issues where the MTP driver fails to load. Tried all the obvious stuff and did a lot of reading of forums and stuff but can't find a fix. Could anyone help me to fix it please?
Here's what hardware I have and what I've tried so far:
Tab Pro 8.4 16gb wifi UK model, rooted.
Connected via cable to Dell XPS 17, latest USB drivers installed, win 7 x64.
First of all, I enabled USB debugging and windows installed drivers for all except MTP.
Tried installing the Samsung driver package, same problem. Uninstalled at present.
Installed kies, didn't work, wouldn't even connect to the device. Uninstalled.
Followed the instructions on the wiki but the suite software installs the driver succesfully but then windows won't accept the driver. Tried the workarounds in the wiki but still no luck.
Tried rebooting the tablet and leaving the cable connected.
Tried wiping the cache.
Tried restarting both the tablet and laptop after reinstalling software and drivers, still no luck.
Found several workarounds on my travels, one was a command line for windows to add to usergroup ( it's on the laptop downstairs, will add it to the post tomorrow).
One post said to change a registry entry...really? Tried that, and another registry trick, but still no.
Using the same laptop, I had similar problems trying to flash a custom rom onto an s4, but the CM installer worked first time. I've done a fresh install of win 7 since then.
Can anyone shed any light on this for me please? Is there any kind of workaround? Running out of ideas!
Fixed this, well, kind of. Here's a quick rundown of what I did, for people like me who are struggling with connection problems.
I thought I had tried everything, was going to dump the whole thing and then remembered that I'd fixed some previous USB problems (sound card) by doing a clean boot.
First, remove Kies.
The only other thing that is required are the samsung mobile drivers from their website. I tried with and without and this would only work with them installed.
Restart your tablet, make sure MTP is selected.
You can find out how to do a clean boot for you version of windows here.
Leave your device connected via USB cable. Once you have clean booted into windows, windows will attempt to install the drivers from windows update, let it do this. It can take a minute or two to complete. You should then see a green tick in the notification area rather than the dreaded red cross.
If, for some reason, the driver doesn't install first time, you can unplug and then plug back in the USB cable and this should do the trick.
What I did find, is that the connection wasn't consistent, I could restart either my laptop or tablet and then it wouldn't connect, so I'd have to go through the above process again to get it to connect.
Doing this allowed me to flash the Clockworkmod recovery with odin 3.09, but for whatever reason, I was still unable to use the recommended Eimdall suite to flash cyanogenmod.
In the end, I downloaded the CM11 zip file to my tablet (via http) and then used ES file manager to move it to the SDCard root and then clockworkmod picked it up from there.
Also, once CM was installed, there were no connection problems at all, as far as I can see.
Hopefully this will help others in the same predicament.

