Where dos stock Android store the homescreen backup files? - Sprint LG Optimus G

I know this seems like a really silly question, but I can't figure it out. I have tried Google but all I get (with any query i try) is old threads and utilities for backing up, not where the stock "backup/restore homescren" files are for our phones. help! I backed up my homescreen before a restore and the stock backup app homescreen restore didn't work, and I would just like to know where the OS keeps it. thanks!


[Q] Problems with backups, how to restore missing apps

Dear All
Having a rooted Desire with Froyo and Apps2SD+, i needed to migrate to a bigger 16 GB card. In that (failed) effort I decided to remove all apps and then restore them.
I backed them up via MybAckup Pro and Titanium Backup. Then, after reboot, no backups were detected by TB. I even wrote to the support but no answer. I had to revert to MyBackup Pro which apparently had a mind of its own regarding which apps to restore. Now Google Maps is missing on my phone and neither will it install. Also, com.gapps are closing on me every minute.
I have decided to do a factory reset but it'd be nice if a few questions are answered first:
1) I understand that NANDROID is the best way to back up; however, it doesn't provide me a way to restore apps one by one or in batches. Any solutions?
2) When I do a factory reset, will I end up with a clean phone with root and my current custom ROM, or the phone as it came from Orange?
3) Is there a way to install Google Maps and to remove the gapps errors without factory reset?
4) If I restore from NANDROID after factory reset, will all the errors/instability come back as well?
1) Nandroid does an image of your custom phone, like for example Norton Ghost would do. Its like saving the setup/state of the phone at the time you do the backup.
2) A factory reset deletes all user data. You end with your current ROM as it was a clean install, it will not change the ROM you're using. If you're using a custom ROM you will still be with that custom ROM.
3) Can't Google Maps be downloaded from Market? Also you can try to extract the .apk from a ROM and copy it to yours via adb for example. As for the errors I dont really know if they're because data corruption and a reset will fix them or its the apk that isnt working as intended.
4) As I said earlier, doing a Nandroid is doing an image of the current state of the phone. If you do a Nandroid of a phone that has errors and you restore it, the errors wont disapear.
If you want to have a backup of the list of apps you already have you can use AppBrain. Its a little app that syncs your list of apps from the phone into a google account so when you do a full wipe you have only to install that app again and sync with the saved google list of apps. It wont save the data of the aplications but it will save the list of the ones you've installed.
Azureus: That is a most helpful reply, I sincerely appreciate it.
Google maps is not appearing in the market. I tried to sideload it and it still doesn't install. Thanks for the GREAT AppBrain trick.
I would appreciate if you could answer:
1) Which is the best, most stable custom ROM to use with official Froyo+Sense, Apps2SD+ ? I have doubts about stability of current ROM.
2) Which app can enable me to back up apps and then restore them one by one, given that Titanium Backup is not working for me somehow?
1) I personally use OpenDesire and its a non Sense UI ROM, so I dont really know what Sense UI ROM is the best. I've tryed several Sense UI ROMs and two that gave me a good feeling where LeeDrOiD Mod and the official Sense ROM of OpenDesire Team.
2) I've tryed several apps for data backups and the one that I liked most was Titanium Backup... May I ask why isnt working for you? I've tested both the free and donate version and they seem to work pretty well...
Thanks. Will try Leedroid now.
As for titanium, or backs up everything all right but when I try to restore it shows nothing. Don't know why is that
Titanium Backup saves the backups by default in a folder as the same name as the app in your SD. Have you tried deleting all the folder and doing backups again to see if the restore works? You can also go to settings and change the default folder in which it saves the backup to see if its a problem with de folder/SD or its the app.

Titanium Backup help....

I've switched ROM's and Titanium backup is still backed up to the previous ROM. I wanna start fresh (as far as all my backups) with this new ROM.
I think I go to Backup/Restore-menu-batch- run (delete all backups (caution)).
Is this correct?
Secondly, I have many apps/widgets that I froze with Titanium. Do I need to unfreeze these before I make a new backup?
thanks much...
I would suggest not deleting your old backup just yet. Sometimes there is a setting or app that I realize I need a couple days after the fact. I would go to preferences in titanium and change the backup folder name to something else and make a new fresh backup of everything. That way you have a fresh backup without losing your old stuff just in case.
But if you do want to just delete everything then run the delete function you metioned.
As far as the frozen apps are concerned, I've never used the freeze function but I would assume that a backup is made even if it frozen because the apk is not deleted.
does any one have a list of the app that can be frozzen without disruption the use of the phone? also im ussing LP so the sense can go too? if yes what are the sense apps

[Q] Titanium Backup after new ROM install

So I've successfully updated my phone to Baked Snack v1.4.
My question is, I made a full Titanium Backup of user apps + data before hand. Can I just re-download titanium backup and run a batch restore to get all of my apps back? or will that overwrite data that has been put in by the new ROM?
I have done so coming from 1.25 so you will probably be alright. I know I was having all sorts of problems coming from Android 2.1 roms but since they are both 2.2 go for it
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If you run a batch to get all your apps back, it should be fine. There shouldn't be a problem with overwriting data I believe because it focuses only on the apps.
Saying this, I've jumped around ROMS and restoring my apps has never been a problem using Titanium. I think you'e safe.
On some 2.2 ROMs, using Titanium Backup with result in Force Closes on some of the apps. No idea why but it definitely happens.
This is the entire purpose of titanium backup's existence.
thanks for the info. I started playing around with TitaniumBackup, and found out that I could restore individual apps, so I did that instead, cleaning house while I went and not installing apps I never used.
Follow up question though, does Titanium Backup store saved WiFi information / Text Messages? and if so, does anyone know which app I would restore to get back said information?
I've seen on this forum somewhere a mod that allows you to send you SMS to your google account so the nextime you setup your google account on the the phone it will bring back your SMS messages, I don't know if it does wifi or no. Post found here forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=697147

[Q] Restoring Apps/Contacts After Flashing ROM

I've done a few searches on the forum and several on Google, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I've been running a custom kernel with stock 2.2 for a while now, and the only thing keeping me from flashing another ROM (maybe deodexed stock 2.2? Not sure yet) is all the stuff I have on my phone right now. I guess it's not a lot compared to some of you guys. Around thirty or so apps and widgets from the market, along with all their settings, and all my contacts.
If I nandroid before wiping and flashing, how do I recover just my apps, settings, and contacts? Is that a good idea, or should I go with something like Titanium? Before I back up all that stuff, should I move my apps from my SD card to my phone? Sorry if you guys answer questions like this every day, but I can't find **** with the forum search.
tl;dr - Wanna know how to restore apps/settings after flashing new ROM.
Titanium is the way to go for that. It backs up all your apps, contacts, messages and settings. I never move my apps back to my phone from the SD before a backup and I haven't had any problems.
Ballin. Thanks for the suggestion. So I just go to "Backup all user apps + system data", wipe, flash, reinstall Titanium (?), and run the restore?
Sorta. I run two separate backups, one for user apps and one for system data. I only backup certain things in the system data list so doing the separate backups makes it easier for me to choose what I am and am not backing up. Only gotta do one restore though, and then a reboot.
Alright, cool. I'll give all this a shot. Appreciate the help, bro.
No prob, happy to help.

[Q] Backup and restore homescreens

Hi guys, not 100% sure this is the right place, please correct me if it isn't.
I had an idea: since there are ways to copy homescreens from one launcher to another and there are backup/restore options in launchers, is there such a thing for Sense 4.x ?
It would save a lot of time and trouble with flashing roms, but also it's nice to simply have a backup when things go wrong.
We have "scenes" which are basically backups of the homescreen, so we only need a way to export those and import later. OR are these already backupped with a full phone data backup? (via the hidden backup/restore app)
Check for the app named with 'HTC Sense xxxx' in TiBackup & backup it. If you've restored it later, most of the things on your homescreens will get restored. Try!
shree.cse said:
Check for the app named with 'HTC Sense xxxx' in TiBackup & backup it. If you've restored it later, most of the things on your homescreens will get restored. Try!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks man that's easyer than I thought haha. Hadn't used TiBackup yet for this purpose.
ViperX here I come
Just to confirm: that worked like a charm. Only thing to look out for is that you should install/restore your apps first, because it can't put icons down for apps that are not (yet) installed.

