I need stock F/W. Any source besides Hotfile? - T-Mobile, Samsung Galaxy SIII

I need to fix my wifes T Mobile S3 by tomorrow afternoon. I have to put the stock firmware back on it. Im trying to download the latest but EVERY link for it online is for Hotfile and it always fails
Hotfile.com said:
There is a temporary problem with accessing this file. Our technical team is resolving the problem right now.
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The file is "T999UVDLJC_T999TMBDLJC_TMB.zip". Does anyone have an alternative free download location?

Are you just looking for the modem?

did you try to download the 'T999UVDLJA' file?.. if you are returning to T-Mo they could careless what version as long as official.. I know some people that are still using ICS on GS3..

JDMpire said:
I need to fix my wifes T Mobile S3 by tomorrow afternoon. I have to put the stock firmware back on it. Im trying to download the latest but EVERY link for it online is for Hotfile and it always fails .
The file is "T999UVDLJC_T999TMBDLJC_TMB.zip". Does anyone have an alternative free download location?
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You can get the firmwares from there. Just search for your device, and download. This is straight from samsung.

mgbotoe said:
You can get the firmwares from there. Just search for your device, and download. This is straight from samsung.
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If I'm not mistaking all sammobile firmwares are hosted on the hotfile..
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium

re: t999 Stock Firmware
JDMpire said:
I need to fix my wifes T Mobile S3 by tomorrow afternoon. I have to put the stock firmware back on it. Im trying to download the latest but EVERY link for it online is for Hotfile and it always fails .
The file is "T999UVDLJC_T999TMBDLJC_TMB.zip". Does anyone have an alternative free download location?
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Here is the stock firmware for Samsung Galaxy S3 t999 phone:
I am certain that this will work just fine for you even if you want to do an exchange of phones at Tmobile.
Good Luck!

Thanks for the help, I ended up getting it from Hotfile, I guess they fixed the problem.
And its not going back to stock for a return. Its going back to stock because I'm sick of the wife complaining. Somehow she ALWAYS breaks the phone. What I mean is, I'll put a nice new rom, all customized out just like I do on my S3, SlimBean rom for example. I'll have it working F'ing PERFECTLY, and in less then a week, she'll complain that the battery only lasts for half a day... or she is getting multiple force closes or the signal is bad or internet is to slow... you name it. This is the 3rd time I've fixed the phone (even got her a new battery. This is the LAST TIME I want to have to F with it. She doesn't break it on purpose, she has NO idea how to root the phone or even what root is. All she knows how to do is go on the web, facebook, SMS, calls and basic stuff, and I mean very basic. So for her, stock should be fine.
My S3 is modded out the ass and never gives me issues. Sigh

Technology and women can be a bad mix...and I am a woman so thats saying a lot...

You can just as easily get a stock rooted rom and flash that. Besides being rooted nothing is changed.
The oem firmware would require you to Odin.
Easier to recovery flash then to Odin.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2

JDMpire said:
Thanks for the help, I ended up getting it from Hotfile, I guess they fixed the problem.
And its not going back to stock for a return. Its going back to stock because I'm sick of the wife complaining. Somehow she ALWAYS breaks the phone. What I mean is, I'll put a nice new rom, all customized out just like I do on my S3, SlimBean rom for example. I'll have it working F'ing PERFECTLY, and in less then a week, she'll complain that the battery only lasts for half a day... or she is getting multiple force closes or the signal is bad or internet is to slow... you name it. This is the 3rd time I've fixed the phone (even got her a new battery. This is the LAST TIME I want to have to F with it. She doesn't break it on purpose, she has NO idea how to root the phone or even what root is. All she knows how to do is go on the web, facebook, SMS, calls and basic stuff, and I mean very basic. So for her, stock should be fine.
My S3 is modded out the ass and never gives me issues. Sigh
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Dude we are not married to same person do we? that's sounds like someone I wake up with every morning.. He he..
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium


Can't update my phone in any way

Hey guys, I'm new here, so this thread is probably on here somewhere, but oh well. I can't update my S3 OTA or through Kies. I know there is an update, as my friend got it fine on his yesterday (it's the one with the brightness slider in notification center). On OTA, it says communication failed every single time, then says up to date. I have tried clearing data and all that as well. And in Kies, it also says I have the latest firmware, even though I know I don't. Any ideas? I really don't want this happening when Jelly Bean comes out. Oh yeah, I'm not rooted or anything by the way, I'm still on stock for now.
I have the same exact issue. I think it has something to do with ATT and the phone not being set up right in their system. Did you by chance have an iPhone before your S3 and use the same Sim card?
Mine wouldn't find the ota on the phone. I searched around here and found a thread someone had started that has instructions on how to download the flashable zip and install it via CWM. Worked like a champ. If you are rooted this is the way you'll want to go
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
Yes I did come from an iPhone. And I am planning to root soon so I might have to try that.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
Hey do you mind giving me instructions on how to do that? And is there a safe way to root my phone on a Mac? And last of all, can I still get updates such as Jelly Bean on a rooted GS3 without losing root without messing anything up? Sorry I'm coming from iPhones and jailbreaking so I'm not familiar with all this.
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Vanillamarble said:
Hey do you mind giving me instructions on how to do that? And is there a safe way to root my phone on a Mac? And last of all, can I still get updates such as Jelly Bean on a rooted GS3 without losing root without messing anything up? Sorry I'm coming from iPhones and jailbreaking so I'm not familiar with all this.
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I've always recommended returning whatever device you have back to 100% stock (as it was out of the box) before taking any official updates. I've heard ppl say they can take them just fine while still rooted - but they lose root. Sometimes you can simply re-root, sometimes you have to wait for a new exploit to be discovered before you can root again. In light of this, I always wait a week (sometimes less) after a new OTA (Over The Air) update is released, just to be sure I can regain root immediately. Welcome to the wonderful world of Android OS!!!
[edit] to answer your post about not being able to take the last OTA update. Have you tried a factory reset? Through Android Recovery? You will lose personal settings and contacts if you dont back them up. But, it may solve your update issue. Another thing I know, that a lot of ppl do is - as soon as you buy a new device, such as the awesome Galaxy S III, is to immediately do the factory reset. (Who knows how many employees have goofed around with the new toys they just got in stock)
I had the same problem with not being able to get the OTA update on my S3. Turns out it was a bad sim. As soon as I got a new sim from AT&T everything worked fine. Wish I would have done that first cause I spent hours on the phone with AT&T and Samsung trying to fix the problem. Good luck. Hope that works for you.
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Same issue here. Just spent a couple hours this Saturday at an AT&T store - end result is that they are swapping it out under the manufacture 1 year warranty.
Sim replacement did not fix it for me.
Tech support over the the stores land line says that the option to push OTA to phone is greyed out and not selectable with my account.
They are sending me a new phone so we'll see.
G-Man. said:
I've always recommended returning whatever device you have back to 100% stock (as it was out of the box) before taking any official updates. I've heard ppl say they can take them just fine while still rooted - but they lose root. Sometimes you can simply re-root, sometimes you have to wait for a new exploit to be discovered before you can root again. In light of this, I always wait a week (sometimes less) after a new OTA (Over The Air) update is released, just to be sure I can regain root immediately. Welcome to the wonderful world of Android OS!!!
[edit] to answer your post about not being able to take the last OTA update. Have you tried a factory reset? Through Android Recovery? You will lose personal settings and contacts if you dont back them up. But, it may solve your update issue. Another thing I know, that a lot of ppl do is - as soon as you buy a new device, such as the awesome Galaxy S III, is to immediately do the factory reset. (Who knows how many employees have goofed around with the new toys they just got in stock)
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Read through the thread guys - there are other answers given besides just swapping the sim card...
Ok I'm going to try a factory reset. Wish me luck guys.
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Just did a factory reset, and it didn't help at all. Now I've got to get everything back on my phone. Coming from iPhone, I will say that Apple has a heck of a lot better backup system. I do 0refer my GS3 though. Ok so any suggestions now?
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you've tried to update over cell network AND WiFi... correct? same error each time?
I'm not sure what else to suggest except trying a new sim card like someone else suggested... beyond that, a replacement device. Sorry man, wish I could be more useful...
[edit] The only other thing I can think to try would be to completely remove all your current USB Drivers for Samsung from your PC and reboot the PC, then re-install the USB Drivers, and try Kies again. If it still doesn't work, try a different PC.
Well I'm going to try a different computer, and if that doesn't work, I'm going to an AT&T store. Thanks for all the help guys.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app

[Q] Fried my GPS, not working at all on any roms.

I was flashing between CyanogenMod 10 nightlies and DrewGaren's Jelly Bean roms, wiping data every single time and always doing a clean flash when I noticed on CyanogenMod 10/05 nightly that the GPS wasn't catching any satellites at all. It doesn't seem like it's even trying because the GPS dot doesn't even come up in the notification bar. I tried using GPS Test and it just says 0. Same thing with any other GPS application.
I tried flashing to other roms to see if it changed anything and still no luck. Finally, I flashed all the way back to AT&T stock in ODIN and still no luck!! I'm thinking of just taking it to the AT&T store and see if they can do anything about it, I don't know the warranty situation since I bought it off of Craigslist. Anybody have any ideas?
Please don't go to ATT. We can't really help you since you bought it from a. craigslist and b. all we could do is get you to call warranty department in which case they may charge you since it was not purchased at the att store.
Do you know if the GPS ever worked??
Please go to dialer and type *#0*#. In that menu go to sensor test and make sure everything is working properly.
Go to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1767929 for a full list of tests you can do to make sure the phone is actually hardware damaged.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
Got it working
Hey, thanks for the help guys. I actually got it working. Flashed stock rom with ODIN and did a factory reset and it just started working out of no where. This was after 0 GPS signal on many different roms for over 24 hours.
No idea what caused it to stop working in the first place maybe some kind of conflict with the Drew Garen Sprint based Jelly Bean rom or maybe something in Cyanogen Mod 10/05 nightly. Perhaps the phone got tired of me flashing so many roms and just needed to rest overnight lol.
If anybody else has an issue with their GPS not catching signal at all flash all the way back to stock and factory reset and hopefully it'll sort the issue out.
Wow, everything you described in your OP is happening to me. I believe this happened to me after flashing DrewGaren's ROM too (4 point something). I tried it out then went back to Wanamlite, my DD, and experienced all that you said. After Wanam I flashed 2 or 3 other ROMs and got the same response... no GPS.
Just in the process of Odin flashing a stock image to see what happens.
Edit: Back to stock, then factory reset. Tried accessing the GPS service menu but that didn't work. Final result is that GPS is not working at all and here is no indication in the status bar. Looks like I'll be off to the Samsung store for service...
I think the Drew Garen Milestone 4.5 has something to do with this. It's based on the Sprint leak and maybe that made our GPS wonky.
Just to let you know, the stock firmware I used was this one.
Hopefully you can get it sorted out. Just wondering, how do you access the GPS service menu? Cause the code I know doesn't work on AT&T Galaxy S 3 at all so I want to see if the code you tried works on mine. Good luck getting your phone working.
Another reason why you shouldn't use DG roms? Lol
I'm running insomnia leaks with no gps issues. Glad to see the OP got his working again.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
I did the same here is the fix.
Odin rooted stock ROM
Boot up as normal
Then do a factory wipe under settings.
You should be good to go.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda premium
beamer786 said:
I think the Drew Garen Milestone 4.5 has something to do with this. It's based on the Sprint leak and maybe that made our GPS wonky.
Just to let you know, the stock firmware I used was this one.
Hopefully you can get it sorted out. Just wondering, how do you access the GPS service menu? Cause the code I know doesn't work on AT&T Galaxy S 3 at all so I want to see if the code you tried works on mine. Good luck getting your phone working.
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Thanks for the firmware link but I am in Canada with Telus.
As for the GPS Service Menu, I saw some dialer codes for accessing it but they don't seem to work for our model.
It's weird how GPS doesn't show up anywhere on the phone now. Not the status bar or in battery usage stats. I am beginning to wonder if this is a hardware issue more than anything.
I know, it's like the GPS totally disappears from the phone, I thought it has a hardware issue too! I was actually on the phone with Samsung customer support and ended up fixing it while I was on hold.
On my first try I got no results too but when I downloaded the one from samsung-updates, flash via ODIN, and then factory reset the phone from settings that's when I finally got my GPS to work. They have the Telus software up there too if you want to give it a whirl. http://samsung-updates.com/get/2566/Samsung_Firmware_SGH-I747M_TLS_I747MVLALH1_Android_4_0_4.html
But at this point your only recourse might be to get done through Samsung customer support. Let us know what happens.
beamer786 said:
They have the Telus software up there too if you want to give it a whirl. http://samsung-updates.com/get/2566/Samsung_Firmware_SGH-I747M_TLS_I747MVLALH1_Android_4_0_4.html
But at this point your only recourse might be to get done through Samsung customer support. Let us know what happens.
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Thanks, that is the exact firmware I flashed. Just in the process of downloading the I747MVLALE8 version. I know it's older but worth a shot.
I'll update the thread as I go along but am most likely going to the Samsung store in a week or two so there will be a delay in my response.
The disappearing gpshappened to me also. I flashed dg's m 4.5 and thats when I lost gps completely. I did all of the above mentioned in other threads and couldn't get it too come back. At&t replaced it for me. I would advise staying away from sprint leaks I guess.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
Got in touch with Samsung. They forwarded me to the warranty repair company located in my neck of the woods (Vancouver, BC).
Company is called Service Absolut, located in Richmond around Westminster Hwy and No. 6 Road. There is another in Montreal for easterners.
Regular warranty service is 3 business days for $0 OR 3 hour express service for $30. This place isn't too far from my office so maybe I'll give the 3-day service a try..... on second thought I think the $30 might be worth it for same day service. :cyclops:
I ran into the same or similar loss of GPS on DG Milestone 4.5 and 5. I was able to regain GPS on a CWM restore back to Milestone 4.
Really think this is a ROM bug that can be fixed in SW. I'm surprised to hear that some have had much tougher luck than I have.
Anybody heard anything from Drew Garen? (I don't have enough posts to comment in the main thread, or I'd be there)
jpyeck said:
I ran into the same or similar loss of GPS on DG Milestone 4.5 and 5. I was able to regain GPS on a CWM restore back to Milestone 4.
Really think this is a ROM bug that can be fixed in SW. I'm surprised to hear that some have had much tougher luck than I have.
Anybody heard anything from Drew Garen? (I don't have enough posts to comment in the main thread, or I'd be there)
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Yep, this is exactly what happened to me.
I flashed DG's M4.5 and my GPS quit working. Very weird.
I tried 3 other ROMS and no luck. I ended up returning the phone.
Now I really want to flash DG's new ROM but it scares me...ha
Final update:
Took the phone to the service center. Tech looked at the phone and tested but couldn't find anything wrong. He replaced the mainboard and all is now fine. GPS is working well.
Next thing is to check out my new CPU now... I hope it doesn't suck.
Did you factory reset on a stock rom like everyone suggested? I was reading your posts and I didnt see that you did it. Could have saved you $.
That issue used to happen to me all the time in the Infuse 4g.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
Jammol said:
Did you factory reset on a stock rom like everyone suggested? I was reading your posts and I didnt see that you did it. Could have saved you $.
That issue used to happen to me all the time in the Infuse 4g.
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Thanks for the tip but I factory resetted the sh*t out of my phone, lol. Our phone (Canadian version) only has 2 official firmware releases for it and I Odin'd them both and performed factory reset on both, multiple times. Guess I missed that little tidbit earlier
I really hope this was just a one time occurrence.
So I ran into this same issue, although it was from flashing Smartguy's ROM and then going back to CM10. It does seem to be caused by using the Sprint leak. I was unable to recover my GPS with the above method of flashing to stock via Odin and doing the factory reset.
I decided to try going back to my Sprint leak via a Nandroid, this brought my GPS back. I then used my CM10 Nandroid again GPS was working perfectly, although I needed to use GPS test to get it working on CM10. Hope this helps others with this issue.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
Can't believe you had to go through all of that but glad you got it sorted. The price we pay for tinkering with our phones so much.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app

AT&T Galaxy S3 Wifi Problerm

Hello all,
I only recently updated to the Galaxy S3 on AT&T and noticed that Wifi is practically useless.
It constantly loses connection. An app may download 30% or 50% of 70%, and then stop. Eventually it will connect again and then finish the download.
Maybe I can see a few webpages, and then it I get page not available notice.
I have read that an update fixed this problem, but I don't know if it is true.
Please let me know if there is a software update for this problem.
I only have a couple of days left to return the phone, and if I can't use wifi I may do so.
My phone information is below:
Model Number Samsung SGH-i747
Android Version 4.0.4
Baseband version I747UCLEM
Kernel version 3.0.8-599060-user
[email protected] #1
SMP PREEMPT Tue May 22 02:16:30 KST 2012
Build number
I have seen versions from July? which are I747UCLH9 and read that this update fixed wifi problems.
If this is true how do I update to this version now.
I have not rooted this phone, but have no problem doing so. However I would like to keep it unrooted as I may have to return it soon.
Of course when I check for updates from the phone it says that there are none available.
try using kies to update your phone. also try dialing *#0011#, pressing menu, selecting wifi, and turning 'wifi powersaving mode' to off
also fyi this goes in q&a report your post and categorize it as maintenance and say it's in the wrong section.
sent from my I747
How to use Kies
cehf said:
try using kies to update your phone. also try dialing *#0011#, pressing menu, selecting wifi, and turning 'wifi powersaving mode' to off
also fyi this goes in q&a report your post and categorize it as maintenance and say it's in the wrong section.
sent from my I747
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I'm not sure how to use Kies, or how to report my post
rblancrt said:
I'm not sure how to use Kies, or how to report my post
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Hello! You're actually using an older firmware version. You should be on 4.1.1. Keis is pretty simple you just need to download, install, then plug your phone in and it should do the rest for you. If you've ever used an iphone or Ipod it works pretty much the same as Itunes (as far as updating your phone). The Samsung website is: http://www.samsung.com/us/kies/ About half way down the page you'll see the download links. Update to 4.1.1 and see if you're still having the issues.
Hope this helps.
Tremulant1 said:
Hello! You're actually using an older firmware version. You should be on 4.1.1. Keis is pretty simple you just need to download, install, then plug your phone in and it should do the rest for you. If you've ever used an iphone or Ipod it works pretty much the same as Itunes (as far as updating your phone). The Samsung website is: http://www.samsung.com/us/kies/ About half way down the page you'll see the download links. Update to 4.1.1 and see if you're still having the issues.
Hope this helps.
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Thanks, I did download Keis and got it to recognize my phone but had to charge it again, so haven't done the update yet.
Thanks for the replies
As was said, upgrade the software first. Then try disabling power saving. Uncheck avoid poor connections if you have such a setting. If nothing works try checking your router's conf if you have access to it, or install WiFix if you're experiencing region-related issues. Good luck.
Thanks... Will try the upgrade tomorrow. I went to att store. They were very good at ignoring or talking about something else when I asked about updates. I would never have gotten anywhere with them.
I have a Samsung vibrant and have flashed many roms and themes and know where to go for knowledgeable assistance..... HERE.
Will post my results tomorrow.
Thanks again
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda app-developers app
Still have Wifi Problem
rblancrt said:
Thanks... Will try the upgrade tomorrow. I went to att store. They were very good at ignoring or talking about something else when I asked about updates. I would never have gotten anywhere with them.
I have a Samsung vibrant and have flashed many roms and themes and know where to go for knowledgeable assistance..... HERE.
Will post my results tomorrow.
Thanks again
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda app-developers app
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Did the firmware upgrade. Unfortunately still have a problem with wifi. Most of the time can't even make it through "Speed Test" app.
Tried turning Wifi power save off.
Not sure what else to do
Thanks anyway. As usual a problem with Samsung phone. Last time GPS, this time Wifi.
So silly
rblancrt said:
Did the firmware upgrade. Unfortunately still have a problem with wifi. Most of the time can't even make it through "Speed Test" app.
Tried turning Wifi power save off.
Not sure what else to do
Thanks anyway. As usual a problem with Samsung phone. Last time GPS, this time Wifi.
So silly
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Never had an issue with a Samsung phone (except unforgivable GPS on OG Galaxy S)
Do you want to root the phone or are you staying stock for now ?
Root or stay stock?
hednik said:
Never had an issue with a Samsung phone (except unforgivable GPS on OG Galaxy S)
Do you want to root the phone or are you staying stock for now ?
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If I keep it I'm sure I will root it. I actually had it rooted about a week ago and then went back to stock thinking I might have to return it.
If you have any suggestions that require root I'm very willing to hear them.
Dude you have the old firmware I suggest you get on Kies and update your phone to the latest firmware which is I747UCDLK3
Seems to be working
rblancrt said:
If I keep it I'm sure I will root it. I actually had it rooted about a week ago and then went back to stock thinking I might have to return it.
If you have any suggestions that require root I'm very willing to hear them.
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Well I reset my router and WiFi is working finally. Just that I'm afraid to disconnect now but will have to eventually.
Thanks to all who replied
rblancrt said:
Well I reset my router and WiFi is working finally. Just that I'm afraid to disconnect now but will have to eventually.
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By the way, thanks to all who replied to my question. I did get my firmware updated through KIES because of the info I would here.
When I mentioned any updates at the AT&T store I was pretty much ignored and the subject was changed. Just switched to AT&T recently and so far I have realized that the employees in their store are taught to be very polite, and it seems to get you out of the door without necessarily answering your question or fixing your problem. I guess they figure you will find it difficult to get upset with someone who is polite to you.
I have been there twice now and I hate it. It's like they are talking to you like you are an idiot.

[Q] Help my Note 2 GT N7100 - Rooted

Ok guys and gals, this is the deal, i rooted my Note 2 GT-N7100 via Odin around 2 weeks ago, no issue, good stuff, infact the only reason i rooted was for Avast firewall and anti-theft options that come with avast as this was very useful with my last pnone, nexus...
anyhow it seened in the mean-time i was the last to recieve android 4.1.2 here in the uk, now im not useully impatiant, but curiosity got me and so via odin installed 4.1.2, though this was fine onece done it started up with the three logo, the network my sim is on, but the pnone was stock to all networks, so i believe.
A few days later still all is good, i was playing around with some apps such as Go launcher and others as Coldfustions android 3d ui tutorial had suggested on you tube, still no problems, just a little laggy, so i deleted caches as thought this my hep from the recent flash to 4.1.2 a week or so ago, well thats when things whent bad, very bad, cache deleted and pnone switched off and never came back on, just a red light next to the front facing camra, now, my pnone was clearly rooted with custom binary dowload @ 2, but strangly the system status kept switching to official to custom, looks bad right, what should i do...? many thanks ahead...:good:
Sds issue.
Can you tell the exact name of the file you flashed ?
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
Sad to know that.... but have you try to boot it into recovery or download mode? Try to do it fast after you plug in your battery. It might work... Do let us know the update. Thanks
...Well i took it into the city to a local phone tech who will forward it to a samsung tech who doesn't mind a rooted phone, will cost £20 and said 100% fix:laugh: He suggested that it could be related to the s3 problems and had seen a rise in Feb in this strange activity will be around a week. I haven't tried the battery in/out as suggested, will consider in the future.
The file was from sammobile/hotfile (N7100XXDLL4_N7100H3GDLL2_N7100NEDLK1_HOME.tar.md5) will keep you all posted... thanks:good:
Kk you flashed a sds bugged rom .
You should have clarified if it could be booted or not.
Anyways I just wanted to clarify that this didn't happen due to rooting.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
...Once flashed to 4.1.2 it ran about a week, then when cleared caches it died? So to clarify it was a bugged rom or the actual flash/download that was the problem?... infact I remember in odin on pc the usb cable connection icon should be green for good to go, it was yellow as I could not find the solution as to why and still went ahead and flashed, ran like around a week and then died, maybe it was that, im still learning, a hard lessen to learn... im hoping ill get it back by the end of the week still in one piece...
Can you tell the whole name of the file you flashed?
Sent from my GT-N7100
All the information I could get is on this page with all the w's ...sammobile.com/firmwares/1/?model=GT-N7100&pcode=H3G#firmware[/url]) Its the 4.1.2 N7100XXDLL4_N7100H3GDLL2_H3G.zip im not to sure if thats what you want, if not could you point me in the right direction... many thanks...
Yeah it is 4.1.2 but does not contain sds patches.
Sent from my GT-N7100
Ok, not to sure what that means entirely, but why not?

[Q] Wifi stuck flicking on and off and hanging in no mands land

I have a Sasktell Note 2 and have major problems with the WiFi
When turning it on it will flick on and off then get stuck off, when i mean flick on and of it never fully turns on the on light comes on for maybe a split second then back of and just hands with it not being on or off and not usable.
I have flashed a multitude of roms and put stock rom back on but this problem will not go away and is random, sometimes removing the battery will help and it will work for a few hours or days then crap out again.
Tried and searched even did the copy the old etc/wifi setting over the orginal did not work.
getting close to the point of stamping on it and getting a Iphone:crying:
Thanks for any help
reboot your router...
Factory reset the device and set up WiFi again..
Sounds like a dirty device...
Router reset also as mentioned above...g
Thanks for advice not sure what you mean on router not using a router, im just trying to turn on the wifi on my phone and its not that it wont connect to anything it just wont turn on.
I have done factory resest 1,0000000000000 times and just flashed another 2 roms same problem.
If you are using wifi at your house etc..
Power down the router for your internet connection and reboot it..
This could also be a hardware issue...
It sounds like you have exhausted the other repair options with fresh installs and trouble shooting....g
Thanks no its nothing to do with a router its a phone issue.
Not connecting to router or anything for that matter just turning on wifi on the phone.
Pos is ready be thrown through a wall no one seems to know the reason
Also as wifi button is not working it also means hotspot is not working
Where can I get the original note 2 rom for sasktel every one I find is bell or ata one last ditch at fixing it
stonkeye said:
Thanks no its nothing to do with a router its a phone issue.
Not connecting to router or anything for that matter just turning on wifi on the phone.
Pos is ready be thrown through a wall no one seems to know the reason
Also as wifi button is not working it also means hotspot is not working
Where can I get the original note 2 rom for sasktel every one I find is bell or ata one last ditch at fixing it
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Sasktel rom but its root injected.
Sent from my SGH-I317M
jon3sh said:
Sasktel rom but its root injected.
Sent from my SGH-I317M
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No worries...
Unroot and reset is easy enough...g
Well downloaded the rom installed it and still no joy
Maybe the phone is just #@%$#@$.
Going to try re-partition see if that makes a difference.
stonkeye said:
Well downloaded the rom installed it and still no joy
Maybe the phone is just #@%$#@$.
Going to try re-partition see if that makes a difference.
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The device may indeed have a hardware issue...
We will know soon enough I suspect...
Good luck, and be careful....g
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using XDA Premium HD app
Well tried a few more things and think i screwed it,
It now comes up with baseband unknown and the phone memory has dropped to 0 if i connect to the usb cable I can see the phone on the PC but has odd numbers when it comes to free memory and cannot create anything as says zero memory.
If i go to the phone there is no longer any signal and the memory is at 0 also.
I just re checked odin i think I clicked Nand erase all by mistake ooops
If you did erase the nand....the phone is effectively dead..
Unless you have a full backup to restore your EFS and IMEI #....then it's bye bye note2..
Oops is right....
Ya killed it....g
Do you have a backup ??
That part about being careful was no joke....g
No back up so no phone.................
Could I not DL a nadro from online and flash it?
If that's not a option bye Note 2 I would like to say it had been a fun ride but you where a piece of crap and destroyed my trust in Android your brother SGS1 had a hand in destroying it also )
you cant download someone elses nandroid and use it..
sounds like operator error has runied another phone;
dont blame it on Android
I would agree operator ruined it im not blaming it very odd of you to read that from the sentence.
I stated my first android sgs1 no good nothing to do with anything other than the phone, inline mic and usb sound did not work GPS did not work Samsung stated no work around live with it. Note 2 over 6 months of no Wifi or hotspot makes phone useless for me as it is a required feature as country living no internet unless the phone works. Tried fixing and talking about it no joy so had already decided the phone was going in the trash, hence why im not that fussed that it bricked.
Very sorry about the phone...
It's a fine device...but is not a solve all...
No device is....g
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using XDA Premium HD app
stonkeye said:
I would agree operator ruined it im not blaming it very odd of you to read that from the sentence.
I stated my first android sgs1 no good nothing to do with anything other than the phone, inline mic and usb sound did not work GPS did not work Samsung stated no work around live with it. Note 2 over 6 months of no Wifi or hotspot makes phone useless for me as it is a required feature as country living no internet unless the phone works. Tried fixing and talking about it no joy so had already decided the phone was going in the trash, hence why im not that fussed that it bricked.
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Try this maybe you can still revive it it was done on S3 so you will just use cf auto root from original dev section and use custom rom for Note ll
Sent from my SGH-I317M
jon3sh said:
Try this maybe you can still revive it it was done on S3 so you will just use cf auto root from original dev section and use custom rom for Note ll
Sent from my SGH-I317M
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Will have a look into that tried but the file to download is not available over use on his drop box site.
Will keep on trying thanks
stonkeye said:
Will have a look into that tried but the file to download is not available over use on his drop box site.
Will keep on trying thanks
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No i change the link its diff method.
Sent from my SGH-I317M
jon3sh said:
No i change the link its diff method.
Sent from my SGH-I317M
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Thanks but no joy I can do everything it suggests until it comes to putting something on the Internal mem as its messed up and just shows 0 available.
worth a shot

