Hi I have manged to make vpn work on my Xperia ARC 2.3.2 stock & rooted rom (if anyone want to know how & can write a tutorial ) updated to 2.3.3 build .145 now the vpn connects but nothing works does this issue happened to anyone & if updating to new rom 4.0 2.3.3 or 2.3.4 fix this?
one more thing can I use Flashtool to flash the new rom without losing my root?
thanks in advance
Has anyone been able to get HDMI out working on any 2.3.5 roms yet? Just curious....
the Wi-Fi function has some problem, it is not stable
anyone meet this problem?
how can I solve it??
is there anyway to get it to work the bluetooth on zackconsole rom?
Thank you.
Does anyone know if it would work on android 4.2 and 4.3 and could we get it ported or whatever to our device???