[Q] Hardware buttons remap - Samsung Galaxy W I8150

Is it possible to remap volume buttons? If there is an instruction about this, could anyone please post it


[Q] Volume buttons for volume?

Hey I installed theam an so, that did my Volume buttons works as "up"/"Down" instead of volume.... how do i change that back, without uninstalling? (Some please in registry or so? )
Dear developers. I also upgraded my HD with Clean ROM T 1.0 and the Volume button become UP/DOWN function instead of Volume+/Volume-. If any one can help with any solution than it is more than welcome.

[HOW-TO] Remap trackpad actions

Hi all,
My hardware keys are becoming uresponsive, so i'd like to know if I can remap the trackpad actions to act as the hardware key buttons.
I've been searching the forums for some time but coudn't find an answer.
I've also tried to remap the keyboard layouts, editing the system/usr/keylayout/bravo-keypad.kl and system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl and adding the lines:
key 105 BACK
key 108 HOME
key 103 MENU
but no luck.
Do you know if this is possible?
i know it's a bit late but i just found your thread today. i found a way to remap the actions of the trackpad to HOME, MENU, BACK and SEARCH, by moving your finger up, down, left and right. to use the mod you need a rooted device to update the kernel with a modified one. if you still interested i'am able to compile you one with this mod

[Q] [ION] New action for buttons

is there a way to give the buttons on the bottom a new action/order? I really dont need that "search" button and want to get to the settings menu after pressing it...

[REQ] Remap Camera Key to take Screenshots

Has anyone tried remapping the Camera Key to take Screenshots, outside Camera app ofcourse.
Could you show me how, I don't wanna use an app for it, just edit some system files. I've tried ButtonRemapper but it didn't work.
Thank you!
Edit: I would also like to know how to switch menu key and long press home key
Were you able to find a solution?
I wanted to do something similiar. I wanted to remap the camera key to lockscreen. Simliar feature to the Galaxy models where they have a dedicated convenience key on the right side to lock the deivce

Question Remap google assistant button NO Root ideally

Hello, anyone know how to remap GAssist button ?
Basically anything else would be usefull, thanks !

