Can anyone please tell me why there is very heavy battery drain which making or recieveing the calls in the Jellytime_R31 ROM? I have faced this only in this rom of all the roms (ARHD 6.4,7.1, Viper DHD 1.2.3, IceColdSandwitch 8.8, ) that i have tried
Also, in current widget, the reading never shows 0 mA even after charging it for more than 8 hours! it will always be around 20 mA.
About half year ago I bought a new battery 1340 mAh for my Touch Diamond. Since then I could use it 2-3 days without charging.
I installed app called BattClock, which can be configured to show battery drain in mA. So I tested it with cellular radio on, no TouchFlo3D, some Today Screen Items and BattClock on. When I put my phone to stand-by mode and wake it up after 30 sec i get the current value 50 - 60 mA. Ok then I tried cellular off, all today plugins off - only BattClock on the drain value 35 - 45 mA.
I use other phone at the moment, but when I fully charge my Diamond, and cellphone function is off, also Wifi, GPS, Bluetooth OFF, TouchFlo3d Off - the battery pecent after 12 hours is 94 % without of any use.
My Device Information
ROM version: 2.03.405.3 WWE (should be default ROM)
ROM date: 02/05/09
Radio ver.:
Protocol ver.:
I remember when I was using my default battery, I got after 2 days battery 99%.
So my question - is the battery drain value normal?
WITH ONLY CELL ON Stand-by wake up drain: 50 - 60 mA
ALL SENSORS OFF (cell, gps, wifi, blue) Stand-by wake up drain: 35 - 45 mA
And how long should the battery last without cell and any use ?
What battery drain values have You got with different roms?
I am sure, there are ROMs with lower battery drain results but I haven't found suitable yet.
Can anyone suggest me simple and light ROM with:
1) NO Touch Flo 3d
2) All sample videos, pictures, ringtones removed
5) good GPS
6) good Wifi
8) All useless removed, like help, games, getting started,
+ question: When I install a new ROM, does it have new Radio ver. also?
Hi, i'm not so regarding of the battery drain, i personally tried some ROMS but the battery life difference was not significant <but keep in mind i never tried to measure battery drain>. I currently use Gen.Y 5.5 <WinMo 6.1, Sense 2.1> and I am pretty satisfied (fast, stable and good battery life according to me).
Concerning the new radio, it is not changed when flashing a new system rom. The only way to change radio is to flash a radio rom, not a system one.
Radio also has effect on battery life. I flashed more than 7 ROMs, This one is the best I used 2 days without charging(900 mah battery). And standby 3-3,5 days.
BTW : I use radio It has perfect battery life.
thank you! I think i'll soon give it a try but before that i do little more research.
1) Is it true, that some applications that worked under WM 6.1 doesn't work under WM 6.5 ???
2) What does the radio numbers mean?
I'm on miui with manu 2.0 kernel at the moment, and if i do a normal call the battery drains very quickly ( 1% per minute).
is there another rom or kernel which cosumes less battery or is ist normal?
I doubt stock rom consumes that much....
anyone share his/her experience?
no 1 an idea?
If you're S-OFF you can try a different Radio/RIL combination. You might see some improvements there, otherwise you could try a different ROM altogether and check the battery drainage on those.
I have an issue with my hox, I am running ARHD with the kernel included. The problem is about the battery % stat,it's not updating correctly,for example battery is 80%,I use the phone for 5 mins then suddenly its 72%,at 2% it lasted 1 hour on full brightness. Also it does not always update after sleep (for example I go to sleep,battery is 50%,when I wake up is still 50%,after I use it 1-2 mins is 45%). I've tried to do a full discharge,charged the phone to full while it was off,booted it then charged it some more,deleted the batterystat.bin . Problem still occurs and it happend on other roms (for example MIUI V5). Any ideas?
Hi, is it possible to make battery 30% down per hour (wifi on - messenger, brightness 50% and playing simple game like backgammon or pixwords)?
AFAIK my battery goes down 30% in an hour when talking on Skype, playing wot and max brightness
For me it is indeed around 30% per hour for normal use. Which means that FB, messenger and viber and chrome are running.
I've installed artmod v7 recently and it has a good battery life, around 25% per hour.
CM12 was bad, even up to 35%-40% per hour. This is probably caused by the different kernel used by CM?
And if you dont use the NFC service on CM, delete the NFC-service apk completely, it will give you better battery life
Hi all,
I have a couple questions.
is it normal that other apps use so much battery? in 24 hours it drains around 650 mah, and in 2 hours it drains around 60 mah or so. I attached screenshots showing this (sorry for bad quality and long screenshot)
and sometimes after charging my phone and unplugging it battery percentage doesn't go down for couple of hours. for example with 20 min of screen on time and 2 hours of idle it should go down about 5 percent or so but it doesn't even go down 1 percent.
Using miui 12.5.1
i don't think it's normal at all, I too have noticed excessive battery drain by "other apps" both with the official rom and with ROM. I really would like to know what these "other apps" are so that i can disable them because the battery drain is really high on 11 lite.
It's a pity, i like ROM but because of the battery drain I decided to change the ROM and now I'm on Xperience ROM who doesn't have this problem but some important features are missing like DT2S and fast charging.
Guys, if anyone has solution for battery drain please share it whis us .
Regarding your problem with the percentage not going down, sorry i can't help you but i never ran into this problem.
FortMike said:
I really would like to know what these "other apps" are so that i can disable them
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Completely agree with that. Just because of that I started to uninstall apps that I use less in order to see if "other" battery usage will decrease.
Same problem here, but I don't have any clue which app causes this behaviour. Someone still on 12.0 with the same issue or is ist 12.5?
after deleting some apps (or after a while) this problem got better. now I have 250 mah in 24 hours on other apps. But now for some reason google play services started to drain much power when not connected to the wifi (or i just realized this now). It drains 1% battery in 1-2 hours when wifi is off but its normal when connected to the wifi. This is an interesting problem as well. any of you encountered it?