According to spycpu I am entering deep sleep. But as shown in this screenshot. Something keeps awakening my note 2. Any suggestions how to figure out, which app is doing so.
Any help will be properly thanked and appreiciated
It looks like apps that are syncing in the background. Mine looks the same way. I believe what your showing is normal.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda premium
trevor7428 said:
According to spycpu I am entering deep sleep. But as shown in this screenshot. Something keeps awakening my note 2. Any suggestions how to figure out, which app is doing so.
Any help will be properly thanked and appreiciated
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Download the latest stable (version better battery app from this thread
Follow instructions in 1st post... charge phone, leave untouched for 4 hours, then post a dump file in that thread.
Please see attached screen shots. Why would this be happening? When I go under spare parts and check the network usage it shows "0" taking up all the time??? Any help would be be much appreciated! Also when I click on the "0" to see what it is it just brings up a dialog box that says sorry! The application settings ( has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again...WTF?
Dude! I am having the same exact problem and I have no idea why!! We need to figure this out! Try playing Pandora and let me know if it sounds okay. Mine sounds terrible.
jhoffy22 said:
Dude! I am having the same exact problem and I have no idea why!! We need to figure this out! Try playing Pandora and let me know if it sounds okay. Mine sounds terrible.
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My Pandora sounds fine!
Does pri 1.9 sound familiar? It may be the culprit.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
RTC88 said:
Does pri 1.9 sound familiar? It may be the culprit.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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Same issue here. I was losing 1% of Batt live every 2 min and try everything from diff roms, Radios and kernels combinations. I gave up few days ago end up un-rooting the phone and took it to sprint store. Now I’m just waiting on my replacement phone from sprint
This post is combined with the post below!!!
EDIT: No need to respond to this post!!!! Please send any helpful comments to the post above.
Hi, for this rom users would you replay about battery life in my case its just going 16h long without any data or gps connections !:crying:
Probably better to post in the appropriate ROM thread so the Dev can help you out.
chronophase1 said:
Probably better to post in the appropriate ROM thread so the Dev can help you out.
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thank u , but am new here its my first try , and when i try to post in Dev. threat i receive a massage that i could not post there, because:angel: am new
I forget about that rule. Well, what is your battery usage graph saying is/are the top consumers? Usually it should go display>standby >idle. That's how mine usually is. Followed by my reddit app, xda, and browser. If the phone is awake much more than the screen is on, something is holding a massive wake lock.
chronophase1 said:
I forget about that rule. Well, what is your battery usage graph saying is/are the top consumers? Usually it should go display>standby >idle. That's how mine usually is. Followed by my reddit app, xda, and browser. If the phone is awake much more than the screen is on, something is holding a massive wake lock.
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This is how the battery look, and thank u for helping ,
Hi guys!
I have been reading the posts here for the past week now and some of the things i read are like disabling some sync to prevent lag in note II.
So i was hoping if anyone could reply to this thread on guiding what should i do when i first get my note II
First thing to do is look at it and Masturbate LOL
Sorry couldnt resist.
Visit this youtube channel for some inspiration:
He also has a thread here:
aussiesuree said:
First thing to do is look at it and Masturbate LOL
Sorry couldnt resist.
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You should buy an app called Better Battery Stats from Play Store. It will monitor your battery life so that if you do encounter problems with drain, you can identify which app or process causes it.
I say just use your phone normally at first. I haven't had any lagging with this phone. Then if you do have problems, post on XDA about it. Of course minimizing sync settings is always a good idea. Apps that constantly monitor for updates do cause battery drain and use the cpu. I mean things like facebook, google+ and so on. If you have those set to push updates and alerts to your phone live as they happen, you might experience battery drain and maybe lagging too.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
Kiahnlliya said:
You should buy an app called Better Battery Stats from Play Store. It will monitor your battery life so that if you do encounter problems with drain, you can identify which app or process causes it.
I say just use your phone normally at first. I haven't had any lagging with this phone. Then if you do have problems, post on XDA about it. Of course minimizing sync settings is always a good idea. Apps that constantly monitor for updates do cause battery drain and use the cpu. I mean things like facebook, google+ and so on. If you have those set to push updates and alerts to your phone live as they happen, you might experience battery drain and maybe lagging too.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
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drahmed86 said:
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Gnarfsan said:
Visit this youtube channel for some inspiration:
He also has a thread here:
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aussiesuree said:
First thing to do is look at it and Masturbate LOL
Sorry couldnt resist.
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Thanks thanks thanks!!
My HTC Desire HD is draining battery over night and being very hot in the morning while battery only remaining under 5% even if it was on 100% at night!
It remains like 10% ~ 15% while i put on the airplane mode.
I have installed Jelly Time by RandomBlame R30
juice defender, advanced task killer, and some more apps to avoid battery draining!
UPDATE: I have downgraded my phone to ICS Sabsa Prime
removed advanced task killer because a fellow member suggested me to... still facing the problem!
Screen shots are added in this thread so that you guys can have a better idea of my problem.
UPDATE: I have added some more screen shots of better battery status as suggested.
Please help me out here... any help in this regard will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Mortal Eternity!
Install Better Battery Stats and check wakelocks and alarms.
Well i just installed sabsa prime version 11.0... battery draining problem in day time is gone... thanks to alireza babae but after installing this rom my set is booting randomly...
Please help!
Can we have a list of the apps you are using to save battery?
And uninstall Advanced Task Manager. Task managers do more bad than good.
Sent from my Nexus 4, powered by CyanogenMod via XDA Developers app.
uninstall advance task manager and download Battery Calibration from Play Store. Follow the instructions in that app and it may solve your problem
MSI Afterburner said:
Can we have a list of the apps you are using to save battery?
And uninstall Advanced Task Manager. Task managers do more bad than good.
Sent from my Nexus 4, powered by CyanogenMod via XDA Developers app.
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Bro i have just installed following apps so far...
Juice defender ultimate
swiftkey 3
battery calibration
current widget
Mutant roadkill
next launcher
ms player
thats it! nothing else... i have performed a full wipe before installing this new rom... my phone was not rebooting randomly before... its rebooting often while charging...
Please help!
p.s. battery draining problem still exists... if i do not put my phone on air plane mode at night, my phone went off till morning, i have already put my phone at 2g i.e. gsm only mode to save battery!
any help in this regard will be appreciated thanks again...
Right Radio
What version of radio are you using? Try flash different radio.
aeric80 said:
What version of radio are you using? Try flash different radio.
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bro... i dont know much about radio... please suggest me a radio which is best for battery and tell me i should flash it as i flash roms or there is a special why, how to wipe previous radio?... i dont listen to radio that much... i have a inbuilt radio with the sabsa prime rom...
Screen Shots
i want to upload some screen shots of my problem... but the attachment tab is disable... how to enable it? i uploaded the screen shots to a hosting site but i can not even post the link... what am i suppose to do if i want to share some screen shots with you guys???
Did you install Better Battery Stats...?
Yes i did n i did even more... want to share some screen shots... can you tell me how i can attach em? my attach tab is not working... i assume its a forum thing... please help
Here are some screen shots of what i m talking about
please view my uploaded screen shots so that you guys could get an idea of what i m talking about!
Er, what about BBS screen shots? I see your phone awake when the screens not on, so it's probably wakelocks or alarms. BBS will tell you which.
Installing BBS
bananagranola said:
Er, what about BBS screen shots? I see your phone awake when the screens not on, so it's probably wakelocks or alarms. BBS will tell you which.
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ok bro.. i will do that! at office at the moment... will do it by day end today...
Install better battery stats and uninstall task killers.
Sent from my Desire HD using xda premium
denwathappened said:
Install better battery stats and uninstall task killers.
Sent from my Desire HD using xda premium
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done both... BBS has not shown any status as yet... it says i have to charge then discharge 100% battery to get one time states, so i'll be able to post results by tomorrow...
thanks though... it has been really nice of you ppl to reply this thread...
bananagranola said:
Er, what about BBS screen shots? I see your phone awake when the screens not on, so it's probably wakelocks or alarms. BBS will tell you which.
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i have uploaded some screen shots of better battery status in the first post and adding some here... i need your suppot in this regard as i dont understand why you asked me to screen shots from this application specifically... dont know what are wakelocks or alarms and how to remove them if i am suffering to these locks...
More specifically, screenshots of kernel wake locks, partial wake locks (already there), and alarms. Select them from the top drop down box.
To use BBS: use it to diagnose what is keeping your phone from battery saving "deep sleep" mode. For example: you see Starting Alert Services in your partial wake locks? It's locking your phone awake more than it should. So what's going on with the app that uses it, which appears to be Contacts? Do you have apps installed or something running that uses it disproportionately?
bananagranola said:
More specifically, screenshots of kernel wake locks, partial wake locks (already there), and alarms. Select them from the top drop down box.
To use BBS: use it to diagnose what is keeping your phone from battery saving "deep sleep" mode. For example: you see Starting Alert Services in your partial wake locks? It's locking your phone awake more than it should. So what's going on with the app that uses it, which appears to be Contacts? Do you have apps installed or something running that uses it disproportionately?
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Sir, i will upload more screen shots here that you asked for... thanks for all your help, can you/any one please suggest best rom to same battery?
I personally feel that choosing a ROM for battery life is not the most efficient method. There are many things that affect battery drain to a significant degree: backlight, GPS, WiFi, alarms, wakelocks, etc. I have not found that ROM choice affects battery drain nearly as much as other things (unless, of course, you're using a highly experimental or brand new ROM).
Can someone translate this for me in BBS?
3 menus set as: kernal wakelock, unplugged, current...
51 s 19% (99% to 80%) [1900.0%/h]
is this wake lock? can someone suggest a way to track down the issue in BBS?
In Trickster mod, it has 180000(i have CPU min set at 180) at about 75%...and it doesn't appear that it is deep sleeping anymore. yesterday it started to do it, but it appears that its not deep sleeping anymore.
Under "partial wakelocks" I'm getting a bunch of items that are keeping it awake, is that normal? The item that is most keeping it awake is RIJL/phone at 33
I just need someone to help track down a wake lock issue with me in Better Battery Saver.
nobody can help translate BBS?
1. That was an incredibly fast bump.
2. You haven't given much BBS information, so I doubt anyone can "translate." either take screenshots of the wakelock and alarm panes or get the log from settings.
Not sure if you've read this but it was enough for me.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
namtombout said:
Not sure if you've read this but it was enough for me.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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perfect! thank you!
First link when I Google "how to use better battery"
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2