Ok, this is the first problem ive had with my evo, it was working fine until i lost my usb cord, then bought a new oem htc ac plug with a generic cable, the price was too good to pass, so i figured the generic cord wouldnt matter. It was working fine until a week ago, i plugged the cord into my laptop so i could test a rom, and it was copying it over, but very slowly, then it stopped, and said it was dissconnected. Also, windows is now dtating it could preform faster if i plugged it into a usb 2.0 port, even though, all my usb ports are 2.0. i kept trying it until it finally copied it fully, but later on i tried to test another rom, and the same problem continued, i tried an old htc cord the had broken prongs(the ones that keep it in the phone), so i held it at an angle, and it worked flawlessly, so i was wondering if buying a new oem cable would help or is my evo getting close to its expiration date.
__End Rant__ lol, i know i ttalk alot
EDIT: I forgot to mention that Charging the phone also dissconnect if the device if any pressure is put on the cord, even the slightess pressure dstopss charging.
I think the cord is just bad but you dont need a oem one.
My galaxy nexus ever since I updated to 4.0.2 is not charging correctly. its charging when connected to a computer usb port, its not charging with the official samsung usb charger or other wall usb chargers
any advice?
freakstm said:
My galaxy nexus ever since I updated to 4.0.2 is not charging correctly. its charging when connected to a computer usb port, its not charging with the official samsung usb charger or other wall usb chargers
any advice?
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Did you try any other wall charger? It could be the charger itself, not the USB cable. Also, try a different outlet.
Device: Galaxy Nexus
OS / Browser / build number: 4.0.2 build ITL41F.I9250XXKK6
Kernel: 3.0.8-gaaa2611
AC adaptor output: 5v 1A
I have the same lack of charging issue.
I have tried 4 different micro usb cables, oem that came with the device, a HTC, a kindle, and a blackberry.
None of them charge the phone while its in the o/s.
While the device is powered off they all charge the device albeit very slowly when the device is powered off. I get the white charging icon of the battery with the bolt icon inside. Then it flicks to the animated charging icon for 3 or 4 cycles, then back to the bolt icon. -> loop that while it "charges"
Also in the o/s when i have the usb cable plugged in to the same laptop that used to charge it a few days ago (tested on all usb ports, and rebooted laptop + tested on other laptops). The device (in settings -> tethering) says i am not connected at all by usb to a computer.
Anyone else got this / solutions ?
I have this exact problem as well. Started yesterday!
Also having this issue, any solutions?
I think its a bug in Android my self..... but i did go to verizion and they gave me a different wall charger not made by samsung and I havnt had the problem yet... not saying it fixed it tho, because the problem wasnt always there, it only happened randomly.
It wasnt a problem with the battery its self, i had bought an extended battery trying to fix the problem and it did not.
I have the same problem now too.
Plug you phone in and go into battery settings. Does it say Charging(USB)? Both my Nexi had a faulty cable and both were replaced in 2 days for free from Verizon and the other from Samsung.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
No, it doesn't say charging. My cables are fine...
This problem is sporadic. Sometimes it will charge and sometimes it won't.
I contacted amazon about mine doing this and they offered to RMA it. Couldn't charge it even running a custom 4.0.3 rom so had it replaced.
I managed to fix it, I suspect it was due to me updating my software to version 4.0.2...
I booted it into fast boot and wiped the cache then restored to factory defaults in fast boot...
My friend who I work with also has a Galaxy Nexus to but his O/S is running 4.0.1 mine was fine before I updated since I wiped it is seems to be ok since my first post.
I only noticed this when I used a different charger that used a cheap two wire mini USB and a lower amperage. To fix it I rebooted. OEM and off a computer have worked fine for me.
I've also had the same problem. It happened to me a couple days ago. I've tried multiple different cables and outlets with no success.
Does anyone know if a factory reset will fix the problem?
If not, I'll have to go get it replaced at Verizon.
Just a follow up. I tried everything, experienced the same issues as the OP and finally traded it in for new one at my Bell provider. The issue does not seem to stem from the battery as USB is also non-functional (which would not be affected by the battery not charging). If you experience this issue I would highly recommend taking it back to your reseller (if possible) or contacting samsung for repair.
I had the sane issues. Powering down the phone using quick boot app while plugged in worked for me. Seems like a sw prob. GSM nexus 4.03
sky4vip said:
I had the sane issues. Powering down the phone using quick boot app while plugged in worked for me. Seems like a sw prob. GSM nexus 4.03
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Powering down with "quick boot" is no different than powering down manually. I have tried both methods and they do not work for me upon powering back up. I've also reset battery stats in recovery mode but to no avail.
The only sure method is to charge the phone while it's powered off. What's interesting is that I don't seem to have this issue with my other Galaxy Nexus phone.
agreed it should be the same, yet I got different results, and this was after changing chargers, usb cords, computers, wiping data, wiping battery, etc etc (note that charging worked while powered off, albeit slowly, throughout this. perhaps it was simply a coincidence, but that was the only variable I changed at that point, and it charging has worked since then.
I suspect that it's due to me using a (motorola) oem two wire (power only) ac cable, though I am not sure (while trying to get the phone to charge while powered on, I used three different samsung oem cables, and two batteries, so I'm somewhat convinced this is a weird s/w error, whether it's a driver or android itself). has been working since then, and to be safe, I'm staying away from said cable.
Cool. Have you unlocked and rooted your phone? I have, but did the same with my other Galaxy Nexus which doesn't have this problem.
Has this problem been officially reported to Google?
sky4vip said:
I suspect that it's due to me using a (motorola) oem two wire (power only) ac cable, though I am not sure (while trying to get the phone to charge while powered on, I used three different samsung oem cables, and two batteries, so I'm somewhat convinced this is a weird s/w error, whether it's a driver or android itself). has been working since then, and to be safe, I'm staying away from said cable.
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Stop using the Motorola charger, once it happens it sticks until a reboot. If it happens with the stock one after a boot you have a problem. My guess is the Motorola chargers don't play nice with other phones as I've seen oddities before with other devices and their charger.
Pacifik said:
Stop using the Motorola charger, once it happens it sticks until a reboot. If it happens with the stock one after a boot you have a problem. My guess is the Motorola chargers don't play nice with other phones as I've seen oddities before with other devices and their charger.
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I have no Moto chargers but I am using multiple chargers. My OEM Samsung charger hasn't been working for me and my phone almost died. Just powered off, connected my Rocketfish charger, turned it on and it appears to be charging normally now. The only other charger I use is a plain USB cable connected to my work computer. Hmmm.
Again, has this been reported to Google? Is it an issue related to root or no?
Recently the charge light on my phone started flashing when I plug it in to charge. While plugged in the phone switches to charging and not charging with the flashing light, as if I was plugging in the phone and unplugging it. Fortunately I have an external charger I can charge my batteries because it never charges while in the phone.
Reading other posts I've read that this could be due to an overheating battery, bad charger, bad cable or a bad battery. I have different batteries, chargers and cables and all have yielded the same result.
I'm Running CM on my Dinc . Possibly coincidentally this problem started when I installed adfree. However I have removed adfree and even flashed my phone with the newest stable CM.
Any ideas? Perhaps something fried in my phone.
Thanks in advance!
the port might be dead. will it still transfer over usb to a pc?
Thanks for the reply!
Nope, not recognized at all. Not even with USB debugging on.
That is what I was thinking to, but always optimistic of what people have done here. Kinda surprised that I haven't been able to find anyone with the same issue. Just lucky to have a unique problem!
Guess I have a hard decision ahead.... Rezound or Nexus
yeah no USB response is never a good thing.
How long have you had the phone? do you have the insurance?
Had this happened to me once due to the charging port being dirty. I just took an old toothbrush and some alcohol and brushed the dirt out. Has worked fine ever since.
Incredibly annoying. I got my device on launch day and have not had a problem. Never dropped it or damaged it or anything. Was running cleanrom 1.7 and all of a sudden the device stopped being able to charge while it was turned on. It charges fine when powered off.
I was using a 1amp power unit (ordered a 2amp power unit) to charge it. Worked totally fine up until a few days ago.
The device WILL NOT charge when turned on and plugged into my computer either (tried desktop and laptop).
Tried using multiple micro usb cables and wall chargers. I ordered a 2amp wall charger just to trouble shoot. I am not sure where the one that came with the device went.
I have read a few places that a 2amp unit is required (which is why I ordered one). However, I have never read anywhere that the device will not charge when plugged into a computer and powered on.
I flashed my device back to stock unrooted and still get this. Even relocked to bootloader.
Any suggestions? Should I send this device back for warranty? If so how do I even do this?
thecapitalr said:
Incredibly annoying. I got my device on launch day and have not had a problem. Never dropped it or damaged it or anything. Was running cleanrom 1.7 and all of a sudden the device stopped being able to charge while it was turned on. It charges fine when powered off.
I was using a 1amp power unit (ordered a 2amp power unit) to charge it. Worked totally fine up until a few days ago.
The device WILL NOT charge when turned on and plugged into my computer either (tried desktop and laptop).
Tried using multiple micro usb cables and wall chargers. I ordered a 2amp wall charger just to trouble shoot. I am not sure where the one that came with the device went.
I have read a few places that a 2amp unit is required (which is why I ordered one). However, I have never read anywhere that the device will not charge when plugged into a computer and powered on.
I flashed my device back to stock unrooted and still get this. Even relocked to bootloader.
Any suggestions? Should I send this device back for warranty? If so how do I even do this?
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Roll back to stock and Unroot and send it for warranty!
Hi all,
a few days ago my phone stopped charging using the stock wall charger, connecting N5X to may PC using a cable was (and is) still working.
I thought the charger was broken, I tried my old Nexus 5 charger with no luck, I then bought a new compatible charger from Amazon which had the same problem so I guess it's something with my phone.
The thing I don't understand is how via USB I can still charge the N5X, anyone had a similar problem?
I guess my only option is to RMA the device (which I'd rather not of course, unfortunately I will have to deal with LG directly).