Interested in testing Project Llama for the Wildfire S (marvel)?
You must pass the following
- Be able to use adb and gather CLEAN logcats
- Be able to speak understandable English
- Be able to communicate with me well
- Not be a jerk, and actually help me if I provide you with a ZIP.
If you'e interested drop me a PM or just post on this thread, I'm only really looking for 3 people max. Don't come to me if you don't meet the above.
- Benjamin :good:
P.S. If you're wondering why I can't test myself, then it's because I no longer own this phone.
Hi benjamina, I'm here
benjamingwynn said:
Interested in testing Project Llama for the Wildfire S (marvel)?
You must pass the following
- Be able to use adb and gather CLEAN logcats
- Be able to speak understandable English
- Be able to communicate with me well
- Not be a jerk, and actually help me if I provide you with a ZIP.
If you'e interested drop me a PM or just post on this thread, I'm only really looking for 3 people max. Don't come to me if you don't meet the above.
- Benjamin :good:
P.S. If you're wondering why I can't test myself, then it's because I no longer own this phone.
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I don't know the first point, so sorry I can't test it, even if I would really see how it works !
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using xda app-developers app
OliverG96 said:
Hi benjamina, I'm here
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It's nice to see you again Oliver
I can test.
Never mind my computer just killed itself sorry Ben.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using xda app-developers app
Non interested anymore...
I'm ready........
finance.resat said:
Me here... Where is the link to download!!!
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There's no link to download, he'll pm it to the people he want.
Enviado desde mi Wildfire S A510e usando Tapatalk 2
Eagerly waiting to try its first release..
Hoping it would be the Best..
Then what's the point of posting in dev section? He always teasing people who post in wrong section... Now I pm him also knock here long ago... He didnt send the link of rom... He' s just teasing I think... I'll report this post...
If there is a development it should have download link or some technical info...otherwise it should go to general section... There is already 1 discussion post on project llama in dev section.. Why another??
The Dev section is NOT for asking questions.....
The Dev section is NOT for general topics..........
All threads posted MUST be prefixed with a description of the thread, [ROM] / [Kernel] etc etc.....*
*(Not planning on being particuarly strict on this. You guys (the devs), know how to title a thread.... just a pointer for new devs.)
Rom Development - only meant for very advanced technical discussion directly related to ROM development activity and the delivery of actual ROMs and ROM components ONLY. Nothing else goes in here.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using Xparent SkyBlue Tapatalk 2
finance.resat said:
Then what's the point of posting in dev section? He always teasing people who post in wrong section... Now I pm him also knock here long ago... He didnt send the link of rom... He' s just teasing I think... I'll report this post...
If there is a development it should have download link or some technical info...otherwise it should go to general section... There is already 1 discussion post on project llama in dev section.. Why another??
The Dev section is NOT for asking questions.....
The Dev section is NOT for general topics..........
All threads posted MUST be prefixed with a description of the thread, [ROM] / [Kernel] etc etc.....*
*(Not planning on being particuarly strict on this. You guys (the devs), know how to title a thread.... just a pointer for new devs.)
Rom Development - only meant for very advanced technical discussion directly related to ROM development activity and the delivery of actual ROMs and ROM components ONLY. Nothing else goes in here.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using Xparent SkyBlue Tapatalk 2
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This is ROM Development, as I need developers to test. I'll PM people when I've actually built the ROM and I can upload it. I have exams and other (more important) things to do than listening to your smart ass comments.
benjamingwynn said:
This is ROM Development, as I need developers to test. I'll PM people when I've actually built the ROM and I can upload it. I have exams and other (more important) things to do than listening to your smart ass comments.
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Oh good luck for your exams,yr turn now, previously it is mine turn.
benjamingwynn said:
This is ROM Development, as I need developers to test. I'll PM people when I've actually built the ROM and I can upload it. I have exams and other (more important) things to do than listening to your smart ass comments.
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So focus on exams.. . Who tells U to post... There is already one post on project llama...
.... dont flood the dev section... U got more post than any other users I think (currently 3 on front page)... most of them are promises...
Edit: So U need devs now??? But op says something else... Lying is bad habit,,, You lied twice... U said U were sending links,,, But u sent pm... About if know to use adb... And now saying U need dev... May be thats ur definition of developer.. LOL
Anyways good luck with exam... Never ever will U see me in your posts...
benjamingwynn said:
Interested in testing Project Llama for the Wildfire S (marvel)?
You must pass the following
- Be able to use adb and gather CLEAN logcats
- Be able to speak understandable English
- Be able to communicate with me well
- Not be a jerk, and actually help me if I provide you with a ZIP.
If you'e interested drop me a PM or just post on this thread, I'm only really looking for 3 people max. Don't come to me if you don't meet the above.
- Benjamin :good:
P.S. If you're wondering why I can't test myself, then it's because I no longer own this phone.
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finance.resat said:
So focus on exams.. . Who tells U to post... There is already one post on project llama...
.... dont flood the dev section... U got more post than any other users I think (currently 3 on front page)... most of them are promises...
Edit: So U need devs now??? But op says something else... Lying is bad habit,,, You lied twice... U said U were sending links,,, But u sent pm... About if know to use adb... And now saying U need dev... May be thats ur definition of developer.. LOL
Anyways good luck with exam... Never ever will U see me in your posts...
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I said developer because not many others know how to use adb correctly, adb may not be needed for cooked roms like your own. It doesn't matter if there is already one post. There is more than one post on Cyanogenmod 10 on XDA is there not?
I haven't had time to BUILD the rom yet... As building compiled ROMs can take hours on some machines, and I don't boot into Linux every day.
This thread will also be used to hold the finished ROM thread. I know that you personally don't make any compiled ROMs (if thats because of your limits as a 'developer' or a time limit is another matter) but I can assure you that it is a lot harder than you think, a lot more work is involved than simply opening up dsixda's kitchen and zipping up something.
Can I also remind you that I don't have this phone, and allowing you to test early is (imho) a very generous thing to do, as I could drop msm7k and the Wildfire S and save a lot of hassle and time playing around with it's tree to get it to work with Project Llama.
I would make it open testing, but (no offence) you people are so dumb in this forum it's unbelievable, the number of PM's asking if WHATEVER2SD, FUBAR2EXT or something similar worked would mostly go beyond the hundred barrier.
If you don't like this thread.
Don't. Post.
EDIT: I've had enough of this ridiculous user base, I'm closing this thread, anybody who wants to test Project Llama and meets that please drop me a PM. (OliverG96 is the only guy getting one atm)
As this is not yet development, its moved to general
Title says it all. I would donate for this. Its droid x 2.3.3 with new blur.
Heres a link
Dude I think you should've posted this in the general section but whatever. Ask Virus he's the best at porting roms from what I've seen
I'm already downloading it...shouldn't take too long
Vinchenzop said:
I'm already downloading it...shouldn't take too long
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Thank u sir. Remember if u get it done a donation will head ur way
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I find it funny that if a newbie posts something in the wrong section, a million "Senior Members" jump on him/her like crazy but you "Clark44" can do it and everyone's cool with it just because you say you're going to donate if someone ports yet ANOTHER rom you like....hahaha...I'm not going to sit here and try to police the forums but looks like there's a double standard here!
this is contributing to development not asking why my ___________ doesnt work or How to you ____________
rsmith675 said:
this is contributing to development not asking why my ___________ doesnt work or How to you ____________
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OK....Now I'm not trying to start anything here BUT what I got from what you said was that as long as you ask for a rom to be port over that is OK to post in the development section?
Now like I said before, I'm not trying to police this forum or any forum for that matter but I was just saying how I've seen there's a double standard for things like this. Last time I checked, rules are rules right? I'm not on here to gain any friends or make any enemies but I don't like how people jump on newbies for common mistakes but is cool if a so called senior member make mistakes......
mazdarider23 said:
I find it funny that if a newbie posts something in the wrong section, a million "Senior Members" jump on him/her like crazy but you "Clark44" can do it and everyone's cool with it just because you say you're going to donate if someone ports yet ANOTHER rom you like....hahaha...I'm not going to sit here and try to police the forums but looks like there's a double standard here!
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Clark44 also contributes to the forum instead of just leaching, plus he has an awesome avatar.
Although it does seem like anytime a new ROM for another phone gets released it gets posted here before it does in their own section.
Guys chill. Vinchen is going to see what he can do but most of the time we work together. I dont just ask for something and expect it to come out of no where at any time. I actually contribute so can this not be about me and become about the ROM??
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
clark44 said:
Guys chill. Vinchen is going to see what he can do but most of the time we work together. I dont just ask for something and expect it to come out of no where at any time. I actually contribute so can this not be about me and become about the ROM??
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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Is cool dude...I didn't mean to attack you or anything like that! I was just airing out what I see here in this forum lately and it just happen that you posted this and I saw no one jumped on you like they do on the newbies.
No hard feelings....I hope! AND yeah, I agree with you....let's get talking about the ROM.
mazdarider23 said:
I find it funny that if a newbie posts something in the wrong section, a million "Senior Members" jump on him/her like crazy but you "Clark44" can do it and everyone's cool with it just because you say you're going to donate if someone ports yet ANOTHER rom you like....hahaha...I'm not going to sit here and try to police the forums but looks like there's a double standard here!
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hmm porting = dev work
CheesyNutz said:
hmm porting = dev work
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Stay on topic lol
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Funny how good and good intentions can quickly go south!!!!
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
eVoKINGS said:
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Lol i see a port comin from our king
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
eVoKINGS said:
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Have at it king, I took a quick stab and i think its the updater script that came with the rom...didn't seem to be flashing right...but its 4 am and I've got alot of work tomorrow, so...night everyone
Please be aware that porting is serious work! Will give it a shot no promises! Alot is envolved! Thanks
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
This would be sweet ! My girlfriends got a Droid x and it would be funny to get her update before her LOL. I think it will be mostly hardware issue that the devs will have to face when porting this. It would be really cool to play with a blur phone LOL
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
Vinchenzop said:
I'm already downloading it...shouldn't take too long
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+1 on that port I was checking it out I would like to see what this would be like on an Evo btw I'm on the Skyraider port this thing is amazing I usually don't run I ROM with no 4g but I love this ROM and I'm living without it.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Just to clear things up, this isn't actually a Dev thread. It's a request, and therefore should not be in dev.
General - general technical discussion items, news, anything else that does not fit into the other fora categories.
Q&A (Questions and Answers) - all questions, irrespective of type, get posted in here whether they be theme related, accessory related, technical, etc.
Accessories - any items to do with components and/or accessories relating to your device.
Rom Development - only meant for very advanced technical discussion directly related to ROM development activity and the delivery of actual ROMs and ROM components ONLY. Nothing else goes in here.
Themes & Apps - anything to do directly with the development of themes and/or applications. Nothing else goes in here.
If you have developed a ROM, or are working with others to do so, the development forum is somewhere to discuss and share ideas, post useful feedback and logs or crash dumps, and to discuss a common goal developers are trying to achieve.
It is NOT the place to post your question because it gets higher traffic, or because more experienced users frequent it. Doing this just annoys those who are working on the device, and drives them away. Developers don't want to wade through 20 threads of "Help me urgently" to find their threads for porting and fixing camera issues etc. Similarly, if a thread is designated as discussion for developers say, porting a camera fix, please do not post in there asking "When will it be ready?", "Can I flash this yet?" etc. This is both completely disrespectful to those working on the project (you evidently haven't read the important posts in the thread), and also is making it harder for developers to find comments from other developers or testers when required.
Similarly, don't make loads of "Thanks for your work here" posts in an active development thread. It's just as annoying to developers as asking when something will be ready. If a ROM is complete, then go ahead and thank the developer if you wish, but don't go into threads for devs only, and interrupt it to post "thanks". It's basically spamming, and is treated as such.
If you are posting in development, you should have read every sticky and notice there, and should be actively developing or helping in the development of something. Developing isn't installing a ROM, or using a tweak, it's creating a ROM or other hack or tweak. If you haven't read for several days before starting out on XDA, you are likely about to ask something already solved. I registered on XDA when I first wanted to post, and that was to join in a discussion on something. Sure, join up and ask a question, but read the information available in General and Q&A first, as your question will have been asked before. Search is your friend here, become familiar with it.
Regarding when to post in development if you are not actually developing something, there is one occasion where it's acceptable. If you find a leak of a new ROM, which isn't already posted, and you verify it's legitimacy via either running it, or based on the source you obtained it from, then this is assisting in development, and should be posted in development. If you want to ask when a leak will be available use search first, then if not already in discussion, open a thread in general or Q&A.
If you have a problem flashing a ROM, this is NOT related to development. It's up to you to determine if it is specific to a particular ROM, and post useful information in that developer's existing thread for the ROM. If it happens on more than one ROM, and isn't a known issue (remember you should read several times more words than you post), then find out what you are doing wrong. Check guides written by others, try to repeat the problem and see if it happens every time. Something needs to be reproducible to be fixed effectively.
Once you have identified what you need help with go to the device Q&A forum (general if device lacks one), and make a clear, informative thread that explains the issue, and what you have tried doing to fix it. Did you re-download the ROM? Did you ask a friend to flash it for you, to reduce chance of user error? What steps (exactly) did you follow? What errors did you see (exact wording)? Did you double check all the steps? Did you do a wipe or hard reset?
If you make a clear, concise, yet detailed post, you will find help forthcoming, and should get the problem sorted very quickly. If someone suggests you try something, report back on what happened, did it work etc. Then, next time someone has this issue and searches, they will find this and have a verified and tested solution.
So remember... before you start a thread in development, ask yourself what you are developing. If you can't answer, then stop, step away from the post button, and think about where you are posting. Would it be better in General or Q&A, or is some more time with your best friend, search, required?
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Is there any way to dualboot a desire? Like dhd?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA Premium App
wrong section dumbass and no there is no dualboot
^ Haha
but yeah man this should be in Q&A! getting sick of all these questions in the development forum
Easy solution: only devs should have permission to create new threads in dev section (duh!).
Wrong section but its a great idea that would not work too little memory on the phone inself to run a dual boot. so could a Mod just close this as it is completely pointless.
@howdid, You made my day lol
m1l4droid said:
That's a good idea, but it also has a problem, a new developer without a recognized developer badge, can't open a thread and share his work.
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oeps accidently thanked you ghehe, my opinion is someone below 300+ or 500+ posts cant open a new thread here
howdid said:
wrong section dumbass and no there is no dualboot
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you could read forum rules too
This looks like a start of a war between the defenders of n00bs and fighters against n00bs. Mods, how about returning from Tahiti and dealing with this situation?
m1l4droid said:
That's a good idea, but it also has a problem, a new developer without a recognized developer badge, can't open a thread and share his work.
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How 'bout reviewing new threads by mods? (Hypocritical suggestion, I know).
That's a fairly standard option on a lot of forums, in some sections only specific categories of posters can start a new thread ( Mods and recognized developer should cover it here). Everyone else has to submit a new thread for mod approval. If implemented it would stop these "random questions" and d******s who post "hey i'm using this rom but can't be a***d reading the rom thread and gosh this is so important i'm gonna start a new thread
nickislauw said:
oeps accidently thanked you ghehe, my opinion is someone below 300+ or 500+ posts cant open a new thread here
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Good idea but don't forget not all people with low post counts post before they think, also i have seen noob type mistakes from senior members with 500+ posts before now.
The better idea is devs only being able to make new threads.
Maybe giving to top 3 devs mod status for entire Desire section. I'm confident they're capable more than enough to keep this place tidy.
with some basic search he could find this:
Hmmm maybe 2 moderator per section is not enough we need more then 4...that's all...personally I don't have any prob. with noobs but at-least read the section rule....
BTW let see... does how desire is capable to run dual.boot...
I clicked that with expectations.
well I posted in the apps section for beta testers for a multiboot app since it's not rom development but then saw this thread and figured i'd link here if anyone's interested...
howdid said:
wrong section dumbass and no there is no dualboot
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EDIT: Sorry for not reading the second page @Conap beat me to it
N3m3515 said:
with some basic search he could find this:
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Granted the OP could have searched and found his question has been asked already,
1. Was this originally posted wrongly in the Dev section then moved???? If not, why in the h** are people freaking out about ANYONE asking a question in the Q&A (QUESTION and answer) forum?????????????????????
2. The Desire has the same size nand as the Nexus one, we have apha rev with custom MTD partions and Hboots. One would think that if this is possible on the Nexus one, it should be on the Desire.
3. As someone else said, post count and join date do not necessarily reflect one's amount of knowledge. Some people lack common sense about where to post, others are lazy. No matter what the forum rules are that will never change.
jmitr said:
1. Was this originally posted wrongly in the Dev section then moved???? If not, why in the h** are people freaking out about ANYONE asking a question in the Q&A (QUESTION and answer) forum?????????????????????
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Yep it was, although it could be better said to just be moved in the Q&A Forums, instead of feeding this post with 15+ responds about the same fact.
Anyway I think this thread should either be continued on the topic or closed.
Sorry for off-topic.
to answer the op question, at the moment no, but uncorrupted has been working on dual booting but hasnt had much joy, there is a thread about it, he'll be starting work again soon
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Hey folks,
I've become increasingly concerned with the mods of our forum.
Two kernel projects have been stickied while the americanandroid 35 kernel thread is not nor has tytungs kernel. One of the currently stickied is even essentially a branch of the 35 project that marc1706 (good buddy) began expanding.
As for another issue, the stickied list of roms / kernels thread etc has never included AmeriCanAndroid even weeks after it was brought to the OPs attention. We feel that ignoring our request to be included on the list has partially steered away potential users.
If a mod can rectify these issues it would be awesome.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
warrenb213 said:
Hey folks,
I've become increasingly concerned with the mods of our forum.
Two kernel projects have been stickied while the americanandroid 35 kernel thread is not nor has tytungs kernel. One of the currently stickied is even essentially a branch of the 35 project that marc1706 (good buddy) began expanding.
As for another issue, the stickied list of roms / kernels thread etc has never included AmeriCanAndroid even weeks after it was brought to the OPs attention. We feel that ignoring our request to be included on the list has partially steered away potential users.
If a mod can rectify these issues it would be awesome.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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A pm to forum mods and if required senior mod would have been more appropriate i guess, but since the thread is here now, i guess yeah, the sticky threads should be revised before being accepted as sticky ? or some form of public vote instead of sole admin/mod decision ?
Rick_1995 said:
A pm to forum mods and if required senior mod would have been more appropriate i guess, but since the thread is here now, i guess yeah, the sticky threads should be revised before being accepted as sticky ? or some form of public vote instead of sole admin/mod decision ?
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Or perhaps a kernel subforum with no stickies? Only reason I didn't pm a mod is because I'm on my phone so I can't get to the mod list....that and because I'm pretty sure at some point a mod saw two posts by me asking for this fair treatment in a couple of these threads as did the OP of the roms /kernel list as I was responded to by that OP without rectifying the issue.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
I remember when a person from your team totally raged at me because your rom wasn't added to my compilation thread.. I had clearly written that people could PM me if they wanted their roms in my list..
Now this ? If you want your kernel stickied, PM a moderator. We can't expect everything to just happen, we must participate ourselves.
+ remember, there are 40+ roms and many kernels out there, so a mod could have easily have missed seeing your kernel thread.
btw, this should be in Q&A
btw 2. tytungs kernel has been stickied.. and it is included in most of the roms.. so if people wants it, it shouldn't be so hard to find it.
My compilation thread is stickied, so if people are looking for kernels, they can find yours in my thread
yz.hd said:
I remember when a person from your team totally raged at me because your rom wasn't added to my compilation thread.. I had clearly written that people could PM me if they wanted their roms in my list..
Now this ? If you want your kernel stickied, PM a moderator. We can't expect everything to just happen, we must participate ourselves.
+ remember, there are 40+ roms and many kernels out there, so a mod could have easily have missed seeing your kernel thread.
btw, this should be in Q&A
btw 2. tytungs kernel has been stickied.. and it is included in most of the roms.. so if people wants it, it shouldn't be so hard to find it.
My compilation thread is stickied, so if people are looking for kernels, they can find yours in my thread
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It was me yz, and I didn't rage I more like pointed it out and also made the point that the list seemed a bit redundant considering the nature of the forum thread lists already in existence.
I do appreciate the response.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
warrenb213 said:
It was me yz, and I didn't rage I more like pointed it out and also made the point that the list seemed a bit redundant considering the nature of the forum thread lists already in existence.
I do appreciate the response.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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Didn't see your thread in 1. / 2. page.. that's why I didn't include it. Sending a PM to me wouldn't be that hard.
i just think that mods are uninformed...
yz.hd said:
Didn't see your thread in 1. / 2. page.. that's why I didn't include it. Sending a PM to me wouldn't be that hard.
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Dear yz.hd, the mods are humans and can fail, but this is unfair, as was Warren starting development with the new kernel base wich is a success now, and tytungs kernel were always a big support of a huge quantity of roms, so would be good to see the work of this 2 fellas sticked too, I remember that this was already mentioned awhile back..
Its not a critic, we appreciate all the work that you guys do for us, its only a point out to improve our forums, and we now that they are huge, so is a big task, but kernel development is very important for hd2 development..
Sent from my HD2 using xda premium
yugoport said:
Dear yz.hd, the mods are humans and can fail, but this is unfair, as was Warren starting development with the new kernel base wich is a success now, and tytungs kernel were always a big support of a huge quantity of roms, so would be good to see the work of this 2 fellas sticked too, I remember that this was already mentioned awhile back..
Its not a critic, we appreciate all the work that you guys do for us, its only a point out to improve our forums, and we now that they are huge, so is a big task, but kernel development is very important for hd2 development..
Sent from my HD2 using xda premium
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well, I would rather want none of the kernels to be stickied then.. A lot of good kernels out there. If people wants to install a kernel, they can search.. or check the compilation thread.
Would be unfair (as it is now) if a kernel gets stickied, an one doesn't.. (I understand you)
BUT warrenb haven't PM'ed a mod. We can't expect the mods to read all the post that are being posted. That would just be wrong.
I'm going to be controversial here and say that the mods are fully aware that certain kernels are being stickied. In fact, NRGZ has stickied the SBryan Kernel even though it was queried as to why that should be stickied as important and others such as Marc's/Warrens and Tytungs hasn't.
This is always bound to happen when you sticky certain things and not others. My personal view is that these should be in a wrap up thread like what yz.hd has created and not stickied, else you clog up the 1st page with sticky's.
This is not a slight on NRGZ as this guy is a legend in the HD2 world but this sort of argument is a consequence of poor management.
Mods please take note and give all the devs equal respect for their work.
I'll look into this. Closing the thread off. Any further issues on this should be done in PM.
Does any dev plan to make a rom for our device anytime soon? It seems there are official updates only for Gnex and few other devices at present time. I am guessing maybe a week before SamMobile releases something. Thoughts? Ideas? Answers?
Yes its a question
photolarry said:
Does any dev plan to make a rom for our device anytime soon? It seems there are official updates only for Gnex and few other devices at present time. I am guessing maybe a week before SamMobile releases something. Thoughts? Ideas? Answers?
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But it is relevant to Android development that is why I posted it here not QA forum
still wrong on where to post. And a search would've gotten you your answer
That is rules not answer
mt3g said:
still wrong on where to post. And a search would've gotten you your answer
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I do not see the answer there...Only how to TAG things with {MOD} or so on. And devs are reading THIS forum more! So I do not agree. And I am now an OP so leave my thread ALONE!
i agree wrong section, this is a question therefore it deserves to be in Q&A or just locked and deleted some people are still noobs
Lol, I like the idea of the thread, it's pretty neat, and friendly competition is great. The poll is a great idea but all your devs in it aren't even working on making any AOSP roms, except Jamison with AOKP but he is still dabbling with source and such. The link I gave you are the rules of what you can post in this sub-forum, none of the bunch include asking a question at all. Calm down a little and learn the rules my friend. Oh and I'm already running a 4.2.2 rom
photolarry said:
I do not see the answer there...Only how to TAG things with {MOD} or so on. And devs are reading THIS forum more! So I do not agree. And I am now an OP so leave my thread ALONE!
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Meh. Reported.
I reported it before I posted in it to help the guy out. Mods are busy with the announcement of 4.2.2. I'm sure there are about a 100 posts being made a minute in the wrong sections all over the world.
mt3g said:
I reported it before I posted in it to help the guy out. Mods are busy with the announcement of 4.2.2. I'm sure there are about a 100 posts being made a minute in the wrong sections all over the world.
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Yeah. I wouldn't have bothered with it if the OP hadn't decided to announce that he is free to post wherever he feels like because "I'm an OP now"
So Smart Azz...where did you get 4.2.2???
mt3g said:
I reported it before I posted in it to help the guy out. Mods are busy with the announcement of 4.2.2. I'm sure there are about a 100 posts being made a minute in the wrong sections all over the world.
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I do not see you answering this question. And if they wanna move it to QA...they will. I dont care at this point. I just want an idea of when we get in on this since it seems lately its only days after an announcement that someone has access to a build or source. So again, instead of whining at me....answer me! And if a Moderator is reading...go ahead...move this to Q/A...makes me no difference at all. I think this is relevant to development/developers. So if any Moderator disagrees...please move the thread. Again I do not care nor do I have that ability. I am just OP but do not have such functions on my interface.
From the moderator
Do not post this kind of thing here......... it belongs in Q & A not Development........ IF anything ends with or implies a "?" mark...... then it goes to Q & A
Next time posting non development related topics here will get infracted......
Thread moved to Q & A
Thanks ~~ oka1
Again...I said I dont mind
oka1 said:
Do not post this kind of thing here......... it belongs in Q & A not Development........ IF anything ends with or implies a "?" mark...... then it goes to Q & A
Next time posting non development related topics here will get infracted......
Thread moved to Q & A
Thanks ~~ oka1
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Nothing wrong with enforcement. I just thought it might get MORE views in DEV area is why I posted it. If the rule is strict (ends in ? ) then I will not post again. So apologies if they are warranted
photolarry said:
I do not see you answering this question. And if they wanna move it to QA...they will. I dont care at this point. I just want an idea of when we get in on this since it seems lately its only days after an announcement that someone has access to a build or source. So again, instead of whining at me....answer me! And if a Moderator is reading...go ahead...move this to Q/A...makes me no difference at all. I think this is relevant to development/developers. So if any Moderator disagrees...please move the thread. Again I do not care nor do I have that ability. I am just OP but do not have such functions on my interface.
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My previous post
Lol, I like the idea of the thread, it's pretty neat, and friendly competition is great. The poll is a great idea but all your devs in it aren't even working on making any AOSP roms, except Jamison with AOKP but he is still dabbling with source and such.
Why are you so angry haha? I gave you some insight and if you search a little OP you will get an idea of who might be dropping a 4.2.2 rom. I will not give you any other insight or links to such threads that might be only a couple away from your thread. Because you are simply not polite but demanding, and your tone is unheard of in these threads. I say good day.
Isn't asking for etas against the rules too?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
Not ETA question
bfranklin1986 said:
Isn't asking for etas against the rules too?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
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It is question as to if they have access to builds...and where those might be. I am not asking for timeline for anybody to MAKE a rom at all. I basically wish to know idea of when there will be something out there for us to use on S3 devices in USA. Pretty much an information thing not ETA thing. Understand??
Why don't your reply to me?
I gave you information and you no reply to me? Why?
photolarry said:
I do not see the answer there...Only how to TAG things with {MOD} or so on. And devs are reading THIS forum more! So I do not agree. And I am now an OP so leave my thread ALONE!
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this kind of attitude is why no dev wants to listen to you.
If you'd read in the dev section your answer is there
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
Spoon fed ....... open wide.
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Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
i want to learn how to make android kernel like the rom developers
what i need to learn first? (i want to dev to i9305 first)
what the programing langue that used for android kernels?
ussl said:
i want to learn how to make android kernel like the rom developers
what i need to learn first? (i want to dev to i9305 first)
what the programing langue that used for android kernels?
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To compile a kernel :
Android kernels (which are actually linux kernels) are written in C.
Hacking kernels is not the easiest thing to do for beginner programmers. You need to know a bit about the underlying hardware and debugging is difficult, it's also more risky than app development so know you recovery procedures. Now, disregard what I just said and do it, it's very rewarding.
ussl said:
i want to learn how to make android kernel like the rom developers
what i need to learn first? (i want to dev to i9305 first)
what the programing langue that used for android kernels?
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What part of "Developers Only" in the forum title did you not understand? This is not a Q&A thread for n00bs. For that you need to post in the Q&A section.
TheATHEiST said:
What part of "Developers Only" in the forum title did you not understand? This is not a Q&A thread for n00bs. For that you need to post in the Q&A section.
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Well while you might be partly right about the q&a he cant get the information need from there either. So let him try to join the developer sections if he can manage to do it. No one is a noob forever unless we are pains in the butt and dont help/let them grow and learn.
While I dont know everything about developing I can help you some fell free to PM me or hit me up via hangouts ([email protected]) include your issues/desires when you hit me up since I help whoever I can and cant always keep track of everyone who contacts me. Also dont let people keep you from trying because then we would never have new development or developers. No disrespect @TheATHEiST but damn cut a noob some slack and help out or be quite.
TheATHEiST said:
What part of "Developers Only" in the forum title did you not understand? This is not a Q&A thread for n00bs. For that you need to post in the Q&A section.
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jlmancuso said:
Well while you might be partly right about the q&a he cant get the information need from there either. So let him try to join the developer sections if he can manage to do it. No one is a noob forever unless we are pains in the butt and dont help/let them grow and learn.
While I dont know everything about developing I can help you some fell free to PM me or hit me up via hangouts ([email protected]) include your issues/desires when you hit me up since I help whoever I can and cant always keep track of everyone who contacts me. Also dont let people keep you from trying because then we would never have new development or developers. No disrespect @TheATHEiST but damn cut a noob some slack and help out or be quite.
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You basically just proved my point. You're not a developer but are willing to help him so it proves that he could have simply posted in the correct section which is the Q&A.
He and other n00bs have absolutely no place in a "Developers Only" thread. It quite clearly says so.
It's not about "cutting them some slack" It's about asking them to post in correct sections and NO I will not be "quite" or quiet.
XDA is a mess and hard to sift out info already without you adding to it by basically telling n00bs it's ok to post wherever they want to.
TheATHEiST said:
You basically just proved my point. You're not a developer but are willing to help him so it proves that he could have simply posted in the correct section which is the Q&A.
He and other n00bs have absolutely no place in a "Developers Only" thread. It quite clearly says so.
It's not about "cutting them some slack" It's about asking them to post in correct sections and NO I will not be "quite" or quiet.
XDA is a mess and hard to sift out info already without you adding to it by basically telling n00bs it's ok to post wherever they want to.
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Where is your creds as a dev? Do you have any right to even post here either? You been a member since 08 and given back what? Are you a mod? So take care and talk to you latter funny guy.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
jlmancuso said:
Well while you might be partly right about the q&a he cant get the information need from there either. So let him try to join the developer sections if he can manage to do it. No one is a noob forever unless we are pains in the butt and dont help/let them grow and learn.
While I dont know everything about developing I can help you some fell free to PM me or hit me up via hangouts ([email protected]) include your issues/desires when you hit me up since I help whoever I can and cant always keep track of everyone who contacts me. Also dont let people keep you from trying because then we would never have new development or developers. No disrespect @TheATHEiST but damn cut a noob some slack and help out or be quite.
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jlmancuso said:
Where is your creds as a dev? Do you have any right to even post here either? You been a member since 08 and given back what? Are you a mod? So take care and talk to you latter funny guy.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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At what part did I assert that I was a Dev or a mod???
I was replying to a thread, I was not creating a topic, there is a BIG difference. If a n00b doesn't read a topic title and nobody replies to let him know he is posting in wrong place how is he going to know?
So don't take care and I will not talk to you later funny guy.
TheATHEiST said:
At what part did I assert that I was a Dev or a mod???
I was replying to a thread, I was not creating a topic, there is a BIG difference. If a n00b doesn't read a topic title and nobody replies to let him know he is posting in wrong place how is he going to know?
So don't take care and I will not talk to you later funny guy.
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garyd9 said:
This area is currently experimental and was set up by the XDA Administrators for development discussion. The idea in this section is for developers (not only recognized developers, but all developers) to have a place for discussion threads to "talk shop." What kind of talk? Some topics (that I'm making up as I type this) might include (and are certainly not limited to):
Overriding the power widget in the notification dropdown
Considerations of using gcc versions other than 4.4.3 for compiling the kernel
Exynos: discussion on working around the SOC wake from sleep delay
This isn't a Q&A forum. However, developers might kick off discussions with a question. The difference? This belongs in Q&A: "My phone wakes up slow, will it go faster if I take my sdcard out?" On the other hand, the following might belong in this new section: "Has anyone tried adjusting the mmc detection timeouts to see if there's an impact on the SOC wakeup delays?" The assumption here is that the person asking the latter question actually knows what a mmc detection timeout is, how they'd change it, and has started to play around with it before posting the question.
As well, this section is not for posting finished products or "advertising" of kernels, apps, etc. This section is to discuss the process, not for the end result.
The hope (at least my own hope) is that developers can discuss things here instead of resorting the various other methods of communication we've used. At the same time, newer developers and even non-developers can LEARN from the conversations and eventually participate.
Depending on the reception (and difficulty moderating, probably) this experiment will either be expanded for other device types, completely shut down as a failure, or adjusted. Obviously, if we developers don't use it, it might be considered a waste of time and dissolved.
This section will be very closely moderated by moderators who are also developers and non-development discussion will be harshly dealt with.
I REALLY hope this will encourage more devs to spend time with open communication. This is XDA-Developers. Let's do development.
Edit (Jan 8th, 2013):
Clarifying "finished products" above: The threads in this section will likely spawn off or involve distinct programs/kernels/firmwares , and once a distinct product results, a separate thread
outside of this section should be created for supporting that distinct product. A link to that thread is welcome in the source thread here, but this section shouldn't be used to contain support or release posts.
Take care
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So this is the section rules. Note statement that mod will watch closely and even states it will help promote development.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
jlmancuso said:
So this is the section rules. Note statement that mod will watch closely and even states it will help promote development.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Yes but It's not a place for complete newbies to ask basic questions. Those can easily just be asked via the standard Q&A forum. This forum is for devs to discuss development. In my opinion a dev as far as XDA goes is somebody with some sort of level of experience in kernels or roms. Somebody who has experience in neither should post in non-dev forums until they have correct level of experience. There is also a XDA Uni section for newbies to learn this stuff.
This forum is for developers which have some sort of level of experience to ask/discuss.
Plus this question was a general question and not really n7100/05 specific so needs to be in general Android Q&A.
TheATHEiST said:
Yes but It's not a place for complete newbies to ask basic questions. Those can easily just be asked via the standard Q&A forum. This forum is for devs to discuss development. In my opinion a dev as far as XDA goes is somebody with some sort of level of experience in kernels or roms. Somebody who has experience in neither should post in non-dev forums until they have correct level of experience. There is also a XDA Uni section for newbies to learn this stuff.
This forum is for developers which have some sort of level of experience to ask/discuss.
Plus this question was a general question and not really n7100/05 specific so needs to be in general Android Q&A.
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So you think this is a n7100/05 section also? This section is lined to dozens of samsung devices on xda. So leave the moderating to the mods. While I do find conversations with users like you interesting I got to go help others for now.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
jlmancuso said:
So you think this is a n7100/05 section also? This section is lined to dozens of samsung devices on xda. So leave the moderating to the mods. While I do find conversations with users like you interesting I got to go help others for now.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Run along and play.
PS. I did leave the moderating to the mods, which is why it's been moved to correct section as per my original point Mr smartypants.
This thread has turned into EXACTLY what I didn't want when I envisioned the section...
ussl said:
i want to learn how to make android kernel like the rom developers
what i need to learn first? (i want to dev to i9305 first)
what the programing langue that used for android kernels?
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As has already been quoted, the area is for developers. No, not just RD's, but all developers. However, I've yet to meet a developer that doesn't take the time to research something before they ask questions. In this case, it's pretty obvious that you either aren't a developer, or that you haven't taken any time whatsoever to research the topic first. Have you even bothered to download the kernel source? That's a pretty big giveaway as to what language is used. As well, most source packages give hints as to which compiler is needed (and usually has a strong indication which toolset is preferred.)
I'm not posting this to be nasty - I'm posting it so that you (and others) can understand why this post can cause some pretty caustic replies. I'm a developer myself (and XDA has seen fit to label me as such,) but if I post a question that indicates I've done ZERO research and ZERO searching... and then post it in a section clearly labeled as "for developers only".. I can be assured that I'll get flamed as well.
TheATHEiST said:
What part of "Developers Only" in the forum title did you not understand? This is not a Q&A thread for n00bs. For that you need to post in the Q&A section.
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I didn't bother to quote the rest of your replies... but perhaps simply reporting the post and a quick note that you think it's in the wrong section might be a enough? Even if this thread survives moderation, your replies likely won't...
Take care