[Q] Purple/pink line all the way down the screen. - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S III

When the battery on my s3 gets below 50 percent. Rebooting doesn't help. Any ideas?

inferno 414 said:
When the battery on my s3 gets below 50 percent. Rebooting doesn't help. Any ideas?
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Some details might help. ROM, kernel, etc.
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Battery drained really fast. .any solutions?

My gsg 3 was having a decent Battery life in the first a couple of weeks, but recently the battery life is becoming really bad. . It went down 1% every 5mins with screen off in standby mode. Idk if anyone are experiencing the same issue and how to fix it?
IM on stock just rooted, and LG2 firmware.
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Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
Sounds like you have a rouge app causing your phone to not sleep and run non-stop.
Sent from Pluto.
Few things to try.
Get Auto run manager free from the market. It will help you stop all services or app you don't us when you fresh boot up.
Also like they say, an app that might be causing the problem.
Try auto killer memory automizer this is just to show what apps are running. you can kill them but it will help you identified the problem quicker..
The main thing will be to try from the start to kill then when you boot not to killed them when they already started
There is many way, hope this help you
This is the longest for me with modern use and 4 hour of screen
WOW this is amazing. . How did u set up your SGS 3?
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popboywei said:
WOW this is amazing. . How did u set up your SGS 3?
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What provider are u on
Yes, wasn't your screen shot having more than one day battery life?
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To not get you confuse.
I'm running Blazer Rom 1.7 now.
The screen shot was from 1.6
Apart from the rom being different and tweek. If you don't want to change and stay in stock rooted rom. Then the apps I told you, will help you.
Here a screen shot of the auto run manager.
This will help you boot with out having apps that you don't use starting.
That will be a great help, I'm not an expert and they are people here that have great advice. Hope my 2cents help you
popboywei said:
Yes, wasn't your screen shot having more than one day battery life?
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Apart from the rom
Blazer 1.7 gives the best battery life.
I stop all useless apps.
You could also let the battery drain, and then a full charge for a great cycle
Grt, i appreciate your inputs. . I will give it a try. .
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Installing Apps

Can someone explain why my phone becomes super laggy when installing Apps. It's almost unusable. I'm rooted running trinity on cm10 rom. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Installing apps consumes CPU power which then isn't available for other operations at this moment...
abnah said:
Installing apps consumes CPU power which then isn't available for other operations at this moment...
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So does that mean their is no fix for this as of now
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cvv1984 said:
So does that mean their is no fix for this as of now
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What fix? There is no fix. Nothing is wrong.
The CPU is busy installing your app. Wait until its finished.
Its not like all you do is install apps 24 hours a day.
let it be for 30 seconds. Geez

Epic battery drain on T99VVLH2

I have the latest update from videotron and since then the standby time is just horrible and its driving me nuts !!! I have the t99vvllh2 update and im kinda pissed :/
Anything that can be done !?
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Pics added here
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How about screenshots without the volume indicator? You can also try GSam Battery Monitor from the Play Store, to get a little more information on what is eating the battery.
Aerowinder said:
How about screenshots without the volume indicator? You can also try GSam Battery Monitor from the Play Store, to get a little more information on what is eating the battery.
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Ahh sorry about that cant seem to get it right ! All i see in betterbatterystats is wakelocks over and over check this out...
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Did you install any app after or before update? Main reason for all drain is from app.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
What's your screen on time.
Looked kinda like liteflow might be causing problems?
Cell Standby i think is the one that is coded wrong and is lying, ignore that one.
If you press Android System in settings, battery it will show you the top components being used
Also in dev options look for and check Show CPU Usage. It will show whats using the cpu in the top right of your screen. Watch for what stays in the top few spots in the list.
There may have been something that didnt like the update. Try first uninstalling apps and if that helps reinstall them clean, no data restore. If you continue to have problems backup all data and factory reset. Start clean.
If all else fails use odin to flash the full LH2 fw.
LH2 should be a fairly stable build. Most have no issues and many get outstanding battery life. Im willing to bet its either an app or the way you updated or both.
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The only app i installed was liteflow which i deleted and screen on time is 3h30 mins max ...
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DocHoliday77 said:
Looked kinda like liteflow might be causing problems?
Cell Standby i think is the one that is coded wrong and is lying, ignore that one.
If you press Android System in settings, battery it will show you the top components being used
Also in dev options look for and check Show CPU Usage. It will show whats using the cpu in the top right of your screen. Watch for what stays in the top few spots in the list.
There may have been something that didnt like the update. Try first uninstalling apps and if that helps reinstall them clean, no data restore. If you continue to have problems backup all data and factory reset. Start clean.
If all else fails use odin to flash the full LH2 fw.
LH2 should be a fairly stable build. Most have no issues and many get outstanding battery life. Im willing to bet its either an app or the way you updated or both.
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Yesterday before i delete liteflow the android system was always ontop of the list but now it is at the very end i hope that it was simply that because i have way too many apps to delete and re install :/ but ill see how it goes today i got root and cwm so ill probably odin the lh2 as you suggested ..
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shahkam said:
The only app i installed was liteflow which i deleted and screen on time is 3h30 mins max ...
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That's really not THAT bad for a screen on time. I saw your screenshots in the OP, and you were down to 80% in only two hours of being on the battery, but you had the screen on for almost an hour of those two hours; 20%/hr for the first few hours is pretty normal. It's not stellar, but I wouldn't say it's an epic drain that being said, I'm sure you could squeeze some more juice out of it, and prob is just an app causing more drain than usual.
Also when doing a screenshot, it helps to hit the power button first, then the volume, so you don't get the volume pop up every time.
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liteflow causes battery drain. I had to uninstall mine as well.
Aria807 said:
liteflow causes battery drain. I had to uninstall mine as well.
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I confirm and googletalk also deleted both getting decent standby time..
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sleevasteve said:
That's really not THAT bad for a screen on time. I saw your screenshots in the OP, and you were down to 80% in only two hours of being on the battery, but you had the screen on for almost an hour of those two hours; 20%/hr for the first few hours is pretty normal. It's not stellar, but I wouldn't say it's an epic drain that being said, I'm sure you could squeeze some more juice out of it, and prob is just an app causing more drain than usual.
Also when doing a screenshot, it helps to hit the power button first, then the volume, so you don't get the volume pop up every time.
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Yeah it wasnt epic epic but just more then the usual i uninstalled google talk and liteflow now im gaining deep sleep ! I couldnt do that before will post results end of the day
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3:30 screen on time it's good no matter how you use your phone. I got 2.45 hours on screen with 1day and 6 hours. I've had issues with liteflow and battery as well. Others say they don't, it seems to depend on how you set the phone and liteflow to work.
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mt3g said:
3:30 screen on time it's good no matter how you use your phone. I got 2.45 hours on screen with 1day and 6 hours. I've had issues with liteflow and battery as well. Others say they don't, it seems to depend on how you set the phone and liteflow to work.
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Yeah i had setup a whole lot of stuff so idk if that may be it but it was 100% sure that liteflow was the issue anyways could anyone help me get cwm to stick whit my t999v from videotron ? I dont want to start another thread and clutter up..
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[Q] why is 'phone' eating my battery?

The phone app is eating more battery than my screen. At night, it eats away 25% of my battery. Anyone else have this problem? Stock, no root.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
cyrixke said:
The phone app is eating more battery than my screen. At night, it eats away 25% of my battery. Anyone else have this problem? Stock, no root.
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Same problem here! I don't know why the phone app is draining my battery in stand-by mode.
I find using the phone drains the battery. I try my best not to pick it up, but I have no control. Can anyone help please?
Used to, but not anymore
cyrixke said:
The phone app is eating more battery than my screen. At night, it eats away 25% of my battery. Anyone else have this problem? Stock, no root.
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i had the same issue, just disable auto sync (and google now if you dont use it, because it keeps searching for info when the screen is off).
uptiumum one
Tuffcheez said:
I find using the phone drains the battery. I try my best not to pick it up, but I have no control. Can anyone help please?
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Yeh thats usually what happens when you use the phone, it will use the battery... I have some good news thou, you can actually charge it back up with the included charger and use it again :good:
All kidding aside, ill try the sync and Google now tip. Will report back.
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Same Problem-Help
I also have the same problem....
I have installed Cpy Spy and it shows it does not go too deep sleep......

(Q) rebooting makes my battery 100%

My battery will turn 100% everutime I restart my n7100.. is this a bug or something..im using dll7 from omega v10..
Thanks in advance
sent from my gt-n7100
omega rom v10 perseus kernel alpha 30.1
hit thanks its free anyway
gabamoner said:
My battery will turn 100% everutime I restart my n7100.. is this a bug or something..im using dll7 from omega v10..
Thanks in advance
sent from my gt-n7100
omega rom v10 perseus kernel alpha 30.1
hit thanks its free anyway
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Maybe just a slight change in battery voltage
Sometimes I get this strange behaviour as well
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Hah, its a dream of everybody. Reboot and volia, 100%!
Discharge your phone fully, plug off battery, left it for an hour, plug in, charge and test. Maybe wipe cache+dalvik will help you
sent from my Note II using Tapatalk
happened with me once...I was at 97% rebooted and saw it 100%m must be a glitch or something..
Go to recovery, clear the battery stats. See if it solves it.
Swyped from my GT-N7100
XeroHertZ said:
happened with me once...I was at 97% rebooted and saw it 100%m must be a glitch or something..
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This is exactly what happened to me....
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jujuburi said:
Go to recovery, clear the battery stats. See if it solves it.
Swyped from my GT-N7100
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Ok ill try it.. thanks mate
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gabamoner said:
Ok ill try it.. thanks mate
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Wiping battery stats in recovery does NOT influence the percentage shown to you. Nor does it influence your battery whatsoever. It is a myth.
Most likely problem is a software bug or something is funky with your battery itself

