[CWM TOUCH] CWM TOUCH Flashable zip for AT&T SGS3 - AT&T, Rogers, Bell, Telus Samsung Galaxy S III

Hi All,
If you have already original CWM (non-touch) and want to upgrade to CWM Touch for AT&T SGS 3, just flash attached zip file using your original CWM.
If you need for other SGS3 (non AT&T), just let me know in this thread. As long as it is LTE SGS 3 variants.
CWM is credit to Koush, support his work by using ROM Manager Pro!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium

didnt do anything for me

Are you already using CWM Touch? Which rom are you using? This one checks for d2att in build.prop
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium

took me a really long time to find some instructions but i believe you are supposed to flash the file twice.
and it works now. thanks.
but is this the most updated file because on the CWM website, they have the touch recovery at version 6.0 already and this one says its version 5.0 in recovery

I applaud your initiative but I am going to close this for now as there is already this and this regarding the same thing.


Particle rom help

Im only wondering if particle rom changes your baseband. Is anyone able to tell me?
Sent from my GT-S5660M using XDA App
turner2914 said:
Im only wondering if particle rom changes your baseband. Is anyone able to tell me?
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if flashed by recovery or as a one package installer in odin, it wont
only if you have to extract the zip or rar and end with 4 filss wich you neeed to flash, dont know if you can skip a file, may cause problems.
however most roms are installed via recovery or a one package
sent from my Samsung Galaxy Gio using XDA premium
Alright thank you for that its help full
Sent from my GT-S5660M using XDA App
voetbalremco said:
if flashed by recovery or as a one package installer in odin, it wont
only if you have to extract the zip or rar and end with 4 filss wich you neeed to flash, dont know if you can skip a file, may cause problems.
however most roms are installed via recovery or a one package
sent from my Samsung Galaxy Gio using XDA premium
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A one package TAR flashed in Odin can still change the baseband. All the one package means is that the 4 files are in one package. I flashed GioPro 1.4 one package from my Canadian GIO and my phone changed to the Euro baseband which does not work in Canada (properly). Luckily I have a baseband only Odin TAR file that I can use to restore my baseband to any ROM.
But as for the particle ROM, if you go to his website: http://particle.blurringexistence.net/ you have the option of downloading the baseband and then just the CWM flashable zip. You just need to download the CWM flashable zip. You do not need to flash the baseband with Odin like it says on the instructions.

How to flash CWM touch edition after flashing standard from rom manager

Is there a flashable CWM touch edition that I can download the zip and flash in CWM to get back to the touch edition. I stupidly messed up and flashed the recovery from rom manager
mainstang said:
Is there a flashable CWM touch edition that I can download the zip and flash in CWM to get back to the touch edition. I stupidly messed up and flashed the recovery from rom manager
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It's in ROM Manager. Just re-flash it.
This may be cheap of me but it tells me that a touch edition is available for $1.99. Does it give you the touch edition free if you upgrade to ROM manager paid?
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mainstang said:
This may be cheap of me but it tells me that a touch edition is available for $1.99. Does it give you the touch edition free if you upgrade to ROM manager paid?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
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Not sure. I don't use the touch version, nor do I use ROM Manager. If it's not free, then I guess you shouldn't really be asking for it.
download the recovery from here: http://www.clockworkmod.com/rommanager/
use fastboot to flash it.
Thank you. But when you say use fast boot to flash it, would I need a computer or do I flash it through the current CWM
youd need a computer.
No computer needed.
1. Download .IMG
2. Place file on root of sdcard
3. (Optional) rename file recovery.img
4. In terminal,
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
or try the g-nex toolkit, takes some of the technical guesswork out of it for you...
OK I tried it and I keep getting image not found. I did rename it
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app

Need cwm touch recovery zip

Looking for a zip file for at&t cwm touch recovery.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
Look here..
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda premium
sgs2_1.6 said:
Looking for a zip file for at&t cwm touch recovery.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
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See this link. It is a toolkit that does everything from rooting to CWM touch. It guides you through the process and is actually quite magical. It is extremely user friendly and easy to understand. Works with all variants of the S3. Also be sure to thank the OP MSKIP for posting it.
Look for att touch recovery.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
i think the OP may have been referring to the fact there is no Touch recovery on the CWM website... only non-touch shows up and under the "Touch" column it is just N/A
The 6th versión of touch is not out yet. However if u like the older version here is the last update no zip thought.
Just use a terminal window and type
- Su
- dd if=/sdcard/recovery.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p18
Just rename the file to recovery. Img before
Copy the file to the internal sd memory /
Sent from my SGH-I747M using xda premium
flashable zip for cwm touch linked above
I tried this get 5.8.7 installed not 6.0.1
billard412 said:
flashable zip for cwm touch linked above
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Look in DEV section under Flash nontrip/rooted. CWM d2att - is what you need. Do not try later versions - they don't mount external SDcard.

[Q] cm10 with twrp how to do it ? help

hey guys please give me tips on the twrp
i gave up on cwm i couldn't install cm10 on my galaxy s3 i747m ROGERS (at&t)
so can someone walk me through the twrp way of flashing cm10 rom
totti107 said:
hey guys please give me tips on the twrp
i gave up on cwm i couldn't install cm10 on my galaxy s3 i747m ROGERS (at&t)
so can someone walk me through the twrp way of flashing cm10 rom
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Only time I had issues with it not working was when I dun goofed my root and I think the issue was I didn't have busy box.
make sure that is installed. Also make sure you are rooted first..
Other then that in detail say what is happening.
Exactly the same as cwm. Except all wiping option are put together in the wipe menu, you can select multiple file to flash on after another and fix permissions is in the advanced menu.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
man oh man ,, for some reason i can never install cm10 on my galaxy s3 i747m rogers (att) i tried cwm and twrp both said failed whyyyyy is this happening lol
thank goodness i have backups
can someone tell me how come i cant do this, my galaxy already rooted with superuser rootuscanada file ive and my phone is unlocked what is left
Exactly what error is it giving you?
I just picked up my s3 yesterday and was receiving an error 7 with both twrp and cwm. Turned out I needed the latest version of cwm (I picked touch) located
http://www.clockworkmod.com/rommanager to be able to successfully flash the latest cm nightly.
I would try updating to the latest cwm... worked for me.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747M running CM10
The newest version of TWRP, 2.3.X, isn't supported by all ROMs yet. They made a ton of backend changes to improve performance. And I'm guessing CM hasn't included the new update-binary in their builds.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda premium
Which way do u recomend to root it . are there different ways to root some of which more friendly with custom roms ?
Sent from my SGH-I747M using xda premium
totti107 said:
Which way do u recomend to root it . are there different ways to root some of which more friendly with custom roms ?
Sent from my SGH-I747M using xda premium
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I followed this post - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=28019751
Flash the correct build with oden for root and if you want to flash roms flash a recovery
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747M running CM10
I been using the latest version of TWRP and flashed today's CM10 with the KT747 kernel. So, it is supported with non problems here.
Running AT&T SGS3 if that helps.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app

[RECOVERY] ClockworkMod Recovery

ClockworkMod Recovery Version is now available officially for your Galaxy S III (d2att). You can install ClockworkMod Recovery on your rooted Galaxy S III by installing ROM Manager. ROM Manager is available on the Google Play Store at:
Alternatively you can download the ROM Manager APK directly from ClockworkMod.com at:
Once installed use the "Recovery Setup" section to install or update your recovery installation.
You can also install the latest version of ClockworkMod Recovery manually. The images for both the touch and non-touch version are available directly at:
Simply locate your device (Galaxy S III) and download the linked image to the right. You can than flash it manually or with any tool designed to manually flash recovery images.
Version - Initial version listed here
Thanks !!
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Pbwizkid said:
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What tool can flash an image?
skinbis said:
What tool can flash an image?
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You can flash it via ROM Manager if you want to do it directly on your device.
Any reason I'm unable to download this? Been trying for a few days and this is what happens
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mbrian27 said:
Any reason I'm unable to download this? Been trying for a few days and this is what happens
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Yes the stock browser will not let you download chrome or dolphin browser and do it that way it will download immediately for you
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
mbrian27 said:
Any reason I'm unable to download this? Been trying for a few days and this is what happens
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
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Or you could also hold the link and "save as." It might show up as a .bin, rename it to the .IMG and you should be good.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
Appreciate the help.. Sorry for the ignorance
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
SGH-I747M Claro Puerto Rico
Guys noob question, I see different versions of CM for the GS3, mine SGH-I747M from Claro Puerto Rico. Wich one I can download.
Prufta said:
Guys noob question, I see different versions of CM for the GS3, mine SGH-I747M from Claro Puerto Rico. Wich one I can download.
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Just download ROM Manager and install it through there. It'll install the correct one.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
jakew02 said:
Just download ROM Manager and install it through there. It'll install the correct one.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
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Thanks mate, saw that there is one GS3 (PCS Metro)
Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk 2
Hi all, I've been looking for CWM Touch Recovery for my Rogers i747m (d2can) everywhere.
I've only been able to find the MetroPCS or the AT&T version (d2att). Since the AT&T version is the same as the Telus, Rogers, Bell, Fido, Koodo, Sasktel, MTS version. I removed the d2att check from the zip file script during recovery installation.
Just flash from recovery on your i747m device and away you go. Enjoy
Zip File for CWM Touch
Thank you for keeping this thread updated!
I just installed the touch one on my S3 today with ADB. I don't see much change from version to version.
When I was more active in the S2 Skyrocket forums someone would always post a zip of the regular veresion and Touch version for easy flashing. It'd be nice to have a version for those who don't want to use ADB. I believe you need linux to convert the .IMG to a .ZIP. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Is TWRP better than CWM or just a preference thing?
In my experience I think TWRP is a little faster but I like the Rom Manager CWM experience a little bit more than GooManager TWRP experience.
smartnphone said:
Thank you for keeping this thread updated!
I just installed the touch one on my S3 today with ADB. I don't see much change from version to version.
When I was more active in the S2 Skyrocket forums someone would always post a zip of the regular veresion and Touch version for easy flashing. It'd be nice to have a version for those who don't want to use ADB. I believe you need linux to convert the .IMG to a .ZIP. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Is TWRP better than CWM or just a preference thing?
In my experience I think TWRP is a little faster but I like the Rom Manager CWM experience a little bit more than GooManager TWRP experience.
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SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 UNIFIED TOOLKIT V7.0 offers create tar file from img file to flash via Odin
RoryB said:
SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 UNIFIED TOOLKIT V7.0 offers create tar file from img file to flash via Odin
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I have tried the "tar file from img" feature that is included in the UNIFIED TOOLKIT, but the tar file which it created was not recognized by ODIN.
prettyha8 said:
I have tried the "tar file from img" feature that is included in the UNIFIED TOOLKIT, but the tar file which it created was not recognized by ODIN.
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Before converting did you rename the img file so it would be accepted by odin?
Like boot.img, cache.img or in your case recovery.img

