Cyanogenmod 10 9-21 build. not getting a lock screen - AT&T, Rogers, Bell, Telus Samsung Galaxy S III

Tried searching this but not getting any results. Basically i am not getting a lock screen on my phone. i did at first but now i dont for some reason. i do get a pattern for the security one but not the slider one . the one you slide to unlock

I've heard of this for other devices - have you tried clearing data, cache, etc. (remember to do backups first)? That's fixed it in most cases.


[Q] Lock screen issue

The wildest thing happened to me when I flashed the latest nightly. I originally had a pattern set to unlock the screen and that was backed up in titanium backup. When I flashed the nightly I changed it to a PIN. Here's where the issue comes in - I restored my backup (to get apps and settings back) in titanium then rebooted. Now I can't unlock it. I type in the PIN since it shows the PIN ui but it's actually looking for a pattern though the ui for that isn't showing up. Obviously this is my fault, however I'm wondering if anyone else has had this happen before? I don't want to do a data/factory reset but I see that being the only simple fix. Anyone have another idea though?
I think I know what you mean.
Every once in a while when I have to unlock my SIM it doesn't recognize my pin.
I just blackout the screen and go back, usually it gets the pin right.
Sometimes I get scared when it happens lol.
Yeah that's what I thought it was at first, until I saw the message that I entered the pattern wrong 10 times, now I have to wait 30 seconds. I got it fixed now so I'm happy. I just wonder why or how this would occur. It seems to me that 'if X is true>then Y is true, Z is false' doesn't exist for the lock screen, it's more like 'if X is true>then Y and Z are true'. I guess it's just a quirky argument bug in the system, oh well. It can always be fixed

Touch screen response

I wish I could record this but it doesn't happen all the time. Ever since Rooting and Flashing to a new ROM I find sometimes out of the lock screen (after entering my pattern) my initial swipe to go to another home screen doesn't respond the first time and I have to go over it again. This can happen on any of my 4 home screens, it's not limited to the main home screen.
I tried a full wipe and fresh install of 3 different ROMS and each have displayed this issue. Currently I am using Oxygens 2.1.6, this problem was not present before rooting.
Has anyone else encountered a problem like this?

[Q] Galaxy S4 Shrinking Lock on lock screen?

Hello everyone, this is my first post. So recently I have been having a certain issue concerning my lockscreen bothering me. It really isn't a deal breaker, but it messes with my OCD. So at random times, the lock and message (life companion) on my lock screen shrink as shown in the attached image. It does not seem to do anything except for bother me. The lock screen does this unpredictably, but it does not do it often. I have tried a hard reset a few times and it does not fix it. It even fixes itself after a once again, random amount of time. I am not rooted, I use basic touchwiz, basically its how I got it out of the box with some games I installed through humble bundle. Any ideas?
Pr1m4lcur5e said:
Hello everyone, this is my first post. So recently I have been having a certain issue concerning my lockscreen bothering me. It really isn't a deal breaker, but it messes with my OCD. So at random times, the lock and message (life companion) on my lock screen shrink as shown in the attached image. It does not seem to do anything except for bother me. The lock screen does this unpredictably, but it does not do it often. I have tried a hard reset a few times and it does not fix it. It even fixes itself after a once again, random amount of time. I am not rooted, I use basic touchwiz, basically its how I got it out of the box with some games I installed through humble bundle. Any ideas?
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It's a TW bug. It can also happen with the unlock "pad lock" icon that appears on the lock screen if you have no unlock effect enabled. It doesn't affect function and a restart fixes it. Happens to me maybe twice a month. Maybe it'll be squashed with the next official release. No biggie.

[Q] Apps crashing since Kit Kat OTA update

I checked for OTA update on 2/6, 8:47pm and 4.4.2 was found and 'successfully' installed: HTC6500LVW_3.11.605.1_R2-2.10.605.1
Ever since, apps have been crashing on the phone like crazy. "Unfortunately, ____ has stopped." The apps that crash most often are Maps (about 5-10 sec after opening each time), Sense 5.5 and Gmail, but others that I don't use as often have done the same. The phone also now reboots itself frequently (5+ times a day).
Two other issues I've noted are (1) when returning to home screen after closing an App, it sometimes takes around 10 sec for icons to appear (possibly Sense restarting?), and (2) when I wake the phone up, the screen turns on and then I try to swipe down from the top to check notifications and the screen goes blank.
Has anyone else seen this type of instability with HTC One and KitKat? Any suggestions?
I've tried searching for a new update hoping they've fixed some of these bugs, but it tells me I'm up to date.
Have you tried clearing the cache and data for the apps that are crashing? There are no bugs like that in kk. It sounds like some data just got corrupted during the update. If wipimg the individual apps data dosent work you may have to do a factory reset or an ruu.
cmlusco said:
Have you tried clearing the cache and data for the apps that are crashing? There are no bugs like that in kk. It sounds like some data just got corrupted during the update. If wipimg the individual apps data dosent work you may have to do a factory reset or an ruu.
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I'll try clearing the caches. Should I clear it for Sense though? I figured out the screen going blank when I go to swipe it, it seems to be a proximity sensor sensitivity issue. If I approach with my finger from the right (opposite the sensor), there's no issue. So it's just the sensor now picking up my finger passing over to swipe and thinking it's me putting my phone up to my face maybe?
Yeah you can clear it for sense too, but if you clear data it will wile out all the apps settings. For sense that means all the settings in the settings menu. But i dont really see what else you could do, other than a factory reset, or ruu, which will wipe everything.

3 screen off issues

Hi everyone.
I have a note 10 + 256 go exynos from france.
SInce about last update one ui2.5, I have seen 3 issues which I think are related.
- AOD tap to show not working
- Double tap to wake not working
- When I remove the phone from the ear during a call the screen does not light up anymore whereas before yes.
I almost returned the phone in warranty a short time ago because my screen only registered two fingers,a few days later I received an update that fixed this problem.
For these 3 problems I tried 3 things :
- Update touch screen firmware via *#2663#
- Factory reset
- Reflash the stock firmware with odin and frija
I also have another problem a few times a day the screen freezes, I have to lock unlock the screen and it works again..
Do you think it's a software problem or a hardware problem (damaged screen, damaged sensor or other)?
Please help me thanks.
Lol, firmware and/or software; maybe a settings or permissions issue as there are many. Hardware rarely fails unless it receives severe abuse. You can perform some of the builtin hardware tests just to be sure.
Try using the factory load if the apk in question has been updated or wait for an update that fixes it. Be sure to check the Gallaxy Store for updates.
I'm still running on Pie because it's fast, stable and functional. No scope storage that I don't want or need.
Once you get an OS optimized and running well there's little advantage to upgrading many times unless the new OS is really worth it.
Many times it's not... I'm still running W7 too.
You invariably end up with new issues, hunting down all new glitches and worse, since it's new there not many online solutions.
Thank you for your help.
I mentioned the 3 main methods of fix but of course before that I had already tried the basic things like clearing the system cache, checking the permissions of the AOD application as well as deleting this data.
I also checked the sensors with * # 0 * # but I did not find anything problematic
I even tried to flash the november update with odin and frija and I got a soft brick, so I don't even dare to try a downgrade firmware, I don't have the knowledge, I read that I had to keep the same bootloader and I get lost in the different firmwares
Those are all system apks that run in the background.
Is Android System configured correctly?
Try clearing it's data and of course the system cache.
A hard reboot as well.
It's interesting you lost the proximity sensor.
Yes I have cleared the system cache several times, android system too. I even did a hard reset. I think more and more of a hardware problem, because all these functions are linked to the fact that the screen does not wake up by touch when it is turned off.
the proximity sensor still works at least partially because it flashes well during a call and turns off the screen when I put the phone to my ear, but no wake up when I take it off my ear.
cyroko said:
Thank you for your help.
I mentioned the 3 main methods of fix but of course before that I had already tried the basic things like clearing the system cache, checking the permissions of the AOD application as well as deleting this data.
I also checked the sensors with * # 0 * # but I did not find anything problematic
I even tried to flash the november update with odin and frija and I got a soft brick, so I don't even dare to try a downgrade firmware, I don't have the knowledge, I read that I had to keep the same bootloader and I get lost in the different firmwares
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cyroko said:
Yes I have cleared the system cache several times, android system too. I even did a hard reset. I think more and more of a hardware problem, because all these functions are linked to the fact that the screen does not wake up by touch when it is turned off.
the proximity sensor still works at least partially because it flashes well during a call and turns off the screen when I put the phone to my ear, but no wake up when I take it off my ear.
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If it happened after the firmware update... it's in the firmware or software.
Bad firmware can sometimes blowout a cpu but doubt it damaged the hardware controlling just that one feature of the touchscreen.
If that was the case the touchscreen wouldn't work at all.
Maybe the firmware is ok but got corrupted during the download or flash.
A defective memory module could corrupt the load but again that rarely happens.
So back to the firmware/software/settings...
Maybe someone here has seen this before or has a better idea to sort it out.
Honestly I'm not sure it's exactly after an update.
It's just that it's not functions that I use very often. I don't call a lot of people and most of the time I use very little Aod and double tap2wake.
Usually when I grab my phone to use it I unlock it directly with the fingerprint.
when i mentioned the problem where my screen only recognized two fingers at this time , aod and dt2w were already weird as it only worked on the top half of the screen not on the bottom half ..the update solved the problem for the 2 fingers but not for the fact that aod and dt2w only works on the upper half.
Now for some time aod and dt2w no longer work at all no matter where I touch the screen.
I want to clarify that I use a screen protector with loca glue but that it is from the beginning and that it has never been a problem before.
I know this is a weird problem thanks for your patience
I never use a lock screen or the fingerprint sensor.
There may be a conflict because that... disable and see if that helps.
The screen could goof up the proximity sensor. Probably not but next time it's off, check it out.
No worries; these devices fascinate me.
Hope you sort it out; eventually one usually does
I never use a lock screen or the fingerprint sensor.
There may be a conflict because that... disable and see if that helps.
The screen could goof up the proximity sensor. Probably not but next time it's off, check it out.
No worries; these devices fascinate me.
Hope you sort it out; eventually one usually does
2x post
when i did the factory reset it was the first thing i tried before even resetting a password but it didn't work anyway.
For the screen protector I use the same brand from the beginning and it has never caused me a problem of this kind, but maybe this one is defective ..
I would have to remove it to try but I have lazy to change it again because I had to change it twice in a little while.
Hoping that by dint of applying the loca glue I haven't damaged anything.
Nah the glue didn't hurt anything; it's well sealed.
The tap on AOD I never use but I double tap to turn the screen on/off. If I lost that I be witch hunting.
Try increasing the touch sensitivity if you haven't already... and make sure no other apps have accessibility permissions that could conflict. Same for device administrator permissions.
Try it in safe mode as well.

