ANDROID BOX/TV completly out-Black Screen- - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

Sorry ! for my very bad english !!!
+ I don't know exact location for my post, sorry.
I have Android Box/TV (chinese )
Las week, When I dowload/install APP APK, big problem :
Power of street :all building , breaking, disconnect .Black out.
When power house ok, my Android box is completly out.
When new power ON : No display :Screen PC (with USB )
or Screen TV (out with connector chinch ) Black Screen.
Is possible to recovery firmware ?? reload boot ?? reactivate ANdroid ??
Thank you for your assistance. Regards.


Help !! Upgrade failed

Hello ! Good morning everybody !! I have tried to make a firmware upgrade to my ETEN P700, but I've loaded only the first part of the software PKHer_217.nbo. Then the phone told me " everything ok , so I switched it off, but now the phone doesn't work anymore. I got only a blank screen or neither that. Could anyone help me ? I'm practical in electronic, so I can make many things, such bridges, new cables, external supply and so on . Please HELLLPPPP !!!!!!

HTC S620 - bad rom (dead??)

Hi all ! I accidentally put htc vox rom into my excalibur (RUU_Vox_HTC_WWE_1.15.405.2_4.1.13.37_02.83.90_Ship.exe). Now my phone seems to be dead . I was try hard reset and bootloader mode but nothing helps. When i connect usb cable without battery keyboard becomes
blue (light on) for 3sec and if i put battery in (usb still conected) screen becomes white for about 10 sec after that only keboard is blue (light on) all time.
Any suggestions ??
PS - sorry for my English
guliwwer said:
Hi all ! I accidentally put htc vox rom into my excalibur (RUU_Vox_HTC_WWE_1.15.405.2_4.1.13.37_02.83.90_Ship.exe). Now my phone seems to be dead . I was try hard reset and bootloader mode but nothing helps. When i connect usb cable without battery keyboard becomes
blue (light on) for 3sec and if i put battery in (usb still conected) screen becomes white for about 10 sec after that only keboard is blue (light on) all time.
Any suggestions ??
PS - sorry for my English
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sorry to say this but if you flashed a vox rom on you Phone it will kill it because it over wites the bootloader os and radio which dose't work with excaliber
service ??
Mibile phone service will handle it ?? or i must put new mainboard in
guliwwer said:
Mibile phone service will handle it ?? or i must put new mainboard in
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you will have to get a new mainboard for it or you could try service center
If not try this, hold the camera button (sym button) down for like 10 seconds and then plug in the usb while still holding it down, this should enter you into bootloader mode, where you can reflash the original rom the phone came with. (you can find original roms below in the signature just click on that link.
Its working prloblem is that i dont see nothing on the screen... when i connected it to usb activesync its showing HTC S710 . but keyboard is not in the right order so i don now for example where camra button is. Any sugesstions ??
I think that i can do a new flash but only with official rom which is bt rom. Link to this rom in official rom thread i unavailable. If somone have this rom pls give me a link. THX for all answers.
guliwwer said:
I think that i can do a new flash but only with official rom which is bt rom. Link to this rom in official rom thread i unavailable. If somone have this rom pls give me a link. THX for all answers.
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If you can;t find it try to google it and see what comes up. Google always seems to do the magic
guliwwer said:
I think that i can do a new flash but only with official rom which is bt rom. Link to this rom in official rom thread i unavailable. If somone have this rom pls give me a link. THX for all answers.
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Sent PM.
welcome everyone to the wrong bootloader spent HTC S620 (HTC ozone) so I can not enter bootloader: And the device does not respond to anything I can do what?
adu84 said:
welcome everyone to the wrong bootloader spent HTC S620 (HTC ozone) so I can not enter bootloader: And the device does not respond to anything I can do what?
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I am not quite understanding what are you talking about, do you have a dash or an ozone

Default Asus P535 - REC button broken!! How to Bootloader???

Asus P535 REC button broken!! How to Bootloader???? Pleasssseeeeee!!!!!
I can pass a global positioning system driver? Thanks
[email protected]
wangkui said:
I can pass a global positioning system driver? Thanks
[email protected]
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The problem that the record button does not work and would like to install the WM6.5. This button is needed to make the bootloader.
OBRIGADO! Happy new year!
Help! will not start I did not expect to update BootGalaxy.NB0 along and now will not start checksum ok! Update Fail! and all the ROM, although it about 1-2 h during the run out and only brought into the bootloader such as galaxy flashrom update but it does not look like something is missing from me a long time just not what tom. Raduga is much darker and, if the USB is removed from the red label. Just print it: Please plug AC / USB Cable! please help

[Modifying]A10 Chinese 2 DIN Car Audio WinCE6+Android 4.x.x with "GIBROID"

Hi all
I want to present you the work done by Serg090909 on the 2 Din Chinese Car audio system many people begin to use.
This sort of Car audio use WinCe 6.0 for Radio/TV/BT and the Android part for GPS and everything android can handle.
I only found information about modification in russian language by this famous guy i want to thanks gratefuly : Serg090909.
He made possible to boot from Sd-Card new builds (apollo tvbox and caravn776 build) for this sort of car audio and called it "GIBROID".
With this way, you don't touch at the Nands and don't damage your system.
Insert back your original Sd-Card to boot normally, nothing is replaced in the nands when you switch to your GIBROID Sd-Card
Work has been done to backup your nand and write nand again, but for end users GIBROID from Sd-Card is a better thing and the easiest way to do.
You can find the link here :
New Serg090909 2014 Build at 26 november 2014 :
Part 1 of 4
Part 2 of 4
Part 3 of 4
Part 4 of 4
New Update at 3 december 2014 :
Caravn 4.0.4-776 500mb No bluetooth
Caravn 4.0.4-776 500mb With bluetooth
GIBROID 11 January 2014 Old Build
Part 1 of 3
Part 2 of 3
Part 3 of 3
GIBROID 01 November 2013 Old build
Part 1 of 8
Part 2 of 8
Part 3 of 8
Part 4 of 8
Part 5 of 8
Part 6 of 8
Part 7 of 8
Part 8 of 8
Video of GIBROID switching apollo tvbox to caravn776 build
UPLOADING, link available later today
Other needed files
A10 Backup sh
A10 Repack
Restore Backup
Adb Rom Backup A10 A13
Extract Dump from native firmware
Switch Apollo Caravan
I 'll post pictures and updates to this thread and if anybody is interested in helping me reporting in English the continuous work of Serg090909 you are welcome to participate and report results here.
Thank you and have happy tests.
To readers : Respect the rules of XDA Forums and don't link to warez sites where you could found information about this
To moderators : Could it be possible to give me the right to post hyperlink or if not possible i'll wait 10 posts
To Serg090909 : I don't speak russian and Google translations are not easy so if you want to help here you'll be my guest star
Install GIBROID on Sd-Card :
- Use Win32 Disk Imager ( to Format Sd-Card and write "GIBROID-4G-11012014.img".
This image is 4g space. You can use max 32g Sd-Card, but since this operation use all the space of the Sd card you are invited to expand the rest of the Sd-card space for User space
- Use MiniTool® Partition Wizard Home Edition 8.1.1 ( to expand the Sd-Card space.
- Place your GIBROID Sd-card inside the GPS Slot and keep safely your original Sd-Card.
Screenshots to Switch from Apollo to Caravn :
See (Screenshots) Switch from Apollo to Caravn.rar Attachments
Backup/Write Nand for "experts" :
Dump to the Sd-Card
- Download the script a10-Backup-SH (See Attachments). Copy it in the root of the SD card
- Install SU and Android Terminal Emulator with Play Store
- Run the terminal and see the operating system prompt a dollar sign ($)
- Type su and press Enter
- Type cd/mnt/extsd
- Type sh all
Restore Dump
See "Restore Dump" attachments
Compatibility List :
Klyde KD-7200d
Post your models
Hints :
Not related to GIBROID, this sort of car audio have a Hidden Menu in WinCE6 Part.
Hidden Menu :
- Go to settings
- Press 1357 with the remote controller
- Tadaaa !
Credits and Thanks all goes to Serg090909 and all the peoples involved in explanations, informations and helps.
Another Reserved
Last Reserved
Chandler13 said:
Last Reserved
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good work...
i try to read the russian thread with help of google translater....
its possible and very funny
found the password after 2 hours reading the russian thread...
simeri said:
good work...
i try to read the russian thread with help of google translater....
its possible and very funny
found the password after 2 hours reading the russian thread...
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Password (4pda)
Can't seem to find the password
Could you please be so kind to help me?
Best regards
tykketyr said:
can't seem to find the password
could you please be so kind to help me?
Best regards
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password is - 4pda
WOW, thanks!
I installed this image onto a SD-card and it worked! It is verry stable and I didn't have any hang ups on boot! GREAT!
I have a couple of questions/remarks
The boot image is a skull and I want to change it to something more friendly Where can I find this image to change it, using total commander to do it for example?
Thing is: Now my bluetooth dongle doesnt work anymore. I have the buetooth button but I cannot turn it on (well, I can but it turns off again)
Even if I try to connect my dongle directly without HUB it doesnt respond. Is this a driver issue or do I have a wrong dongle for this image? The old serge Image did work with my dongle so can someone tell me if they have BT working and which dongle they use?
Also, the Wifi dongle doesn't work as well as it used to. I didn't have much time to figure out what happens but it connects but drops connection and doesnt work that great,. I will keep you guys informed if I know what the wifi dongle does and doesn't do.
drogert said:
WOW, thanks!
I installed this image onto a SD-card and it worked! It is verry stable and I didn't have any hang ups on boot! GREAT!
I have a couple of questions/remarks
The boot image is a skull and I want to change it to something more friendly Where can I find this image to change it, using total commander to do it for example?
Thing is: Now my bluetooth dongle doesnt work anymore. I have the buetooth button but I cannot turn it on (well, I can but it turns off again)
Even if I try to connect my dongle directly without HUB it doesnt respond. Is this a driver issue or do I have a wrong dongle for this image? The old serge Image did work with my dongle so can someone tell me if they have BT working and which dongle they use?
Also, the Wifi dongle doesn't work as well as it used to. I didn't have much time to figure out what happens but it connects but drops connection and doesnt work that great,. I will keep you guys informed if I know what the wifi dongle does and doesn't do.
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Serg090909 is working on a new build that will be released shortly based on Apollo. The Bluetooth will work again.
The actual build you use don't contain Bluetooth libraries, that's why you can't use Bluetooth (can be implemented manually with terminal but didn't test since a new release is coming).
Of course you can change the wallpaper as you wich like you would do with your phone and the boot image too (but i didn't digg to find the boot image actually).
I don't know what to say about your wifi, my dongle works like a charm without connection drop.. Maybe the wifi implementation was a bit buggy for some.. Let's wait for the new release !
Chandler13 said:
Serg090909 is working on a new build that will be released shortly based on Apollo. The Bluetooth will work again.
The actual build you use don't contain Bluetooth libraries, that's why you can't use Bluetooth (can be implemented manually with terminal but didn't test since a new release is coming).
Of course you can change the wallpaper as you wich like you would do with your phone and the boot image too (but i didn't digg to find the boot image actually).
I don't know what to say about your wifi, my dongle works like a charm without connection drop.. Maybe the wifi implementation was a bit buggy for some.. Let's wait for the new release !
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Thanks Chandler13!
You and Serge090909 have been a real help on this topic. First I thought no one would care about these android radios and I would be stuck with the stock firmware! Now, I have a radio which does so much more and it looks nice! Even if there is going to be a new release which I cannot wait to put into my radio!. The teaser looks nice and has a great look/skin. I didnt understand what this apollo was, is this the musicplayer? It looks great anyway! I was just wondering, since we are running the OS from a SD-card, is it possible to make the internal memory a little bit bigger. This way we could install apps with no bother that it runs out of memory. 2 GB would be more then enough. I am running the OS from a 32GB-Sdcard so I have room to spare :laugh:
Thanks for the tip for the background, I allready changed the background but I didn't find the boot-image either...
I allready solved the problem with the wifi-dongle. I was in my car and next to my home, but my wifi signal wasn't that great. I used my iphone to make a hotspot and it worked like no other!
drogert said:
Thanks Chandler13!
You and Serge090909 have been a real help on this topic. First I thought no one would care about these android radios and I would be stuck with the stock firmware! Now, I have a radio which does so much more and it looks nice! Even if there is going to be a new release which I cannot wait to put into my radio!. The teaser looks nice and has a great look/skin. I didnt understand what this apollo was, is this the musicplayer? It looks great anyway! I was just wondering, since we are running the OS from a SD-card, is it possible to make the internal memory a little bit bigger. This way we could install apps with no bother that it runs out of memory. 2 GB would be more then enough. I am running the OS from a 32GB-Sdcard so I have room to spare :laugh:
Thanks for the tip for the background, I allready changed the background but I didn't find the boot-image either...
I allready solved the problem with the wifi-dongle. I was in my car and next to my home, but my wifi signal wasn't that great. I used my iphone to make a hotspot and it worked like no other!
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Apolllo Tv is another build in short, Serg090909 gived us the choice to launch the "Caravn" build, or the Apollo Build at first start till you choose to boot only one of both. Clean launcher parameters to take a look at apollo UI.
I just reported the very good work done by Serg090909 and i'm glad i'm not the only "french-english and others" to enjoy his work.
Believe me, it's a pain in the ass to traduce russian to english for a french ..
Of course you can expend the partition, i'll post more about this and making own builds.
And about a surprise i'm preparing for the WinCe part....... :angel:
To be Continued..
Chandler13 said:
Apolllo Tv is another build in short, Serg090909 gived us the choice to launch the "Caravn" build, or the Apollo Build at first start till you choose to boot only one of both. Clean launcher parameters to take a look at apollo UI.
I just reported the very good work done by Serg090909 and i'm glad i'm not the only "french-english and others" to enjoy his work.
Believe me, it's a pain in the ass to traduce russian to english for a french ..
Of course you can expend the partition, i'll post more about this and making own builds.
And about a surprise i'm preparing for the WinCe part....... :angel:
To be Continued..
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Nice! I love surprises
I also had the honor to translate some posts from Serge into english and I must say Google translate does a hell of a job. I didn't expect that :good:
Sure, you do get a lot of jibirish but if you read carefully you can allways make out what it says.
I'm actually dutch so my french isn't that good either. So i'm glad this wasn't in french or else I would be translating my ass off
Keep me updated about your surprise and the new build. I can't wait!
Any news on this new ROM?
Low memory alarm
Chandler13 said:
Apolllo Tv is another build in short, Serg090909 gived us the choice to launch the "Caravn" build, or the Apollo Build at first start till you choose to boot only one of both. Clean launcher parameters to take a look at apollo UI.
I just reported the very good work done by Serg090909 and i'm glad i'm not the only "french-english and others" to enjoy his work.
Believe me, it's a pain in the ass to traduce russian to english for a french ..
Of course you can expend the partition, i'll post more about this and making own builds.
And about a surprise i'm preparing for the WinCe part....... :angel:
To be Continued..
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Man, I'm very grateful for your big help! I have a N708 installed in my new civic 11 and the worst problem is that all I install in android comes to the internal memory not to the SD card, can I change this?
Move to NAND??
Hi I´m from Argentina, and I also must thank Serg090909, Chandler13 and Google translator. They made up a team that brought my unit back to life!
I had a problem with my original rom and screwed it up trying to fix it with terminal commands. It didn't boot at all and I couldn´t find a solution until this thread.
Now, I wanted to know if there is any way to flash this rom to the internal nand. I got nothing to lose since the damage is already done.
Thanks in advance!
Hi all !
I'm french and I'm interested by this thread forum...sorry for my English.
The mine update via sd card too.
I have this model of car audio (WinCE 6 + Android 4)
Can confirm that it would work with my car radio?
Otherwise, I do not understand ... What can it do for me? boot other bluids with bluetooth support ? no affect my actual firmware ?
PS : I try this : in CE mode : Go to settings, Press 1357 with the remote controller..... but nothing appear
--> This might help people who have the same as me!
Otherwise, I had a startup problem on android, I asked the firmware to the dealer:
I managed to restart ... but it does not have me delete all my installed apps, just allowed me to restart (I do not know how, but its work (the firmware is 210 MB).
This firmware link (with explanation) :
I think that this thread is dead. I hope I`m wrong, since is the only one that deals with firmware for the device I have.
I tried to connect my laptop to the head unit and flash the firmware to nand but i failed.
What I did:
1) power off unit
2) connect laptop to USB OTG where the wifi dongle is, using a male-male usb cable.
3) power on unit holding menu and volume knob pressed.
4) screen goes black and stays there.
5) computer detects nothing.
Possible causes:
My android system is beyond repair ( I don't think this could be the problem, since it boots perfectly with gibroid on SD card)
too many extensions for usb cable. 1from the back of the unit to the dashboard and then the "male-male" usb cable...
Many many other of which I have absolutely no Idea.
In addition to this, livesuit tells me that gibroid image is not valid.
Any ideas?
Cabezalimon said:
2) connect laptop to USB OTG where the wifi dongle is, using a male-male usb cable.
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This is not OTG, in order to connect to android part via USB you'll have to disassemble the unit and find a real usb otg on android board. it is located right next to the socket where the 'wifi' marked cable is connected.
stepashka said:
This is not OTG, in order to connect to android part via USB you'll have to disassemble the unit and find a real usb otg on android board. it is located right next to the socket where the 'wifi' marked cable is connected.
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I've been reading about phoenix card software. Apparently it could flash the firmware from an SD card for allwiner chips. I guess I could try that before disassembling the unit. I'll let you all know how that goes.

Htc 8s brick

Hi, i'm new
I have a problem with HTC 8s... it's bricked
when I connect to my PC with the USB cable the orange LEd is working for a moment, ( it 's no live or any light on the screen always remain all BLACK.... ) then the orange led blinks for about 15/20 seconds, then a small vibration and the LED turns off but no live(the screen remain all black) After then in my pc i can find a new partition, and in then i can look operative system ! there screenshoot
please help me :crying:
link in .txt(sorry for this but because im new , i cant put link AND SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH BUT IM ITALIAN )
GhostWANTED said:
Hi, i'm new
I have a problem with HTC 8s... it's bricked
when I connect to my PC with the USB cable the orange LEd is working for a moment, ( it 's no live or any light on the screen always remain all BLACK.... ) then the orange led blinks for about 15/20 seconds, then a small vibration and the LED turns off but no live(the screen remain all black) After then in my pc i can find a new partition, and in then i can look operative system ! there screenshoot
please help me :crying:
link in .txt(sorry for this but because im new , i cant put link AND SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH BUT IM ITALIAN )
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wrong forum dude, it's HTC One V forum Additionally, you are Windows, we are Android, so we can't help you
I think you're looking for that:

