Hello guys
i have Recovery RA-desire-v2.0.0
1. Cant use revolutionary because my Hboot is unsupported
2. alpharev dont work either because of hboot version i suppose ?
3. Mounting SD in recovery ends: Can't mount /dev/block ...... (no such file or directory) E:Can't mount /sdcard
4. Partitioning dont work because recovery dont see SD (tried 2 differend sd cards, (i made even only fat32 under windows with EASEUS partition.
5. Everything i do in recovery on SD ends up with: Error: Run 'fs ext3' via adb !
6. fastboot oem enableqxdm 0 - wont work !
7. "fastboot erase system" - erasing 'system'...... FAILED (remote: not allowed)
8. i cant use Android Flasher cause i have S-ON
And still i cant make S-OFF because of hboot version ! WTF
Not so sure if this suggestion is workable or not.
Any chance that running a GB 2.3.3 RUU will correct the sdcard mounting problem and change the hboot that comes with the RUU then s-off with revolutionary ?
thats the point, i cant see in any way my sd card
and i dont have functional system
i have ONLY hboot and recovery which dont see SD
So, have you tried to run the RUU and it is not working ? You don't need an sdcard to run it.
And this thread should be in Q&A section.
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions &
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Moving to Q&A
F yeah !!!
it finally worked after 3 RRU's
This one worked:
I have a G2 that keeps reboot after displaying the G2 screen.
Thing i tried:
1. download and put the PC10IMG.zip on the root SD card and boot to recovery but it wouldn't asked me to update.
2. Put the update.zip on root sd card and go to recovery tried to update with update.zip but get error .... not found ...
3. boot into recovery plug the usb in and run adb devices but it wouldn't list the devices name ( i guess debug mode isn't turn on.)
Here is the phone info
Sep 2 2010,17:59:28
I don't know what to do next to fix the phone please help
In recovery what's the whole error
Mine did that too,
My error was something can't open. Somthing /mmcblk0 error
No update
Post the whole error
And for pcimg.zip you gotta boot into hboot not recovery, I assume you did that but mistakenly put "recovery"
Yes I meant Hboot, in order for it to work the phone need to be S-OFF first ?
and here is the error when i tried to flash update.zip in recovery menu:
E:Can'tmount /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 (or /dev/block/mmcblk1)
(No such file or directory)
E:Reading package...retry (up to 10x)
Hi All,
Via a particularly stupid series of steps I've ended up with:
1) stock boot 0.93 (S-ON)
2) RA-desire-v2.0.0 recovery image which won't mount the sd card.
(Can't mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 etc.
3) Result of half way through alpha rev process:
AlpahRev SPLBOOT version 2.0
New NAND detected. Possibly Bravo PVT4.
Dumping old HBOOT.
Flashing AlphaRev HBOOT:
Flashing AlphaRev HBOOT: Verifying HBOOT: Old HBOOT matches.
Procedure soft-failed. We were unable to flash HBOOT, but the old BHOOT is still in place.
Reminder: your phone is not bricked. Restart the procedure and try again. You may need to restore your most recent nandroid backup from recovery.
Snag is with out sd working in recovery I can't do that.
I don't have a gold card.
Anyone know of a way out of this mess?
At least partly out of the mess via:
fastboot oem enableqxdm 0
found in a post on [email protected] forums.
Thanks due to ZiCon and sorry for the noise to everyone else.
as posted above, in fastboot, type:
fastboot oem enableqxdm 0
fastboot oem eraseconfig
Should get your SD card back up and running.
i had a similar issue with mine.. cm7 hboot, recovery and looping os.. try connecting your SD car to your computer and see if you can get the files off, then format it all as a FAT32 partition and try to repartition on the device.. it worked for me after a few tries, plus various other fiddling..
is this fixable ?
would converting it to android fix it ?
watercooled223 said:
is this fixable ?
would converting it to android fix it ?
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I think you could learn a thing or two from this guy :
tytanick said:
Hello guys
i have Recovery RA-desire-v2.0.0
1. Cant use revolutionary because my Hboot is unsupported
2. alpharev dont work either because of hboot version i suppose ?
3. Mounting SD in recovery ends: Can't mount /dev/block ...... (no such file or directory) E:Can't mount /sdcard
4. Partitioning dont work because recovery dont see SD (tried 2 differend sd cards, (i made even only fat32 under windows with EASEUS partition.
5. Everything i do in recovery on SD ends up with: Error: Run 'fs ext3' via adb !
6. fastboot oem enableqxdm 0 - wont work !
7. "fastboot erase system" - erasing 'system'...... FAILED (remote: not allowed)
8. i cant use Android Flasher cause i have S-ON
And still i cant make S-OFF because of hboot version ! WTF
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watercooled223 said:
is this fixable ?
would converting it to android fix it ?
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With this information it is impossible to help you! Read and follow what erklat posted or rather meant with it.
1. can you enter ure bootlaoder
2.do you have clockwork mod or a recovery installed ?
3. are you s off or s on ?
4. what did you do eg did you flash a certain file etc ?
Is it the "white htc screen" as in the boot animation? Or the boot logo? If it's the boot animation then a simple full wipe will solve all the problems but if it's the actual boot logo, then you may be in a big mess.
I was on CM7 since 1 year ago. I remember that I gain root access with unrevooked and then I flash the rom directly...
So yesterday I decided to install a new rom for my Desire (paranoid). So i format I format my SD-CARD + ext-4 partitioning... Wipe everything, flash the Rom and Gapps successfully. And then I'm stuck HTC logo.
So after 4 hours of searching everywhere the conclusion is :
- I'm not S-OFF
- I can't re flash CM7
- I can't make a GOLDCARD, and haven't found a correct RUU with no ID error.
- I read everything of this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1275632 and I dont know where to start, and most of tutorials says to connect the phone in debug mode but i haven't got rom (Possible via hboot?)
- fastboot working
- recovery always here
What I should do? I can't S-OFF without debug. And can't make a GOLDCARD even with a CID obtenned without rom.
Thanks for your help and sorry for my bad english.
+ ClockworkMod Recovery V2.5.0.7
And by wipe everything you meant formating /data and /system? You've done that? It's a very old recovery.try flashing 4ext from fastboot image file.
Hey Folks!
After the dead of my desire (7 buzzes / vibrates -> indicates a broken soc/motherboard) and the new rising (got a motherboard of a desire with a broken screen) the old lady worked again!
I got the s/n and system from the one with the broken screen - this is normal because it's stored on the mainboard. It was a CM v7 as I remember.
Here as a list of things I did and where I stuck now:
flashed an up-to-date recovery TWRP -> worked
tried to install a new rom with a new hboot which -> didn't worked out
Since here I only can access the recovery
All attempts to flash something (via recovery or fastboot) -> doesn't work
also tried to use revolutionary (even it's already unlooked and s-off) -> but the app stucks
I could only flash the boot logo via fastboot the rest results in different errors like:
CID incorrect (pb99img.zip method)
Error (When trying to flash a .zip via recovery)
And an other Error i forgott (when flash via fastboot)
Also i can't get an information via fastboot (-getvar all). There is always a errormessage.
Here is my hboot-screen
*** AlphaRev***
I'm not sure if something went wrong while trying to put a new hboot (partition-layout).
I have no idea what to do. Read about the half of the internet....
Anyone any idea?
Here is an other error message i get when running this fastboot command
fastboot getvar all
getvar:all FAILED (status malformed (1 bytes))
finished. total time: 0.001s
I'm realy appreciate any help!
BTW: I'm not a robot!
Des!re said:
CID incorrect (pb99img.zip method)
Error (When trying to flash a .zip via recovery)
And an other Error i forgott (when flash via fastboot)
Also i can't get an information via fastboot (-getvar all). There is always a errormessage.
Here is my hboot-screen
*** AlphaRev***
I'm not sure if something went wrong while trying to put a new hboot (partition-layout).
I have no idea what to do. Read about the half of the internet....
Anyone any idea?
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So good news is that it's not bricked if you can reach bootloader and recovery screen. Sounds like a driver issue or bad download of ROM, or both.
A few things to note:
- You haven't changed hboot because it still says 'Alpharev' on top of the bootloader screen. It should say the name of the hboot e.g. Alpharev CM7R2 if successful.
- CID incorrect happens when you try to flash a different region RUU. You should have tried the 2.3.3 GB WWE RUU, many threads in Q&A cover this.
- You should always try 'fastboot devices' command before flashing anything via fastboot, this will tell you straight away if you have driver issues.
This info I must have learnt reading the other half of the internet ...
What I would do:
- Confirm that fastboot is working first, check your drivers. Did you flash the recovery using fastboot? Flashing an hboot is largely the same method.
- Verify that the md5sum of the ROM.zip is correct on PC before flashing. Test several ROMs to be sure.
- Verify that the ROM is also compatible with the hboot as well or it won't boot.
- Make sure you nandroid backup if you have anything to save, then full wipe (wipe data/factory reset) before flashing the ROM.
- Make sure your sd card is correctly partitioned if the ROM requires one., as some put parts of the ROM on the partition. You will need a partition to install more than a few apps anyway.
- Post / research the exact error message if it's still not working, and at least state which ROMs you've tried.
eddiehk6 said:
So good news is that it's not bricked if you can reach bootloader and recovery screen. Sounds like a driver issue or bad download of ROM, or both.
A few things to note:
- You haven't changed hboot because it still says 'Alpharev' on top of the bootloader screen. It should say the name of the hboot e.g. Alpharev CM7R2 if successful.
- CID incorrect happens when you try to flash a different region RUU. You should have tried the 2.3.3 GB WWE RUU, many threads in Q&A cover this.
- You should always try 'fastboot devices' command before flashing anything via fastboot, this will tell you straight away if you have driver issues.
This info I must have learnt reading the other half of the internet ...
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Thanks for your reply. Some things I forgot to mention in the thread above.
I successfully rooted, s-off, and flashed a new hboot & rom to my old desire.... all before she died. I remembered I needed some tries for the hboot... but it worked out fine in the end.
I also need to say that I tried (with the new/repaired one) different clients (hardware and os, win & linux) and different cables. Just to be sure.
I also went sure that fastboot is working (fastboot devices) and there always was my serial -> so it's good for sure
I read something about that the Alpharev hboot (with the repaired phone there was also the bootsplash with 'alpha-rev s-off / why so serious?' before I flashed it away to the stock 'htc') is somehow write-protected itself which can cause issues???
I tried to flash the "Alpha Jelly (250/5/182) hboot" to be able to install CarbonRom 1.0 (4.4.4) by spezi77 (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2658853). But I didn't succeeded at all.
eddiehk6 said:
What I would do:
- Confirm that fastboot is working first, check your drivers. Did you flash the recovery using fastboot? Flashing an hboot is largely the same method.
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I think I flashed the recovery via fastboot, it just worked once. When I tried to flash CWM it didn't worked anymore.
eddiehk6 said:
- Verify that the md5sum of the ROM.zip is correct on PC before flashing. Test several ROMs to be sure.
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I did checked the md5sum's and I tested a couple of Roms (more than 3)
eddiehk6 said:
- Verify that the ROM is also compatible with the hboot as well or it won't boot.
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My old devices was a PVT4 and the repaired one is a PVT1 - there should be no difference for the hboot i guess?
eddiehk6 said:
- Make sure you nandroid backup if you have anything to save, then full wipe (wipe data/factory reset) before flashing the ROM.
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This I should have done straight after I repaired the hardware and I was able to boot in CM7.... To late for now but if I have a working state I definitely do this!! :good:
eddiehk6 said:
- Make sure your sd card is correctly partitioned if the ROM requires one., as some put parts of the ROM on the partition. You will need a partition to install more than a few apps anyway.
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I don't have a booting system yet so I need to postpone this. To be able to do the pb99img.zip method i formatted the whole sd-card with one partition as fat32. But when I have (hopefully) soon a working system I need to partion it correctly - easy!
eddiehk6 said:
- Post / research the exact error message if it's still not working, and at least state which ROMs you've tried.
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I'm the resarcher! I'm going down to reasearch - I will report!
Thanks for your help so far!
I'm the resarcher! I'm going down to reasearch - I will report!
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I went down to research!
I tried to flash hboot 'Bravo Stock' by Alpharev.
fastboot flash hboot bravo_alphaspl.img
sending 'hboot' (512 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.104s]
writing 'hboot'...
OKAY [ 0.160s]
finished. total time: 0.264s
looks good for me!
the bootscreen changed from
*** AlphaRev***
--- AlphaRev ---
so first and third line changed!
And because it's so nice to flash hboot i also flashed AlphaRev Jelly successfully!!
I try flash a rom now :fingers-crossed:
After I successfully flashed my hboot (twice!)....
I'm not able to wipe or install stuff....
Team Win Recovery Project v2.7.1.0
WIPE -> Factory Reset (Wipe Data, Cache and Dalvik)
Factory Reset Complete
E:Find_File: Error opening '/sys/class/backlight'
E:Unable to recreate and-sec folder.
Updating partition details...
E:Unable to mount storage
E:Unable to mount /sdcard during GUI startup.
Full SELinux support is present.
E:Unabke to mount /sdcard/TWRP/.twrps when trying to read settings file.
MTD Formatting "cache"
MTD Formatting "userdata"
Updatting partition details...
E:Unable to mount storage.
### FAILED ###
Team Win Recovery Project v2.7.1.0
Install -> ZIP
Zip Install Complete
E:Find_File: Error opening '/sys/class/backlight'
Updating partition details...
Full SELinux support is present.
Installing '/sdcard/roms/CARBON-KK-UNOFFICIAL-20140914-1119-bravo.zip'...
Checking for MD5 file...
Skipping MD5 check: no MD5 file found
E:Could not create file for updater extract in '/tmp/updater'
Error flashing zip '/sdcard/roms/CARBON-KK-UNOFFICIAL-20140914-1119-bravo.zip'
Updatting partition details...
### FAILED ###
Maybe there is something "broken" with the filesystem?
As always I appreciate any help
Did a 'clear userdata' in the boot menu and then a wipe via TWRP.
Now it was successful but with this errors in the console:
Factory Reset Complete
E:Find_File: Error opening '/sys/class/backlight'
Updating partition details...
Full SELinux support is present.
MTD Formatting "cache"
MTD Formatting "userdata"
Wiping Android Secure
Formatting SD-Ext using make_ext4fs function.
Updating partition details...
But I wonder where are these errors from
Installing a rom still doesn't work. I think the problem is this line:
E:Could not create file for updater extract in '/tmp/updater'
There is BIG FAT BUG in the newest TWRP (v2.7.1.0)
You can't install anything before manually create the tmp directory
You have to do the following steps to flash any files :
- boot into recovery mode
- choose 'Advanced'
- choose 'Terminal Command'
- You're now on the '/' (root of the file system). Choose 'Select'
- Type : 'mkdir tmp' without quotes, then Hit the enter key of your keyboard.
- Return to the main screen (Go back 3 times)
- Choose 'Install' and select the file.
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>>> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2595654&page=12
This is to bad - it's the most recent version and the recovery has a bug like this!
Installing Carbonrom 4.4.4. for HTC Desire
Homemade by spezi77
Next shot should be Lollipop :victory:
[ROM/WIP] [5.0.2] [Jan-17] [UNOFFICIAL] ParanoidAndroid 5.0 Alpha
>>> http://forum.xda-developers.com/htc-desire/development/rom-paranoidandroid-5-0-alpha-t3002046
Des!re said:
There is BIG FAT BUG in the newest TWRP (v2.7.1.0)
You can't install anything before manually create the tmp directory
>>> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2595654&page=12
This is to bad - it's the most recent version and the recovery has a bug like this!
Installing Carbonrom 4.4.4. for HTC Desire
Homemade by spezi77
Next shot should be Lollipop :victory:
[ROM/WIP] [5.0.2] [Jan-17] [UNOFFICIAL] ParanoidAndroid 5.0 Alpha
>>> http://forum.xda-developers.com/htc-desire/development/rom-paranoidandroid-5-0-alpha-t3002046
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I've personally never used TWRP on the Desire.
I recommend trying with 4EXT Recovery, never had any issues with it.
If you can successfully flash an hboot, you should be able to flash the recovery.img using the same method.