Does anyone know if there is a stock build of the cifs.ko module for the LTE Galaxy Nexus? I saw there is a 4.0.3 one posted, but that doesn't help with Verizon's since it is still on 4.0.2.
Try faux's kernel. Please post questions in Q & A also
Sent from my Gummy Nexus
My problem is I don't really want to move to another kernel as I want to maintain stock behavior. I simply want to be able to load the cifs.ko module for mounting network drives.
Same here. The only reason why I would explore a non-stock kernel build is for cifs.ko. I'm sure there are other features I'd enjoy, but I haven't ran across a need yet. So for now, I'm looking for a cifs.ko for Android 4.0.2 for LTE Galaxy Nexus.
I'm in the same boat - running rooted stock, haven't had success trying to compile my own kernel/modules in the past, hoping someone who has might have built a cifs.ko. AndSMB works fine for simple file access, but for streaming I need to be able to mount the share. Eventually may have to look at mature ROMs for this hardware, but rather not have to, when a simple insmod would give me everything I need.
I second this request.
I had intended to look into what is involved w/ getting this to work (i.e. is there a reason no such module has been released other than the fact that those that would release have already moved to 4.0.3?) and attempting a build and release one myself. I have many, many projects on my todo-list, though, so this isn't likely to happen any time soon.
Hey guys I have been doing quite a bit of searching through the forums and still have a couple questions about custom roms and rooting. Forgive the noobness but the droid incredible is my first android device and I only recently got it.
1. My first question is what is the simplest way (rom + root I assume) to get a stock version of android on my incredible? Also what rom would you recommend (I have seen a pretty big list but know nothing about them)?
2. What is the difference, if any, between a kernel and a rom? Ive seen both words used a lot and have seen kernels that are stock and roms that are as well. Which would I use between the two?
I know these questions may be dumb but I have been searching for a couple days and have gone through hundreds of threads trying to find the definitive answer (there were some benefits though, I use launcher pro and the droid x's keyboard now) any help would be appreciated.
1. You are right in assuming that the quickest (and only) way to get a stock version of Android on your phone is to root your phone and install a custom recovery that will allow you to flash a rom. It is not really possible for me to recommend a rom because rom's are all about personal preference and my preference may be different from yours. That being said, if you are interested in stock Android, check out Cyanogenmod. The biggest thing right now is that for the Incredible, Cyanogenmod is the only true stock Android that is compiled from AOSP (Android Open Source Project) however it is still in its early stages for our device, so it's still buggy. The other roms are modified versions of our stock sense rom, so some of the roms are modified to have the bulkier parts of of the Sense UI removed, but it is still a Sense rom.
2. I'm not going to profess to be extremely in the know about kernels, but a kernel is the go-between for the hardware and the os/applications. If you want to learn more about kernels, you can read the wikipedia page about kernels found here. Basically what you need to know is that the rom is the operating system, so if you wanted to change the OS such as from Sense to Vanilla Android, you would flash a rom. If you wanted to change the way the system runs, such as if you want your processor to be overclocked or undervolted, you would flash a kernel.
Hope this helps.
That answered everything! Thanks for the reply and I will keep checking the forums for stock roms that seem stable!
So, after much searching, I have come to the inevitable conclusion that Android is generally lacking in support for CIFS, which is needed in order to mount samba shares... and I have come up empty handed. I understand that there are custom kernels and ROMs which support CIFS, but I was kinda hoping to find a module for stock instead. Is there perhaps one out there that I may have overlooked... or would someone be kind enough to compile one? I feel as if I have exhausted most of my resources at this point, so I'm really hoping that someone can point me in the right direction.
I am running stock Android version 4.1.2, build number JZO54K, with kernel version 3.0.31-g4f6d371 on a GSM Galaxy Nexus.
Thanks for any assistance.
I need it as well. No one? :/
Hi guys, I'm new on this board and I just wanted a ask a few question about this rom. Currently I'm using the Xylon 2.3.3 and I'm loving it so far, running beautifully smooth. I just got a question about the gapps, I've installed the 2013-2-15 gapps with all the photosphere stuff, however there is a newer version gapp which is 20130301, should I update to that?
Also is the kernel that it came with any good? or should I change it to AK purity like a lot of user have said to make it run a lot better.
It's safe to update, just flash over the current gapps.
As far as the kernel goes, most users report great things from the AK kernel so it's worth a shot.
For future reference, please use the corresponding Pre-existing ROM thread to ask such questions. There is no need to initialize a completely new thread.
iLeopard said:
It's safe to update, just flash over the current gapps.
As far as the kernel goes, most users report great things from the AK kernel so it's worth a shot.
For future reference, please use the corresponding Pre-existing ROM thread to ask such questions. There is no need to initialize a completely new thread.
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thanks I will in the future. btw I was just checking the kernel version. It seems like the rom has already built in with the ak kernel purity.030. Correct me if I'm wrong.
If that's what your about tab says then yeah.
It has been a while since I have been on here.
First question, to whoever made bullet kernel, can we get a link in original android development as opposed to me pulling it out of the rom and making a cwm install for it as i did about 6 months ago.
second question, better kenals, mainly the one that is dual boot, how exaclty dose it work, sd partition or are both os, on the system memory somehow?
third question, im using jedi x, have been for a while, its solid, has all the sammy support, ect.
so if anyone wants to list their favoret roms and why, it will help me narrow the list of what i want to try.
fourth question. how is cm and aosp coming?
do you want us to tell you what to eat for dinner tonight as well?
i assume you are looking to upgrade from the old software you are on at the moment.
I'll make this easy for you.... tweaked 2.2 (not released yet, but there was another update, so wait until that ROM is updated and posted, then flash it.)
and use morfic's kernel. TNT-TW23-600 (that's version 23 he is on... not sure if he has it posted anywhere, but if you can't find it shoot me a pm and i'll drop it to you.)
All I know is Tweaked.
My Note 2 is Tweaked!
Cmenard made bullet but you do realize that it hasn't been updated since Christmas..... any way there s been a link for it since before than... [As for the dual boot read
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Hello all. First I want to thank everyone for still being around to help, especially on such an old device.
Anyway, I recently bought one of these and got it rooted via odin. Currently that's all I've done to her. I have been looking over this forum, android forums, and Google in general prior to posting, I want to solve problems on my own, but when I can't, I'm not scared to ask for help. And I need help with a few issues. I will seperate them, to make answering them easier.
1) is twrp not available for this model?
2) if not, the only other recoverys I can find is Phils TouchWiz, and ClockworkMod recovery touch I wouldn't think these are the same, which is suggested? Also Phils Touchwiz was last updated (that I can find) to 4.1.2 which is where I currently am, am I want to go to 4.4
3) I only see 2 ROMs listed on here, and 1 is one of the ones I was thinking of using in Dirty Unicorns. The other I was thinking about was CyanogenMod. Which of these two is suggested?
4) I have no service on this phone, as its my tinkering device. The only thing I need to work is WiFi. That being said, do I need to flash a new modem?
Do I need to flash a new kernel?
Thanks for any help you can throw me. I know there are lots of tuts for all these questions, but frankly they are all very old, and this stuff changes by the day...
1. Yes but this device has recovery and kernel built in together, this recovery is only for flashing / wiping, other than that, it is not usable with other custom roms unless the devs build it to use that
recovery along with the kernel.
2. It's the same as question 1, For Touchwiz Jellybean, you'll need a recovery kernel that supports the android version and firmware, otherwise it wouldn't work or boot up, Agat's Source GB27 for GB27 Touchwiz ROMs. Or specific AOSP Kernels for certain kernel build updates ( versions are compatible with the build date of the ROM's Original Kernel, meaning it only works on certain ROMs that are updated with the same kernel build, for example, A custom 0.0.25 will not work with stock 0.0.26 because there was a major update change in the kernel that'll make 0.0.25 not usable on it. If you use a kernel based on a specific date on an AOSP ROM that frequently updates the kernel, it may not boot up. )
3. The AOSP ROMs that are being updated at the moment are the Teams that do Nightlies. So Cyanogenmod is the only AOSP ROM that's being updated weekly for this device, I have not checked on the other ones.
4. No need to flash a modem if you don't have data service, however it may help either way when using WiFi due to dropped connections, stability etc. For AOSP, use any ICS modem, for Touchwiz, use the same android firmware modem.
Flashing a new kernel is not needed unless you don't like how the stock kernel performs whether if it's power saving or performance. AOSP kernels are kind of limited as the ones out now work with different build dates of the ROMs, Touchwiz has a couple, but Agat63's Source Kernel is recommended by everyone for GB27.