[Q] Can't get my phone to work, please help - Xperia Arc Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Problem solved
Hi guys,
I've got a problem, my phone simply does nothing. This morning i was still using CM7 but i didn't like it so i decided to flash another rom, i flashed Xperia aniking with DooMKernel. Worked fine but there were some traces from CM7 left in my phone. I wanted these gone so i flashed a stock firmware with flashtool, but flashtool gave an error while flashing system.sin. And now i can't get anything to work, it flashed DooMKernel using fastboot but before i can get into recovery it gives me an error. (Triangle sign with a phone?) Then i tried Blendmiuikernel i was able to get into recovery, so i flashed blendmiui but it got stuck on boot. I also tried this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1126358 but i got the same error as before,
Please help me guys, i really need my phone

flash stock kernel, relock bootloader and try to update over SEUS.

thanks for your response, going to try now. Really hope this works!

I flashed the stock kernel, relocked bootloader, SEUS says i have the newest firmware. And now when i boot nothing happens, it only vibrates, no LED, no screen nothing.... Any ideas?

I flashed a firmware using WOTANserver and it works now

it should have "INSTAL ANYWAY" button in right down corner..


[Q] can't re-unlock bootloader

I guess I'm really having a BAD BAD luck this week
my phone got sort of bricked the other day.
It won't boot. it's a white r800i btw from HK bootloader unlocked
first I was trying to factory reset the phone. but it won't, nothing happens when I press that darn button.
then. tried flashtool to flash the latest R800i_4.0.2.A.0.42_Generic firmware. it didn't went well and I was really shocked! it's the first time. been flashing this thing for months now. then tried it again and still no go. tried another firmware and still nothing. then tried .368 firmware and it wen't well with wipe. I pressed the power button. after se logo on splashscreen i saw a big exclamation point. wondering what that maybe. then the phone shuts itself down. then I tried relocking the firmware to try my luck with seus. thought it'll fix my phone cause it flashed a downloaded file but hey it did not. seus said there was a problem flashing the phone and I wish there was a log telling what went wrong.
tried re-unlocking and then flashed .368 again it boots up but gave me low space issue. made my way to fastboot and did a command ( fastboot -w ) and I got an error about bootloader saying 2158 bad blocks were encountered :S
now I relocked my bootloader to try my luck again with seus but after reinstalling and rebooting my pc It says that I have the latest version and yeah pc companion says that too!
then went to unlock the bootloader again but now it won't unlock! it says can't unlock oem or something at the end and flashtool won't flash any ROM now including .368 I get an error msg everytime when flashing kernel.sin
tried flashing via fastboot but I can't it says phone need to be rooted first!
boooooooooooooooooy. I just don't know what to do anymore (
I love this phone badly that Ive been up for 4 straight days trying to figure out something about this. tried asking for help from alejandrissimo and he asked me to invite him on gtalk. did that and asked jynx13 too. alejandrissimo and I have a BIG time difference. Hope he can help me out. or jinx. jinx is trying to help me out bit by bit. but still no dice
now even worse things happen. can't flash anything via free software
I just hope it's a bootloader problem and can be fixed with alejandrissimo's remote unlocking and fix
bricked r800i
i have same probleme last 2 month after first ota update, fatgsm can repair your phone in seus mode but it's possible you lose fastboot , but after repair with fatgsm you can repair fastboot with omnius
9.99$ select youre original firmware and flash it in seus mode ( green led)

[Q] Xperia Play won't boot - doesn't even reach Sony Ericsson screen

Hey guys
After having a look at some custom roms for my Xperia Play R800i, I decided to try and install Cyanogenmod 9.0. After a long and stressful ordeal, I managed to root the device, install Clockworkmod Recovery, and flash the rom. I wasn't happy with this rom, so I flashed ICX. After being dissatisfied with this also, I decided to return to the stock rom, using Flashtool and Xperia_Play_Release_Generic_UK.ftf. When I went to update to Android 2.3.4 using the Sony Ericsson PC Companion software, it said that the phone contained modified software which could not be updated. Thinking this was an error, I re-flashed the ftf file, then tried to download the update through the Software Update option in the About Phone settings menu. The update seemed to be going fine, but soon after it began, the phone simply switched off. Now, when I press the power button, the phone vibrates, but does nothing else. It doesn't even get past the black screen. I viewed some similar problems on the Sony Ericsson support site, and they all advised use of the Update Service program. Once again, I was told that my phone contained modified software and therefor couldn't be updated. I also tried to flash the ftf again, but my phone is still as unresponsive as ever.
I imagine that the problem is to do with the software that is currently installed on the phone, and that it needs to be removed/replaced for me to switch it on. However, I can't know for sure because I can't switch it on.
Sorry for the long post, but I'm desperate to get my phone working again. Any and all suggestions would be useful. Thank you in advance
Ya... not supposed to FOTA on unlocked bootloader, it bricks you. As you've seen SEUS doesn't like locked bootloaders so the only way to use it again is to relock the bootloader. Unfortunately in order to do this you need to flash the relocker, which is a .ftf, which you can't do because your phone isn't recognized by flashtool. I dunno, you don't have a lot of options here, but lets lay them out:
1. Get into flash mode and recover via either a .ftf or use it to relock your bootloader so you can use SEUS
2. Get into fastboot and boot or flash a kernel or recovery. You could try flashing a CM7 kernel and installing its .zip
3. If nothing else works your only other option is to turn here:
This is what happens when you use official Sony update service with an unlocked bootloader.
Sent from my R800i using xda premium
Sorry to be a pain, but do you have a link to the specific .ftf I need to relock the bootloader?
Actually, ignore my last post. I Googled it and found the file quite easily. I flashed it with Flashtool and everything is working perfectly. Thank you so much for your help BuckM. You saved my phone
Here you go. I wouldn't bother relocking though. Just flash the ftf file that you want.
You will find them here.
Beaten too it by OP
d31b0ys right, you don't really NEED to relock your bootloader, its just an option to get SEUS working again. That being said keep in mind you can reunlock your bootloader again at any time using the same unlock code as before, just try to be a little more careful
did you try to pull out the battery then put it back, then hold the search buttion (wile the phone is still off) then put in the usb cable? if done correct your power buttion will turn blue. then download a stock .tft for your phone and flash with flashtool. this unbricked my phone

[Q] flashtool error

OK i've been trawling the forums but so far i've not found an answer.
i've got a T-mobile branded arc and its bootloader is unlocked. it is running .62 firmware.
i'm trying to flash the generic uk .42 firmware but i keep getting the following error:
i've tried a couple of different firmwares, and i've definitely got my phone in the right mode with usb debugging enabled.
can anyone help?
Me again... I remembered a similar thing with someone's x10 a while ago, it was caused by low battery while flashing. The resolution was to repair the boot, which for the x10 meant a service centre. But you can use fastboot to do it, just connect in fastboot and use the erase command, erase boot, erase userdata, erase system. I'd give that a try.
Thanks for the response. Following something I'd read on the X10 forums I did consider doing a repair via pc companion but I wasn't sure what implications it might have following having my boot loader unlocked.
I'll give this a go and let u know if it works.
Thanks again!
ok could really do with some help now. still has the same problem with the added fact that my phone is now bricked.
Please help!!!!!!
after 'erase boot' have you tried booting a new .img?
D/L a rom that's cwm flashable to your sd card, boot into doomkernel and try flashing the rom(if you haven't already)
thanks for the quick response.
i've tried flashing the cyanogen boot image but sadly that fails. sorry to sound like a noob but i went to the github site to download doomkernel but for the life of me i couldnt find the boot image.
in the latest flashtool need to install the drivers or not? inside drives folder one..
I'm really sorry but i don't understand. I don't have any driver issues if thats what your getting at.
Are you able to boot kernels with fastboot?
hey sinkster.
ok managed to install different boot images (tried a few just to check) and all that happens is that i get the splash screen and it stays there.
still can't install any roms using flashtool. and to be honest i'm not sure how to do it using fastboot
any ideas?
Once you have installed the kernel, disconnect the phone from the pc and turn it on. When you see the kernel image, press the back button. This should send you into CWM and from there you can install a rom like "update.zip". On my girlfriend's x8 after flashing nAa kernel I was also surprised that it did not boot again to stock rom, but afterwards I pressed the back button which led to CWM and flashed a rom. Try to wipe data, cache, dalvik and battery stats also. The rom should work. If you notice any problems, just reinstall the rom again wiping data, cache, dalvik and battery stats (first time I got wifi issue and battery drain issue - android was taking 46% ) ). All the best. I hope I helped.
For flashtool just d/l a rom file(ftf), put it in the firmware folder, power down phone, run flashtool, click flash, select firmware. When it says connect then connect usb while pressing back(led is green) and rom should flash with a log on screen. this will flash an entire rom and kernel, or a baseband. For fastboot, open fastboot folder, move kernel(s) to folder, shift&right-click and select 'open command window here', power down phone and connect usb while pressing menu(blue led). In cmd window you can type 'fastboot devices'to check the phone is connected, to boot a kernel then type 'fastboot flash boot boot.img', or whatever the kernel file is called(I have 4or5 so name them individually)
so first use flashtool and flash the file here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1359303
that gives you stock rom/kernel; if you want a custom rom put it on your sd card to flash with cwm. if you want or need a custom kernel the fastboot doomlords kernel
These are the basics, you probably know all the above but just in case.
Gents thank you for your help. got somewhere finally. managed to flash BLENDMIUI onto phone andd got it working. for some reason SE Tweek does not want to work.
sinkster thank you for the summary.i originally mis-typed. when i said i didnt know how to flash a rom with flashtool i actually meant fastboot. but i'm now fully up to speed using cwm.
and thank you valy_cta, that got it working in the end.
its strange that i still get the same error when flashing any roms with flashtool though. tried about 6 or 7 different ones and i still get the initial error.
if i repair the phone with pc companion, would it lock the bootloader again?
other way round, you need to lock the bootloader before you update. Just unlock again, it'll be the same code.
ah the problem with that was that i had to get jinx13 to unlock it.
really what i want to do if flash a stock rom, which i still can't seem to do.
EDIT: since flashtool doesn't seem to work for me I found out from one of DooMLords threads that you can extract the ftf files and flash with fastboot. job sorted.

Please help. R800x boots into a weird screen?

(Just expaining how i got to the screen...in a lot of detail) Okay so yesterday i unlocked my bootloader through sonys website and everything was fine. Then i decided to try to put CM9 on it from a tutorial i found, didnt work. I then flashed back to verizons 2.3.3 through flashtool and everything was fine...but then i decided i wanted to go back to ZeuscNXTLite rom, i was lazy and used the recoveryPLAY.img to go to CWM. I forgot to clear the cache, data, etc. and i thought it was in a hard-brick because i could hold the power button all it would do is vibrate and i could still put it into flash boot(or whatever the green light means) but the screen always stayed black. I left it on my charger all night hoping it would magically come back i guess...today i got home to find the green light on it flashing faintly and quickly. I decided maybe its working now if i flash the .ftf so i did. Nothing happened so i thought maybe it was the bootloader so i tried using a bootloader relocker .ftf file but that just made my computer inable to recognize my phone. It would flash red a few times now when i plugged it into flashboot then go to flash mode and i could use flashtool. I tried adding the 2.3.3 .ftf back to my phone but it failed halfway through. So about 4 mins after doing this i look at my phone and see the Sony Ericsson screen but after that screen i see a triangle with an exclamation point inside of it and a phone under it. It keeps booting to this screen then shutting off over and over again. Now my question...does anyone know how to fix this? I dont really think its still in a brick since it goes to this weird screen.
Sorry for the extensive explanation. Also sorry if this was a repeat i tried searching but honestly have no clue what to search or even call this.
If you can still use flashtool follow this great guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2054512 so you can fastboot a kernal and get into cwm then you can flash a new rom after wiping everything. :fingers-crossed:
The yellow triangle means you're in download mode, but I don't know what to do since I never had it on the Play.
Flashing the ftf will fail sometimes, you can keep re trying, its finicky so you have to make sure to use a good cable, preferably on a USB port that is not 3.0, and have few other USB devices connected at the sametime as possible.
The reason why CM9 didn't work because sometimes the kernel included does not boot. The boot.img from the FXP152's CM9 rom is one of the working one, you can separately flash it using fastboot.
I flashed a bootloader lock ftf file so wouldnt installing a kernel brick my phone again? Also could flashing the stock ftf file again while my phone is in download mode brick my phone? I'm just being extra careful now...dont want a hard bricked phone.
bandoncontortion said:
I flashed a bootloader lock ftf file so wouldnt installing a kernel brick my phone again? Also could flashing the stock ftf file again while my phone is in download mode brick my phone? I'm just being extra careful now...dont want a hard bricked phone.
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Did flashing the bootloader lock ftf file work? you need to find out if your bootloader is locked or unlocked.If you have phone off, and hold on to search and you plug in USB to computer and get blue light your bootloader is unlocked (flashboot mode)If its unlocked just flash a kernel wipe and install a custom rom
If it is locked and you can use flashtool you can flash a stock ftf. Kernal is included in stock rom which you can find on forum
Ok i just put the stock ftf on it through flashtool. I tried to turn it on and it shows the Sony Ericsson screen and then the Android screen the turns off. Any help? It's at least showing the charging screen right now...
Also bootloader is locked. Just checked with the fastboot.exe
bandoncontortion said:
Ok i just put the stock ftf on it through flashtool. I tried to turn it on and it shows the Sony Ericsson screen and then the Android screen the turns off. Any help? It's at least showing the charging screen right now...
Also bootloader is locked. Just checked with the fastboot.exe
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That good :good: Not bricked did you wipe data & cache in flashtool when you flashed ftf?
Yes i wiped cache, app log, and data. Im also using an older version of flashtool...maybe upgrading will help? Gonna check

HELP ME PLEASE ! Bricked but Fastboot mode and flash mode working.

Hello everyone here, im a noob around these parts but hope that this beautiful community might help me.
So heres the deal, my gf got an xperia m, that outta the blue started acting out, what i mean for this is, rebooting, outta nowhere and eventually a couple of days later it died.
Making my investigations to get to the problem and therefore the solution, she stated that putting it on the SUS or SONY Pc Companion didn't help at all, plus keep getting error 0x0000067 or 0x000007d5 on PC Companion.
After seeing this, she says tried to unlock the bootloader to install a CWM 6.0 for the 15.4.A.1.9 software, wich it had running, didnt got through since the moment she enter the command through fastboot to check the bootloader status throgh the command fastboot flashing get_unlock_ability but no response just stuck on three dots.
Also tried to flash through FLASHTOOL installing the drivers and everything as ive done with other decives checking everything is okay, which they are, since ive succefully recovered an brick C1904 using CWM with a previous Backup, but the tool gets stuck on flashing loader and wont give a percentage.
Tried Flashing remotely the CWM.img to the boot, but it wont flash, always failed, as for specifics about the code, If really needed ill post them on the next reply.
Hope Someone can Help me,
Regards Jmaquilon
Which error are you getting while flashing the recovery? is it something like remote command not allowed ? If it is then try to flash the recovery in the boot partition (I have done the same many time cuz there are some problem s with my current kernel)and what happens is instead of system the recovery boots up ..
If this doesnt works then try xperiafirm it may bring your phone back to life!
Hope it helps!
Just flash stock rom using flashtool software. Download the Stock Sony Xperia M Rom here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2699085 and flash it using flash mode in flashtool. Good Luck

