Galaxy Nexus Myths - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

In an effort to soften all the bad feedback this phone has received, I have compiled a small list of the major complaints that have been mentioned regarding this device and will attempt to defuse them with fact and suggestions. Hopefully this will deter someone from posting the 100th "The Galaxy Nexus screen sucks!" topic.
This post isn't to claim that there isn't anything wrong with the phone, just to have a peek at how a normal device should function. Sort of to give people a benchmark to compare theirs to. More updates to come. Without further ado:
The Galaxy Nexus battery sucks!
There are a couple reasons why you might be experiencing less than favorable battery life. The first is what I like to call New Phone Syndrome. This has several side effects. The first being that your phone is so shiny and new that you can't seem to take it out of your hands. The Galaxy Nexus has a beautiful 4.65 inch Super AMOLED screen that, unfortunately, uses a lot of power. This combined with a fresh battery that isn't calibrated will give you poor battery life. After the initial newness of the phone wears off and you go through a few battery cycles, you should notice an increase in battery life. Depending on your usage, you could get up to a day or more of use. This will vary greatly!
A more legitimate concern pertaining to battery is a poor reception area. When you phone is in a poor reception area, the OS will attempt to alleviate this by routing more power to the radios. This gives the radio a little more juice to try to find a signal and hold on to it. This unfortunately causes a huge battery drain even when you aren't using the device. This will show up as "Android OS" under the Battery menu in settings. Connecting your device to Wi-Fi will not help much either since you still need to be connected to make and receive phone calls. Your only recourse is to stay plugged in while a low reception area or switch to airplane mode. Maybe a future update will lower the power routed, but I would prefer to have a signal than no signal at all.
Under normal circumstances, your phone should drain virtually no battery at all while not in use.
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The Galaxy Nexus has horrible reception!
Research has been done to show that the Galaxy Nexus gets service at equal or better levels than current phones. There are a couple explanations as to why you might think you are getting worse reception or might actually be getting worse reception.
Signal Bars
The Galaxy Nexus calculates the signal strength and converts that into bars differently than other devices, specifically Verizon devices. What this means is that the Galaxy Nexus gives an ACCURATE bar indictator for signal while previous devices give some magical trickery that usually leads to full or nearly full bars. In actuality, they are using the strength from a different network type, typically EVDO, which is inaccurate as to what your true signal strength is.
AnandTech did an excellent write-up that sheds more light on the situation.
Defective Device
I know it's a tough pill to swallow that your brand new $200 - $700 device may be defective, but it might be true. If you are constantly getting dropped calls and data issues where in the past you had not, there could be an issue with your device. You first stop should be to phone up, if you can get enough of a signal lol, your service provider. Explain the situation to them and see what they can do for you. You may have to get your device exchanged a few times but don't give up! Your device should be free of any reception issues and this is NOT an issue for every device!
Exhibit B and C:
The Galaxy Nexus has a horrible screen!
The short answer is no, it doesn't. The long answer is that the Galaxy Nexus has a beautiful 4.65 inch HD Super AMOLED display. Many will complain that it has pentile-based display but honestly, this is hardly noticeable unless you are using it at an extremely low brightness setting. If you are having display issues including weird lines, etc, your device may again be defective and you should try to exchange it not post a "The display sucks!" topic. It won't help much.
The camera sucks! It takes fuzzy pictures! - provided by skynet11
Learn to wait for autofocus before taking your snapshot, and learn how to tweak the other settings properly, and you'll have crystal clear photos.
Exhibit D - Some photos taken by KangXi
The GPS Sucks!
After the Galaxy S GPS debacle, many people are rightfully concerned that the GPS in the Galaxy Nexus would be subpar. Fear not! I can safely say that the GPS is rock solid. This could vary based on carrier and location, but generally you should see similiar results. If your GPS is taking ages to lock or you aren't getting a lock at all, again this could be a hardware or even a software issue. Troubleshooting is your best bet, probably a replacement device.
Indoor (six+ story building)
More to come...

if you load a low-resolution picture on a HD, of course it suck. thats why i switched all my WP to HD *must be over 1200 res.*.
as for signal, perfectly fine on my GN, and battery life.... still cant beat my friend's 4s. same game but my battery die faster....

The exhibit A has a lot of wake lock time ... While the screen was off

gogol said:
The exhibit A has a lot of wake lock time ... While the screen was off
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That's just frequent syncing.

gogol said:
The exhibit A has a lot of wake lock time ... While the screen was off
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Yup, probably my things syncing in the background but the battery only drained 4%. Total awake time was an hour out of the six hours. 28 minutes of that I was actually using it.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App

I lose less than 1% an hour on my LTE device (on WIFI, haven't tested it on mobile data yet)
That was stock, doesn't perform as well on UV kernels for some reason

Thanks for this myths debunked thread. I'd like to add one:
The camera sucks! It takes fuzzy pictures!
Learn to wait for autofocus before taking your snapshot, and learn how to tweak the other settings properly, and you'll have crystal clear photos.
Has anyone seen John Connor?

skynet11 said:
Thanks for this myths debunked thread. I'd like to add one:
The camera sucks! It takes fuzzy pictures!
Learn to wait for autofocus before taking your snapshot, and learn how to tweak the other settings properly, and you'll have crystal clear photos.
Has anyone seen John Connor?
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Oh yes! I was going to mention that. Mind if I take your quote? Give you credit of course.

what's this about looking in the mirror and saying "galaxy nexus!" 3 times?

Good write up. Now what about the low volume issue? Is it widespread? GPS issue as well?

i wouldnt call the volume being low a is rather low, but then i'm coming from a phone that has stereo speakers on the side of the phone rather than the back...where it sits therefore muffling the sound more from a low starting point :|

Exhibit A is not a good example cause you were on Wifi the whole time. A lot of people throughout the workday will not have access to wifi and wifi is known to have less battery drain on standby.

I wonder if the low volume is hardware related at all. With past phones(that had Sense stock of course), anytime i'd try out an AOSP based ROM the volume was always noticeably quieter then on Sense. Devs would always attempt fixes but no matter what it wasnt the same. It makes me wonder how the volume would be on this phone if it had Sense.

jhuynh said:
Exhibit A is not a good example cause you were on Wifi the whole time. A lot of people throughout the workday will not have access to wifi and wifi is known to have less battery drain on standby.
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I've gotten nearly the same drainage on mobile date which is why I mentioned the fact of being in a bad reception area will kill your battery. I can do another test on mobile data and post another shot.
I will do a screenshot of the GPS and post that, as I get rock solid GPS.
My phone is normally on vibrate (I don't like my phone making noises) so I really can't speak to that. When I do have the volume turn up, I haven't had any issues with it.

Updated with GPS. Anyone is welcome to add other topics and I can add them.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App

Your list is pretty spot on, but don't underestimate the "signal" problem (although I won't call it that henceforth). While I don't think there is a signal reporting problem, as you pointed out, there does seem to be lower performance out of this phone compared to some of the competition, specifically in areas of weaker signal in terms of maintaining a data connection and handing off between 3G/4G. That has been my experience.
Your assertions are in line with reported information from AnandTech, and I agree that some people's problem is a perceived problem due to "Signal Bar goggles" or ignorance to signal reading reporting between phones. But there are still legitimate concerns about data handoff between EV-DO/LTE as well as this phone's ability to hold signal in weaker areas. Those are real issues for real people. There are plenty of examples, myself in included, who see their Nexus fail to keep LTE where other phones do not, and fail to keep 3G where other phones do not. When I'm in a good signal area, my phone performs simlarly to HTC Rezound, Charge, Razr, Thunderbolt, and my old OG Droid. But put it in a fringe area, and the performance differences become more clear in both ability to hold the LTE or even 3G signal as well as data rates.
Maybe there's nothing "wrong" with the phone, it's just not as "good" at these things as some other phones (and that's certainly allowed), but just don't write it off yet as nothing wrong with it.
I've also seen my GPS on a few occasions have me somewhere miles away (even up to tens of miles away) from my actual location. When it's locating me 60 miles north of where I actually am, even with WiFi on, I'm calling shenanigans. I've had the phone for a 9 days and it's happened 3 times so far. Just something I'm keeping an eye on.
I'm not in the camp of people losing data completely for extended periods of time, and for those people, I would suggest a phone exchange. I think my device is behaving as designed, and there is just possibly some questionable performance issues compared to some other phones. For that reason, I'm keeping mine and being hopeful of updates addressing these concerns.

Uh the whole reception issue is a reality. It has nothing to do with reception bars etc. I have losr data connection numerous times and a few dropped calls in the los angeles and orange county area. And its ****ing frustrating.
The camera is meh. In many occasiosions its doesnt focus properly, so you get fuzzy pictures. Though the ipone4/4s and galaxy s2 devices are obviously better.
The gpu so far sucks. Its been underclocked, and ppl see lag in their live wallpapers, and especially in emu's like n64 and psx. Hopefully a good overclock will help this issue.
The battery is very lame, but i think that was a given because of 4g, i get some extra life by turning that off.

b15love said:
Uh the whole reception issue is a reality. It has nothing to do with reception bars etc. I have losr data connection numerous times and a few dropped calls in the los angeles and orange county area. And its ****ing frustrating.
The camera is meh. In many occasiosions its doesnt focus properly, so you get fuzzy pictures. Though the ipone4/4s and galaxy s2 devices are obviously better.
The gpu so far sucks. Its been underclocked, and ppl see lag in their live wallpapers, and especially in emu's like n64 and psx. Hopefully a good overclock will help this issue.
The battery is very lame, but i think that was a given because of 4g, i get some extra life by turning that off.
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I never said the reception issue isn't real. The myth is that all devices suffer from this problem. My suggestion was that if you are having a bunch of problems that there might be a problem with your device.
Camera, I refer to the OP.
GPU, could be an issue with the high resolution and large screen. Probably will be optimized in the future. I'm running 4.0.3 and it's very smooth.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App

crankerchick said:
Your list is pretty spot on, but don't underestimate the "signal" problem (although I won't call it that henceforth). While I don't think there is a signal reporting problem, as you pointed out, there does seem to be lower performance out of this phone compared to some of the competition, specifically in areas of weaker signal in terms of maintaining a data connection and handing off between 3G/4G. That has been my experience.
Your assertions are in line with reported information from AnandTech, and I agree that some people's problem is a perceived problem due to "Signal Bar goggles" or ignorance to signal reading reporting between phones. But there are still legitimate concerns about data handoff between EV-DO/LTE as well as this phone's ability to hold signal in weaker areas. Those are real issues for real people. There are plenty of examples, myself in included, who see their Nexus fail to keep LTE where other phones do not, and fail to keep 3G where other phones do not. When I'm in a good signal area, my phone performs simlarly to HTC Rezound, Charge, Razr, Thunderbolt, and my old OG Droid. But put it in a fringe area, and the performance differences become more clear in both ability to hold the LTE or even 3G signal as well as data rates.
Maybe there's nothing "wrong" with the phone, it's just not as "good" at these things as some other phones (and that's certainly allowed), but just don't write it off yet as nothing wrong with it.
I've also seen my GPS on a few occasions have me somewhere miles away (even up to tens of miles away) from my actual location. When it's locating me 60 miles north of where I actually am, even with WiFi on, I'm calling shenanigans. I've had the phone for a 9 days and it's happened 3 times so far. Just something I'm keeping an eye on.
I'm not in the camp of people losing data completely for extended periods of time, and for those people, I would suggest a phone exchange. I think my device is behaving as designed, and there is just possibly some questionable performance issues compared to some other phones. For that reason, I'm keeping mine and being hopeful of updates addressing these concerns.
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This post isn't to claim that there isn't anything wrong with the phone, just to have a peek at how a normal device should function. Sort of to give people a benchmark to compare theirs to.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App

I see. So the title " The Galaxy Nexus has horrible reception!" Is not a myth and is partially true


60 fps frame rate cap

If I remember correctly the Evo had a frame rate lock. Even if it didn't does any one know if its being looked into as a mod to have it removed? The quadrent scores will probably be greatly effected since almost all the videos stay right at 60fps. Lets uncork this bad boy and let it run free any info on it I would live to hear. Mahalo, Wayne
bluefire808 said:
If I remember correctly the Evo had a frame rate lock. Even if it didn't does any one know if its being looked into as a mod to have it removed? The quadrent scores will probably be greatly effected since almost all the videos stay right at 60fps. Lets uncork this bad boy and let it run free any info on it I would live to hear. Mahalo, Wayne
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I don't think it is locked in the same sense that the Evo4G was actually capped. While my FPS2D scores are typically dead-on at 60 it bursts as high as 65 at times, the EVO4G did no such thing.
God, thanks for reminding me of that...that was so frustrating. Especially HTC's response.
daneurysm said:
I don't think it is locked in the same sense that the Evo4G was actually capped. While my FPS2D scores are typically dead-on at 60 it bursts as high as 65 at times, the EVO4G did no such thing.
God, thanks for reminding me of that...that was so frustrating. Especially HTC's response.
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what made the response so funny was as they were claiming it couldnt be done, it was already done and made them look STUPID(er)!!!
It's more than likely software capped much like the original Epic.
So that means that in theory it can be uncorked by a a dev some how I hope
It was done on the mesmerize/fascinate with the Glitch kernel. Upped the fps cap to 65 from 60. It might be worth investigating...
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App
phones looking better and better.
heat issues
iffy battery
Crummy radio/wifi range
apps/games closing out bug
screen on delay
now a frame rate lock?
dayum, might wait a lil longer before i upgrade...
malibu_23 said:
phones looking better and better.
heat issues
iffy battery
Crummy radio/wifi range
apps/games closing out bug
screen on delay
now a frame rate lock?
dayum, might wait a lil longer before i upgrade...
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A critical eye viewing in from the outside might see this as some sort of disaster of a phone...but I don't experience any of this at all, and for some of those items quite the opposite. There are always issues to be worked out when you get a phone on/right after release...that is ALWAYS to be expected...and always remember that the vast majority who are pleased and not having problems typically won't say anything at all...
Personally I don't know about this frame-rate lock...if we can go faster, by all means...but...60 is pretty damned good, though ~65 solid (with a low stdev) would be phenomenal. Someone always crawls out of the woodwork to point out that the human eye isn't capable blah blah blah much above 24fps anyway....but....when I flashed netarchy's kernel on my NS4G and my FPS went from ~60 to ~65 I noticed it right away and it was, I won't say so much that it is capped as much as it could be tweaked to go higher. 60fps really is pretty damned good.
daneurysm said:
A critical eye viewing in from the outside might see this as some sort of disaster of a phone...but I don't experience any of this at all, and for some of those items quite the opposite. There are always issues to be worked out when you get a phone on/right after release...that is ALWAYS to be expected...and always remember that the vast majority who are pleased and not having problems typically won't say anything at all...
Personally I don't know about this frame-rate lock...if we can go faster, by all means...but...60 is pretty damned good, though ~65 solid (with a low stdev) would be phenomenal. Someone always crawls out of the woodwork to point out that the human eye isn't capable blah blah blah much above 24fps anyway....but....when I flashed netarchy's kernel on my NS4G and my FPS went from ~60 to ~65 I noticed it right away and it was, I won't say so much that it is capped as much as it could be tweaked to go higher. 60fps really is pretty damned good.
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In the history of cell phones no phone has ever been perfect. There are always have been and always will be something to complain about with each and every new phone that comes out. They are made by humans and used by humans. That means some problems may be build / design / software / or user error.
That being said this the GSII is the number one phone in the world as of right now.
Samsung Galaxy S II
stangdriverdoug said:
In the history of cell phones no phone has ever been perfect. There are always have been and always will be something to complain about with each and every new phone that comes out. They are made by humans and used by humans. That means some problems may be build / design / software / or user error.
That being said this the GSII is the number one phone in the world as of right now.
Samsung Galaxy S II
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Nothing is and will ever be perfect. That's just the way it is. This happens with cars , houses, other electronics and software and so on...There is always something what "could have been better" or different. Especially when they first come out.
I understand it can be frustrating, however we sometimes need to understand that the complexity of devices nowadays inevitably lead to some flaws. Hopefully they will fix this soon.
As far as the framerate cap goes...I hope no dev is going to take time to change this especially when we have other more important things they could invest their time in.
60fps is BUTTERY SMOOTH and the GS2 does a very good job of hitting that mark most of the time in most apps and games as opposed to 99% of the devices out there that can't. Why waste time on lifting it? So you can score higher Quadrant scores? Completely pointless!
We need apps that utilize the dual cores and gpu, efficiently.
I don't think we are capped because I have seen a few bursts of 70 in quadrant. I think we need to utilize the hardware we have fully, then worry about what may or may not be limited.
malibu_23 said:
phones looking better and better.
heat issues
iffy battery
Crummy radio/wifi range
apps/games closing out bug
screen on delay
now a frame rate lock?
dayum, might wait a lil longer before i upgrade...
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The door is over here troll -> http://****
When you superhuman eye can see more than 60fps, lemme know. FYI, movies in the theater play at 24.
I just think it would be nice to have the cap removed ... we are all here to tweak our phones and mod them which is really fun to do! Just something fun that I would like to see happen. Perdormance is amazing and butter already and this is the best phone out right now. I don't actually have a single complaint about it! Just like modding and tweaking
bondosho said:
When you superhuman eye can see more than 60fps, lemme know. FYI, movies in the theater play at 24.
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you ever look at and old school crt monitor at 60Hz?
i do agree with you that on such a small screen, more that 60fps is more for epeen benches than actual performance.
madsquabbles said:
you ever look at and old school crt monitor at 60Hz?
i do agree with you that on such a small screen, more that 60fps is more for epeen benches than actual performance.
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Bwhahahahaha your name made me lol!
Tbh I had a glimpse of "training day" run through my head when I seen your screen name
(carry on with the useless benchmark improvements)
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App
comeatmebro said:
The door is over here troll -> http://****
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am i lying? are those not the top issues with this phone?
daneurysm said:
A critical eye viewing in from the outside might see this as some sort of disaster of a phone...but I don't experience any of this at all, and for some of those items quite the opposite. There are always issues to be worked out when you get a phone on/right after release...that is ALWAYS to be expected...and always remember that the vast majority who are pleased and not having problems typically won't say anything at all...
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Im rocking the OG evo, and this isnt my 1st phone, so im well aware of "new phone" bugs, (see sig) but these top bugs/annoyances im seeing seem really bad to me. Cuz its stuff that would affect me daily, but everyone's usage varies. Im sure its an awesome phone as a whole thats y i lurk here to see whats the latest with mods to fix it or actually updates pushed by sammy. y'all too sensitive with peoples opinions on phones.
malibu_23 said:
am i lying? are those not the top issues with this phone?
Im rocking the OG evo, and this isnt my 1st phone, so im well aware of "new phone" bugs, (see sig) but these top bugs/annoyances im seeing seem really bad to me. Cuz its stuff that would affect me daily, but everyone's usage varies. Im sure its an awesome phone as a whole thats y i lurk here to see whats the latest with mods to fix it or actually updates pushed by sammy. y'all too sensitive with peoples opinions on phones.
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Excellent point... The only bug that's serious to me is the random loss of service. That's potentially life-threatening. All the other bugs are just annoyances.
malibu_23 said:
am i lying? are those not the top issues with this phone?
Im rocking the OG evo, and this isnt my 1st phone, so im well aware of "new phone" bugs, (see sig) but these top bugs/annoyances im seeing seem really bad to me. Cuz its stuff that would affect me daily, but everyone's usage varies. Im sure its an awesome phone as a whole thats y i lurk here to see whats the latest with mods to fix it or actually updates pushed by sammy. y'all too sensitive with peoples opinions on phones.
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No, I'm not mad, and no you're not right:
heat issues
iffy battery
Crummy radio/wifi range
apps/games closing out bug
screen on delay
now a frame rate lock?
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heat issues = It's not really an issue at all. It gets barely hot, unless you're device is malfunctioned in which case you should return it
iffy battery = where the hell did you read this? If you're talking about the OS consumption at 50%+ then thats a lemon and needs to be returned. hence why only a very small percentage of people are having this problem
crummy radio/wifi = it's not on par with photon for example, but it's good enough, and not a deal breaker at all. I get 2-3 bars of 4g everywhere I go. As for as wifi I have no use for because like I said, i get 4g everywhere so I have no need for wifi.
apps/games = again, most likely a lemon, and needs to be returned
screen on delay = caused by sd card, and even though its annoying at times, its still not a deal breaker
fps lock = pretty sure it's not an fps lock. afaik most if not all android phones are stuck at 60fps. Also i'm pretty sure your og evo was locked at 30fps and you still bought it.
most of the things you described are bugs, and need to be returned to sprint. Phones are mass assembled and some of them will have these bugs, thats why you have a 14 day window to return the phone if you experience any problems.
comeatmebro said:
No, I'm not mad, and no you're not right:
heat issues = It's not really an issue at all. It gets barely hot, unless you're device is malfunctioned in which case you should return it
iffy battery = where the hell did you read this? If you're talking about the OS consumption at 50%+ then thats a lemon and needs to be returned. hence why only a very small percentage of people are having this problem
crummy radio/wifi = it's not on par with photon for example, but it's good enough, and not a deal breaker at all. I get 2-3 bars of 4g everywhere I go. As for as wifi I have no use for because like I said, i get 4g everywhere so I have no need for wifi.
apps/games = again, most likely a lemon, and needs to be returned
screen on delay = caused by sd card, and even though its annoying at times, its still not a deal breaker
fps lock = pretty sure it's not an fps lock. afaik most if not all android phones are stuck at 60fps. Also i'm pretty sure your og evo was locked at 30fps and you still bought it.
most of the things you described are bugs, and need to be returned to sprint. Phones are mass assembled and some of them will have these bugs, thats why you have a 14 day window to return the phone if you experience any problems.
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This is exactly what I would've said, except the game/apps closing out thing is a legit problem (just not a big one). my gameboid emulator drops out randomly, but my snesoid emulator works just fine. I have a feeling that's a compatibility issue, but i'm also known for blowing smoke up people's asses
malibu, you need to understand that we on xda represent a minority of phone owners. Therefore, if it's a "hot topic" here, I can guarantee you that more than 50% of the owners of this phone have no freaking idea what you're talking about. Therefore, you cannot call any of these issues "hot issues" except LOS because LOS is like'll eventually happen to everyone unless they're freaks.
If you don't wanna upgrade to this phone, that's fine, but please go bother the people in the forum of the phone you do plan on buying. Thanks!
As for this 60 fps lock....hmmmm
I don't think so

T-Mobile OTA 2.3.6 Update Pros and Cons

T989 running on T-Mobile Complete Stock - Just Rooted - Bloatware Removed - Nothing else and no custom Roms. Just plain Stock....
For me here are the pros of my update to 2.3.6:
- Better battery life (was even better after root and most bloatware was removed especially that pesky Carrier IQ)
- More responsive UI
- Less Laggy
- The new Music icon is quite attractive
- Wi-fi calling feature was a pretty good addition and will come in handy later
- I live in the 4th largest city and I live in within the city about 5 minutes from downtown, which has HSPA+21, and was one of the first cities it was released in, and my co workers with T-Mobile get way faster speeds on their unrooted phones while the 4G coverage for me is just horrible especially for a 600 dollar phone.
- Marketplace is a mess
- I find myself having to reboot more frequently just to stay on 4G
- Perhaps it's just that everyone is on break from school/work and they are using the network more than usual but the network has not be so nice to me since the update. I'm gonna hope this is the case.
- The update may have caused more problems than it fixed.
What about you guys? Pros and Cons for you?
For me it slowed my internet down. When throttled tmobile gives a ****y 2g before the update it was usable after the update i can barley use the internet when throttled. Battery seems like it may have improved slightly. The update screwed up my root of coarse. My phone wasn't getting the info-mouse reboot problem before when it was rooted and had the bloatware removed and now its doing it again after loosing my root. Now i gotta Waite till super one click gets updated to reroot don't want to take chance of bricking my phone with other root methods or loosing unroot which super one click provides.
Why didn't you just flash one of the stock rom so you can stay rooted and not to mention it does not contain and of the CIQs?
So far I have to agree that the battery life is excellent. but disagree on the internet being slow cause Im getting the same if not better than what i used get (downtown NYC area).
I'm getting decent speeds. they do seem to be more inconsistent, but I've hit my highest peak ever.
Standby battery life has gone through the roof, battery life period is exactly what I want it to be and nothing less. I don't notice much of a difference with the radio but I do notice I don't lose service after going from 4G to 2G anymore but it can stick on GPRS and not EDGE.
The only annoyance for me is my Picasa albums are gone from the Gallery.
aleks_ said:
T989 running on T-Mobile Complete Stock - Just Rooted - Bloatware Removed - Nothing else and no custom Roms. Just plain Stock....
For me here are the pros of my update to 2.3.6:
- Better battery life (was even better after root and most bloatware was removed especially that pesky Carrier IQ)
- More responsive UI
- Less Laggy
- The new Music icon is quite attractive
- Wi-fi calling feature was a pretty good addition and will come in handy later
- I live in the 4th largest city and I live in within the city about 5 minutes from downtown, which has HSPA+21, and was one of the first cities it was released in, and my co workers with T-Mobile get way faster speeds on their unrooted phones while the 4G coverage for me is just horrible especially for a 600 dollar phone.
- Marketplace is a mess
- I find myself having to reboot more frequently just to stay on 4G
- Perhaps it's just that everyone is on break from school/work and they are using the network more than usual but the network has not be so nice to me since the update. I'm gonna hope this is the case.
- The update may have caused more problems than it fixed.
What about you guys? Pros and Cons for you?
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I havent noted any changes in battery life to be honest, its the same as before. Not horrible, but i do find myself having to plug in around 7:30-8pm
google talk is enabled on stock finally, but what is this new icon you speak off? my music icon looks the same , maybe i havent noticed the change before. could you post a few pics?
Also, 4G is also the same. I did a couple of speedtests, and the standard variation is there, i'm getting about the same speeds.
The UI was supposed to be smoother... but, once again, im not noticing the difference that much, maybe its really subtle.
on the plus side, things havent deteriorated at all... so thats good i guess, i was hoping the update would bring some screen calibration fixes with it, seemed like the perfect opportunity to do that.
voice talk
After the update, voice talk on double tap on my home button is missing. Any one else have the same issue. Thank you
I to had the internet problems...inconsistent connection and long ping times. I Odin the kid modem and internet is back to normal. The original modem is way better. You can find the modem on rootzwiki
The only issue ive had with the update is wifi calling is hit or miss.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk
I just got 16.48mbps.. Fastest ive ever tested
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
After the update, voice talk on double tap on my home button is missing. Any one else have the same issue. Thank you
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its in one of the settings talk or command settings cant remember you have to tick it
I am currently running stock rooted with bullet kernel. I was previously rooted on Juggernaught. I Odined back to stock unrooted (VERY easily) and rerooted after flashing the update (again with Odin) also very easily.
I am in love with this update. My phone is working better than it ever has. So much that I am almost afraid to flash a ROM once Juggs gets updated to include WiFi calling.
Yesterday I recorded my BEST battery stats of all time. Over 4 hours of screen on time and a total life of 14.5 hours with 6% remaining when I went to bed and put it to charge at around 11:15PM. That of course was a Sunday when I don't use my phone as much. And with WiFi calling turned on as often as possible. Today since I am at wokr and I will used my phone for browsing much more often I will probably get less battery life but I will say that at 11:45EST the phone is currently at 1.5 hours screen on time and total time off charger of 4.5 hours and still has 60% remaining. Still not too shabby.
One thing I will say though is that the WiFi calling is a little buggy. There are times when I will get a bit of a delay while talking over wifi. Sometimes as well the wifi calling will not enable properly when I connect to a router. And finally once I got a 911 error even though I have had a 911 address on my account since my G2x days!
All in all I think this was an update that was definitely worth the wait for me. Hopefully the eventual ICS update will bring even more greatness to this phone!
No more double tap home button voice command.
Seems a little more optimized (smoother).
If using Mr. X's version, it offers no ciq and deodex and a few more tweaks. It wouldn't have came without the update.
rickm8384 said:
I am currently running stock rooted with bullet kernel. I was previously rooted on Juggernaught. I Odined back to stock unrooted (VERY easily) and rerooted after flashing the update (again with Odin) also very easily.
I am in love with this update. My phone is working better than it ever has. So much that I am almost afraid to flash a ROM once Juggs gets updated to include WiFi calling.
Yesterday I recorded my BEST battery stats of all time. Over 4 hours of screen on time and a total life of 14.5 hours with 6% remaining when I went to bed and put it to charge at around 11:15PM. That of course was a Sunday when I don't use my phone as much. And with WiFi calling turned on as often as possible. Today since I am at wokr and I will used my phone for browsing much more often I will probably get less battery life but I will say that at 11:45EST the phone is currently at 1.5 hours screen on time and total time off charger of 4.5 hours and still has 60% remaining. Still not too shabby.
One thing I will say though is that the WiFi calling is a little buggy. There are times when I will get a bit of a delay while talking over wifi. Sometimes as well the wifi calling will not enable properly when I connect to a router. And finally once I got a 911 error even though I have had a 911 address on my account since my G2x days!
All in all I think this was an update that was definitely worth the wait for me. Hopefully the eventual ICS update will bring even more greatness to this phone!
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let us know your results browsing without Wi-Fi. That is the only flaw the modem can have high speed but it is very inconsistent for me sometimes even timing out.
New update sucks poor battery life and slower internet speeds. Runing stock Samsung dropped the ball on this update.
Jimbo Droid said:
New update sucks poor battery life and slower internet speeds. Runing stock Samsung dropped the ball on this update.
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Slower internet speeds? I'm getting 12's where I was getting between 6-8 before. Haven't been able to test battery performance cuz I just updated last night but so far so good with my phone.
aleks_ said:
T989 running on T-Mobile Complete Stock - Just Rooted - Bloatware Removed - Nothing else and no custom Roms. Just plain Stock....
For me here are the pros of my update to 2.3.6:
- Better battery life (was even better after root and most bloatware was removed especially that pesky Carrier IQ)
- More responsive UI
- Less Laggy
- The new Music icon is quite attractive
- Wi-fi calling feature was a pretty good addition and will come in handy later
- I live in the 4th largest city and I live in within the city about 5 minutes from downtown, which has HSPA+21, and was one of the first cities it was released in, and my co workers with T-Mobile get way faster speeds on their unrooted phones while the 4G coverage for me is just horrible especially for a 600 dollar phone.
- Marketplace is a mess
- I find myself having to reboot more frequently just to stay on 4G
- Perhaps it's just that everyone is on break from school/work and they are using the network more than usual but the network has not be so nice to me since the update. I'm gonna hope this is the case.
- The update may have caused more problems than it fixed.
What about you guys? Pros and Cons for you?
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I've been using this update for about 24 hours now and have nothing but positive experience with it.
1. Much better bluetooth functionality - connects faster now and stays connected all the time especially with my car where the bluetooth audio used to be temperamental.
2. Not sure about battery life but appears to be better.
3. I get solid 4g signal
4. Phone is noticeably faster than before
The new update has made my phone even better.
Using mr Xs rom. very smooth. wifi calling is a plus (minor plus). speeds have stayed the same for me but the ping is MUCH faster (43 ms now.. Was 600 ms).
Battery life isnt better if i am using the phone, but it is MUCH better if the phone is on standby.
Sent from my Hercules using XDA App
After the update, voice talk on double tap on my home button is missing. Any one else have the same issue. Thank you
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I don't miss this at all. I found it quite annoying actually. Just hold down on the magnifying glass to access that now.
You can reenable it in settings.
I'm running on the updated rooted stock rom and the battery life has been great. 1d 4 hours and still 29% on battery.

I've got to break the well spoken rule about battery life threads.

After long being one of those people who would never post a thread with bias questions or answers.
It's come to this.
I long for the battery I had from ICS, I never got less than 4 hours screen on and 16 hours standby together.
The best I got was right at 5 hours screen on with 18 hours standby.
All with wifi/3G only, very little to none 4G, it's fine with me.
Every single ROM/Kernel combination since I've moved to JB has provided me with just......crap......
AOKP, AOKP kangs, CM, Liquid, CNA, and Eclipse along in different combinations with
Faux, Lean, stock, 007, TinyKernel, and Trinity kernels.
It does not matter what combination I use.
I can barely get over 3 hours-ish screen on time with about 12-18 hours standby.
Now if I use the screen less than 2 hours, I can get up to two days standby, which is nice but not the overall complete usefulness I had.
I know battery has long been an issue for many of us, but I see people in threads talking about their 2 hours of screen on time like it's amazing when it's awful, especially when some of us, could, and used to get close to 5 with stock batteries or 2100 extended (mine)
If you're using LTE all the time, only 2 hours screen on is justified because it should be common knowledge what happens.
Point of the thread is this, I want to know, those on JB with stock or 2100mAh battery and can manage 4+ hours screen on and still close to a day of screen on, what's your secret? Every detail, spill them.
Is it our fault or are we just in a down time of battery efficiency in the ROMs and kernels?
There is no secret, jb is crap when compared to battery usage on ics
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
I believe project butter is to blame. But that's just me
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
Pm me. I'll tell you whatever I can in hopes that it helps you.
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Sent from my AOSP Android 4.1.1 Galaxy Nexus.
Why not just post here, then we can all possibly benefit
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Couldn't figure out why my battery life was so poor the for the last month or so. Good to see I'm not the only one with the problem.
AOKP ICS with Franco kernel gave me amazing battery life. Jelly Bean not so much.
I personally believe that anyone getting more screen time than you (this goes for anyone) is:
a) Using their phone in an environment that is less bright than you (indoors, on the bus, in the subway)
b) and / or not syncing as many things as you / not as often as you.
Reverse the above for people getting less screen time than you.
This is the truth of the matter.
Personally, I get 2 to 3 hours to 3.5 hours of screen time on JB, depending on usage.
4 hours if I read in bed at night.
Edit: Kernel / ROM be damned, maybe it'll make 10 to 15 minutes worth of difference. NOBODY has presented scientific proof of any ROM/kernel being different from any other. It's always "oh yaa best battery life ever with this rom". It's just noise and cherry-picked screenshots.
ringer13 said:
Why not just post here, then we can all possibly benefit
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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I will then. I may not get to it for a day or two though as I'm busy and will need time to write up as detailed as I can my usage, settings, etc.
Sent from my AOSP Android 4.1.1 Galaxy Nexus.
I usually get at least 1 day worth of charge. My set up is pretty easy tho. Since I am in front of a computer 75% of the time , gmail sync is turned off, twitter is @ 4 hours, Facebook set to never with location turned off. Phone gps and location are also turned off unless I M walking towards the bus stop. I don't need to be checking my phone every 5 minutes so my useage is pretty stable and predictable. I wonder what you guys are doing to make the battery die so quick? If your usage patterns are pretty high with checking email 100s of texts and lots of twitter and Facebook well yeah I'll die quick.
Also I seem to get the same results with custom kernels and stock. I have little experience with CPU controls and and such so maybe setting a lower frequency will help?
My .2 ponies.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
Battery can be related to many causes leading to user error. I never used ICS on this phone so I honestly have no idea how great the battery was.
Google now, project butter and many other optimizations are to blame yes.
Depends how much you use it and what is going and the vary of networks going on and off and switching. I can normally pull off 3-4 hours of near heavy use. My droid incredible could only get at least 1 hour max. So maybe it is me but the nexus is a godsend for me.
Leaving the governor at interactive with low max and undervolting will help battery and a specific kernel. I can normally roll with 0-10% brightness and have all networks running and syncing.
I'm tired and ready to cook my tacos I'll be back later with more input.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
STOP overclocking your phone (even to 1350), under clocking exists you know.
STOP using interactive governors.
STOP using your phone so much.
STOP complaining about it.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
Try this...
I have an old Android phone that my boy plays I turn the cell radio off & have it on the wifi signal only. Even with him having the screen on for hours & hours (usually playing games), the phone will stay on battery for almost 4 days!
Turn your cell radio to airplane mode & then turn on wifi only...mess around with it, play games & see what the difference is. When I have a Sprint signal (usually junk 2g one) at home I get poor battery life...when I hack the PRL to choose a 3g (better) signal I get twice the battery life...
I've seen other battery life threads where the signal is a MAJOR factor & even with a strong 2g signal the 3g is probably better at not wasting battery. (4g is a whole other story)
I've found 4 things that almost double my battery life
1) Google Maps: huge battery drainer. freezing it doesn't help either, it has to be uninstalled. Mapquest from the play store is a decent battery friendly alternative. or if you really need gmaps, copy the .apk file and install it when needed, then uninstall afterward.
2) Push Email apps: i.e. Yahoo mail app, Gmail app... use the built-in email app and set the refresh limit to every hour.
3) 3G/2G: when your not using data, put it to 2g networks only. huge battery savings especially if you're somewhere with a weak 3/4g signal.
4) NFC/WIFI/GPS : turn them off if your not using them (obviously)
your results may vary, but doing these things did wonders for my battery. I average 23-26 hours with 2.5-3.5 hrs screen on time. before that I was getting 14-16 hrs with about 1.5-2 hrs screen on
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
lowrider262 said:
3) 3G/2G: when your not using data, put it to 2g networks only. huge battery savings especially if you're somewhere with a weak 3/4g signal.
4) NFC/WIFI/GPS : turn them off if your not using them (obviously)
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Well, Switching 2g/3g is pretty battery draining, too. So better be sure you don't use 3g networks for a while. constantly switching just to be a minute or two at 2g just drains more
Turning of WiFi is pretty obvious but NFC and GPS shouldn't take any battery juice if they arn't in use... Someone tested it and could proove, that gps only uses battery power if it's searching for a connection.
As you can see, you basically need t neuter your device and constantly worry in order to get 'great' battery life, lol.
skadebo said:
As you can see, you basically need t neuter your device and constantly worry in order to get 'great' battery life, lol.
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yeah that's the downside to the smartphones.
skadebo said:
As you can see, you basically need t neuter your device and constantly worry in order to get 'great' battery life, lol.
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Yup. Use it, roll with a charger and forget about it
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Its a small battery, they should up the battery sizes. They can fit the samsung galaxy note 2's battery in the samsung galaxy nexus if they wanted too.. /the end.
mike.b93 said:
Well, Switching 2g/3g is pretty battery draining, too. So better be sure you don't use 3g networks for a while. constantly switching just to be a minute or two at 2g just drains more
Turning of WiFi is pretty obvious but NFC and GPS shouldn't take any battery juice if they arn't in use... Someone tested it and could proove, that gps only uses battery power if it's searching for a connection.
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yea I only switch to 2g when I know its just gonna be sitting in my pocket for a while, like when I'm at work. in that situation it definaetly helps. but your right switching constantly is bad too. :thumbup: as for NFC and GPS, it just seems to help for me, maybe its just placebo. like I said results may vary
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
I thought leave it on interactive since jb was tweaked around that
Sent from my Sprint Nexus 3

Before we all jump to Nexus 4, are we sure Google has killed the battery vampires?

I've had the Galaxy Nexus LTE for nearly 11 months on Verizon. I've done what I can to stem battery drain. At some point, I just gave up diagnosing the problem and started carrying 5-6 spare batteries with me. Some people claim one day's use; others report the same problems. I think it all depends on how we use our phones--eg do you take a lot of pictures--and what apps we have installed. I use the phone hard but not that hard. Sometimes the phone will burn the battery just being in the pocket.
I don't want this to be another Galaxy Nexus battery life sucks thread. What I want to know is whether the battery drain problem will be solved before we consider moving onto phones running 4.2.
Some of the drain is due to the terrible LTE radio. Phones with integrated chips have much less hardware drain.
But about the software drain? When I run GSam Battery Monitor, the number culprits seem to be Media Scanner (Server?), acore processes--contacts, user dictionary.
I've dialed down or turned off syncs as far as I reasonably can; are rogue apps causing problems or is the OS too easy to trip up?
If you search for "media battery," you see a lot of bug reports about the problem.
The Google Android team doesn't seem to care about these problems.
"I'm only posting this here for my own amusement. My track record with Android bug reports is that Google ignores them for 2 years and then closes them without taking any corrective action. Good luck everyone."
Here's a typical bug report from mid-2011, that is still labeled new and unassigned:
4.1.2 has the os drain:
Going into 4.2, how do we track these issues and see if they are getting fixed? I'm not a dev... The only way we can see the 4.2 source and commits is to clone the repo using git? Is there a friendly web interact through which we can see the changes?
Do we wait until 4.2 is released and see what defects are reported on the issue tracker?
Please don't let this be a typical battery life sucks thread, where people will
1) complain that they also have bad battery life
2) complaint that they have great battery life and don't see these problems
3) suggest debugging these problems with CPU SPY, BetterBatteryStats, etc
4) suggest fixing these problems with .nomedia
I want to know how we as users can track what Google is doing or has done to fix these problems in 4.2, so we, as Android devotees, can have faith in migrating to those devices.
dynamicpda said:
I've had the Galaxy Nexus LTE for nearly 11 months on Verizon. I've done what I can to stem battery drain. At some point, I just gave up diagnosing the problem and started carrying 5-6 spare batteries with me. Some people claim one day's use; others report the same problems. I think it all depends on how we use our phones--eg do you take a lot of pictures--and what apps we have installed. I use the phone hard but not that hard. Sometimes the phone will burn the battery just being in the pocket.
I don't want this to be another Galaxy Nexus battery life sucks thread. What I want to know is whether the battery drain problem will be solved before we consider moving onto phones running 4.2.
Some of the drain is due to the terrible LTE radio. Phones with integrated chips have much less hardware drain.
But about the software drain? When I run GSam Battery Monitor, the number culprits seem to be Media Scanner (Server?), acore processes--contacts, user dictionary.
I've dialed down or turned off syncs as far as I reasonably can; are rogue apps causing problems or is the OS too easy to trip up?
If you search for "media battery," you see a lot of bug reports about the problem.
The Google Android team doesn't seem to care about these problems.
"I'm only posting this here for my own amusement. My track record with Android bug reports is that Google ignores them for 2 years and then closes them without taking any corrective action. Good luck everyone."
Here's a typical bug report from mid-2011, that is still labeled new and unassigned:
4.1.2 has the os drain:
Going into 4.2, how do we track these issues and see if they are getting fixed? I'm not a dev... The only way we can see the 4.2 source and commits is to clone the repo using git? Is there a friendly web interact through which we can see the changes?
Do we wait until 4.2 is released and see what defects are reported on the issue tracker?
Please don't let this be a typical battery life sucks thread, where people will
1) complain that they also have bad battery life
2) complaint that they have great battery life and don't see these problems
3) suggest debugging these problems with CPU SPY, BetterBatteryStats, etc
4) suggest fixing these problems with .nomedia
I want to know how we as users can track what Google is doing or has done to fix these problems in 4.2, so we, as Android devotees, can have faith in migrating to those devices.
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Any Tom, ****, or Harry can post issues. Most of the time they don't have the technical knowledge to even know what a bug is. Don't confuse Google not caring vs. Google not willing to accept a ticket caused by something out of their control.
As for your case, you have a Verizon Nexus. They ALL suck on battery compared to other devices.
You say you don't want this to devolve into a typical battery thread but it will.
dynamicpda said:
***blah blah battery vampires***
I've had the Galaxy Nexus LTE for nearly 11 months on Verizon.
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no lte in the nexus 4, sounds like they chased off the battery sucker to me.
I'd you're using your phone as a laptop, it's time to buy a laptop. Otherwise, the turn if syncing for things you use once a day. Actively using data (especially over LTE) with a large screen burns battery on any device. If you are burning battery in your pocket, you either need to sync less or identify the rogue app that is doing the work. And Google does use the bug reports to make improvements. A recent bug in Chrome removed names from the shortcuts in the bookmarks bar and it was fixed within a week. Android rakes longer due to the wide spectrum of devices and overall update process. Bugs in an OS are a different beast than bugs in a browser.
From the sounds of things, you will have battery issues on any device.
Sent from my Verizon Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
cry bro :crying:
simms22 said:
no lte in the nexus 4, sounds like they chased off the battery sucker to me.
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Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
adrynalyne said:
Any Tom, ****, or Harry can post issues. Most of the time they don't have the technical knowledge to even know what a bug is. Don't confuse Google not caring vs. Google not willing to accept a ticket caused by something out of their control.
As for your case, you have a Verizon Nexus. They ALL suck on battery compared to other devices.
You say you don't want this to devolve into a typical battery thread but it will.
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Go by the evidence. The Media Server / Scanner drain problem still exists in 4.1.2
Complaining about battery life on an LTE device is like dropping a 600HP engine in your car and complaining about your gas mileage going down.
So lets say an LTE phone has an enormous battery in it, this might give you "respectable" battery life... but take that same huge battery and put it in a GSM phone and watch the battery life go from "respectable" to "incredible".
If battery life is what you need... you might consider going GSM. With heavy use I usually end up at about 30-40% at the end of the day...
Of course, as stated above, the media scanner bug is still there... but from my experience, LTE is the biggest "battery vampire" by a landslide.
I can't wait to see how many "battery life sucks on N4" threads are created.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Soldier 2.0 said:
I can't wait to see how many "battery life sucks on N4" threads are created.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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Oh it's coming... It's coming... Best believe it! Lol.
Honestly, it's just the way it is so ppl need to get over it. If they buy the Nexus and complain about the non-removable battery, then they should have gotten a different phone instead. Like an S3.
mackster248 said:
Oh it's coming... It's coming... Best believe it! Lol.
Honestly, it's just the way it is so ppl need to get over it. If they buy the Nexus and complain about the non-removable battery, then they should have gotten a different phone instead. Like an S3.
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i thought that i would be complaining about the non removable battery in my nexus 7, but it doesnt bother me anymore
There's no lte buddy ur mistaken
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
modgadgets said:
There's no lte buddy ur mistaken
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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Read harder...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
"5 or 6 spare batteries" ROFL.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
That's 4 days of actual on time (I turn it off at night, ~15 hours a day). That's closing in on what my old Nokia and Sony feature phones clocked in at.
speedyink said:
That's 4 days of actual on time (I turn it off at night, ~15 hours a day). That's closing in on what my old Nokia and Sony feature phones clocked in at.
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First, turning it off at night, makes your "4 days" statement entirely false, automatically. Second, 1 hour 20 minutes screen on time is terrible, even for a known battery sucker like the gnex. Third, the only thing might slightly warrant a pardon for that screen on time, would be the fact that you did get over 2 days on it, if not for Fourth (and finally) the fact that your phone clearly shows that your didn't use it at all.
Cmoore0965 said:
First, turning it off at night, makes your "4 days" statement entirely false, automatically. Second, 1 hour 20 minutes screen on time is terrible, even for a known battery sucker like the gnex. Third, the only thing might slightly warrant a pardon for that screen on time, would be the fact that you did get over 2 days on it, if not for Fourth (and finally) the fact that your phone clearly shows that your didn't use it at all.
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4 days of my use, where is there false information? Still on the same charge, 1 hour 41 mins now. 61 hours with real world use is not bad, especially since despite you seemingly knowing how I use my phone, I was using it for texting, a few calls, I used google maps, updated some stuff and other random crap. A lot can be done in an hour and a half.
And finally, the entire point of this thread is the android process sucking up battery, which is why I posted a picture showing the contrary. How about you find something credible to ***** about.
Maybe if you stop using that ugly, bloated, stupid ROM your Android process usage will be reduced.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
Soldier 2.0 said:
Maybe if you stop using that ugly, bloated, stupid ROM your Android process usage will be reduced.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
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Hahaa yessss!!!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app

SCH-I515 Radio

I've done some research on this issue, and I'm afraid the answer is going to be: "it is what it is," but I recently acquired this phone and have noticed a decrease in cell coverage over my (*wildly awful*) LG Revolution.
For starters, 4G seems flaky at best. It has 4G coverage, but it is very spotty, unpredictable, and sometimes, even when it says 4G, I'm getting speeds equivalent to dial up (much worse than 3G). I can safely state it has significantly lower 4G coverage than my Revolution did. As for voice reception, while it has not cut out on me when I'm "above ground," it is non-existent in my basement. While this would seem to equate to a "well duh" statement, my previous Revolution was able to get a bar.
My phone is up to date with the latest updates, and is running on 4.2.2 with a baseband version FK01/FK02.
I'll say that it is a beautiful phone that was crafted fantastically as a solid Android device that would put my old phone to shame, but it seems like maybe this phone was crafted as a 4.75" tablet first, then the radios were slapped on as an after-thought? Has this been anyone else's experience? Are there fixes for these issues, or is this an inherent hardware issue?
This is my first Samsung phone on top of several Samsung tablets I've owned. While they are winning me over as an Android manufacturer, they are sliding off a cliff as a phone manufacturer so far (LG took that dive from 20,000 ft.)...
On an aside, battery life is a bit of a joke as well. I have orders in for batteries, extended batteries, etc. to fix that problem, though.
these are all issues that have been covered many times over. yes, the lte version has crappy signal pickup. mine is horrible for being in a decent size city with full 4g coverage, and 3g is even worse, a complete joke if you will. you can try flashing different radio combos to see what works for you. and battery, you hit it on the head, all you can do is get a bigger battery and try different kernel and setting combos to try and max out battery life. good luck with your phone, it's a great phone though for being over a year old now.

