[Q] Rom suggestions () - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi I like AOSP roms, I came from ChevyNo1 on the OG Droid. The Evo has Sense by default, and its alright, but I just prefer the pulldown menu from AOSP. With that being said, what is the closest rom to ChevyNo1's or UltimateDroid? I know there is UD for the Evo, but it hasn't been updated for a long time, and I love the options that it has.
I am using EvoDeck right now, would like to change to Sense so I can change my PRLs and use my MSL without always flashing and reflashing.
Battery life to be good. I get about a full day's on mines even off data... so I think there could be improvement. Biggest issue. Not sure if Sense makes it alot worst but I doubt it.
I'm a light user. Mostly use it to call surprisingly, occasionally use it to browse, text a fair bit too.

I've heard that MikG's Roms are Sense based and give very good battery life. You can find a list of Evo Roms on this website: Android Candy: HTC Evo 4G You will also see which Roms have been updated recently and screenshots of the Rom that's listed. Hope this helps.


Of all the roms, which do you....

feel gives the best performance and best battery life? There are so many to choose from and I hate flashing one, setting all my crap back up and flashing another. I am on Baked Snacks 1.7 now, as of 11pm lastnight. So far it's nice. Not much diff from 1.5 I was on. I like SenseUI, so I want roms with it.
I hear good things about CM6, but it sounds complicated to install.
I'm running Stock De-odexed right now but I working on my own based off the new OTA. For me, CM6 wasn't hard to install - all I had to do was flash it with ClockworkMod and it worked OotB.
Well, if you want SenseUI, I wouldn't go with CM6 since it's more of an AOSP rom. Check out Fresh 3.2, that's as Sense as it can get with really great battery life (IMHO), on a stock "unreleased" kernel. I've been running Fresh roms since the beginning and still loving it.
EVOme said:
feel gives the best performance and best battery life? There are so many to choose from and I hate flashing one, setting all my crap back up and flashing another. I am on Baked Snacks 1.7 now, as of 11pm lastnight. So far it's nice. Not much diff from 1.5 I was on. I like SenseUI, so I want roms with it.
I hear good things about CM6, but it sounds complicated to install.
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CM6 is probably the fastest, not sure about battery life. CM6 is not sense and its also not complicated to install. You just need to flash the google apps as well as the CM6 rom. You can do them both at the same time then reboot. No big deal. However CM6 has no sense and thus can be pretty diffrent and raw feeling at first. If you like sense and you want to try CM6 try out launcher pro with CM6 I hear they got some great sense like widgets, plus you can get some sense like widgets on the market. Other good options are Damage Control and Fresh both are great roms with plenty of options. Baked snacks is good though too so really its hard to say whats the best. It really does come down to prefrence.
Personaly I run CM6 and I use ADW launcher. Its fast, and battery life is great. The options in CM6 are awesome and the options with ADW launcher are awesome as well. However if you go with CM6 you are going to want to play with the settings, it will help you get to know the rom and setting it up will really allow you to apricaite it.
Also I dont use a task kill and I dont recomened using one. However, I have heard good things about juice defender and people are starting to swear by it for battery life. Personaly I get a full day plus depending on usage, so I dont use it. I just make sure to charge my phone before I wake up.
CM6 + Juice Defender + Ultimate Juice is where I keep landing. I've tried several roms, but that combo works best for me. Fast, stable, and I get 22 - 30 hours out of my battery depending on usage.
Yes, CM is lacking 4g and HDMI out, not a big deal for me. The benefits FAAAAAARRRRR outweigh those two things.
Fresh 3.2, everything works
Good info, guys. I have been considering Fresh 3.2...I have been reading that thread quite a bit.
Do you have to flash the kernel separately from the rom on 3.2??
EVOme said:
Good info, guys. I have been considering Fresh 3.2...I have been reading that thread quite a bit.
Do you have to flash the kernel separately from the rom on 3.2??
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Every rom haas it's own kernel, some come with modded custom kernels, others are just stock. As long as you make sure it's compatible with the rom you are using you can always flash a custom kernel later.
Some guy told me earlier that the first 10% of the EVO battery drains away quick, which mine does. You don't start juding battery like until 90%. Anyone else heard this?
I have tried several roms. cm6 is nice but too many issues right now ie 4g, hdmi, mms broken.
I finally found a good rom; check it out.
[ROM] VaelPak v2.0 (9/6/10) -NonSense -[HTC#7][BFS][OC][UV][FPSU] -3.28.651.1 OTA
This rom you can choose sense or aosp apps and 3 launchers which awd launcher is the only real choice. If you choose awd you might want to change the settings to scroll the apps vertical. And of course this being a htc rom it has the stock bluetooth stack.
I'm using the v2.0 with Kings BFS8 Kernel (9/6/10) -
elapshtc said:
I have tried several roms. cm6 is nice but too many issues right now ie 4g, hdmi, mms broken.
I finally found a good rom; check it out.
[ROM] VaelPak v2.0 (9/6/10) -NonSense -[HTC#7][BFS][OC][UV][FPSU] -3.28.651.1 OTA
This rom you can choose sense or aosp apps and 3 launchers which awd launcher is the only real choice. If you choose awd you might want to change the settings to scroll the apps vertical. And of course this being a htc rom it has the stock bluetooth stack.
I'm using the v2.0 with Kings BFS8 Kernel (9/6/10) -
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Vaelpak is a good balance between sense and aosp. I use Launcherpro.


I know this question has probably been posted a million times, but Roms update so fast in this day and age that the answer to it changes daily.
I have an Evo 4G (bought on the day it was released), so it's version 0002
I used the stock rom for a few weeks and then upgraded to BakedSnack, which I really liked until it was no longer made.
Now I want to hard reset again, I already tried Azrael (which was super ugly and tacky) and now i'm on Fresh, which doesn't seem so different.
I've read through the wiki entry of all the roms but it doesnt really explain much of the differences, and I was hoping to find ROMS based on 2.3 but I didn't see any that were available.
What are the BIG names out there, the most stable, fastest roms that are the most popular. This is whats important to me:
- Sense UI (I like it!)
- No sprint bull (none of their programs, voicemail, navigation, nfl, all gone)
- Interface must be snappy
- Good Battery life
- All hardware must be functional (4G, GPS, Camera, leds, everything must work)
- Great if it can come with some useful software like- Swype, File Explorer, AppBrain, WifiTether, SuperUser, FlashLight, etc...
Any ideas?
Which roms do you guys use? and why?
mods please move to correct section
op I suggest plutonium, mikfroyo, or myns is themed very heavily, any way you go all will look the same(ish) with the exception of colors changes here and there and transparancy added in places, most will be optimized and be fast
Check out Myn's or MikFroyo
myns warm 2.2 rls5
mikfroyo 4.4
Check out mikfroyo. I've been using it for around 2 weeks and I love it. If you don't like the way it looks you can always flash over a theme like I did. I flashed over slate sense which can be found in the themes and apps section.
Mikfroyo is very battery friendly and the best/smoothest sense rom I've used.
yoerz said:
I know this question has probably been posted a million times, but Roms update so fast in this day and age that the answer to it changes daily.
I have an Evo 4G (bought on the day it was released), so it's version 0002
I used the stock rom for a few weeks and then upgraded to BakedSnack, which I really liked until it was no longer made.
Now I want to hard reset again, I already tried Azrael (which was super ugly and tacky) and now i'm on Fresh, which doesn't seem so different.
I've read through the wiki entry of all the roms but it doesnt really explain much of the differences, and I was hoping to find ROMS based on 2.3 but I didn't see any that were available.
What are the BIG names out there, the most stable, fastest roms that are the most popular. This is whats important to me:
- Sense UI (I like it!)
- No sprint bull (none of their programs, voicemail, navigation, nfl, all gone)
- Interface must be snappy
- Good Battery life
- All hardware must be functional (4G, GPS, Camera, leds, everything must work)
- Great if it can come with some useful software like- Swype, File Explorer, AppBrain, WifiTether, SuperUser, FlashLight, etc...
Any ideas?
Which roms do you guys use? and why?
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You are going to get flamed posting this in development; this belongs in Q&A. Anyways you should do research as to what you like/want as you are going to have tons of issues with the rom I like and vice versa.
Currently I use Salvage-rom 0.9.6. It is gingerbread, and it is fast. But it does have problem with random reboots and the video camera doesn't work.
Check out Azrael X. Pretty good battery for a non-AOSP rom and ricsim78 (the dev) is pretty quick with the updates when sprint does a OTA.
I'm currently on EViO 1.7.7 b/c for me it's been the ROM that gives the best balance of great battery life w/ great performance.
King's Rom Ultra 5.2.2 is fast with great battery life.
yoerz said:
I know this question has probably been posted a million times, but Roms update so fast in this day and age that the answer to it changes daily.
I have an Evo 4G (bought on the day it was released), so it's version 0002
I used the stock rom for a few weeks and then upgraded to BakedSnack, which I really liked until it was no longer made.
Now I want to hard reset again, I already tried Azrael (which was super ugly and tacky) and now i'm on Fresh, which doesn't seem so different.
I've read through the wiki entry of all the roms but it doesnt really explain much of the differences, and I was hoping to find ROMS based on 2.3 but I didn't see any that were available.
What are the BIG names out there, the most stable, fastest roms that are the most popular. This is whats important to me:
- Sense UI (I like it!)
- No sprint bull (none of their programs, voicemail, navigation, nfl, all gone)
- Interface must be snappy
- Good Battery life
- All hardware must be functional (4G, GPS, Camera, leds, everything must work)
- Great if it can come with some useful software like- Swype, File Explorer, AppBrain, WifiTether, SuperUser, FlashLight, etc...
Any ideas?
Which roms do you guys use? and why?
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Lol cm7 all the way hands down. But seriously bro q+a. This is going to be flame central
Sent from Evo powered by CM7
Don't the first post of every rom have the useful information he asked for?
Anyways,myn for the win (hey that rhymed) IMO
Funny thing is, this is the same asshat that went into the Azrael X thread and trashed the dev Ric about his latest 4.0 ROM... then the genius comes and posts this? Get bent troll...
Here's another vote for Azrael's X. I've tried Mikfroyo, Myn's, and Azrael's recently, and the Azrael X 4.0 has been my favorite of the bunch so far.
Battery life is great, and the font he uses looks great on the phone!
for a sense rom, asrael X is the best hands down.
Darkstar coconut is an excellent font as well from myns thread
Jesus, so much hate.. and you're calling ME a troll??
All I said was that Azrael's rom was very ugly, his wallpapers are tacky, his ringtones are childish, it's nothing an adult could carry around with him without some extreme modifications.
bronxknight28 said:
Don't the first post of every rom have the useful information he asked for?
Anyways,myn for the win (hey that rhymed) IMO
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indefinably awesome, although if your thirst for blood is more on the cutting edge Cm7 or kings,fresh,mikfroyo and i know I am forgetting some but are all good in their own special ways its just what you are looking for that is important. All around though the Minions do great outstanding work and always make a complete rom fully capable and with lots of tweeks along with a very large community support network that has plenty of themes.
Currently running Myns RLS-5 with DT a2sd, Kings 11 kERNAL (diving into the salvaged kernals tonight though. I miss the 20hr battery life days lol. Any side insight for a compatible kernal with myns RLS-5?
Digital Jesus
If you want a cool look: Myns or Mikfroyo
If you want speed: Mikfroyo
Battery/Stable: EViO, Fresh, or Ava
What I personally would do is get a EViO, Fresh, or Ava and put a theme on it.
EVOlvedAndroid said:
If you want a cool look: Myns or Mikfroyo
If you want speed: Mikfroyo
Battery/Stable: EViO, Fresh, or Ava
What I personally would do is get a EViO, Fresh, or Ava and put a theme on it.
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Thanks man, that's very helpful
94tbird said:
for a sense rom, asrael X is the best hands down.
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Yep, Ill have to agree with you on this one.

Recommendations for rom and kernel...

I'm not trying to be lazy here, but due to being in school, two part time jobs, a family of four, etc...I was hoping to crowd source some recommendations or what to steer clear of for custom rooms and kernels for the Droid Incredible. I am rooted and have been for a while, and have attempted to do some custom cleaning up by way of root manager and titanium backup, etc., but to be honest, I don't have the time to get into the self management too much due to the life stresses I listed above.
Basically I am looking for something that is of good speed performance without sacrificing battery life and possibly improving it (I know, we don't live in a perfect world, but it's worth a shot) along with getting rid of the crapware that HTC shoves down your throat.
I am now on the stock froyo with HTC sense and of course I want good app compatibility too. I am also a sucker for eye candy, so it doesn't have to have the sense UI but I do like a bit of UI intuitiveness and pleasant to the eye.
Obviously I am on a Droid Incredible, rooted with stock froyo and sense UI, as I've already said.
Recommendations are greatly appreciated.
Well, there really isn't anything to "steer clear" of. What I would recommend is trying a few sense roms, AOSP roms, and MIUI.
If you like sense roms, I would recommend
Warm 2.2 if you like the theme (though if you like MMS there's a problem about mms and wifi)
Uber Z if you like Z roms (pastel button in bottom right, also faster)
Nothing Special if you want to stay stock
Ziggy's 1/21 kernel with BFS (note that he makes new ones quite frequently)
If you like AOSP, I would definitely only recommend CM7 (CyanogenMod 7) with the stock kernel. I haven't tried any other kernels but I've found the stock kernel gives very smooth and snappy performance but still has good battery.
If you like MIUI, I would recommend the "real" MIUI. It's updated very frequently. I can't really recommend a good kernel because I don't like MIUI much (personal preference, some hate it but some like it). Just use your favorite AOSP kernel because MIUI is just a themed AOSP rom.
Hope this helps
Thanks for the insight.
I am thinking an AOSP, as you recommend Cyanogenmod 7, because I am interested in trying some different UI flavors. As I said, I am a sucker for eye candy, so if there is something really dazzling then all the better; however, my main concern is hopefully a little battery improvement, and getting rid of all the crapware bloat that they hold you hostage with. I don't Facebook AT ALL, I very seldom look at Twitter, and I could give a rat's ass about City ID, or Footprints, or Foursquare, and whatever else there is. I don't knock any of them and I know many do use them, but my theory is, if I want it then I'll install it, otherwise I want it the hell out of sight and out of mind! LOL
While I do agree the HTC Sense UI is the better of the market options for smart phones, but I've also heard from Leo Laporte that the straight Android OS features are also nice and allow for better streamlining, and I know there are others here too. So as I said, I'm always up for a new paint job on the Ole Hot Rod, but not if it is gonna make it where I can't pass a gas station anymore.
I appreciate the recommendations, and I'm probably gonna attempt this later this afternoon or this evening, so any other suggestions in the meantime are greatly appreciated. I just don't have the time to endless hours flashing and testing, and re-flashing and testing, blah, blah, blah.
Thanks Again,
Hello, I am pretty new to ROMs however I have just started and am currently running warm z twopointtwo and so far I love it. The only problem I have had so far is not being able to set up the HTC account to see the new download options with the new sense. Other than that it is fast and smooth. I love the upgrade from sense 1.0.
I have also tried CM7. It was nice and smooth and fast, however at the time I was still in the mind set of loving the sense UI. I have also tried incredibly re-engineered. That was very nice as well but to me it wasn't a big enough change.
If some one can tell me how to get an HTC account for the warm z twopointtwo I would ukky recommend that. As far as installing ROMs I have done it through Rom manager and found it to be easy. I would recommend doing it through clockwork however as some roms didn't act right through a Rom manager install. Just make sure the Rom does not specify a different file for the different clockwork versions. In the case of warm z there is two versions to choose from depending on which CWM you are running.
Have fun
Edit: also do a Google search for incredible roms. There was a page that had a list of roms and mods and such. Something to look into.
Try warm z or inc re-engineered
Sent from my Incredible using XDA App
what do you like the most about sense? You can get most of the features from sense via Widgets if you look hard enough. I initially had trouble switching to an AOSP rom until I found the stuff to replace what i missed from sense.
I think what I like most is the extra widgets. For instance the calendar widget that is 4x1 i use on my home screen for a quick glance at what I have next on my schedule. It's not a feal breaker by anymeans. And the more I look at aosp roms the more I consider them.
Actually I don't use all the widget junk from the sense UI, like twitter and people and such. I guess what I meant was the phone dialer and multiple home pages, and in that sense (no pun intended) I could really stand to see a little better integration and design of the contacts portion.
However...aside from not being a Facebook'er, I would love to be able to utilize some fancy widgets if i were to be lucky enough to fall onto a rom and kernel that drastically improved on the existing sucky battery life.
Smooth calendar is free and gives you the same functionality. More customizable as well. I used it until I realized I never have anything on my calendar. I live through outlook at work and outside of work I dont really operate on a schedule.
Like I said, there are plenty of Widgets that will give the same function of any of the sense widgets. I've seen way, way better battery life out of cm7/incredikernel
rcklesslydriven said:
The only problem I have had so far is not being able to set up the HTC account to see the new download options with the new sense. Other than that it is fast and smooth. I love the upgrade from sense 1.0.
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You should be able to set up an HTC account in setup. That's what I did.
Sent from my Incredible using XDA App
As far as aosp, I believe Evervolv is a solid option. Not sure if its still actively being developed but I ran it for awhile not long ago and it seemed solid
Sent from my Incredible using XDA App
I've found this to be a pretty sufficient replacement for sense on AOSP:
Sense = AOSP + Lense or Rotary lockscreen + CM7 Sense Theme + ADW Sense Theme + Fancy Widget Pro + Smooth Calendar + Pure Calendar + Pure Grid Calendar + Pure Music (when it starts to work on CM7) + Phantom Music Control (until Pure Music is fixed) + Pure Messenger + Dialer One.
Quite a list. Some of the Pure widgets can be skipped if you don't use them (probably only choose one of the calendar widgets, maybe even neither if you like smooth calendar more for example). All in all this combo takes maybe half an hour to set up and costs a few dollars but all in all IMHO time and money well spent.
Stability is key
I'm big fan of constant flashing. It's hard to ever just choose one, but in the end battery life and stability is key. Eye candy is also a good thing. If you like Sense UI I would recommend Incredible Re-Engineered, it's a great little ROM, although it has some MMS issues, but that may be GVoice based and nothing more. Magnolia is also stable and I find myself constantly going back to it because of that.
As for an AOSP ROM I've never had much luck with any CM version, however UltimateDroid is nice and flashy and very customizable. It has some minor stability issues with data connections, but I've found that with most AOSP builds. I can't speak about the MIUI ROMs as I'm not a fan of the Apple interface, so I don't bother to test out the iDroid ROMs.
In the end, honestly their is no real winner because every phone is different. Your best bet is to use some prebuilt lists such as Android Candy or The Incredible List. ROMs and Kernels are ever evolving and the only one to find what works best is you. So spend an hour downloading ROMs one night and flash one a day and see what works best for you.
Well...looks like CM7 & Incredikernel are the show winners.
I'll be even more impressed when I can open &/save pics and attachments from my yahoo mail app.
In the meantime...this is pretty slick, the new UI and features are almost like getting a new phone. If I had the 4.3" screen then I would almost consider relinquishing my wife upcoming upgrade back to her. Lol
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
I installed incredibly re-engineered 2.3.2 last night and I love all the tweeks. But, I still prefer the launcher pro launcher. Would I be better off going with a AOSP rom like CM7? Was thinking if I'm going to use the vanilla style launcher anyway it might be a better fit. Went with Incredibly Re-Engineered because of stability and speed. Have never had a vanilla rom installed so not sure what I'd get into. First flash went seamlessly so feeling a bit curious to try some more things out.
kylemert said:
I installed incredibly re-engineered 2.3.2 last night and I love all the tweeks. But, I still prefer the launcher pro launcher. Would I be better off going with a AOSP rom like CM7? Was thinking if I'm going to use the vanilla style launcher anyway it might be a better fit. Went with Incredibly Re-Engineered because of stability and speed. Have never had a vanilla rom installed so not sure what I'd get into. First flash went seamlessly so feeling a bit curious to try some more things out.
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You can desensitize (there's a script somewhere) the rom so that you can use Launcher Pro with the Sense overall feel.
I too love Incredibly Re-engineered. For eye candy, AOSP ROMs have always struck me as barren. Not to mention quirky. I've yet to lay finger on a version of CM that wasn't overtly quirky... kinda like a BlackBerry OS. And the concept of going stripped AOSP then spending time and MONEY to get it where a sense ROM is seems... senseless? If you've got a Ti Backup you'd like to restore whole or in part, plus just logging in, arranging your desktops, and tweaking setting, you're already putting in a decent time investment I know I don't relish repeating trying to find a ROM I like.
Gotta remember too that there are oodles of good kernels (and some real lousy ones) out there that can make a tight sense ROM as fast or faster and as good or better on the battery as an average AOSP ROM. Good choices, even with a stock ROM, would be Lou's, Chad's, Ziggy's (if you don't mind stupid-slow wake-up speeds), and my personal favorite, the Hydra Kernels.
You could also do something like ADW EX from the market. That's what I do because most of the time I prefer sense. Then there is the times I want to theme my phone and have more settings. That's where ADW comes in. Just a thought.
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IncrediblyRe-Engineered v-2.30 leave the kernel it comes with been through many this ones fastest and everything works for me its a Sprint-Evo port for Inc love the free hotspot feature and lots of different themes etc though blacklist on the boring cm7 is great if you've got creditors after you MIUI is awesome too especially if you like the iPhone display though charging your battery becomes all to frequent
So...I'm really liking CM7 with the different and extensive UI features, and though I'm not getting the battery life I thought I was, Incredikernel is alright, I suppose...at least there isn't any performance degradation.
Something that's got me confused though...I never paid any attention before, until I started playing with all this hacking, but everything, including the Rom and apps and everything is going onto the SdCard and I'm running out of storage after I download a couple podcast, let alone that I obviously want to keep exploring new apps.
I was under the assumption that all "installs" of any kind would hit the internal storage first by default and then the SdCard was just extra storage for the most part. Especially since I'm always seeing folks wanting to move an app to the card. Nevertheless, its an 8gb card so I wouldn't have thought it would fill that fast anyway.
So am I missing something here, or is there maybe a hiccup in something I've done? I have been searching the threads for some storage issues I seen when I first started lurking around here, but now of course I can't find them to save my life, and I unfortunately don't have the time to read threads for days on end. Can anyone point me in thebright direction?
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[Q] ROM Type question.....

So now that there are numerous ROM out there (Sense 2.0, Sense 3.0, Sense 3.5, ASOP, etc)....is there any viable order of these types of rom that give the phone better batter life?
For example, Does ASOP lead the way due it is "lack" of "sense-appeal".
I basically use my phone for the following functions: Corporate email, Gmail, Texting, Phone, Corporate calendar, Camera and Facebook.
All depends on what you want. ANd the beauty of rooting and nandroid backups is that you can try out a new rom for a few days, and if you dont like it, try another or nandroid to a previous rom.
As far as the different sense versions, the only thing thats really different is the newer sense roms are all ports, so they may be buggy and have things that wont work. The only way to see if it works on your phone is to try it.
+1 for sitlet's comment
But if I had to rate battery life:
AOSP > MIUI > Sense 1.0 > Sense 2.1 > Sense 3.0
Generally speaking, the less frills, the better the battery life.
Not that I'm trying to start a sense vs aosp war/debate but I personally think I get better battery life on sense 3.0 vs cm7. I think I had everything refreshing every hour on cm7 though when I had but I really can't complain with the battery life that I've been getting on certain sense 3.0 roms with chopsuey kernel.
Just backup, wipe and flash, rinse and repeat. It's the only way to find the right setup for you.
sent from my 7/23 iNfEcTeD EVO 4G
droiddawg said:
Not that I'm trying to start a sense vs aosp war/debate but I personally think I get better battery life on sense 3.0 vs cm7. I think I had everything refreshing every hour on cm7 though when I had but I really can't complain with the battery life that I've been getting on certain sense 3.0 roms with chopsuey kernel.
Just backup, wipe and flash, rinse and repeat. It's the only way to find the right setup for you.
sent from my 7/23 iNfEcTeD EVO 4G
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Thanks Droiddawg, I see that you are running the 7/23 Synergy Rom....that line of ROMs from V are SOO NICE!
Everyone can have opinions.....and its just crazy to me that even though the roms are all created by code, they can act and operate so differently on every phone. Its hard to get, nearly impossible to get a general consensus.
Thanks for the input!

Suggestions on a Fast Rom that's not vanilla

Hey everybody!
I just got my G2 yesterday (traded for my mytouch 4G) and I'm loving it. I already downgraded from 2.3.4 and rooted it. Now I'm looking for a good rom. I see some roms that I've used on my Mytouch 4g, but I want to know what the community favorites are. I'm going to flash any random one right now, but based on your suggestions I'll flash a keeper later (and eventually ICS Rom once Wifi and keyboard are fully fixed). Thanks!!!
MIUI, I'm on bulletproof, but looks like its not getting updated anymore, so you might want to go with miui osimood. also MIUI 4.0 (ics) is on the works, so i'm hoping to get that oneday. UI is quite heavily customized, like it or not, i use it.
Check out G-Lite: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1349030
It's fast and stable and battery life is amazing. Also works with TMO wifi calling which was a huge plus for me.
Don't be a fool! Stick with vanilla - all other roms I have ever use suffer from random issues that I constantly had to attend to.
Go with G-lite, it's fantastic. Great battery life, super super fast, great everything.
Im gonna check out g-lite. I've been having problems with every rom I've tried so far...hopefully not this one
You want FAST? Then meXdroidROM is your best bet. Really good ROM!
vikashfoolsu said:
Hey everybody!
I just got my G2 yesterday (traded for my mytouch 4G) and I'm loving it. I already downgraded from 2.3.4 and rooted it. Now I'm looking for a good rom. I see some roms that I've used on my Mytouch 4g, but I want to know what the community favorites are. I'm going to flash any random one right now, but based on your suggestions I'll flash a keeper later (and eventually ICS Rom once Wifi and keyboard are fully fixed). Thanks!!!
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Sense UI is the best as per me, as it is complete in terms of everything, either dialer, message app, gps app, navigation app, social networking, etc.
It has everything and moreover its appearance is soothing to eyes.
The only drawback is that its resource consuming.
But as a solution to that, i used RomCleaner Script. It removes all the unnecessary bloatware from sense roms, however I use a custom cleaning list to leave back the skins and wallpapers and apps that I use.
Use that and If you are running upto sense 3.0 roms that would run smooth without lag even when you are playing 3D games.
However if you are going for sense 3.5 roms then you need to enable swap to have your phone lag free and smooth even when you are playing 3D games.
And following these steps will help you increase your battery life a lot.
I'm using Virtuous Affinity v1.48.0 being a sense fan, and i'm not encountering any lag ever even without overcloaking.
Hope that helps.
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk
Almost vanilla but glite is the way to go, fast, stable, and awesome battery life!
I'm an obsessive rom tester and this is a summary of what I have found on the G2:
All sense roms: 2/4 features, 1/4 speed
G-lite: 1/4 features, 3/4 speed
Cyanogenmod 7: 3/4 features, 2/4 speed
MIUI.US: 3/4 features, 3/4 speed
ILWT with GoLauncher, ILWT kernel and daemon, OCed to 1.3 GHz: 4/4 features, 4/4 speed
ILWT takes a little bit of tweaking from default (done easily by changing a text file read on the installation of the rom), but out of every rom to grace the G2 forums, this is the only one I've been able to settle down with. Even with the default settings it is a really amazing rom, but with the right tweaks it blows everything else away in terms of speed and functionality.
Many of these roms I have not had a chance to try their most recent version, so I doubt this report has a high degree of accuracy. "Speed" is based on my personal observations and not measured by performance tools. "Features" are highly subjective and based on built-in function and customization.
(Admittedly, I've never tried meXdroidMod because the screenshots make me wish they sold eye bleach.)
Most if not all of the meXdroid eye candy can be turned off It's really really smooth and fast, never had any problems with it and awesome battery life
Good thread! I'd also like to know what everyone's using, as I've got a UK Desire Z that I put Virtuous Unity on, and after a month or so I'm coming away disapointed.
While Sense 3.0 is very nice looking, it's not as slick on the DZ and the ROM in general seems to lag, or totally freeze up too often...like just now, I unlocked the phone, then went to settings and I had to wait around 10 seconds for it go from a black screen with the status bar to actually letting me select the options within settings.
One of the biggest downsides though the lack of landscape in the home screen!
Does anyone know which ROMs actually support having a landscape home screen?

