[Q] rageagainstthecage - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Just playing around...
I tried to run rageagainstthecage exploit but my adb will not reconnect. I even specified port and device name. My EVO goes unresponsive and won't completely lock screen with the lock button on top. OTA update? Or is this my Windows 7?
rageagainstthecage just not written for 2.3.3?

Anyone working on the Gingerbreak? Maybe I should be posting this in dev...

No, you can't root the OTA update yet. You'll have to wait until someone finds a new root method.
And no, you shouldn't post this in the development section.
(from... Evo/MIUI/Tapatalk)

So you're saying that this is bogus?

I'm saying it doesn't work for the Evo... at least not yet. You can always try it, but my guess is that if you can get it do anything, it'll be temp root.
I'm sure that someone will come out with a method soon enough.
(from... Evo/MIUI/Tapatalk)

temp root should be enough to gain full root, probably with a method like the zikronix method. just temp root, flash mtd-eng from toastcfh, flash rooted build, flash ur-soff, flash sprint lovers w/ amon-ra, and all should be good. might have to unroot and test. we'll see...

dkdude36 said:
temp root should be enough to gain full root, probably with a method like the zikronix method. just temp root, flash mtd-eng from toastcfh, flash rooted build, flash ur-soff, flash sprint lovers w/ amon-ra, and all should be good. might have to unroot and test. we'll see...
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I only need long enough to flash my hboot, correct?

lil_bono said:
I only need long enough to flash my hboot, correct?
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with temp root? only long enough to flash the mtd-eng.

eng recovery

lil_bono said:
eng recovery
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no the mtd-eng. the part that controls the rules for the other partitions. you can't flash a recovery with temp root, but you can flash the mtd-eng with toast's modded version.

Sorry Im a little confused then. This overwrites the misc partition with engineering controls of some sort?

i think we're confusing eachother a bit lol. so rageagainstthecage lets you get temp root, in which you can flash toast's mtd-eng to the misc partition, allowing you to install a rooted pc36img.zip, allowing you to flash unrevoked forever by booting a recovery from your comp (also toast) which allows you to install a permanent recovery. confusing imo


Question regarding rumored OTA today

With todays rumored start of the OTA for the Dinc I have a question as to how to go about things. When the leaked 2.2 came out I flashed my radio and updated to the leaked 2.2, had the typical problems everyone else did but instead of going through all of the fixes went back to stock 2.1. So I'm back to firmware 2.1-update1 baseband My question is this. Unrevoked posted a tweet last night/early this morning saying to be sure to use Unrevoked Forever before any OTAs. So, at risk of goofing something up what steps do I need to take to be ready for the OTA?
Root using Unrevoked 3.1
Use Unrevoked Forever
Wait for OTA
Sound about right? But if I do those things will I be able to apply the OTA without issue? Or is the general idea to not apply 2.2 until Unrevoked has come out with a modified 2.2 OTA. I'm honestly not too worried about root as I know that Unrevoked will eventually, if not soon after the update, come out with something for rooting 2.2.
Also, if I do these things and return to Stock, S-ON will be there still, can I then take the update normally without issue, then simply wait on Unrevoked to root 2.2? So many things going on, not sure which way to go.
I looked over the forums and didn't see any similar questions being asked, so if I missed something please disregard.
You need to have s-off before you apply the 2.2 OTA update or you will loose Root perm until they figure out a way to reroot. If you have S-off even if you take a OTA that has not been rooted, you can simply flash a new recovery that allows you to install su, and use that to restore yourself to a fully rooted system.
I got this information from http://unrevoked.com/rootwiki/doku.php/public/forever I take no credit for it.
The steps you described will enable you to root after the OTA update. Just make sure that you have the latest radio before you update.
Keep in mind that there is currently no way to revert from s-off at the moment so if your goal is to have a 2.2 factory image, just sit tight and wait for the update.
Sent from my rooted Dinc using XDA App
Hatman41 said:
You need to have s-off before you apply the 2.2 OTA update or you will loose Root perm until they figure out a way to reroot. If you have S-off even if you take a OTA that has not been rooted, you can simply flash a new recovery that allows you to install su, and use that to restore yourself to a fully rooted system.
I got this information from http://unrevoked.com/rootwiki/doku.php/public/forever I take no credit for it.
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OK, forgive the stupid question. It's early, I didn't sleep, so I NEED to run Unrevoked Forever, period, before the OTA, otherwise I'm at the mercy of someone discovering a root method for 2.2, which may or may not take forever, yea?
Yes that is what I have read that the 2.2 OTA will plug up the current root process just like it did for the EVO.
If you want root, you install unrevoked forever.
If you are worried about being able to revert to stock image for warranty reasons or otherwise, check Berzerker7's post in the development thread to downgrade. According to him you will have stock and VZW techs dont have a way for checking for s-off
Sent from my rooted Dinc using XDA App.
Hatman41 said:
Yes that is what I have read that the 2.2 OTA will plug up the current root process just like it did for the EVO.
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OK so here's what I've got so far, and thanks for the help =)
•Run Unrevoked 3.1
•Run Unrevoked Forever
•Reflash back to Stock 2.1
•Apply official OTA
•Apply custom recovery
•Install su
Sound right?
I just found this about the OTA http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=7728407&postcount=3386
Assuming you are on 2.1 with clockwork and s-off: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=7660617&postcount=5
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
So could I follow the steps I outlined before and be ok?
•Run Unrevoked 3.1
•Run Unrevoked Forever
•Reflash back to Stock 2.1
•Apply official OTA
•Apply custom recovery
•Install su
Yes you should be fine if you do that.
Hatman41 said:
Yes you should be fine if you do that.
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OK, thanks a lot for the help guys. I feel better going into this now =)
Now all we need is the OTA.
I am a bit confused. I am urnning radio 2.15 (latest) with SkyRaider 2.5.2 and Clockwork recovery and S-OFF.
How do i go about getting stock radio and stock ROM? Also, can the stock rom be rooted or no when flashing OTA?
rulevoid said:
I am a bit confused. I am urnning radio 2.15 (latest) with SkyRaider 2.5.2 and Clockwork recovery and S-OFF.
How do i go about getting stock radio and stock ROM? Also, can the stock rom be rooted or no when flashing OTA?
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Read http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=757927 to revert back to the stock radio and stock ROM. As you have S-OFF once you have intalled the OTA then just flash the custom recovery that Unrevoked has supplied http://unrevoked.com/rootwiki/doku.php/public/forever and apply SU and then you are rooted again.
lamusician said:
If you want root, you install unrevoked forever.
If you are worried about being able to revert to stock image for warranty reasons or otherwise, check Berzerker7's post in the development thread to downgrade. According to him you will have stock and VZW techs dont have a way for checking for s-off
Sent from my rooted Dinc using XDA App.
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Well if HBOOT still runs, they can just power it up and look for it to say S-OFF at the top.
sryan2k1 said:
Well if HBOOT still runs, they can just power it up and look for it to say S-OFF at the top.
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This is the dilemma ... I honestly do not know what I intend to do.

[SOLVED] Rooting and keeping 1.40 PRI

Hello, I did a search and wasn't able to find anything definite, so I'm curious: Is there a way to unlock NAND access and keep the current PRI? I know that Toast's method causes the 1.34 PRI so I'm wondering if there is any other way to go about it. Thanks!
Root with unrevoked 3. Unlock NAND with unrevoked forever. This does not require the leaked ENG bootloader (Toast's method) to be flashed as a signed update, so you do not need to flash the associated rcdata image and lose PRI 1.40
Unrevoked forever is a permanent patch which leaves NAND unlocked even if you apply an OTA which would remove the ENG bootloader.
rpearl said:
Root with unrevoked 3. Unlock NAND with unrevoked forever. This does not require the leaked ENG bootloader (Toast's method) to be flashed as a signed update, so you do not need to flash the associated rcdata image and lose PRI 1.40
Unrevoked forever is a permanent patch which leaves NAND unlocked even if you apply an OTA which would remove the ENG bootloader.
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Awesome! Thanks a lot man!
Unrevoked forever IS NOT ROOT. What is so hard for people to understand about that?
To get the 1.4 pri you'll need too root using toast or similar (NOT unrevoked) and then load a FroYo ron that has a dialer capable of using pound codes. This has been talked about EXTENSIVELY there are tons of threads about this on here.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
unrevoked forever is a tool to set your Android phone's security level to S-OFF. The security level is a flag stored on the radio; when the flag is S-OFF, the bootloader (HBOOT) will no longer check the signatures of firmware images before flashing them. This allows custom firmware images to be uploaded, including unsigned boot, recovery, splash1, and hboot images (as well as official images that have been modified). When the system is S-OFF, the NAND flash memory protection is also reduced; this allows all partitions (including /system) to be written to while the operating system is booted.
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From their website.
phobos512 said:
Unrevoked forever IS NOT ROOT. What is so hard for people to understand about that?
To get the 1.4 pri you'll need too root using toast or similar (NOT unrevoked) and then load a FroYo ron that has a dialer capable of using pound codes. This has been talked about EXTENSIVELY there are tons of threads about this on here.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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This is entirely the opposite of true.
Unrevoked 3 flashes a custom recovery and also allows root access from the system. This is what, prior to the strange and weird and slightly incorrect terminology introduced in these forums, is called "root access".
Since you now have a custom recovery (I fail to see any other way to get one without using the ENG bootloader and thus losing the 1.40 PRI that you intended to keep), you can apply the unrevoked forever update to unlock NAND. This is what reasonable people call "unlocked NAND" because you can write to the NAND chip while the system is booted. It is what is known here as "fully rooted" because... er... I have no idea why it is called that since it is unrelated to root access.
rpearl said:
This is entirely the opposite of true.
Unrevoked 3 flashes a custom recovery and also allows root access from the system. This is what, prior to the strange and weird and slightly incorrect terminology introduced in these forums, is called "root access".
Since you now have a custom recovery (I fail to see any other way to get one without using the ENG bootloader and thus losing the 1.40 PRI that you intended to keep), you can apply the unrevoked forever update to unlock NAND. This is what reasonable people call "unlocked NAND" because you can write to the NAND chip while the system is booted. It is what is known here as "fully rooted" because... er... I have no idea why it is called that since it is unrelated to root access.
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Unlocked NAND != Able to use "su" command in shell to have root permissions
OP: Use Toast's method, flash a 2.2 Stock rooted ROM, and follow these instructions:
drmacinyasha said:
Unlocked NAND != Able to use "su" command in shell to have root permissions
OP: Use Toast's method, flash a 2.2 Stock rooted ROM, and follow these instructions:
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Once again, unrevoked forever unlocks the NAND chip WITHOUT losing 1.40 PRI.
If you have not rooted yet, there is no reason to used the leaked engineering bootloader
Please, read the text of my post before correcting me.
rpearl is correct. I did what he said (unrevoked3 to get the custom recovery, then flashed unrevoked forever) and I now have full write access to /system while the phone is running (all root apps work fine) and I still have my 1.40 PRI.
Lol I find it pretty funny that Phobos tried to argue about that w/ Ryan haha

Unrevoked 3 to Unrevoked Forever Issues on Evo

So I had my Evo rooted through Unrevoked 3 and attempted to use Unrevoked forever to gain full Root and NAND unlock. Well after 2 attempts, I get the S-Off up top but still can not flash unsigned ROMS such as Cyanogens CM6. I've searched up and down and can not figure this out for the life of me. Any help would be appreciated.
Use Toast's method for NAND unlock (it's part two of his two part method) and follow the steps to completion. After that, wipe and flash CM6. It's what I did. Worked perfectly. BTW, I think this should be posted in Q&A. So you know next time.
EDIT: Also, if you looked at the first 1-15 pages of the [Guide] How to root Froyo or w/e the thread it called, you would have found your solution. Look harder next time.
EyeslikeOlives said:
Use Toast's method for NAND unlock (it's part two of his two part method) and follow the steps to completion. After that, wipe and flash CM6. It's what I did. Worked perfectly. BTW, I think this should be posted in Q&A. So you know next time.
EDIT: Also, if you looked at the first 1-15 pages of the [Guide] How to root Froyo or w/e the thread it called, you would have found your solution. Look harder next time.
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Hey I appreciate the reply and apologize if I misposted this thread.
The only question I have is if this method is compatible with what I have already done to my phone? And secondly, when I use the method you suggested, do I start at part 2?
Again, big thanks in advance:]
Or you can just flash the ENG bootloader using the package from this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=752832. If you've already done Unrevoked Forever, doing that should let you install Cyanogen.
mikeyrokschicago said:
Hey I appreciate the reply and apologize if I misposted this thread.
The only question I have is if this method is compatible with what I have already done to my phone? And secondly, when I use the method you suggested, do I start at part 2?
Again, big thanks in advance:]
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Yeah. I used the OTA Froyo root that was just released and had tried flashing CM6 RC2 afterwards and got a message notifying me it couldn't be done. I spoke to jiqqaman and he suggest to start at part 2 of Toast's method. The reason for that is part 1 is the root, which you've already done, and the second is for NAND unlock, which you need. Also because Unrevoked isn't a true NAND unlocker. After you finish the steps Toast has, you can go ahead and wipe, flash, and reboot. Make sure to flash the latest radios as well. You can find those in another thread somewhere around here that says All Radios or something. Should check second or third page.
Unrevoked Forever is a NAND unlocker. It's just that Cyanogen checks for the ENG bootloader, which Unrevoked Forever doesn't supply. You can easily flash the ENG bootloader after you've done Unrevoked Forever and then not have to worry about trying to update your PRI.
Noxious Ninja said:
Unrevoked Forever is a NAND unlocker. It's just that Cyanogen checks for the ENG bootloader, which Unrevoked Forever doesn't supply. You can easily flash the ENG bootloader after you've done Unrevoked Forever and then not have to worry about trying to update your PRI.
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this method didnt work for me. i was unrevoked forever, and flashed the .zip package and now i cant get my custom rom to boot from recovery, it kicks me back to hboot menu. where did i go wrong?
I have created a package that will flash the ENG hboot and RA recovery in one flash.
DL it here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=764062
Follow the directions on post 28 in that thread to get that flashed, then use the included recovery to flash CM6.
benjio12 said:
I have created a package that will flash the ENG hboot and RA recovery in one flash.
DL it here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=764062
Follow the directions on post 28 in that thread to get that flashed, then use the included recovery to flash CM6.
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Don't kno what's goin on... but I've followed the directions word for word and it doesnt work for me. Maybe I should try reflashing unrevoked forever and then trying this again?
after you flash unrevoked forever, run toast's part 2 for everything to work right. meaning...
do unrevoked 3 then unrevoked forever
download the PC36IMG.zip that's in toast's part 2 root
put that on the root of your SD card
turn on the phone by holding volume down and power, select yes, and let it flash
once it finishes flashing then you'll be booted into a Sense pre-release test rom
download clockworkmod recovery and put that at the root of your sdcard, rename it to 'recovery.img', also put the flash_image file on toast's part 2 on your sdcard
adb shell to the phone, you should have root access, if not type in 'su'
type this in: 'cat /sdcard/flash_image > /data/flash_image
chmod 755 /data/flash_image'
type this in: '/data/flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img'
then type in this: 'mv /sdcard/PC36IMG.zip /sdcard/PC36IMG-eng.zip'
turn off the phone, and turn it back on holding the volume down and power buttons
choose recovery and then flash cm6
it's simple if you read through the other posts a bit more thoroughly.

Unrevoked to get newer clockworkmod?

Propibly a stupid question but i rooted my phone a while back and it is still s-on and i'm not sure if i'm going to s-off so i was wondering is it safe to use unrevoked again on my phone with out wiping data and cache and by that way flash cwm
Oo and sorry for my english hope you understand what i'm trying to ask
You can't root an already rooted phone, doesn't work and can mess everything up so you have to start again, unless you go S-Off ofc.
I thought so
So i think i have to go s-off atleast to get the newest cwm.
But i don't know much about s-off and what i get from doing it so it's a bit scary
Try Rom-manager from the Market!
With it you can update, very easy now stress no need for s-off
But it is a temporary fake-flash - next time you reboot, you get the previous version.
For permanent update either S-OFF....
or some people said they succeeded with using the same version of unrEVOked for flashing the update, as the version they used for rooting. Just select a custom image.
Yes use unrevoked to flash it. No problem. Nandroid just in case.
runarorn said:
I don't know much about s-off and what i get from doing it so it's a bit scary
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If you want to know more about S-Off just look here. Just read everything carefully, when you have understood you can do it.
From doing it you will get several things. Of course you will be able to flash the recovery you want directly with fastboot. You will also be able to flash another radio or another hboot. In particular you could be interested in changing hboot if you want a different partition layout, everything is explained in the link above.
Lennyz1988 said:
Yes use unrevoked to flash it. No problem. Nandroid just in case.
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But if it messes up i might not get into recovery and i need to ruu it right? And does a nandroid take backup of recovery?
And thanks Ed Roid i will look into that

Update for those with s-off

I can confirm that using the below attached stock signed recovery will allow S-off stock rooted users to take the update and still be able to flash custom recovery/root with no problems. Thank Zarboz for the recovery
flash this recovery in fastboot... accept the OTA... reboot to bootloader and flash your custom recovery of choice and re-flash SU.zip
Will this also work for those of us who are HTCdev unlocked from day one? Or do we have to have S-off, if so why?
simo24 said:
Will this also work for those of us who are HTCdev unlocked from day one? Or do we have to have S-off, if so why?
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It did not relock me. I would say you can probably do the same thing. S-off wasn't a factor in this one.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
Can I flash and install if im on bone stock, a custom sense rom?
dottat said:
I can confirm that using the below attached stock signed recovery will allow S-off stock rooted users to take the update and still be able to flash custom recovery/root with no problems. Thank Zarboz for the recovery
flash this recovery in fastboot... accept the OTA... reboot to bootloader and flash your custom recovery of choice and re-flash SU.zip
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so you are java card s-off'ed?
if so this is good info,as the modified mid was a concern.
are you stock cid,or still vzw cid?
scotty1223 said:
so you are java card s-off'ed?
if so this is good info,as the modified mid was a concern.
are you stock cid,or still vzw cid?
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Yes. Stock (vzw) cid and that modified mid remember I discovered that
In a nutshell, this ota only cared about stock recovery. Update installed exactly like it should, firmware and all.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
Can we read this to mean that the OTA does not affect the currently used root exploit? If so, I'll let it update before shipping out to Sonic on Monday.
dottat said:
Yes. Stock (vzw) cid and that modified mid remember I discovered that
In a nutshell, this ota only cared about stock recovery. Update installed exactly like it should, firmware and all.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
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godhamba said:
Can we read this to mean that the OTA does not affect the currently used root exploit? If so, I'll let it update before shipping out to Sonic on Monday.
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If you're talking about Sonic's method, it's not a root exploit. It's an actual HTC support tool. Nothing released is going to break HTC's support tools.
Yup, got that. I wasn't being clear. I meant that if this doesn't break the existing root exploit, I wanted to simply go ahead and let it update (and thereby get rid of the intermittent pop-ups) before sending it off to Sonic for his S-OFF. I don't want to be in the situation where the phone is S-OFF'ed, but I am unable to stay rooted because this OTA has patched the known root exploit.
one4thewings said:
If you're talking about Sonic's method, it's not a root exploit. It's an actual HTC support tool. Nothing released is going to break HTC's support tools.
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godhamba said:
Yup, got that. I wasn't being clear. I meant that if this doesn't break the existing root exploit, I wanted to simply go ahead and let it update (and thereby get rid of the intermittent pop-ups) before sending it off to Sonic for his S-OFF. I don't want to be in the situation where the phone is S-OFF'ed, but I am unable to stay rooted because this OTA has patched the known root exploit.
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My apologies. With S-OFF you are able to flash a custom recovery, which will then allow you to flash a custom ROM that will have root baked in. If you like the Sense UI, Andybones has a fantastic ROM option in BoneStock which will give you the best of both worlds. Rooted and Stock Sense experience. So you shouldn't worry about the OTA if you plan on getting S-OFF.. because you can run a ROM that will offer you root access.
godhamba said:
Yup, got that. I wasn't being clear. I meant that if this doesn't break the existing root exploit, I wanted to simply go ahead and let it update (and thereby get rid of the intermittent pop-ups) before sending it off to Sonic for his S-OFF. I don't want to be in the situation where the phone is S-OFF'ed, but I am unable to stay rooted because this OTA has patched the known root exploit.
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Unless I'm mistaken, if you are S-OFF there is no "exploit" needed for root access. S-OFF means you can simply flash SU and you have root - it doesn't require any exploits as S-OFF gives you complete read/write privileges to the entire system.
I flashed it and tried the update but it still failed ... I am thinking it is probably because I de-bloated the stock image and it doesnt like that.
No apologies needed at all. I appreciate the informed reply! And you cleared up a misconception I still retained. I've heard Andy's ROM is a perfect debloat and tweak up of the stock experience. I *cannot* wait to have the ability to kill and app by long-holding the back button. That is something I've grown so used to that, I feel majorly inconvenienced without it.
one4thewings said:
My apologies. With S-OFF you are able to flash a custom recovery, which will then allow you to flash a custom ROM that will have root baked in. If you like the Sense UI, Andybones has a fantastic ROM option in BoneStock which will give you the best of both worlds. Rooted and Stock Sense experience. So you shouldn't worry about the OTA if you plan on getting S-OFF.. because you can run a ROM that will offer you root access.
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mrjinglesusa said:
Unless I'm mistaken, if you are S-OFF there is no "exploit" needed for root access. S-OFF means you can simply flash SU and you have root - it doesn't require any exploits as S-OFF gives you complete read/write privileges to the entire system.
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you are not mistaken. correct all around, once S-OFF, your "Security" is now Off.. "S-Off"
anyway, this means you can just fastboot a custom recovery and flash a custom ROM that already has root built into it.
dottat said:
flash this recovery in fastboot... accept the OTA... reboot to bootloader and flash your custom recovery of choice and re-flash SU.zip
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To verify... the process is this:
Prerequisite: Have all HTC drivers installed with abd, etc. All that android stuff... same stuff to flash custom recovery in the first place, etc.
1. Boot into bootloader. Choose Fastboot.
2. Plug your phone into your computer with the microUSB cable.
3. In your android directory command line.. you're going to type: fastboot flash recovery htconerecovery_signed.img
4. Then you're going to type fastboot erase cache
Now you're going to choose to reboot your device... you're going to take the OTA...
Then you're going to go through a similar process to flash the custom recovery back to the device?
Does that sound about right?
Yep...that's it!
Sent from my HTC6500LVW using Tapatalk 2
one4thewings said:
To verify... the process is this:
Prerequisite: Have all HTC drivers installed with abd, etc. All that android stuff... same stuff to flash custom recovery in the first place, etc.
1. Boot into bootloader. Choose Fastboot.
2. Plug your phone into your computer with the microUSB cable.
3. In your android directory command line.. you're going to type: fastboot flash recovery htconerecovery_signed.img
4. Then you're going to type fastboot erase cache
Now you're going to choose to reboot your device... you're going to take the OTA...
Then you're going to go through a similar process to flash the custom recovery back to the device?
Does that sound about right?
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is this to get the ROM?
we can just make a ROM out of the update files, have someone make a stock nandroid or something.
or for the firmware, radio, if they were updated
just curious.
dottat said:
Yes. Stock (vzw) cid and that modified mid remember I discovered that
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right... lol im lucky to remember who I am most days,let alone anyone else
the important thing is your not bricked
one4thewings said:
If you're talking about Sonic's method, it's not a root exploit. It's an actual HTC support tool. Nothing released is going to break HTC's support tools.
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ive done alot of phones with the xtc clip,and the diag files definately can be hboot specific. in this case,the ota is minor so hboot prolly doesnt change. while the java card is not broken,it may require new diag files to do newer hboots as OTAs happen.
its prolly not that big a deal,as sonics supplier should be able to get him the new diag files. but as was said,there isnt much any advantage to waiting.
fader01 said:
I flashed it and tried the update but it still failed ... I am thinking it is probably because I de-bloated the stock image and it doesnt like that.
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yup. this is correct. please folks... the OTA is not magic. the updates can be cooked into a recovery flashable rom,and the firmware is easily pulled.
scotty1223 said:
right... lol im lucky to remember who I am most days,let alone anyone else
the important thing is your not bricked
ive done alot of phones with the xtc clip,and the diag files definately can be hboot specific. in this case,the ota is minor so hboot prolly doesnt change. while the java card is not broken,it may require new diag files to do newer hboots as OTAs happen.
its prolly not that big a deal,as sonics supplier should be able to get him the new diag files. but as was said,there isnt much any advantage to waiting.
yup. this is correct. please folks... the OTA is not magic. the updates can be cooked into a recovery flashable rom,and the firmware is easily pulled.
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This should have to be read in order to S-OFF!
scotty1223 said:
right... lol im lucky to remember who I am most days,let alone anyone else
the important thing is your not bricked
ive done alot of phones with the xtc clip,and the diag files definately can be hboot specific. in this case,the ota is minor so hboot prolly doesnt change. while the java card is not broken,it may require new diag files to do newer hboots as OTAs happen.
its prolly not that big a deal,as sonics supplier should be able to get him the new diag files. but as was said,there isnt much any advantage to waiting.
yup. this is correct. please folks... the OTA is not magic. the updates can be cooked into a recovery flashable rom,and the firmware is easily pulled.
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just curious if there is anything good in the update. Don't care about Isis, phone hasn't froze up. But I do get drops of wifi and BT. Didn't see anything in there about that.
I'm running a self debloated version of the stock, rooted, deodexed ROM. Think I'll run this way until the 4.3 drops and then repeat... Any "fixes" from this minor update should be in it.

