Opinions on the general state of WP7 market - Windows Phone 7 General

So here we are - Windows Phone 7 has been around for a (short) while now, and the amount of apps has grown to a significant level. Obviously the marketplace isn't as extensive as on iOS or Android just yet, but we're getting there.
Now what I'm wondering is, what do you think about the current state of the market?
Do you think there are enough free apps? Or aren't they that important, because of the trials available?
And do you think that the general quality of the apps is higher than on other platforms, or not? And so on.
I'm really interested in your experiences so far, and I think many others are too.
So please, describe how you feel about the apps on this new platform!

I'm personally very satisfied based on what's available to the developers. It would be unfair to judge them based on factors that are out of their control... But as far as what the API allows, I'm pleased, especially in the games department. I would like better alarm applications and more live tiles, but all of that will come in due time. The trial ability is the best part of the whole marketplace experience.

I don't like the feel of the Market place. I went from and HD2 to an HD7. I use the phone for both work and play. I do a lot of both. As far as apps for work it is really amazing. What ever it is i want to do i can find an app that works well and improve my productivity. As far as apps for play not so much. the I.M. software is weak. I do love the Pro Football Weekly app. I definitely feel there is a lot of room for improvement.

Ive foud the wp7 market to be much better than the android market but obviously not up to par with iOS. There is of course a bunch of garbage in all 3 but i dont feel that wp7 has as much useless crap as android. I want to say i have no problem with android or iOS on a whole. Just stating my opinion on the markets.

as of right now I'd say the market is a mess, but I fully expect it to get better:
1. search is absurd: if I search for an app, I also get a list of songs, playlists, etc; rumored to be fixed in first update
2. live tile inconsistency: some work all the time, so won't work at all, some stop working for weeks; I assume this is a developer-driven problem and will get better over time, though i'm a bit concerned with the 15 live tile limit, as i'm already over the limit
3. trials: very happy with this feature, I have tried and purchased many apps I never would have looked at if they were 1.99 with no trial
4. quality: hit and miss, as with android and iOS markets; I suspect the developers are a bit hamstrung with some of the limitations of wp7 at the moment
5. stability: app store crashes, lockups, etc are a bit frustrating, but again I assume that will be fixed in an upcoming update
(keep in mind, I'm not a dev, these are the views of a consumer)

I like what is available now. Most of the apps I tried had very good quality with a very nice use of the Metro UI.
I hate that some apps are called "X for free", you know straightaway these are ports from another OS. Just give your app a damn name and put it in the Free section .
I also hate apps that are optimised for the US and don't work or crash constantly in Europe.
Overall it's progressing well, I'm hoping for quick must have apps like Amazon, Paypal, Live Messenger (Come one Microsoft, the iPhone has the best Messenger app around and you made it!) or TV Guide.
Also waiting for must have games we all know but with Live enabled (Words with Friends, Angry Birds, Cut the rope, Game devs story...).
By the summer it should be an important market, the updates just need to be up to par.

I think it sucks and it's terrible. The browser is very slow and either crashes, freezes or worse ends up rebooting the phone after a while. The browsing experience is the worst, I hardly browse anymore now.. because most of the time I end up waiting and waiting until I just leave before it crashes or locks up.
As far as applications, there still aren't any major hitters on the market yet apart from games, no decent instant messaging app really hurts, very few productivity apps compared to the blackberry and 90% of the time the new apps are a complete waste of time (made worse by the horrible market place browser).
There are some good apps there though but again the browser needs a update very badly.

There's no point having more vocal opinions about the Marketplace app, everyone knows it's broken, Microsoft included. We're just waiting for an update.
I only use the Zune client and Bing Visual Search to browse the apps now, I don't see why I would use the phone app when I know it's broken.
The OP is asking about the apps and games themselves and that's what we should comment on really.

I think its just decent Could be better, but what can u expect from 1.0!?
Im satisfied many bugs are getting fixed, and developers are busy. Would be more satisfied if MS made an offer on RIM, soo WP7 would get more media-attention/techinfo etc and grows bigger. More users --> More attractive for Developers. But Microsoft will have their reasons
Like now Appaloosa is cancelled because of the high cost vs expected return. If WP7 was bigger, developers can invest more because of a higher expected return. Would be awesome

EDIT: Thread reopened and will be moved to the appropriate section.
(It is nice to see someone pay attention and ask politely.)

Peew971 said:
There's no point having more vocal opinions about the Marketplace app, everyone knows it's broken, Microsoft included. We're just waiting for an update.
The OP is asking about the apps and games themselves and that's what we should comment on really.
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Thanks, that is what interests me most.
I'm slightly surprised by the spread in positive and negative replies (and votes in the poll). It's roughly 50/50, with a slight advantage to the positive experiences.
This surprises me so much because the apps I've seen trough blogs like PocketNow, Engadget, Gizmodo and WMPoweruser looked pretty awesome, and I could only think of one thing I was missing: a mobile app called 'Reisplanner Xtra' for the trains in the Netherlands (currently available on WM, Android and iOS). This is a very specific app only useful to Dutch users, so I kinda blindly expected that most people could find what they need.
Also I'm somewhat shocked that there is no good Live Messenger app available on their own platform. Luckily, this is something we can be sure of that it's bound to improve. Maybe they're waiting for the right API's to be released
Jokes aside, which apps would you like to see more? I see people mentioning IM applications (among others) not only in this thread - but what else do you think is missing?

I said that I'm satisfied but it's nothing special.
Why I'm satisfied:
rapid growth - the selection is great considering how long it's existed
decent quality apps - overall, the apps look decent. I guess the standardized design language has made it easy
big name apps - a lot of the big names are on board already
XBOX LIVE is actually pretty cool. Even though you can't play in real time vs XBOX friends yet.
Why it's not special... yet:
Search is still messy - It needs search filters. Fortunately, it's one of the things being fixed in the first update.
app store size - while a somewhat unfair criticism, it still lacks much of a selection of high quality apps. But at this rate of growth, that criticism will go away in no time.
Still a few bugs - unable to update some apps in Trial mode. crashing back to main screen. etc..

I am satisfied for the most part and although it is not up to level with iOS (obviously, no operating system is up to iOS par and I don't expect that to change), the quality of the apps is really good. The search can be a little over the place, but I like how you can trial some apps. I have probably downloaded more apps on WP7 than Android.

Not selling well?

Isnt that usual marketing?
In Germany they are doing pretty much marketing. MS is touring through many universities presenting shows of a known comedian and of course advertising wp7 really big.
Sent from my HTC Mozart using Board Express


How can we support WP7 to make sure it succeds? ( and actually gets a version 2 even)

Ive showed my support by getting one myself, most, no, ALL people who have seen my phone are impressed with it. there are also tons of GOOD reviews for WP7 and the devices themselves have received good reviews....so what going wrong? anything we can do?
Open up the API so we can develop more useful applications for the phone!
From a uk perspective, there are 2 issues IMHO.
1) the marketing, not visible enough and not helped by sales staff in carrier shops and online not knowing about wp7 and/or actively selling against it. All the phone shops in my loca mall still have huge iPhone 4 banners in the window and that was launched months ago.
2) if anyone does get as far as thinking about getting a wp7, they come to a site like this to research it and are immediately greeted by loads of posts about wp7 being crap because you can't sync with outlook 1995 via a piece of string attached to a commodore PET running dos 1.0, and WP7 being crap cos you can't load custom roms etc.
I like wp7 and I want Microsoft to fill the gaps with the missing features, what concerns me is that if all the negativity results in poor sales, MS will have less incentive to spend money on the platform. We have to "evangelise" with positive posts on forums like this highlighting the many good features of the platform, and where we criticise, it should be constructive. I have used all the main mobile OS's, I think wp7 has the most promise and am proud to say I am a fan.
you are spot on! the UK marketing is EXTREEMLY poor and whats with 8GB?? how can we make MS take notice of whats really going on over here in the UK?
I havev16gb on my hd7, I don't use it all (only 4th at the mo).
go into t-mobile stores and tell the reps how much you like it. It seems like T-Mobile employees have been instructed to be anti-WP7. The 3 stores I went to to buy a case, screen protector, and the phone itself all seemed to bring up the problems with WM 6.5 when I was looking at the phones.
All of them were also surprised that I liked the phone alot and couldn't believe I used to have a nexus one and then a vibrant. When I bought the phone the sales rep kept trying to talk me out of it also. I've also seen plent of people posting the same comments about t-mobile here on this forum.
What are some creative apps that can be done quickly to fill in gaps?
I'd say one way to get some sustainability is to work with companies that currently have iphone/droid apps and offer services to help deliver a WP7 app - either through custom work for them directly or seeking out a new open source project/effort.
i've been communicating with NPR myself to get the framework for an open source npr app. If people go to npr.com and see a winodws phone app listed there they may feel a tad more comforatable that their phone is feature rich and relevent. Same could be said for other popular institutions that have apps available where there is no current wp7 branding
One of the things I find disheartening is the misunderstanding that 7 can't do something just because the 6.5 way to do that job can't be copied over. Case in point: MyPhone. There are plenty of threads where folk get riled up because they can't believe that MS could forget to make 7 compatible with MyPhone! What's even more disturbing is the lack of responses in those threads about how MyPhone is utterly obsolete now due to Live.
To reiterate what has been said already, those of us that have actually used 7 need to get out there a lot more and help answer questions and concerns, especially when they're just flat-out wrong or based on misunderstanding. If anything, that's what's gonna help with understanding of adoption of the platform.
As far as success goes, though, I don't really see any need for worry. MS is obviously expressing a serious desire to compete here, and is laying out the resources to do it right. They did it with the Xbox when folk thought they were crazy and couldn't possibly break into that market, and they're coming in fierce with 7 now.
At this point, we only need to be honest. Let it be known what you like and dislike, and help folk around you to make informed decisions.
Also, have lots of fun playing with the things. People respond well to information, but a smile is also very telling, and infectious.
FL5 said:
Case in point: MyPhone. There are plenty of threads where folk get riled up because they can't believe that MS could forget to make 7 compatible with MyPhone! What's even more disturbing is the lack of responses in those threads about how MyPhone is utterly obsolete now due to Live.
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That's not true. There's no document or text message backup with Live. Those are critical features that must be implemented to make it a real My Phone replacement.
jeffgeno said:
That's not true. There's no document or text message backup with Live. Those are critical features that must be implemented to make it a real My Phone replacement.
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I like how you dismissed everything pertinent in that post to pick out that one part to whinge about, managing to both miss the point entirely and not contribute to the topic.
That being said, I guess I need to look into how to back up SMS. Not something I usually worry about, as I view SMS as disposable data (and partly because winmo got me used to having to clear SMS to prevent lag. Not really relevant anymore, I suppose), but it might be handy info in case I need to answer a question.
Buy games and apps on the marketplace. If this phone is going to survive we need developers writing quality apps. When you do download an app/game rate it and leave comments. Even if the app/game is free let the developer know there's interest in it.
this thread is a repeat of before... but as i said before... the best way to get people into windows phone is to let them use yours. i've shown my phone to a lot of my friends and all of them really like it. a lot of them iPhone users. let them play with your phone, the messaging, email, even facebook app. it's a risk to you cause they could do stuff to your wall but in the end it shows them what it's like. sure, they're not rushing out to buy it now, but at least it's now in their sights and they can think whether they'll stick with the sea of icons, or have a river of them (jokes of course, river being the app list... come on MS implement serach...).
It's really up to MS and the hardware partners.
Case in point..the new Nexus phone for Android from Samsung. The prototype for this phone has been around for a while. Why wasn't this also the Samsung's WP7 offering? 16 GB storage and a sweet body.
Don't get me wrong, I love my Focus, but seeing that Nexus made me cuss a bit.
HD7 - screen issues. HTC surround - speakers are a gimmick and again, lousy screen - compared to the S-Amoled of the Focus. Kick ass hardware is a must.
MS needs to get on the ball and get updates out fast and regular. They have to keep WP7 users interested and invested. That means better communication with us. Let us know in no uncertain terms what is being worked on and it's progress.
If people are confident that MS will keep upgrading/updating the OS, they will jump on board.
Get those missing features into the OS. Roll out those performance enhancements - for God's sake fix the issues with MarketPlace! It's hard enough to be behind on features, MS also has to integrate stuff that's ahead of the competition.
Advertising - the ads for WP7 are not getting the job done. Granted, it's tricky to advertise a brand new OS that's suppose to get MS back in the game while the OS itself is behind the others in features, but there is a huge market out there that won't miss those features. Show the People and Photo hubs in action..show the FB integration in greater detail.
Of course, open up the APIs. I cannot fathom why this is seemingly not a priority.
WP7 suffers from the same issues as Zune did. If they don't open the API then WP7 will fall by the wayside just like Zune.
votum said:
WP7 suffers from the same issues as Zune did. If they don't open the API then WP7 will fall by the wayside just like Zune.
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Don't know what you're talking about but I love my Zune HD and use it daily.
As for Zune falling by the wayside, it's on Xbox and WP7. It's all around and it's somehow on the wayside somewhere? Be real.
As for the APIs, devs seem to be so lazy anyway, I doubt open APIs will bring about the AP revolution you think will happen.
Even offerings from MS have been half-hearted. A lot of APs really could have benefited from the Live Tile technology but for some reason, chose not to implement it.
Devs need to love or at least appear to love what they're doing if we want quality apps.
Apps done right are a joy on my HD7 and I do not regret buying this phone at all. It's just pleasant surprise after pleasant surprise with this OS and I expect the manufacturers of handsets to step up to the bar after they realize it's here to stay. MS will continue to invest heavily in mobile as it is the way of the future. We've only had WP7 for not even 2 months, give it time!
lekki said:
Don't know what you're talking about but I love my Zune HD and use it daily.
As for Zune falling by the wayside, it's on Xbox and WP7. It's all around and it's somehow on the wayside somewhere? Be real.
As for the APIs, devs seem to be so lazy anyway, I doubt open APIs will bring about the AP revolution you think will happen.
Even offerings from MS have been half-hearted. A lot of APs really could have benefited from the Live Tile technology but for some reason, chose not to implement it.
Devs need to love or at least appear to love what they're doing if we want quality apps.
Apps done right are a joy on my HD7 and I do not regret buying this phone at all. It's just pleasant surprise after pleasant surprise with this OS and I expect the manufacturers of handsets to step up to the bar after they realize it's here to stay. MS will continue to invest heavily in mobile as it is the way of the future. We've only had WP7 for not even 2 months, give it time!
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I dunno man,
ask 100 people if they have a Zune or an iPod and or use Zune or iTunes and see what the response is...
orangekid said:
I dunno man,
ask 100 people if they have a Zune or an iPod and or use Zune or iTunes and see what the response is...
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you have a point in that the market is flooded with iPod/iPhone which results in more people using iTunes (so it's a bit of a loaded question).
but yea, as good as the Zune is for those that have it, the marketing that Apple does is just a lot better. I think it was wise that MS move their Zune to windows phone. It is a really good peice of software and many find it better than iTunes (on Windows). But of course, if you have an iPhone (or i product) you're locked into using iTunes, as you are with windows phone. So this is why the numbers for iTunes are so high. If that wasn't the case, there would be far fewer people using iTunes that's for sure.
blahism said:
What are some creative apps that can be done quickly to fill in gaps?
I'd say one way to get some sustainability is to work with companies that currently have iphone/droid apps and offer services to help deliver a WP7 app - either through custom work for them directly or seeking out a new open source project/effort.
i've been communicating with NPR myself to get the framework for an open source npr app. If people go to npr.com and see a winodws phone app listed there they may feel a tad more comforatable that their phone is feature rich and relevent. Same could be said for other popular institutions that have apps available where there is no current wp7 branding
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there is a npr app in the marketplace. good reviews too.

Developers are stepping up!

I would just like to point out the amazing jobs developers are doing in the lead up to Mango. Over the last 2 weeks we've had many official apps people want on a platform and hopefully this will last up to and beyond the Mango release. Also hats off to Microsoft as I'm sure they have something to do with it (close release dates can't just be a coincidence). A few examples of official apps from various markets released only in the last 2 weeks:
- IM+
- NBC Nightly
- MTV News
- Evernote
- FoodSpotting
- VH1 To Go
- Steven Colbert's The Word
- StubHub
- Best Buy
- AmazonFresh
- L'Equipe
- i>tele
- Larousse Francais
- Tele 7 Programme TV
- Telerama
- Dictionary.com
- Allrecipes
- XE Currency
- Photofunia
- KiK Messenger
- Weight Watchers
- National Park Maps
- Qype
- Plants vs Zombies
- Angry Birds
Now if only Mango would come very very soon we'd be a happy bunch .
Peew971 said:
I would just like to point out the amazing jobs developers are doing in the lead up to Mango. Over the last 2 weeks we've had many official apps people want on a platform and hopefully this will last up to and beyond the Mango release. Also hats off to Microsoft as I'm sure they have something to do with it (close release dates can't just be a coincidence).
Now if only Mango would come very very soon we'd be a happy bunch .
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Yeah, WP7 is really moving on now. Some of the apps you mentioned are not available over here in Germany, but the ones I happened to have tested are really nice. Especially because of the ease of use that the metro ui offers. I'm really looking forward to what kind of apps mango will spawn.
Yeah they all seem well made and not just lazy ports from iOS/android. I missed a few too like Gowalla for instance.
Sent from my Samsung Omnia 7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Yep, the app offering is getting quite better (if we aren't concerning too much about increasing spam).
Feels like all the traction needed for the 'real' launch of wp7 will be there only with the Mango/Nokia binome, though
andycted said:
Yep, the app offering is getting quite better (if we aren't concerning too much about increasing spam).
Feels like all the traction needed for the 'real' launch of wp7 will be there only with the Mango/Nokia binome, though
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There are a few good apps that do a better job filtering out crap apps than the official marketplace. WP7applist and Marketplace search are two that I have used.
yes it's good
ryude said:
There are a few good apps that do a better job filtering out crap apps than the official marketplace. WP7applist and Marketplace search are two that I have used.
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Yep, I know, but the point of building a marketplace _late_ and from the ground up, was -I though- avoiding the errors made by those who arrived first. At this point I'm still uncertain if they managed it, when I see 20 cloned apps floating in the new section now and then, apps that track one single guy achievements in a single game (20x times) and such things. But that's another argument.
I use Top Apps 2, which sorts apps/games based on reviews and not download count and has a nice set of filters.
andycted said:
Yep, I know, but the point of building a marketplace _late_ and from the ground up, was -I though- avoiding the errors made by those who arrived first. At this point I'm still uncertain if they managed it, when I see 20 cloned apps floating in the new section now and then, apps that track one single guy achievements in a single game (20x times) and such things. But that's another argument.
I use Top Apps 2, which sorts apps/games based on reviews and not download count and has a nice set of filters.
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Very true, and if you really think about it, we only have about 1,000 apps that are worth using. The rest is crap.
ryude said:
Very true, and if you really think about it, we only have about 1,000 apps that are worth using. The rest is crap.
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I'm not totally against marketplace opening. But it's clear Microsoft has absolutely no policy on app content or rather non-content.
Having an RSS app for every RSS feed out there makes zero sense, but they're not concerned by that.
Peew971 said:
Yeah they all seem well made and not just lazy ports from iOS/android.
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I wouldn't mind if they ported all the apps over, then started fixing them.
Even more official apps today like American Airlines or E! Can't list them all but WP7 is on a roll at the moment.
Sent from my Samsung Omnia 7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
All it took was the Nokia announcement I guess...
Still going on today with some new official apps (mostly European). I'm hoping for a non-US Amazon and Audible soon .
Some official apps released today: Fox News, Marmiton, DC Comics, Voyages-SNCF, Sky Italy TV Guide.
VEVO was also released today!
wow im loving the pace of the way things are moving with wp7
the dc comics app is gorgeous.
man im loving this pace...its been app after app after app.
Foursquare is back by the way, totally revamped.
Sent from my Samsung Omnia 7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
There is a trend on wp7 which is quite different than android. it's both good and bad in my opinion.
Games which are not xbox-live, even good ones, aren't really promoted on the platform. The same goes for apps that aren't 'official'.
This isn't bad per-se, meaning big companies with good resources can provide very polished good apps, like the ones you mentioned.
On the other hand, independent developer are left with their own means, with the menace of ever increasing spam and invisibility.
The 'featured' section is confined to 'official' apps like the ones you mentioned and the games section official promotion/visibility is monopoly of xbox.
While this can produce a few good standard apps, I think Microsoft could work better with the plumbing necessary for indie devs. Right now they basically have no interest in putting some boundaries between a good indie app/game and a crap/cloned/spammy one. They just mention that the 'marketplace will decide for itself'. Seems a bit too little.
Yeah I know this isn't all that weird, but seeing stuff like doodle jump on xbox live and free clones that got to the platform months earlier, that are free and actually better than the original... I feel something is missing.
Personally, seeing the problems linked with the 'free' and 'new' sections of the marketplace, it seems to me that they had the potential for the ultimate best mobile marketplace ever, and they've blown it away following previous models and standards.
All this to say that it's excellent to see all these official apps coming out (whilte the title of the thread is wrong, since it's not 'devs' that are stepping up, rather it's companies that bought in), there are a few missed opportunities to have a mix of what is good on android and ios together.
Don't misunderstand me, I know wp7 is far closer to ios than android, at least for marketplace structure. And I would still take this marketplace over others.
I just think people upstairs care too much about numbers
[disclaimer] yep, I do develop indie stuff, like the game you can find on the signature, so my point of view is partial. At the same time I feel like spam, app quality and visibility is a big issue with the current marketplace structure, because it's still at 1/10 at other marketplaces size but already affected by similar problems (cloned apps, spam apps, non-content apps). I didn't expect it on a new system like wp7, but evidently it's normal.
streak continues..The New York Times official app dropped today, not too much of a biggie but its slick and for wp7 now
andycted said:
There is a trend on wp7 which is quite different than android. it's both good and bad in my opinion.
Games which are not xbox-live, even good ones, aren't really promoted on the platform. The same goes for apps that aren't 'official'.
This isn't bad per-se, meaning big companies with good resources can provide very polished good apps, like the ones you mentioned.
On the other hand, independent developer are left with their own means, with the menace of ever increasing spam and invisibility.
The 'featured' section is confined to 'official' apps like the ones you mentioned and the games section official promotion/visibility is monopoly of xbox.
While this can produce a few good standard apps, I think Microsoft could work better with the plumbing necessary for indie devs. Right now they basically have no interest in putting some boundaries between a good indie app/game and a crap/cloned/spammy one. They just mention that the 'marketplace will decide for itself'. Seems a bit too little.
Yeah I know this isn't all that weird, but seeing stuff like doodle jump on xbox live and free clones that got to the platform months earlier, that are free and actually better than the original... I feel something is missing.
Personally, seeing the problems linked with the 'free' and 'new' sections of the marketplace, it seems to me that they had the potential for the ultimate best mobile marketplace ever, and they've blown it away following previous models and standards.
All this to say that it's excellent to see all these official apps coming out (whilte the title of the thread is wrong, since it's not 'devs' that are stepping up, rather it's companies that bought in), there are a few missed opportunities to have a mix of what is good on android and ios together.
Don't misunderstand me, I know wp7 is far closer to ios than android, at least for marketplace structure. And I would still take this marketplace over others.
I just think people upstairs care too much about numbers
[disclaimer] yep, I do develop indie stuff, like the game you can find on the signature, so my point of view is partial. At the same time I feel like spam, app quality and visibility is a big issue with the current marketplace structure, because it's still at 1/10 at other marketplaces size but already affected by similar problems (cloned apps, spam apps, non-content apps). I didn't expect it on a new system like wp7, but evidently it's normal.
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You do have a valid point on how Microsoft handle apps visibility, it's a bit of a shame but I can understand that as a new platform they need to promote the known apps and games to prove that the OS is viable. Hopefully this will change soon enough and maybe the web marketplace will improve things.
As for indie devs, I think the issue too many have is that they don't try hard enough to offer something compelling and truly exciting. I generalise a lot mind you, there are lots of talented developers making WP7 apps. However when I see something like 4th & Mayor, an app so good they made foursquare remove then redesign their official app, I'm wondering why more developers aren't producing this kind of work (not to mention the 4th&M developer shares his work with whoever wants it). We also need more original content, not just clones. I mean, Chickens n' Vixens is nice and all but we knew from day one Angry Birds was coming and that it would obviously get all the attention from Microsoft and most consumers. The amount of work that went into that could have been put in something much more original, it's a bit like a waste of talent.
Then again I'm not a developer so I shouldn't criticise but from where I stand, if an app is excellent it will be recognised and featured as such.
dapoharoun said:
streak continues..The New York Times official app dropped today, not too much of a biggie but its slick and for wp7 now
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I've seen others actually like PEGI, Alitalia, Accuweather, France 24, 2 new WeightWatchers apps and more I can't remember.

Samsung Galaxy S2 Vs. Omnia 7

I am tired of my current WP7, its almost 4 months now and their has been no major development in the APP market scene.. everyone just release initial app and than forget about it with no updates and no improvements.. the Gaming market scene of Xbox is pretty much dead too with no new fun game, I had pretty bad experience with Sonic which is practically unplayable and other boring games which have started coming out recently.. it seems Xbox is releasing games just for the heck of it.. ex: geodefence and tentacles.. boring not worth paying which are like free in android market..
I am really getting inclined to give up my WP7 and switch to Android now and buy Galaxy S2.. its has some plus points and some minus points:
I can expand my memory.
Looks better.
Its Smoled 'Plus'.
It might have better battery? I am not sure about this.
Established Android market.
Its too big for my pocket.
No ZUNE Pass like service.
I have to give up my Achievements Score and I dont know if they have anything similar to this.
I have never used Android and have never seen one ever before.. its completely new to me and I dont even know where is the settings option, I dont know if I will like it after using WM6.5 and now WP7 for last 7 years. I have seen Iphone before and used it for like a week, but never spend even 20 secs with an Android phone.
With all the hype surround MANGO which I am waiting for, I dont think Microsoft will release any major update after that for a really long time.. If this MANGO dosent work and the APP and GAMES Marketplace dosent become more vibrant than it is right now.. than I am thinking this WP7 could just become a device for people could not afford phones like Iphone and GALAXY S2, like a second option, a second choice market, which I am scared of.. I want to own the best and not the second choice.. and right now it seems GALAXY S2 with its ANDROID thing is the best phone in market.
Hmm. Not sure if I quite get where you're coming from with the apps and games thing. Over the last month, a ton of apps, big names and small, have come to the platform. A ton more coming and updated post-Mango. I mean, the market will most likely hit 30k apps soon. I don't have, nor do I use, 30k apps on my phone, not to mention the 100k+ or 400k+ of android and iphone, respectively.
Also, I'm pretty sure that every installed app, or almost every installed app, on my phone has seen an update... several at that. So, I missed you on the "no updates and no improvements" part. Are there specific apps that YOU are missing, or need that you can't find in the windows marketplace?
Games-wise, well that's a matter of preference. Games you find boring, others may find greatly exciting. For example, one recent game which has come to the platform that I like is Arcane Tower Defense. It's a fantasy version of the classic tower defense genre with some twists.
I also like little games like Vanessa Saint-Pierre Delacroix and her Nightmare. But, after Mango there will be many games including multiplayer fighting games, RPGs, you name it, real time and turn-based.
As to the GS2. I haven't used it personally. I do know you can't get xbox live benefits like achievments, however. I'm sure somebody else here is more informed on the phone than I. I hear it's a killer phone, though. And, there may also be a WP7 version of the phone as well.
But, dig around a bit and check out the apps that have hit the marketplace in the last month or so as well as the games. I think you may be pleasantly surprised. Then again...
Purple11 said:
With all the hype surround MANGO which I am waiting for, I dont think Microsoft will release any major update after that for a really long time..
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They are on a yearly cycle for major updates, like pretty much everyone else.
I am finding it increasingly difficult to do business with this phone, its been so long and yet their is no decent Calendar App like Pocket Informant. The built in calendar app is very basic, I want to create recurring appointment on every first Tuesday of a month which was possible on PI8 but not here.
I miss Apps like SPB Diary which let me scroll my entire contacts and entire days appointments right from the front screen, and SPB Pocket Plus which basically was what Android is right now, a choice of multiple home screens with one app, thats what SPB Pocket Plus was.
I want Resco Audio Recorder which auto recorded all my incoming and outgoing calls, not because I want to spy but because if someone tells me large reference number on phone I dont have to tap and write at that moment, I could just say go ahead i am writing it down, and later I would just play back that call and note down what was that number.
I want the missing file explorer which is their present in android right now.
Metratrader 4 app for real time live trading execution in currency and stocks right from your phone, nothing like that exists in WP7, I know we have it for Iphone I dont know about android..
We say we have so many number of apps and things like that, but look at the top 10 PAID apps in each of the categories..
6 are language learning, 3 are business cards, 2 are time tracker and one to tie knots...
Tools and Productivity:
2 flashlights, 1 night clock, 1 air horn, 1, dog whistle, 1 that saves pic in pdf format and calls itself 'scanner' (very poor scanning my direct camera photo is better than their PDF it include handy scan app too), 2 remote desktop (10 USD each)..
Personal Finance:
7 budget software (all exactly same, just store your spending, nothing else, useless, nothing like SPB Finance), remaninf 4 are market watch apps which all just does the same thing which is stream rates of top 10 cos from yahoo or google.. , no decent wallet app like CODEwallet Pro where we could create nice cards from desktop and sync it to wallet on phone, no actual trading app.. nothing..
Sounds like Android is a better fit for you.
PG2G said:
Sounds like Android is a better fit for you.
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Yep. Agreed.
In this kind of needs and preferences better try Android. WP7 is not really meant for this type of usage. This is what I have found for myself and while WP7 started to be frustrating after few months, Android solved everything for me in every respect.
I also want to see Mango and keep my Optimus 7 however some things are still not in the pipeline, like file explorers, USB docs/email sync and some apps like Opera Mini... And I'm afraid there won't by alternatives for core apps of WP7 either.
I understand your points well. I would also suggest that
Android is the right choise.
Just another way to look at things i would like to mention is, maybe most of the things you miss is just ways you USED to work with your phone? What ever WP is, its a new way to interact with your phone. For a old WM user like me, it was very wierd in the start, and i felt naked. I got used to it thou and currently having a replacment Android phone, while my current device is in for service. And now i miss my WP. It's strange how you miss the cow's afterwards.
Im staying with WP.
Just some thoughts from another side.
I was thinking the same thing about switching to android, but I wont abandon wp all together. I'll give it a good year to mature
We have omnia7 and galaxy s. Of course the galaxy s fits better to my hardcore needs because it has al lot more options and you have a lot of custom roms and so on. BUT sometimes I'm really jealous about Omnia 7 perfect materials. And android is never as perfect designed as wp7. Android and its tons of different launchers is looking like an evolution of symbian and iOS. WP7 is something fresh and easy. Its what a phone is ment to be: a very easy and fast (internet) communication device. Not an overfilled little laptop.
So it's your choice: easy to use and well designed Omnia7 or a powerful plastic (gaming-)device with childish looking interface.
By the way: mango is awesome!
The galaxy s II is one of the finest android phones available. If you're looking for a feature set more similar to the old windows mobile ( and it sounds like you are), then Android is truly your best option.
Microsoft doesn't want a "complicated" phone platform anymore. They want consumer-facing, easy to use, social media and entertainment oriented with the ability to handle corporate e-mail, calendar and document editing if you need it in a pinch.
I doubt we're going to see anything like file managers or similar anytime soon, if at all.
I owned a Galaxy s II before selling it to a friend who needed a new phone, and I would purchase the device again in a heartbeat if I decided I wanted to use android.
Andrmgic said:
I doubt we're going to see anything like file managers or similar anytime soon, if at all.
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Yeah I'm pretty sure we won't. Hell, even desktop operating systems may be moving away from file managers.
PG2G said:
Yeah I'm pretty sure we won't. Hell, even desktop operating systems may be moving away from file managers.
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Yeah maybe in 2050. You must be kidding. For any profi usage these are the basics.
I will give this phone a try till December, if nothing comes up in the APP scene better than what it is at present than I will switch to Android perm for good.. I am not the one who keeps two phones or keep migrating from one to another OS frequently.. I just choose the best and stay with it for a long time..
i desperately need a better calendar app for appointments.. this whole wide calendar tile is just a wasteful eye candy which i have come to realize.. auto call recording which i guess with the absence of file explorer will never come to wp7.. i want to make my phone a USB on the Go like thing, a pen drive... 16 GB of total storage is too small..
I dont know how microsoft thinks they make a 3 horse race with these features missing.. its basically a two horse race, racing in front and a 3rd horse limping behind to catch the bets by people made by error ...
Purple11 said:
I dont know how microsoft thinks they make a 3 horse race with these features missing.. its basically a two horse race, racing in front and a 3rd horse limping behind to catch the bets by people made by error ...
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You have very specific requirements that the average user doesn't care about. Recording phone calls without consent isn't even legal in many states.
PG2G said:
You have very specific requirements that the average user doesn't care about. Recording phone calls without consent isn't even legal in many states.
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Yep. Microsoft isn't gearing this phone toward the likes of the geeks and tech nerds that frequent this forum. The average user makes up the majority of users, thus the demographic Microsoft seeks to lure to WP7.
As far as what you need, you will find that some of these things will come to WP7 like various calendar apps due to the vast number of APIs made available by MS.
You may also find that some of these things may never come or may not come for quite some time. I, for one, hope to never see a file explorer on WP7.
The fact is, this isn't android and that's a good thing. Each has its own role to play and fits in where they fit in. If WP7 had been around back in 2008 as the alternative to ATT and the iphone, android would most likely be a niche device for the above geeks and tech nerds.
That being said, only Android will fully fill your present and perhaps future needs.
Good luck. Whichever direction ya go.
Wyn6 said:
As far as what you need, you will find that some of these things will come to WP7 like various calendar apps due to the vast number of APIs made available by MS.
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That's one of the things that I was thinking about as I read what he wanted to do. Unfortunately, Mango only allows for read-only access to the Contacts and Appointments. The only way to create an app like that (that actually integrates with the existing calendar app) would be to make the changes in the cloud and let the phone sync like normal. I guess you could always have a 100% standalone calendar app though.
I also want to say that the inability to expand memory using SDHC card will restrict many companies to bring their larger good graphics game to WP7... I have 16GB but I know their are people with only 8GB memory and they cannot expand it..
Now checkout this game:
It looks a very heavy game by memory wise , if we want games like this on WP7 than 8GB device is a very small handset to have several of this kind of game.. I dont think gameloft can bring such games to WP7 with current restrictions on expandable memory..
****ty textures.. probably fits into the 400-500mb range.
The iphone version weighs in at 511MB..
You should probably get the SGS II and be done with it. You're not likely to find a better android device this year, and android will serve your purposes better than WP7.
It'll play 1080p h264 video in a mkv container without re-encoding.. and supports HDMI out using a MHL adapter.
Even with Mango's new APIs, you're not going to get the same level of functionality that you're looking for.
1. WP7 apps are not written using native code, they use silverlight, XNA or a combination of the two
2. There will never be a file manager or a task manager
3. There is no bluetooth file transfer
4. No Expandable storage
5. Small number of applications (this will be less of an issue as time goes by.. the marketplace is growing fairly rapidly)
6. Limited hardware options
7. No true multitasking (applications don't run constantly in the background until they are exited.. they do on android)
8. No Usb mass storage
I have both devices.
Maybe i can help you a bit.
I do have both devices (+ I have some more). It was part of the benefits of my last job and also part ( almost a requirement) of my actual one.
- If you switch to Android from Wp7 you feel like going back to WinMO a bit. Tons of Rom's,tons of walpapers but milligrams if you need help.
- The greatest benefit of WP7 is the unified platform. Maybe you don't realize it atm, but for 99% of people I've spoken to, it's a deal breaker.
- Not, I repeat, not my solely opinion: everything onscreen with Omnia7 looks better than on SGS2. People always want to tinker with the Omnia7 when I put both phones on the table (sometimes I carry the IPhone 4 with me also).
- SGS2 is literally bloated with redundant crapware. If you guys have ever bought a Sony Vaio in 2008-2010, this is worse.
- SGS2 takes mindblowing photos and FullHD videos (that they don't look like shot through a fishbowl).
-there are some neat tricks bundled on SGS2 but nothing you can't dl from market for free.
-battery is on par.
-voice commands are better on WP7.
-SGS2 feels like under development. 16bit graphics + wake up lag...for amoled+ and dual core? WTF?
- WP7 is more on the legal side, harder to sideload stolen/cracked apps. On android, on the other hand, you get hundreds of forums just for that.
If you have more questions I'd be happy to answer.

Went from IOS to Android, is WP7 matured yet?

So when I first got the GSII I thought it was awesome! But 2 things quickly came to fruition.
1.The lightness was great at first but now its almost as a hassle for me, its TOO light, its like I cant even grab it properly like I did with my IP4, im constantly having trouble handling it and it just feels SO delicate! As if its gonna break if I do something wrong or drop it, its too thin for me, that's why Im having trouble holding it at times.
2.Android I have used before and very much enjoyed it but I dunno what happened to me that now its just too much stuff going on for me, with the IP4, it was simple and right to the point, in a way I appreciate all the extra little things that Android bring but I just dont care too much either, surprising cause im a techie. I dunno if its cause I am used to the IP for so long but it just seems like I have to go through more steps to do things that I would only have to do 1 or 2 on IOS. I always get this feeling of cluttered and an unorganized feel on Android while on IOS it just feels simple and straight to the point and organised. I tried WP7 at launch as well and I was super impressed by its UI, smoothness, how everything was so simple and easy to get to/use, frankly I just dont care about customizing and all that, I just want a quick fast and easy experience.
Now dont get me wrong a big problem I had with Android was how it would lag, freeze and sometimes feel like its in a beta stage, I was curious how the DualCore and 1gb ram would make a difference and wow! Im very impressed here! I havent had a single lag, its so smooth and just runs any and everything with absolute ease! This is how I wanted android to be!!
Another thing is the screen, I had 480x800 phones before as well as SuperAmoled and very much enjoyed them, so I was very excited to see the SuperAmoledPlus Display, too my surprise I wasn't that impressed tbh, the blacks are incredible, the contrast honestly seems good but not what I expected, the IP4 seems on par even brighter in some places, but the biggest thing for me is the pixels, since I had 480x800 before and thought it was great, I didn't think it was gonna be a huge difference but wow it is, the retnia display is MUCH better with text. Theres definitely a difference.
All in all Im not sure what to do now, I think I have a beast of a phone in my hands and it IS good but im not satisfied in certain aspects and it seems the months I spent with IOS really took a hold of me, I find myself trying to do little gestures I did in IOS. Theres the IP5 coming but who knows how much that will be and my contract is not up till next year. I cant find a good case for my life on the GS2 while IP4 has several.
Personally I think WP7 is awesome! But the lack of apps and certain things I need is really pushing me away from it. Im not gonna lie sometimes I get annoyed with Apples restrictions and hate itunes but beyond that I very much enjoy it.
Is WP7 matured at this point? I keep hearing negative things about it in terms of sales and popularity.
Wow, somebody who sounds exactly like I was a few months ago!
I have the same issues with Android - admittedly, the phone I had wasn't the most powerful in the world, but then most Android phones aren't, and frankly it shouldn't be the case that it doesn't run properly on anything-but-the-latest hardware.
For me, switching to WP7 was a breeze. Everything that I needed worked straight out of the box - I downloaded Zune and checked the marketplace to make sure all the apps I would need would be available, or an alternative, and so far I'm only missing IM, but that will be included in Mango.
IMHO, whilst WP7 is truly fantastic as it is, it won't be mature until that magical Mango update gets pushed out. I know you can get the beta and what not, and as a Student I'm entitled to it through my dev account. But I'm done with all the hassle of custom roms, betas, and hacks - I just want a phone that works, and WP7 is providing that.
So in answer to your question, no, I don't think it is YET. But in a couple of months' time, when Mango gets pushed, it will be. And thankfully, all current owners will get the upgrade.
Interestingly, I was very positive about Android until maybe a year to 6 months ago. The problem with Android now, is that Google have just gone nuts - they are trying to make it excellent at everything, and in the progress messing everything up.
I admire Microsoft's slower, more considered approach - it means they are really thinking about who their market is, and working out exactly how to serve them. Makes for a much better product for those people, but not so good a product for the mass market of cheap-rubbishy-and-mostly-useless 'smartphones' that Android has created to it's own detriment.
saleswise its the new kid, compared to androids first year were doing outstanding but if you try and compare us now to the 3 year plus OSes saleswise, were just not there. Wp7 for me after the mango beta releases has proven to be the is to beat and with full-blown mango just around the corner its a hell of a bandwagon to jump on. What's there is epic and most of what's not is in mango. Sure you may miss features here and there if you enjoyed pointless and tedious tasks on android but wp7 overall beats out any other os in my eyes and I've now got 8 ex-iPhone users in my family completely sold. That's something I could never do with android.
Hmm....As far as things I didnt like with WP7, let me try to remember.
1.Cant save Camera settings.
2.No Drag and Drop files.
3.Stupid SD Card thing on Focus
4.No ringtone....
5.A couple of the apps didnt seem optimized properly? The eBay app in particular was pretty bad.
6.Not a lot of apps/games.
7.Dont have or use xbox live, Im a PS3 guy, not a negative though.
8.again Im a google guy, love maps, gmail etc.
Overall very few little things. I very much enjoyed it, just as I said it felt like it was in its baby stages and was missing apps that I use a lot, little and big features etc.
In mango, 1 is resolved, 3 was (I believe) resolved by a firmware update by Sammy, 4 is resolved, eBay app works fine now but it underwent an update about a week and a half ago that aided in speeding that up. 6, we now have 25,000 and there's actually good games that aren't xbl now. Google maps has been reproduced in an app called gmaps though I was a google guy and I'm pretty impressed with the latest Bing maps. Of course I think ovi maps will blow em all away... Gmail works fine, I've used it since wp7 first came out and loved it from the start.
OH and no native youtube app which I love on Android, thought that was weird.
solidkevin said:
Hmm....As far as things I didnt like with WP7, let me try to remember.
1.Cant save Camera settings.
2.No Drag and Drop files.
3.Stupid SD Card thing on Focus
4.No ringtone....
5.A couple of the apps didnt seem optimized properly? The eBay app in particular was pretty bad.
6.Not a lot of apps/games.
7.Dont have or use xbox live, Im a PS3 guy, not a negative though.
8.again Im a google guy, love maps, gmail etc.
Overall very few little things. I very much enjoyed it, just as I said it felt like it was in its baby stages and was missing apps that I use a lot, little and big features etc.
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1. I think you'll be able to save it in Mango, I saw it
2. Not going to happen and it's one of dozens of reasons WP7 is inferior, lack of file manager has terrible consequences
3. No idea
4. I think it will be fixed
5. Will be fixed I believe
6. Growing constantly however many things still missing without any hope
7. Well no choice here but equally you can't use XBOX on Android right?
8. Gmail is there, maps in it's glory - not, and it's a letdown.
For me WP7 is totally wasted opportunity.
Lazytube while not native has proven to be in my opinion the best YouTube app on any OS
I have gone from WM, to iOS, to Android, back to iOS, back to Android, to WP7, back to Android, and then back to WP7. I like to keep up with all the advances in technology.
I currently have an IP4 for work, HD7S for personal, and the Iconia A500 tablet. This gives me access to all the apps for all three platforms.
My first run with WP7 was great, but the lack of skydrive integration struck me as stupid. So, I went back to Android for a while (more on that later). I am now running the Mango Beta, and the skydrive integration is a key factor in the usability of this phone for me. Without access to an SD or external memory storage device, it makes using WP7 for anything serious very difficult. Now, I just do my file management on skydrive (from my laptop or desktop) and it works beautifully for my needs. I also use Windows Live Mesh to sync my skydrive data between all of my PCs.
There are so many little things in Mango that you don't notice right away. It's these little things that impress me the most with where MS is taking the WP7 platform.
I don't hate iOS or Android, however, iOS is nice and simple but almost preschoolish in it's nature. It's hard to get excited about grids of icons. iOS fanboys will say, WP7 is just a bunch of tiles. This is a gross understatement of what WP7 is. This is all they have to combat an OS they do not understand. For me, the WP7 UI is all about intelligence. Where iOS is preschool, WP7 is about to graduate highschool and start college. Don't get me wrong, I realize this is a dramatization but there is a point. I prefer things in my life that make me feel more intelligent. iOS does not do that for me. It actually makes me feel more like a sheeple.
Android has a lot going for it. It also has a lot going against it. There are too many flavors of Android and too many variations of features and capability. This causes problems with apps not working on your particular device, Devs not supporting your particular device, your device not getting updates to enhance app support, etc. The other major issue with Android, one rogue app can wreak havoc on the entire system. This rogue app can kill battery life, hinder performance and just ruin the entire experience. This is much like Windows 95/98 before XP helped get the app management under more control. Another issue is with the way updates are handled. Once malware starts spreading on Android, it will be much more difficult to get necessary patches/updates because of the update distribution model using by Android OEMs.
I originally upgraded my Samsung Focus (which was in the box for a few months) to Mango. I was so impressed with the update, I picked up an HD7S. This device, along with Mango, has managed to convince me to use WP7 on a daily basis. The most important apps for me are: LED flashlight, GPS/Speedometer, USA Today, Engadget, BoA, DirecTV, eBay, CraigsList, Netflix, Wikipedia. All these apps are available on WP7. I also appreciate the built-in hotmail and exchange support, Office, Zune, Xbox, and the social integration aspects coming with the Mango update. I really wish there was an HBO Go app available though.
So, in short, while there is no single mobile platform that is the best at everything, WP7 (with Mango update) is what works best for me.
z33dev33l said:
Lazytube while not native has proven to be in my opinion the best YouTube app on any OS
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I 100% agree with you. It's an amazing youtube app.
There is a "native" app that IE will look for. It works okay... good for embedded stuff.
doministry said:
1. I think you'll be able to save it in Mango, I saw it
2. Not going to happen and it's one of dozens of reasons WP7 is inferior, lack of file manager has terrible consequences
3. No idea
4. I think it will be fixed
5. Will be fixed I believe
6. Growing constantly however many things still missing without any hope
7. Well no choice here but equally you can't use XBOX on Android right?
8. Gmail is there, maps in it's glory - not, and it's a letdown.
For me WP7 is totally wasted opportunity.
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I still can't believe you still troll these forums a year later with idiotic comments like "inferior" as if they were fact. You need to point out that you're making an opinionated comment, rather than continuing to post as if Google demolishes Windows Phone. "Without Any Hope" - I can't believe I'm honestly the only person commenting on this. You go into every thread that has a hint of positive outlook for WP and you bash it and priase the crapstorm that is Android, and constantly get into a situations because of it. Just... Stop posting here if you aren't going to offer any real information pertaining to the OS, all you do is post your biased trash.
As for the topic. You'll see a maturing app market with the release of Mango. A lot of your main issues (with the exception of a file manager based system) have been addressed in Mango, and honestly, as far as files you can use SkyDrive in Mango just as easily. You can even set up SkyDrive in Windows Explorer on the PC as a "drive" and just drop into there, tbh. Ringtones and such have been fixed, and the addition of APIs are going to allow developers to really go at it now.
I also second LazyTube as the best YouTube app I have ever used, and SuperTube is a close second.
Yeah, there's about 4 or 5 people that if you put them on your ignore list the wp7 forums becomes a much more pleasant place.
z33dev33l said:
Yeah, there's about 4 or 5 people that if you put them on your ignore list the wp7 forums becomes a much more pleasant place.
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Sadly you still see their posts when they are quoted, thats one thing I wish could be fixed in all forums.
FiyaFleye said:
Stop posting here if you aren't going to offer any real information pertaining to the OS, all you do is post your biased trash.
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All of my posts contain real info regarding this OS.
There is no single wrong info I'm giving here.
If the questions are asked answers are given. People here use both OSes or more and also want to know more than your endless love for WP7.
And would be great for you instead of constant whining give any real info about OS instead of opinionated and subjective blah blah like "it's the best I've seen".
z33dev33l said:
Yeah, there's about 4 or 5 people that if you put them on your ignore list the wp7 forums becomes a much more pleasant place.
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I just don't understand why he needs to go into every thread and state his personal dislike for the OS and admiration for Android, even if threads that have zero to do with any sort of comparison. And then he has the audacity to blame the other people as though his word is the ultimate speech. He's been doing it for a year, and honestly, it's getting old.
doministry said:
All of my posts contain real info regarding this OS.
There is no single wrong info I'm giving here.
If the questions are asked answers are given. People here use both OSes or more and also want to know more than your endless love for WP7.
And would be great for you instead of constant whining give any real info about OS instead of opinionated and subjective blah blah like "it's the best I've seen".
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I give realistic answers, I just stated FACTS as to why it would mature, I didn't spew some crap like "inferior to Android." You take your personal feelings of what an OS should have, and make them defining requirements. You're in a Windows Phone section, I'm sorry that people here actually research and like the products they purchase.
FiyaFleye said:
He's been doing it for a year, and honestly, it's getting old.
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You see it's hard to discuss with you because you're nothing than a disgusting liar.
A YEAR? I have WP7 since Dec so it's 9 months.
And my attitude changed in April. So it's 4 months.
Stop spreading FUD about my person.
The thing is you have no real answer.
doministry said:
You see it's hard to discuss with you because you're nothing than a disgusting liar.
A YEAR? I have WP7 since Dec so it's 9 months.
And my attitude changed in April. So it's 4 months.
Stop spreading FUD about my person.
The thing is you have no real answer.
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Actually, you've been spewing venom since way before April, thanks for trying though. People can easily look up your posts. Go to the Android forum, please, spread your love over there, not here. I have more than real answers, thats your response to everybody "You have no real answer, you have no real answer" - "oh you started it" - wrong buddy, you start it with your garbage.
Pfft... And the call me a troll every time I post a thread that isn't "zomgroflmaocopter I love android so much that I'm gonna 'splode" I understand that this is a predominately android forum and that's cool, whatever, they have devices so cheap I could buy one for 50 bucks, of course they're the most popular. They cost as much as a feature phone in some cases. However, we have our niche here and people such as yourself,n8ter, vetvito, etc. Just tend to spread unwarranted hate. I don't even know why you guys bothered picking up wp7, most of you were talking crap about it well before you supposedly got it.
doministry said:
1. I think you'll be able to save it in Mango, I saw it
2. Not going to happen and it's one of dozens of reasons WP7 is inferior, lack of file manager has terrible consequences
3. No idea
4. I think it will be fixed
5. Will be fixed I believe
6. Growing constantly however many things still missing without any hope
7. Well no choice here but equally you can't use XBOX on Android right?
8. Gmail is there, maps in it's glory - not, and it's a letdown.
For me WP7 is totally wasted opportunity.
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really showing off ur trademark here. now for a REAL answer to what he's asking.
mango solves all of the concerns one had about wp7 in the early days and with SkyDrive,the lack of a file manager or drag and drop support is no issue at all to me or anyone else here that's made the switch (a workaround is in progress to provide USB storage support). apps really aren't a big deal like the are on android and iOS because alot of things can be done with the OS on its own through its included hubs and such, I can even watch videos from the full YouTube site with the html5 option enabled which negates the need for a YouTube app (especially since they don't show all the videos ). all in all you will love mango even in its beta state right now, everything works and works well.

Lets talk... Why are there so many lackluster apps on the marketplace?

I was recently pondering this question of "Why are there so many lackluster apps on the marketplace?" while I was looking into improvements for my app.
It really does seem that there are only a hundred or so, really inspiring Metro based apps on the WP7 marketplace, and Im not sure why. Even many of the developers who are active with their apps have truly un-inspiring visual apps, or downright stripped functionality. Im not sure why, granted you see a similar pattern with Android, which from what I can tell is much worse, but WHY? These developers are just one-off releasing apps, they are most commonly very active.
Just thought I would see if anyone had any input on this.
Its like that on all market places. Did you think there was over 500,000 aw inspiring apps?
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How many things
I have pondered the high number of apps for quite some time as well, but I approached it from another angle:
Think about it like this: How many different things can you possibly do with a smartphone? Well, quite a lot, obviously, but interestingly as soon as I start to enumerate, I run into problems to continue pretty soon. Maybe I can name 100 different things to "do" with a smartphone.
Now, say I forget a lot of things, and other people do other things than me anyway, and there will be new things that nobody has thought of so far, so let's take this times 10 and proclaim that you can use a smartphone for a full one thousand different things. (I would really love to see this list.)
If you cover each thing with, say, 10 different apps, so people have choice and can take the app the like, and there is healthy competition, we arrive a grand total number of 10'000 apps that make sense - ever. Anything beyond that is simply too much.
If you think 1'000 things to do with your smartphone is way too low I would challenge you to list 1'000 things that you do in your daily life, overall and in general, with your smartphone or otherwise - our lives are quite interesting, but there are limits of what we all do.
Ok, now let's be generous and throw in 50'000 different games which are not subject of things that must make sense, after all you can just invent and invent new variants of games.
That absolute upper limit of 60'000 apps or so is pretty low compared with the contents of the app stores, isn't it?
^ it is low, but you have to add in the different region apps too, different languages, and all of their variations. Thus the huge number of apps.
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rbrunner7 said:
I have pondered the high number of apps for quite some time as well, but I approached it from another angle:
Think about it like this: How many different things can you possibly do with a smartphone? Well, quite a lot, obviously, but interestingly as soon as I start to enumerate, I run into problems to continue pretty soon. Maybe I can name 100 different things to "do" with a smartphone.
Now, say I forget a lot of things, and other people do other things than me anyway, and there will be new things that nobody has thought of so far, so let's take this times 10 and proclaim that you can use a smartphone for a full one thousand different things. (I would really love to see this list.)
If you cover each thing with, say, 10 different apps, so people have choice and can take the app the like, and there is healthy competition, we arrive a grand total number of 10'000 apps that make sense - ever. Anything beyond that is simply too much.
If you think 1'000 things to do with your smartphone is way too low I would challenge you to list 1'000 things that you do in your daily life, overall and in general, with your smartphone or otherwise - our lives are quite interesting, but there are limits of what we all do.
Ok, now let's be generous and throw in 50'000 different games which are not subject of things that must make sense, after all you can just invent and invent new variants of games.
That absolute upper limit of 60'000 apps or so is pretty low compared with the contents of the app stores, isn't it?
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1:Manage your bank account....how many different banks are out there.
2:Follow your local news....how many tv station, radio station, newspapers.
3:Follow your favorite sports team...how many teams out there.
4:Manage you reservations....for every hotel, rental car, airline.
5:Stream video....from every network, internet service, cable/satellite provider, your own network at home.
Now, how many tens of thousands of apps would it take just to cover those 5 functions that you can do with your smartphone?
Millions of apps
66stang351 said:
Now, how many tens of thousands of apps would it take just to cover those 5 functions that you can do with your smartphone?
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Yeah, I know, let me guestimate that there are maybe 10'000 large cities on this planet. Then you have 10'000 "Map of City x" apps, plus another 10'000 "Public Transport Time Table for City x", and again 10'000 "Coming Events in City x", and on and on.
Of course this brings up all kinds of questions, e.g. whether it really makes sense to turn all these things into an app where a website would perfectly do, but anyway, I concede you have a point.
I developped the habit to check all the new apps that appear in the Marketplace daily, and of course I see many apps of this type appear, but in my estimate at least half of the apps are just "garbage".
And what really makes me sad: Usually many days pass until I find a new app that really surprises me, an app with a real idea if you know what I mean, where somebody found something new - a rare gem of creativity. All that time spent building apps, what must amount to man centuries even, and then this meager result - it's a shame.
It's a growing thing. When Android and iOS were first released, there weren't many lackluster applications for awhile. Currently, developers are just trying to get everything on Windows Phone 7 that is already on Android and iOS...to include tools, games, instant messaging platforms, etc. Once they've caught up, then the developers will start using creativity.
It's not really a problem, just give it time
PoorCollegeGuy said:
It's a growing thing. When Android and iOS were first released, there weren't many lackluster applications for awhile. Currently, developers are just trying to get everything on Windows Phone 7 that is already on Android and iOS...to include tools, games, instant messaging platforms, etc. Once they've caught up, then the developers will start using creativity.
It's not really a problem, just give it time
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Don't you think its due to lack of API restricted by MS that not want to allow developer to work on!!
Just me maybe but i hardly even look at the market anymore.
Sent from my LG-P920 using xda premium
Well I rather lackluster apps than the other side of things shown here. Kind of explains why if you do not have one of the really popular Android phones why you may see more force closes than someone holding a SGS2.
taruian said:
Don't you think its due to lack of API restricted by MS that not want to allow developer to work on!!
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I totally agree with the API restrictions. It has kept me from making an app i really want to but on the other hand I as a developer feel that having eye candy in your app is a must. My specific type of apps for WP7 make the Android and iPhone users jealous as they dont have eye candy apps in that genre in their marketplaces. Also a lot of devs try to push many apps out for the money. Like if you include ads in your apps. The more apps the revenue you can earn as its a numbers game. So i think they rush on the design part.
vetvito said:
Its like that on all market places. Did you think there was over 500,000 aw inspiring apps?
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^This. Is there any objective evidence the amount of dross in the MSFT app store is any more than any other OS' app store?
People like to see their name in lights. It's as simple as that. Someone barely cobbles together an app with their meager programing skills and uploads it just to see their name in the app store.
sitizenx said:
^This. Is there any objective evidence the amount of dross in the MSFT app store is any more than any other OS' app store?
People like to see their name in lights. It's as simple as that. Someone barely cobbles together an app with their meager programing skills and uploads it just to see their name in the app store.
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Apple apply quality control on submitted apps. They will reject any apps that are buggy, crash or which don't serve a useful purpose. They are notoriously strict, causing quite a few famous publishing issues.
Mean while, Microsoft also have a submission possess, but not sure what it actually does? I remember reading on here about as developer that submitted 6 WP7 apps, that all just displayed a block on screen (each app was a different colour) and they all got published. A paid appstore should be no place for test apps; It's almost like MS don't care, and just want to boost their numbers..
Android market has no QA; anyone can submit anything. Most wild-west like app-store, but stuff doesn't get pulled off the store randomly like the above two.
^ you're joking about Apples QC right? That has got to be joke of the day.
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whodisname said:
Just me maybe but i hardly even look at the market anymore.
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pretty the same here. For quite some time now I have found all the apps I need and I only look for new ones (or alternatives f.e. different twitter apps etc.) very rarely, maybe when "super new, awesome app blabla" is featured on some news website.
The majority of apps I use work fine and aren't "lackluster". Just 3 or 4 I wish they would make improvements/alternative app.
Of course there are many not so good apps in the marketplace but thats a problem of every device, not even only phones. just look how much crappy software or games are available for pc.

