PsfServiceMod Recovery dalvik wipe problem - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Sup ya'll I just upgraded to psfservicemod recovery 0.3.3. I wanted to change my kernel. So I went and wiped worked, then I went to wipe dalvik and it froze. Nothing going on on the screen. So I battery pulled and tried again. Freezed again on dalvik wipe. Klutsh says its based off clockwork Anything I can do or do I havd to switch my recovery??
Also a seperate nandroids backup your recovery to??? Thanks guys
Evo - Myn 2.2 RLS 3 - Clockwork - HBoot .76

???? Help
Evo - Myn 2.2 RLS 3 - Clockwork - HBoot .76

Hey the author site is down and there are 0 mirrors, any chance you can do me a solid and upload 0.3.3 for supersonic?
Please also accept my apology for not having any insight on either of your questions, if I knew I'd tell you. Honestly I've never done a manual wipe like that.

I don't know anything about clockwork or the recovery you are using. I can answer that if you use AmonRA 2.3 recovery you can backup your recovery partition.


status 7

hey i had my phone rooted and then i flashed the new official froyo that was rooted and now using the clockworkmod everytime i try and flash a new rom i keep getting a status 7 error and i have been wiping my cache and everything so that isn't the problem. any help would be greatly appreciated as i want to go back cyanogen.
Clockwork recovery does not wipe dalvik cache properly, this is a known issue. Use amon ra instead. Never fails me.
how do i switch from clockworkmod to amon ra and where do i get it from. i am new to this thanks.

Anrdiod 2.2 Update Problem

i recently updated to froyo for evo 4g but as i noticed it started reboot frequently.... i tried clearing everything and still as it loads back up it still does it i tried eferything and this thing just keeps restarting... i tried restoring my old nand backup still .... i searched everywhere and still no solution.... please i need help desperatly!!!!!
what rom are you using? did you change kernals? do you overclock?
I am assumign you are rooted since you said you restored an old nandroid.
did you do a full wipe before upgrading if you did which recovery did you use?
If you used clockwork recovery you may try using Amon RA and wipe with ti and reflash.
i was told to wipe dev. cache and wipe factory reset and take the battery out put it back in 15 secs or 30 and it should work...did the trick for a while but once im getting all my setting how i want it with my contacts and my apps downloading.... it starts the problem all over... SMH....
i used nandriod to recover...when all other failed i was told to use clear now everytime i turn my phone on i have 2.2 but it restarts the phone for no do i use amon ra and wipe with ti? i think i havent tried that....and im using build 3.36.651.6 (Rooted) Odexed rom....
i really need some help with this anybody got a related post with a solution or a fix for this my phone still turning off and on...
Flash the eng-PC36IMG zip in bootloader, then restore.

[Q] (Help Please)RA revovery and ENG hboot in one flash after UR Forever

I flashed this file and after wards every time that I tried to boot it would go to hboot. Someone suggested flashing a custom rom. I flashed fresh and thought this fixed my problem but it would just bootloop the fresh splash screen. nand restores say that they are successful but I still can not get past hboot or the fresh splash screen. PLEASE HELP!
I'm assuming you're talking about this from this thread?
If so, it seemed to work fine for me...make sure you're flashing the one in post #18 not the OP.
the only thing I can guess is to make sure you wipe your cache and dalvic before flashing the rom and/or restoring a nand backup.
I had flashed fresh 3.2 and I flashed the pc36img file and I didn't even need to flash the rom again or my nand backup.
I would pull the battery, boot to bootloader, check what hboot you have to see if the pc36img flashed correctly, then go into recovery and make sure the recovery updated to 1.8 (look at the bottom of the screen in recovery), then do a factory data reset, wipe data twice, wipe dalvic twice, and then try to restore your backup and report back.
You mention you cant get past hboot or the fresh flash screen. Do you mean fresh's boot animation?
when I've flashed fresh roms the boot animation usually is on for about 5 minutes before it proceeds. Make sure you're waiting long enough once you get to that point.

[Q] [ROM] Synergy - [RLS1+GodMode 08/05/2011] - Now With Warm Sprinkles

I am trying to flash [ROM] Synergy - [RLS1] - the first time it got stuck in the HTC load screen, so i re-downloaded it and tryed again now it got to the synergy rom load screen and it is stuck on that one now. what can i do to get this rom working please help
I have also tried rebooting three times, done battery pulls. i have done everything the same way i did everyother rom i have flashed and this is the only one i have had any problems with.
We need some additional information to help you guys with this. Are you using RSL1 godmode or non-godmode? Are you using RA, CWR, or TWR? do you have an sd-ext partition setup?
If you are trying to flash RLS1 godmode you must use RA. Last I checked CWR was not compatible and I am not sure of TWR.
Here are the procedures I use in RA.
Wipe -> cache, system, data, sd-ext, dalvik. Then flash and reboot. It has worked for me every time. I know some ROM automatically format system and maybe data, but I do it manually before flashing anyhow.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you need anything else.
im using RSL1 non-godmode. Sorry im not sure what RA, CWR, or TWR are.and i dont know how to do a sd-ext partition setup. all that is new to me for flashing sorry.
I have done what you said you did as far as the wiping everything but it just gets stuck on eather the HTC boot screen or the synergy boot screen
IrishAce777 said:
I have done what you said you did as far as the wiping everything but it just gets stuck on eather the HTC boot screen or the synergy boot screen
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i put on godmode and i thought it was stuck on the synergy bootscreen but it just took a LONG time to boot up after the install i just left it there and walked away when i came back it was booted

[Q] Wiping and questions

Alright. I have a couple questions.
1) I forgot which partitions and caches I am supposed to wipe before flashing a rom. Does anyone mind reminding me?
2) I just rooted my Evo 4G with and it installed that revolutionary custom CWM. Am I allowed to flash the normal version of CWM or will it just screw everything up?
Wipe data!,wipe cache! Wipe dalvik cache !! Super easy then flash flash
alright.... so now what about the question?
You can flash any recovery you like. Amon Ra, TWRP, or CWM

