[Q] New Evo with weird hboot / software / hardware combo - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So, I've read a lot of threads and looked at other people's Evo configurations and haven't found one like this:
Hardware = 004
Software = 3.29.651.5
Hboot = 0.97
Baseband =
Based on the hboot and software, I should be able to use unrevoked3, but I'm hesitating a bit because of the 004 hardware.
Anyone out there with this setup and rooted?

That is really weird. I always thought the 004 EVOs had a different camera and needed different software because of it. The good news is, unrevoked should work fine because of your software and hboot version, but I definitely understand your reluctance to try it.

Please keep us updated if you do

I have the exact same hardware, software, and baseband versions. Not sure how to check the Hboot version. Bought my phone about 1 month ago. It does seem like most people with 004 hardware have 3.30 software.
I was able to root using unrevoked3 with no problems.

I just checked it and I also have Hboot 0.97. So all of my versions match yours. Looks like you should be able to root just fine.

I can confirm. I have the same hardware/software setup and unrevoked3.blah works fine. Had mine rooted for nearly a month now, and have been flashing away. all seems kosher.

i wish my phone would come with hboot 0.97 then i could use unrevoked 3.2 to root my phone by now. still waitin for unrevoked 3.3 to be released
my white evo made in oct 2010
hardware 003
hboot 2.02
software 3.30
rest are the same as everyone else's
by the way, i read somewhere that a newer type of screen being used now on newer evo ? i got touch panel - atmelc03_16ac
is that new or old ?

thanks everyone for validating that unrevoked3 will work.
it is odd..if 3.30.x is the newest software, and we have 3.29.x, why won't the htc/firmware update find the newer build to download? undocumented feature


[Q] Which root method to use?

I just upgraded to the Evo 4G.
It came stock with the Froyo Sprint 3.30.651.2
I was told by a friend that its hard to root the 3.30 builds, and I couldn't find reference to that on here.
Just want to make sure T_T
it is HARD to root 3.30 build. what is your hardware? i am willing to help you command by command (because i am nice?) do you have adb installed? pc or mac? first step is install adb. then i can help you more.
uhm, did i forget to say i am very noob at this T_T what is adb?
and in terms of hardware,. did you mean..
Hardware version 0003?
I was in the same boat as you last week. I had WM for years and was familiar with unlocking and flashing things, had to learn quite a bit of new stuff moving to android. These two threads helped me immensely.
I am not sure how well the first one works, but would be easier. Personally I used the 2nd link and followed the manual method, not only to make sure every step was correct, but it also taught me quite a bit about android.
Let me, the other gentleman in this post, or someone in one of those posts if you need an assistance.
wow both those tutorials root while turning s-off?!?!? i guess i haven't been reading up on those enough. i thought that they were to turn s-off once shell permissions were gained. if you want to do it manually, you still can, but the first link seems the best since it somehow magically downgrades you to .76.2 hboot. i'm not sure if anybody else has been able to do this in hboot 2.02. or maybe i'm wrong. maybe you just have to flash a pc36img.zip after s-off.
answering your question: adb is the driver that allows for your phone and your computer to talk. it was developed by google to help app developers, so it is perfectly safe and legal. it is used for just about every manual hack/mod on these forums. really, it is the most useful tool you can have. once again, pc or mac?
pc =]
either one running xp x32 or one running 7 x64
dkdude36 said:
wow both those tutorials root while turning s-off?!?!?
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Yea I had read up all on rooting, flashing, etc before getting my Evo last week only to have to search more when none of the other methods worked. Fortunately those posts got me everything I needed.
Maybe you guys can shed some light for me on this issue. I attempted to root my phone using the tutrial on this site named How to root evo 2.2. Everything went well got into bootloader and when it was time to load the image files from the pc36img.zip it would never load the files. My guess is because the hboot file in the zip is hboot 0.93.0000 and i have hboot 0.97.0000. All the info i see about rooting is relating to hboot 2.0.2 which is not the hboot on my evo. Any ideas? Thanks
Android Version
Baseband Version
Kernel Version
[email protected] #11
Build Number
3.29.651.5 CL252548 release-keys
Software Number
Browser Version
Webkit 3.1
PRI Version
PRL Version
supersonic evt2-3 ship s-on
touch panel-atmelc03_16ac
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Stroid01 said:
Maybe you guys can shed some light for me on this issue. I attempted to root my phone using the tutrial on this site named How to root evo 2.2. Everything went well got into bootloader and when it was time to load the image files from the pc36img.zip it would never load the files. My guess is because the hboot file in the zip is hboot 0.93.0000 and i have hboot 0.97.0000. All the info i see about rooting is relating to hboot 2.0.2 which is not the hboot on my evo. Any ideas? Thanks
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The hboot 2.0.2 like we have is the one that is more difficult to root. I have mine rooted, but I did not downgrade it like some have tried or possibly have done. If you have an older hboot and are on the 3.29 stock rom you shouldn't have too much problem following the basic guides, or even many of the 1-click root options. I personally don't know which to recommend because none of them worked for me, I would read through the android development subforum and see what has worked for others though.
hah ya you need to redo the mtd-eng.img step. that is why it wasn't accepted. i sort of went off on my own boat last night and rooted 3.29 flawlessly by running 4 pc36img.zips (from 3.29 to 1.47 to 1.32 to rooted 1.32 to eng spl 1.32) and 3 different exploits (mtd-eng exploit, flash lite exploit, no security exploit, and simple mtd-eng exploit). it really worked well, but took hours of downloading. thats like over half a gig of files. if you have questios about my method just ask.
where does it say what hboot you have?
boot into bootloader (turn phone off. once fully down, hold power and volume down) should say hboot-(version) or something like that.
I, too am confused as to what method to use or if I have to wait.
My hboot version is 0.97.0000
Hardware is 004
Software 3.29.651.5
PRI 1.77_003
Has anyone applied the unrevoked3 method for this config? Also, if 3.30x is a new release, it's weird why my "System Update" does not find any new OTA updates.
That is the weirdest verson combo I have ever seen. really no idea.

[Q] Two OTA's... which one to pick?

Been away from the scene here for about a month. I came back, and see are some new OTA's out, 3.30.651.3, and 3.30.651.2
I have hardware version 0003...
Am I right in what I think Ive read in 3.30.651.2 being for my version, and 3.30.651.3 being for version 0004?
Will 3.30.651.3 work on 0003? Whats the correct, most up to date version I should be running?
evohnoo said:
Been away from the scene here for about a month. I came back, and see are some new OTA's out, 3.30.651.3, and 3.30.651.2
I have hardware version 0003...
Am I right in what I think Ive read in 3.30.651.2 being for my version, and 3.30.651.3 being for version 0004?
Will 3.30.651.3 work on 0003? Whats the correct, most up to date version I should be running?
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The 3.30.651.2 is the factory installed rom for the newest revisioned EVO's with hardware version 0004. The 3.30.651.3 rom is a patch from the previous version for the same 0004 hardware EVO's. The 0004 EVO's have a different camera hardware and this rom is intended for those EVO's. This is why you will not be prompted for the ota updates if you have an older hardware revision EVO like 0002 and 0003... unless you have flashed the 3.30.651.2 or .3 rom onto your EVO manufactured before November. The current updated rom for EVO's manufactured before November is still 3.29.651.5.
You can read more about this at Sprint's website in the support section for the EVO's software upgrades. sorry I don't have the link but you can probably find it.
fantastic answer, thanks man
No problem. Im glad i was still up to give you a quick answer
did a bit more reading, and it seems that this update really doesnt hurt anything if you go ahead and flash it... is this right?
Also, what if a rom has been baked to run a 3.30 base, can I just flash the rom, and be all updated?

[Q] camera problem.

my camera stopped working after i downgraded to 2.1 so i upgraded back to 2.2.
now it still doesn't work. iv'e tried everything. the phone is on 3.29.651.5, 2.2 with baseband please help.
just realized what happened i have a 004 Hw version evo.
what happened is im at 3.29.651.5
my camera is not supported because my evo has the new chip.
it wont update because my evo is thinking its the older version 001,002, or 003.
because it was shipped with 3.30.651.2 i need to get to 3.30.651.2 for the camera to work any ideas?
so now what im looking for is a PC36IMG with 3.30.651.2 that can be update/upgraded with s-on
joeemily said:
my camera stopped working after i downgraded to 2.1 so i upgraded back to 2.2.
now it still doesn't work. iv'e tried everything. the phone is on 3.29.651.5, 2.2 with baseband please help.
just realized what happened i have a 004 Hw version evo.
what happened is im at 3.29.651.5
my camera is not supported because my evo has the new chip.
it wont update because my evo is thinking its the older version 001,002, or 003.
because it was shipped with 3.30.651.2 i need to get to 3.30.651.2 for the camera to work any ideas?
so now what im looking for is a PC36IMG with 3.30.651.2 that can be update/upgraded with s-on
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did you find your answer.. if not just flash any new custom rom with 3.30.651.2 or higher
see im very new to the whole android scene and i really don't know exactly what im doing yet, but will i beable to flash a custom rom even though im on 2.02 bootloader with s-on?
anyone know what im even talking about? can anyone tell me what firmware/software gets shipped with the 004 HW version?
You cannot flash ROMs with s-on. The link for the 3.30 RUU is right here. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=819838
Download and rename to P36img.zip.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
hey can you give me a more detailed instruction and does this have to be after s-on is turned to s-off? or can i just do this normally
well i did a bit of reading and fixed it. god i feel so stupid. lol.
how i did it:
1. downloaded -- RUU_SuperSonic_S_Sprint_WWE_3.30.651.2_Radio_2.15. 00.09.01_NV_1.77_003_release_154209_signed.zip --
from: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=819771&page=2
2. renamed to PC36IMG
3. put on sd card
4. went into boot-loader and loaded it.
5. tried my camera and it worked!
- cred's KOKJ

I need some guidance before rooting new Evo 0004

i just purchased a brand new evo and it is hardware version 0004 but the hboot shows 0.97.0000. not the 2.02 i have read about the 0004 version having. could this be correct? what method of rooting should i use? the 2.02 methed or the regular unrevoked forever 3.21 methed? thanks for any help. I have tried to search for an answer but could not find any.
lrosado said:
i just purchased a brand new evo and it is hardware version 0004 but the hboot shows 0.97.0000. not the 2.02 i have read about the 0004 version having. could this be correct? what method of rooting should i use? the 2.02 methed or the regular unrevoked forever 3.21 methed? thanks for any help. I have tried to search for an answer but could not find any.
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if hboot is 0.97 use/try unrevoked 321 first. it should work & takes like 5 minutes.
thanks for the help. will try that method first
Did this method work for you?? My wifes phone is the exact same as yours and I'm trying to find the proper way to root it.
I was in the same boat and used unrevoked. Worked like a charm.
Which unrevoked did you use? The one click? I have had issues trying to root with unrevoked on HW version 0004
I'll guinea pig it and try. I've got 0004 hardware and a 0.97 boot version. From what I've researched the issues isn't necesarrily in the hardware but the hboot version that (usually) came shipped with it. I did skip some updates when I first booted it so it might not have taken the bunk software. I'll report in a few.
K. Just tried Unrevoked and ran through all the steps fairly successfully. Running the unrEVOked recovery said everything went fine. Went into HBOOT and nothing changed. Went to my apps and no superuser.
[edit] I ran it again, and it seems I'm rooted now.
hw: 0004
hboot: 0.97
software: 3.29
If it's rooted, then install the apk
Yes, one click unrevoked worked fine for me.
dumb Q but trying to help my dad, how do you check what Hboot to run? Didn't help he updated everything before trying to root...

Newest OTA 3.30.651.3 vs Evo Hardware 0003 and older

I have read through a bunch of ROM Threads in the Dev section that state that the 3.30.651.3 release may have compatibility issues with hardware versions 0003 and older.. I was hoping someone may be able to confirm / deny or explain this.
The reason I am asking is because I have a phone with hardware version 0003 and I have installed a couple different ROMS that are based on 3.30.651.3 and I have experienced random problems from extreme lag to really poor battery life.
Thanks in advance..
jones79 said:
I have read through a bunch of ROM Threads in the Dev section that state that the 3.30.651.3 release may have compatibility issues with hardware versions 0003 and older.. I was hoping someone may be able to confirm / deny or explain this.
The reason I am asking is because I have a phone with hardware version 0003 and I have installed a couple different ROMS that are based on 3.30.651.3 and I have experienced random problems from extreme lag to really poor battery life.
Thanks in advance..
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Not a whole lot of help, but here is my two cents....
I have two Evo's, one is 0002 and the other is 0003. I ran 3.30.651.3 on both of them, and didn't experience any problems running fresh 3.4.1. However after doing some research, I've reverted to Fresh because it's based on 3.29.651.5. Being with hardware version 0003, I've been told 3.29.651.5 is optimal. I even unrooted to check for OTA's and the only OTA update available was 3.29.651.5.
If you'd like to try Fresh's rom with 3.30.651.3, DL Fresh 3.4.1, and install the unofficial patch found in the thread. That's about all I can tell ya bud.
jones79 said:
I have read through a bunch of ROM Threads in the Dev section that state that the 3.30.651.3 release may have compatibility issues with hardware versions 0003 and older.. I was hoping someone may be able to confirm / deny or explain this.
The reason I am asking is because I have a phone with hardware version 0003 and I have installed a couple different ROMS that are based on 3.30.651.3 and I have experienced random problems from extreme lag to really poor battery life.
Thanks in advance..
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this is true but (and not to plug my fav. dev.) Ricsim has made some tweeks to azreal x so that you get good battery life with the latest OTA it has ran flawlessly on my phone so far. Prior to this i was haveing the same problems you have mentioned my phone is 0003 and i was getting lag and massive battery drain till i flashed a new kernel but that only helped when my phone was sleeping or screen off. Rom choice is all up to you if you like the way your phone runs on 3.30 then stay with it if not then try fresh 3.3.01. Just remember not all phones like certain kernels.
The issue is not specifically hardware related, but shipped software related. Some 003's were shipped with the 3.29 ROM, others with the 3.30. From what I understand the ones that were shipped with the 3.30 had a different camera manufacturer. If your 003 was shipped with 3.29 then use a 3.29 ROM, otherwise use a 3.30 ROM.
One quick way to find out is to flash a custom kernel and see if your camera works. If your camera/camcorder breaks then use a 3.30 ROM with the stock HTC kernel. The #17 is working great for me.
BTW, I have an 003 phone with the 3.30 shipped ROM. Can't wait for HTC to release the kernel source so the devs can start working on it.
twin001 said:
The issue is not specifically hardware related, but shipped software related. Some 003's were shipped with the 3.29 ROM, others with the 3.30. From what I understand the ones that were shipped with the 3.30 had a different camera manufacturer. If your 003 was shipped with 3.29 then use a 3.29 ROM, otherwise use a 3.30 ROM.
One quick way to find out is to flash a custom kernel and see if your camera works. If your camera/camcorder breaks then use a 3.30 ROM with the stock HTC kernel. The #17 is working great for me.
BTW, I have an 003 phone with the 3.30 shipped ROM. Can't wait for HTC to release the kernel source so the devs can start working on it.
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you are absolutly correct, i should have mentioned that in my post guess i wasn't thinking about it
all i know is that clockwork hates the 3.4 fresh with 3.0 update, it screws up the nandroid backup, never gonna try another non-cyanogen rom again.
twin001 said:
The issue is not specifically hardware related, but shipped software related. Some 003's were shipped with the 3.29 ROM, others with the 3.30. From what I understand the ones that were shipped with the 3.30 had a different camera manufacturer. If your 003 was shipped with 3.29 then use a 3.29 ROM, otherwise use a 3.30 ROM.
One quick way to find out is to flash a custom kernel and see if your camera works. If your camera/camcorder breaks then use a 3.30 ROM with the stock HTC kernel. The #17 is working great for me.
BTW, I have an 003 phone with the 3.30 shipped ROM. Can't wait for HTC to release the kernel source so the devs can start working on it.
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As I stated above I also have 0003, but I don't remember what ROM version it was shipped with, so to try to find out, I unrooted, and searched for system updates and there was only the 3.29 update. If my phone was shipped with 3.30, that update would have been available, correct? Because it was not available it leads me to believe I do not have the new chip, however 3.30 worked fine in all perspectives for me. Actually it worked fine on 0002 hardware as well. Puzzled????
mcampos7 said:
As I stated above I also have 0003, but I don't remember what ROM version it was shipped with, so to try to find out, I unrooted, and searched for system updates and there was only the 3.29 update. If my phone was shipped with 3.30, that update would have been available, correct? Because it was not available it leads me to believe I do not have the new chip, however 3.30 worked fine in all perspectives for me. Actually it worked fine on 0002 hardware as well. Puzzled????
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there is no update from 3.29 if you installed 3.29 on a phone that came with 3.30 it won't update the only way to check is if your camera doesn't work with stock 3.29 rooted or unrooted. 3.30 camera h\w will not work with any other kernel besides htc#10 and htc#17
Jbcarrera said:
there is no update from 3.29 if you installed 3.29 on a phone that came with 3.30 it won't update the only way to check is if your camera doesn't work with stock 3.29 rooted or unrooted. 3.30 camera h\w will not work with any other kernel besides htc#10 and htc#17
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So let me get this straight. If our phone came with 3.30, but we unroot to a 3.29 RUU, the phone will not OTA update back to 3.30? Also if I flash flipz ROM based on the 3.29 software and kernel [email protected]#11 and my camera works fine, then my phone was originally shipped with 3.29?
Jbcarrera said:
there is no update from 3.29 if you installed 3.29 on a phone that came with 3.30 it won't update the only way to check is if your camera doesn't work with stock 3.29 rooted or unrooted. 3.30 camera h\w will not work with any other kernel besides htc#10 and htc#17
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Ok I was just about to flash a stock 3.29 Rom to check, but remembered I am running nets universal 4.1.9 kernal. Thus proving I am on the old chip? Or should I still flash the stock 3.29 to find out? Sorry man, just trying to learn all I can. I appreciate your patience and insight very much.
mcampos7 said:
Ok I was just about to flash a stock 3.29 Rom to check, but remembered I am running nets universal 4.1.9 kernal. Thus proving I am on the old chip? Or should I still flash the stock 3.29 to find out? Sorry man, just trying to learn all I can. I appreciate your patience and insight very much.
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I would assume that if your running nets uni 4.1.9 kernel and your camera works fine then yes, you have the old camera chip. Maybe im wrong, little confused myself.
Ok this is driving me nuts, so I took a shot at calling sprint to see if they could tell me what chip I have (I knew it'd be pointless but what the hell), I told them I was on hardware version 0003, and we discussed the new 3.30 OTA, sprint agreed that this update was intended for the new camera chip in 0004, however told me I should be running the 3.30 update. Then I got into it with them about receiving an out dated phone (0003). Sprint assured me my phone was not out dated even though they confirmed the 0004 hardware and the new camera chip. "Sir with the OTA update your phone will not be out dated" So I very calmly broke it down very simple for them... "ma'am you see that I am running 0003, you've confirmed that the OTA was intended for phones that have the new camera chip installed in hardware version 0004. You are telling me that my phone is not out dated?" She goes on to say once again that after I install the OTA my phone will be up to date.
"ma'am, let me get this correct, if I install an OTA software update it will automatically install a new hardware camera chip in my phone" She says well let me look into that please hold. She then confirms that an OTA will not install the new hardware chip. "So you see the EVO that was shipped to me a month ago is out of date" She said that was a hardware issue and they do not handle that, and gave me HTC's #. Wish I would have recorded the call. Priceless.
using HW 003 with the latest 3.30.651.3 based Sprint Lovers ROM and battery life is pretty darn good compared to all other stock rooted ROMs i have used. i am pretty sure this doesnt have the new camera as i bought it just after the evo was first released. i am a moderate user, heavy on the texting and browsing side of things. and my usage pattern has pretty much been consistent for the past few months and i have noticed significant improvement in the battery life with the 3.30 version. i can easily go for anything between 30-35 hrs with my usage pattern. that is an improvement from 20-24 hrs with previous stock rooted ROMs. you can look at some screenshots on the link on my signature.
crakerjaks said:
all i know is that clockwork hates the 3.4 fresh with 3.0 update, it screws up the nandroid backup, never gonna try another non-cyanogen rom again.
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It's not fresh, just don't use clockwork for nandroid. If you have kept up with the 4G RSA keys issue, you would know not to use clockwork since it's not properly archiving the RSA keys. If you don't want to risk losing the keys, then I recommend using amon-ra, which properly does a nandroid backup. Anyways, if you're using clockwork to flash different roms, it's also been stated that clockwork doesn't always do a clean wipe so there could be issues when installing a different rom, especially if going from CM AOSP back to sense Fresh rom. Amon-ra is the way to go.

