[Q] internal phone storage space on EVO - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

My internal storage is very low and I don't know what could be causing it...I have uninstalled programs, cleared cache and it still does not increase!!!
Any suggestions?? Pls help
Note: I am not rooted..

That's a good question. I fear I have no answer. But I assume you've gone to
Home > settings, applications, running applications, and "cleared cache" on any that
may have larger caches (those you use most).
It might also help if while in there, to move some of your installed applications to sdcard.

I have moved all the apps that I can to the SD...I am really thinking hard about rooting...They is some apps that I really would like to take off...I am trying to find a good rom to use...any suggestions??

I gained a ton of space by installig a custom kernel (netarchy's to be exact). He moves the cache to the data mount giving you more app space. I think he has some other trick up his sleeve too because i have not had a problem since (that is until the latest OTA which i have since removed–it was givng me way to many problems).
As expected you'll need "full" root.
I use a widget called "memory status" to keep tabs on both app and data load as well as my SD card.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

If you run a2sd, move dalvik to SD. I've got 50+ apps and 385mb of internal storage free on a Sense rom.
Sent from my SUPERSONIC


Available phone memory.....

The answer will probably be a yes but I want to make sure.....I partitioned my sd card to free up some hardware space and I ended up with 122mb on device.
My question is, do software updates load onto the phone memory? I flashed a keyboard, radio and icons off the card and now the memory has went down to 102mb.
Thanks in advance,
It actually seems to be going down a few mb at a time, thought this **** would end after I binned the BlackBerry..........
You could of searched there is plenty of topics on this ...... when you use apps2sd+, /data/app/ and the dalvik cache are moved to the sd-ext, the /data/data/ directory remains on the device, this directory is used to store all app data, thats why your internal storage goes down
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
Yes there is a small amount of internal space still used but not much.
You will be able to install a lot of apps untill you run out of space. Much more than before.
Another trick you could try that I just did is applying the custom MTD partitions mod (do a search in the development thread) and this will give you some more memory to play with (I have 70 apps installed and still have 108MB Free!)

[Q] App2SD

Hi. I was just wondering what are the steps in order to install applications on the SD card. I know it's something about "App2SD" or "App2SD+". I tried searching the forum for answers, but the search returned an overwhelming amount of threads since almost every thread has a little something about App2SD =/. And what's the difference between App2SD and App2SD+; I think I read somewhere it's about the dalvik-cache. Also, what IS dalvik-cache and how it differs from "cache". Also, I know we format the memory card into Fat32 + EXT; so the applications are installed in the EXT partition?
Edit: And while we're at it, what is Data2SD or Data2Anywhere?
Go into the Desire Android Development forum and have a look around there. Just go through it till you find something and read on it.
As far as I understand, App2SD+ moves the Dalvik cache, I think. I have no idea what it is but it's a cache so pretty selfexplanatory. Apps do get installed on the ext partition. Data2SD moves a lot more data to the SD card, a lot more in fact.
I can't give you a definate answer because I personally don't like it. I have tried to get it to work but it's a pain in the arse to do so I gave in. Like I said, have a look around the Desire Android Development forum because there are quite a few topics. Just to get you started.
apps2sd is pretty much the same as apps2sd+, as far as I read...
All it does is move the dalvik cache to the SD card = frees up memory on the internal phone so it'll run faster, and leave more room for the apps that cannot be installed on SD.
You are correct. The bulk of your SD card will be fat32. This is where your music, porn, and pictures will go (tee hee lol). The EXT2/3/or 4 partition is where the apps will be installed to. Typically it's recommended to have between 256MB to 512MB. To do partition this, you can do a semi-complicated procedure through GParted on a computer, or you can just go to the Market, download "Rom Manager" and once installed, it can partition it for you in a matter of about 1 minute. After it's partitioned, you can go ahead and install any ROM that supports APPS2SD/+ and enjoy it's feature(s).
Please note that there is still a massive amount of applications that cannot be installed/author hasn't coded it to be installed on the SD.
EDIT: Data2SD = Each application will grow in size the more you use it. For example, the more you use internet explorer, the more random little cache data will be stored. Thus, the 2MB (I don't know the actual size of the app., this is just for example's sake) internet app. will balloon into a 20MB app. So Data2SD will keep the applications on the phone's internal memory, but will move their data (or cache, etc) to the SDCard. This is another method of saving that ever-precious internal memory, but comes with a speed disadvantage when compared to Apps2SD, so I've read.
True for the most part, except that all downloaded are moved to the ext partition regardless if they are froyo a2sd compatible. If a app supports froyo a2sd usually a bigger part of the app can be moved but all apps are moved. Also you don't want to move the apps to the sd via manager applications because that basically moves them from ext to fat.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
GoogleJelly said:
Go into the Desire Android Development forum and have a look around there. Just go through it till you find something and read on it.
As far as I understand, App2SD+ moves the Dalvik cache, I think. I have no idea what it is but it's a cache so pretty selfexplanatory. Apps do get installed on the ext partition. Data2SD moves a lot more data to the SD card, a lot more in fact.
I can't give you a definate answer because I personally don't like it. I have tried to get it to work but it's a pain in the arse to do so I gave in. Like I said, have a look around the Desire Android Development forum because there are quite a few topics. Just to get you started.
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Those are very detailed threads man, I've got a lot of reading to do =).
buckshotjr said:
apps2sd is pretty much the same as apps2sd+, as far as I read...
All it does is move the dalvik cache to the SD card = frees up memory on the internal phone so it'll run faster, and leave more room for the apps that cannot be installed on SD.
You are correct. The bulk of your SD card will be fat32. This is where your music, porn, and pictures will go (tee hee lol). The EXT2/3/or 4 partition is where the apps will be installed to. Typically it's recommended to have between 256MB to 512MB. To do partition this, you can do a semi-complicated procedure through GParted on a computer, or you can just go to the Market, download "Rom Manager" and once installed, it can partition it for you in a matter of about 1 minute. After it's partitioned, you can go ahead and install any ROM that supports APPS2SD/+ and enjoy it's feature(s).
Please note that there is still a massive amount of applications that cannot be installed/author hasn't coded it to be installed on the SD.
EDIT: Data2SD = Each application will grow in size the more you use it. For example, the more you use internet explorer, the more random little cache data will be stored. Thus, the 2MB (I don't know the actual size of the app., this is just for example's sake) internet app. will balloon into a 20MB app. So Data2SD will keep the applications on the phone's internal memory, but will move their data (or cache, etc) to the SDCard. This is another method of saving that ever-precious internal memory, but comes with a speed disadvantage when compared to Apps2SD, so I've read.
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Ya I've had my fair share with GParted... Data2SD sounds pretty good, but I guess I'll go with App2SD+ for the time being.
TheGhost1233 said:
True for the most part, except that all downloaded are moved to the ext partition regardless if they are froyo a2sd compatible. If a app supports froyo a2sd usually a bigger part of the app can be moved but all apps are moved. Also you don't want to move the apps to the sd via manager applications because that basically moves them from ext to fat.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
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Manager applications? Like what? AppBrain for instance?
a2sd+ works performance wise much better for me than data2sd / data2ext
titanium backup can manage that too iirc
I meant the manage applications from within the normal settings menu (settings-applications-manage applications). There you have the option to move them to the sd or to the phone on if they are already on the sd. In this menu they need to be on the phone.
TheGhost1233 said:
I meant the manage applications from within the normal settings menu (settings-applications-manage applications). There you have the option to move them to the sd or to the phone on if they are already on the sd. In this menu they need to be on the phone.
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Oh oh, ya ok. I never tried moving them using the Manage Applications and I guess I'll never will =/.
Just be careful not to force any app. over to SD. There are those apps that are meant to stay on the internal partition. If you do some reading and find, "Oh, wicked, Titanium Backup can force all apps to SD" - DON'T force apps over that aren't meant to be forced, otherwise they will not work. Figured that out myself hehe
Good luck!
buckshotjr said:
Just be careful not to force any app. over to SD. There are those apps that are meant to stay on the internal partition. If you do some reading and find, "Oh, wicked, Titanium Backup can force all apps to SD" - DON'T force apps over that aren't meant to be forced, otherwise they will not work. Figured that out myself hehe
Good luck!
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Thanks, I'll keep that mind.
I'm sorry but, after all this information, um, how do I actually USE App2SD+? How do I choose whether to install the apps to the SD-EXT or to the internal memory?
Edit: Ok so from what I've gathered after a bit of searching, the custom ROM I'm running on (which should support App2SD+) should automatically move apps to SD? So how can I view the list of apps installed on the SD? And, if it is possible, how can I move them back?
Yep the ROM will manage what goes where. When picking a ROM just take note of what it uses whether it be a2sd/a2sd+/d2ext etc as this is what you'll be using. The data2xx ones are a little more experimental and probably not recommended at this point if you still need to ask these questions (no offence meant, I avoid them too lol).
There's no definitive list of what's on SD, much like you can't move them around because the app will actually be spread between NAND and EXT depending on exactly what it needs. You don't need to ever move them around though TBH.
If moving between ROM's a simple titanium backup will cover your apps and the new ROM will manage where they go.
Problem loading widget
mattman83 said:
Yep the ROM will manage what goes where. When picking a ROM just take note of what it uses whether it be a2sd/a2sd+/d2ext etc as this is what you'll be using. The data2xx ones are a little more experimental and probably not recommended at this point if you still need to ask these questions (no offence meant, I avoid them too lol).
There's no definitive list of what's on SD, much like you can't move them around because the app will actually be spread between NAND and EXT depending on exactly what it needs. You don't need to ever move them around though TBH.
If moving between ROM's a simple titanium backup will cover your apps and the new ROM will manage where they go.
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None taken =). But I just like to know about most features even if I'm not going to use them =).
Anyway, the reason I ask for a way to move them around is because now my widgets are not loading, they give me the "Problem loading widget" error after rebooting the phone... I guess this error appears because they're installed on the SD...that's why I wanna move them back to the internal phone. I can even uninstall the widgets then reinstall them making sure they're on the internal memory, but I don't know how to do that either =/.

[SOLVED]"phone storage getting low"

I run Leedroid HD V3.3.3. (Android 2.3.3), with Data++ so I am S-off have reformatted my NAND memory (CM7 Hboot I think) and 1GB EXT partition on my SD card.
So the point is, I should have more then enough space for apps and stuff. But I keep getting the message "phone is getting low on storage". When I go to "settings ->manage application". I see 267MB used, only 20MB free.
But when I add the apps I have installed, there is no way I have 267MB worth of apps installed...
I already tried clearing cache partition in recovery mode. And also tried to clear browser cache and history.
I searched google and found a lot of people with similar problems, but no real fix anywhere...
Can someone help please?
Download diskusage app and check. Your app data is on /data so it is not that hard to fill /data partition on CM7R2. I have roughly 50mb free.
So how can I fix this then?
You can also check via Titanium Backup menu (app usage or sth like this), the best method is changing version of hboot (if Your ROM support other hboot!) or delete items which You don't use, move some apps to SD (if You use ROM in which we can move apps) with APP2SD app
swimon said:
I run Leedroid HD V3.3.3. (Android 2.3.3), with Data++ so I am S-off have reformatted my NAND memory (CM7 Hboot I think) and 1GB EXT partition on my SD card.
So the point is, I should have more then enough space for apps and stuff. But I keep getting the message "phone is getting low on storage". When I go to "settings ->manage application". I see 267MB used, only 20MB free.
But when I add the apps I have installed, there is no way I have 267MB worth of apps installed...
I already tried clearing cache partition in recovery mode. And also tried to clear browser cache and history.
I searched google and found a lot of people with similar problems, but no real fix anywhere...
Can someone help please?
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have you read through all of the FAQ for that rom, i found it very useful
it's likely you're running low because of dalvik cache on nand by default, you can move it to sd via a zip from that post. I used to run that rom, had plenty of space with cm7 hboot and dalvik on sd.
g1b50n said:
You can also check via Titanium Backup menu (app usage or sth like this), the best method is changing version of hboot (if Your ROM support other hboot!) or delete items which You don't use, move some apps to SD (if You use ROM in which we can move apps) with APP2SD app
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i agree, deleting unused apps is often the easiest way!
but no, no need to manually 'move to SD' with this rom, keep everything on 'internal', then apps will be moved to the partition by default.
(you can move to sd, but then you're using the FAT32 partition of the card, hence wasting the partition)
Check if you have correctly installed D2SD script.
Probably you have to move dalvik cache to your SD. I have a different Rom but had the same problem, moving dalvik cahce fixed it for me.
thanks for all the replies,
sorry I kinda lost eye of this thread (because it's my brothers phone)
but I will definately try to move the Dalvik to SD, hope that works.
try a rom with amarullz's AD2SDX, like Runnymede AIO - by sebastiaan15
before i only had 15 MB free (had to deleting randomly some apps), now 340MB free (same apps installed).
must by s-off and an CM7r2 HBOOT
Moving Dalvik to Cache with the script from Leedroid's topic worked like a charm,
thanks everyone.

[Q] Best way to increase phone memory?

Hi there, a bit newbie to the Wildfire S that I bought to my girlfriend. I pretty familiar with CM7 for my HTC Aria, but not with stock roms.
The Wildfire S is rooted and runs a stock ROM with Hebrew support. that's the way is was bought from the store.
We've only installed gmail and maybe another app, and you are left with only 30MB of space? is that the way HTC designed this phone?
I want to increase the phone memory and use the SD-card. If I create a SD-ext of 1GB, what is the best method to move apps and cache to the card?
thx for the quick response.
does link2sd allows for dalvik cache moving?
after installing link2sd is internal is the SD-ext (like in Cyanogen) or it's the internal phone memory?
also, if I have a rooted phone can I remove some of the sense apps?
Just do factory reset first, then you'll have about 150mb of memory free.
And yes, you can delete system apps if you are rooted.But be aware not to delete some important apps which can cause your phone not to fuction properly.
As for the extra memory, I would recommend link2sd, I'm using it, and I have 100 apps installed.
You could also use data2sd, but you need sdcard class 4+ for that, in order for it not to lag too much.
Sent from my HTC A510e using xda premium
CaptainMaki said:
also, if I have a rooted phone can I remove some of the sense apps?
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Nightshadow931 said:
And yes, you can delete system apps if you are rooted.But be aware not to delete some important apps which can cause your phone not to fuction properly.
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correct, deleting system apps is possible if rooted
however these are on the system partition, so will not increase phone memory.
does link2sd allows for dalvik cache moving?
after installing link2sd is internal is the SD-ext (like in Cyanogen) or it's the internal phone memory?
also, if I have a rooted phone can I remove some of the sense apps?[/QUOTE]
your internal phone memory still 150M,but apps can move to sdcard,I think the best way is data2sd .
Nightshadow931 said:
Just do factory reset first, then you'll have about 150mb of memory free.
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I've already did a factory reset once and I didn't got 150MB of free internal memory it was much lower, that's why I was puzzled to see how quick the memory disappeared. If I had 150MB free I wouldn't have any problem cause I don't need too many apps on this phone.
Is it better to create sd-ext with ROM manager and than use link2sd?
after root I recommend SystemCleanup APP to update factory default Google apps in system (save over 40Mb of space). It's easier than link2sd
seems like a great app, tried it on my phone not the wildfire and had a few FC. but eventually managed to do everything.
No problem on the wildfire stock ROM? phone is rooted.
I'm using link2sd on a rooted stock ROM. No problems, works great, 30MB internal free, tens of apps installed/linked to the SD Card.
do you remember how much internal free space you had before using link2sd?
no problem whatsoever, just DO NOT move to system updated HTC apps (for example Clock widget). Those will stop working. FC for moved Google apps are normal until you reboot the phone.
I don't intended to do so. Just wondering if there is still something left on the phone or that's' what's left with Stock ROM installed.
If I remember correctly, I used to have 4x MB.
120MB, well I should check it in depth.
I just did a factory reset and wiped data completely. I've only got 62.6MB free in my data folder.
SD Maid tell me that (used/total)
system folder 199/269
internal data 87/150
any ideas how to check what's clogging the data folder?
CaptainMaki said:
I just did a factory reset and wiped data completely. I've only got 62.6MB free in my data folder.
SD Maid tell me that (used/total)
system folder 199/269
internal data 87/150
any ideas how to check what's clogging the data folder?
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bit strange that you have so much space used after factory reset
i find 'diskusage' app very useful to visually see what it is taking up space in each partition.
if I'm using this correctly, then on the data folder the dalvik cache is in charge for about 74 MB. that's after factory reset and 5 apps installed.
If it is rooted then install Link 2 SD. Delete some useless system apps and move apps like facebook, youtube etc to SD card..
If you're on stock rom rooted, link2sd is better than remove some stock apps.
If you're on custom rom or stock rom with custom kernel support init.d, you can use DT Apps2sd to move dalvik-cache. I think its better than link2sd.
Or/and if you have sdcard class 10, you might use data2sd.
Sent from MARVEL

[Q] Low in internal space, even though internal memory available.

Hi all,
Running a bit low on storage space at the moment.
In settings it says that I have 66mb internal mem free for apps but when I try to download and install an app like Google goggles (roughly 5 mb) it says internal memory low
Cleared cache on Google Play store and dalvik cache using supercharger (if that helps) but that didn't help... any suggestions?
On another note, if I install link2sd does my stock kernel ICS .562 support a ext4 partition?
Im getting the same issue here. Im running Official ICS and have deleted the bloatware and un-needed system apps.
My internal says 56mb but cant install apps without deleting one or two that i dont use or move to sd.
adielee said:
Hi all,
Running a bit low on storage space at the moment.
In settings it says that I have 66mb internal mem free for apps but when I try to download and install an app like Google goggles (roughly 5 mb) it says internal memory low
Cleared cache on Google Play store and dalvik cache using supercharger (if that helps) but that didn't help... any suggestions?
On another note, if I install link2sd does my stock kernel ICS .562 support a ext4 partition?
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Try a RAM/cache cleaner from the market, there are a few free good ones. And yes, ext4 is supported.
Sceptical of so many memory "fixes" I did grab one for the market, Memory Booster Lite (Tablet) by Imoblife Inc. I thought I don't need more menory I need more space, was down to 37 megs out of 252 after moving all I could to SD, and only installed not even 20 apps. After install not even a reboot, back up to 122. I sure hope that some fixes are in the works for ICS updates as the internal memory on my GB 2.3.6 phone is 1.5 gigs and again only 252 megs on my ICS 4.03 tablet. When someone comes up with a way to "partition magic" these parts let me know becasue this is nuts.
Thanks again for the insight as I can now continue to load up my tablet with useless stuff
sinkster said:
Try a RAM/cache cleaner from the market, there are a few free good ones. And yes, ext4 is supported.
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Thanks for your response. I have tried quite a few of these cleaners but they don't really do the job for me. Ram/cache cleaners seem to be temporary and for cache it just builds itself up again after a reboot.
Managed to delete some useless system apps/data which has also sped up my system quite a bit.
I will give the ext4 a try when I get some time.
I also have the same problem but worse I only use about 7 phone only apps roughly 50mb altogether and it says I only got 9% (about 36mb) left.
Last time this happened I wiped my phone, but as the weeks go by the free memory keeps going down even though I don't install anything else.
I currently use zdbox task killer & official Sony rom.
If someone can find a solution to this, please tell.
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium
i think you can try use ext 2 if problem with ext4..
or you can partition your sd card via recovery, and give swap memory about 256MB..
install link2 sd aplication and then choose ext 2 (first time you open link2sd app)
and reboot your phone..
and from link2sd app you can move all apps to sd card..
you can also make link2sd automatic link your apps..
you should use the app link2sd to solve that problem...
Don't think you understand.. all the apps I installed in the phone should only take about 10% memory including cache etc.
I rooted and pretty much moved every app. The only ones that stayed were for stability reasons such as smart keyboard or beautiful widgets.
Basically only solution I found so far is a hard reset, but after about 4 months it will be back to 9% again.
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium

