htc touch pro 2 wm6.5 problem with bluetooth - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

Salve, ho acquistato da poco il touch pro 2 e installato l'aggiornamento al wm6.5 ma una volta effettuato il soft reset il bluetooth non funziona. Cosa posso fare?
Avviando il bluetooth mi compare un messaggio "impossibile avviare bluetooth".
sistema operativo 5.2.21887
manlia 2.5.20121225.0
rom 2.07.408.1 ita

Literal Translation First Post
You hello, I gained from little the touch benefit 2 and installed the updating to the wm6.5 but a time carried out the soft reset the bluetooth does not work. It does I can do?
Starting the bluetooth a message appears me "impossible to start bluetooth". I HELP!
operating system 5.2.21887
manlia 2.5.20121225.0
rom 2.07.408.1 ita
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Hello, touchprotouch welcome to the forum.
Besides updating to a other ROM, have you also installed other programs.
For example TOMTOM can mess up your Bluetooth.
Also, it is better to use English on the forum. People can help you faster that way.

before i installed rom and after tomtom.
i don't konw if the bleutooth start normaly before installed tomtom!
when I made a soft reset a popo up appears me with this message "BTTrayCE isn't application pocket pc true", than i cuted the link BTTrayCE.Ink from the folder "windows/automaticesecution" and pasted in other folder.
I tink that this is the problem. But also if I leave the file BTTrayCE.Ink in the original folder the bleutooth doesn't work!
please help me!
Sorry for my english

TomTom messes up the Bluetooth Stack, you have to reinstall it.
See attached file.

grazie mille...
i've renamed the files in folder windows, "btsdkce30.dll" and "btcoreif.dll" in "oldbtsdkce.dll" and "oldbtcoreif.dll" and i've replaced file "BTTrayCE.Ink" in the folder windows/automatic esecution. Now the bleutooth is ok!
thankyou very much!!!
the bleutooth is ok, but what i do is ok?

my i pose an other questions?
after installation of tomtom or after new rom my FM radio dosn't work!
What can I do for this?

hello to all i have a similar problem with my htc mini hd .it s new i buyed it 5 days ago.yesterday i installed tomtom navigation 7 and yesterday night i tryed to use the bluetooth but give same error of touchprotouch.
my htc it s all original i installed some programm but i start to think the problem is tomtom,qell my question is can i use the file add by MAD-MARC to resolve my problem?
thanks to who help me and sorry for my english .


[Solved] Radio Update Problem..

Hi all,
I follow this guide to try to upgrade my HTC.
All seems work fine (Lasagna is fantastic) but my radio is not up to date.
I try many times to upgrade the Radio (1.50 , 1.46) but the version is always the same:
How can I upgrade my radio??
tnx bye
probably I understood the problem..
I'm not able to upgrade the radio because I have installed the Olipro1.30 instead of 1.2..
now I'm trying to put the 1.2 .
The flashing seems works correctly but if I enter in the bootload the version showed is always 1.20...
there are guides on the site for how to do this... and the guide does ask you to put on hard-spl 1.2 if you have trouble flashing radio..
go to trinity upgrading forum, and put sspl on your phone. Run that from your phone, then flash whatever hard-spl you want
venico said:
Hi all,
I follow this guide to try to upgrade my HTC.
All seems work fine (Lasagna is fantastic) but my radio is not up to date.
I try many times to upgrade the Radio (1.50 , 1.46) but the version is always the same:
How can I upgrade my radio??
tnx bye
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simply use the ruu.exe of the radio and lunch it from WM...dont lunch from bootloader...i'have olipro 1.30 and i have same issues....resolved in that mode....
semplice....usa ruuxxx.exe che trovi assieme alla radio lancialo direttamente da WM....non aggiornare direttamente da bootloader altrimenti non aggiorni la radio....
io ho olipro 1.30 ed avevo lo stesso problema..risolto come descritto sopra

micro SDHC in Artemis/P3300/Orbit

Hi all
I have an Orbit from O2 and would like to use a 4GB micro SDHC card
It seems though that this is not supported with the below ROM set!
Is there a way to use 'HC' type SD cards without going though the whole system ROM upgrade route?
This Orbit is still new and I am concerned about breaking warranty if I go with a new ROM upgrade
ROM Version:
ROM Date: 4/18/07
Radio Version: 02.67.90
Protocol Version:
ExtROM Version:
Well there is a SDHC driver Cab which can be found here....
OK I didnt found the Link to the original thread so I provide the driver Cabs i used. Youll find them attached.
Just Install the to your device - then SOFTRESET - and you are done.
In the zip file you'll find a Cab included which installs the old Drivers back to your device. There should be no harm done to your P3300 by those SDHC-drivers.
Many thanks ........ !!
But do you know if these work with WM5?
Kind Regards
Im not quite sure, but it should. Maybe someone else could confirm that? Im using WM6 .... and this works a 100%
Here is the original Thread i was not able to find earlier:
Maybe they can help you with the WM5 issue....
Oui, cela fonctionne 3,8Go dispo
sur un HTC P3300 WM6 original
chargement et execution du .cab
mise en place de la sdhc 4Go Sandisk
resultat : 3,8 Go disponible
donc in english i am happy pow pow pow
maintenant reste plus que la geolocalisation des photos a faire fonctionner
et la je serais encore plus happy
Yvor de walapulu
HTC P3300 WM6
does it work on hermes WM5?
jabami said:
Here is the original Thread i was not able to find earlier:
Maybe they can help you with the WM5 issue....
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Thanks for the link, it's appreciated.
Unfortunately still no definitive answer on WM5 though. Shame, I could really do with using something bigger than 2Gb.

Another one bricked!

Hi guys, first post, but I've been lurking for a while.
I was updating my Radio form .05 to .08 using the DIAMIMG file and the reset with vol down and back key. It gets to about 80% and freezes. Now when I had to reset it goes to the red green blue and white screen and says:
"Upgrade Rom code error Please try again"
I have been unable to get a usb connection to the handset.
I think I'm all out of ideas and I have spent the last few hours trying to find a fix
just flash anything else like a os, etc.
I thinks it solves the problem.
It did for me btw.
i flashed org rom update with os and radio and it solved my problem.
the issue is the I can't get diamoncustomruu.exe to find my phone. windows need a qualcomm driver of some sort, although my Ubuntu system gets the hand set to show usb instead of serial, but wine cannout run diamoncustomruu.exe in a windows wrapper. Mayber I'll have better luck in vista instead of xp?
Zoom, would you be able to run through the process you went through to recover please, including the OS and what files you used?
At the minute I have Olinex 1.40 and Dutty 2.5 on here. It is somewhere between radio .05 and .08 lol.
Thanks for any help!
Ive just installed the Official rom update from htc site.
My screen was stuck in the three colored screen with update error but the rom update solved it.
I just run the official update from there (3colored screen).
And in some how it worked.
Then i reinstalled the custom os, radio etc.
btw i have Hardspl 1.93OliNex UnsignedEdition
Hope it will help you, it worked for me, maby not 4 u but if it does congratualtions
i got my diamond bricked no power at all in it no reset and hard reset is not working and cant get to bootloader has any one a solution thanx in advance
I can now get it to boot and show the following:
Upgrade Rom code error
Please try again
windows not detects the devide (i think)
when the phone is stuck in boot load ahev you tried:
1 - soft reset with red button by stylus?
2 - hard reset manually?
3 - turn phone off, plug in to usb, turn on does it still not recognise? reinstall activesync
4 - have you tried flashing radios, other roms, reflashing hard spl?
does your phone just not get recognised at all?
ive had this problem a few times not just with the diamond, and i alwasy managed to fix
also some roms have an option when you download and unpack to just run rom update, it enters mdos and goes straight to rom update, i.e. it doesnt have the on screen prompts, this may bypass the problem too - i think SWTOS or SWIFTfl roms are like this, or try an original rom
if you are really not getting any response try resets
thats about all the info i cazn offer.
last resort, have you insurance?
hackey100 said:
I can now get it to boot and show the following:
Upgrade Rom code error
Please try again
windows not detects the devide (i think)
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try to reflash from there
when I try to reflash with .08 from Dutty's site i get error 260 Connection in the utility.
Should I try MTTY or QMAT and if so, can somebody point me in the direction of how to use these, and where to find them.
thanks for your help so far.
yeaaahhhhhh all fixed,god I hat Vista sometimes
see you all when I'm back on Ubuntu
Since you had it working in Linux (the USB) and you seem to preffereble wanna use Linux . There is a Google Project page with an HTC Flasher for Linux. Also there is a ROM Kitchen Project, among others
hackey100 said:
yeaaahhhhhh all fixed,god I hat Vista sometimes
see you all when I'm back on Ubuntu
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Maybe you'd like to share with everyone what you did to fix it, to help others?
All I did was run the RUU Upgrade Utility in Windows Vista. Because i was able to detect the USB device in XP but couldn't write to it, I thought that it may be driver related.
Vista detected the handset as a USB device correctly and I was able to flash it with a new radio and then Dutty's new ROM.
I tried minicom and HTCFLASH in Ubuntu and was able to detect the device, but when I tried to write a new rom the progress bar in Linux completed, but the phone didn't change.
It's all good now, I'm just happy it didin't break.
Im glad it worked 4 u =)
always nice 2 could help a little bit
Wow, now there's a headline:
Stop the press!
Tell your friends!
in fairness, it is a windows mobile device so I'm not entirely surprised!
Had the same probs few times with xp (activesync) with Vista everythin goes regulary Now I don´t use xp for flashing anymore
Ciao ragazzi,
vi scrivo per chiedervi aiuto, perché pure il mio Diamond è bloccato.
La situazione è questa: dovendo portare il Diamond (della 3) in assistenza, ripristinai tutto originale (ROM, Radio e HSPL). Poi ieri sera, ho avuto la brillante idea di ripersonalizzarmelo. Flasho l'HSPL 1.37 Olinex, e va tutto bene; flasho la ROM Min.74 Y2 v.2.2 FULL, e va tutto bene; flasho la Radio, e mi si bricka il Diamond, riportandomi il seguente messaggio:
DIAM100 64M
MicroP-Diam (LED) v11
Upgrade ROM code error
Please try again
Ho provato a fare un soft reset, niente;
Ho spento (togliendo la batteria) sperando che mi passasse da serial a USB, collegandolo al PC, niente;
Ho spento, collegato al PC e riacceso, niente, non va in modalità USB.
Il sistema operativo del mio PC è Windows 7 64bit; sul portatile ho XP: se accendo mentre è collegato al portatile, il portatile lo sente, ma non riesce a trovare i driver Qualcomm ecc.. ecc...
Insomma, ho il telefono bloccato e non so come uscire da questa situazione!
--- --- ---
Hello guys,
I am writing to ask for help, because even my Diamond is locked.
The situation is this: having to carry the Diamond (of 3) in support, I restored all the original (ROM, Radio and HSPL). Then last night I had the bright idea of repersonalization. Flash the HSPL Olinex 1:37, and all is well, flash the ROM v.2.2 FULL Min.74 Y2, and all is well, flash the Radio, and I blocked the Diamond, returning the following message:
DIAM100 64M
MicroP-Diam (LED) v11
Upgrade ROM code error
Please try again
I tried to do a soft reset, nothing;
I turned off (by removing the battery) and hope that I might pass from serial to USB, PC connection, nothing;
I turned off, connected to the PC and turned on, nothing in USB mode.
The operating system on my PC is Windows 7 64bit, I have XP on the laptop: if I turn on while connected to the laptop, the laptop feels, but can not find drivers Qualcomm etc...
In short, I have the phone locked and I can not get out of this situation!
Try to boot in bootloader mode the phone,and from there connect to usb and try to flash original radio
If you succed flash hard spl 1.40 or 1.93

Help please, my diamond is dead...

Ciao a tutti, ho bisogno di aiuto. È da molto che posseggo un diamond, e ho spesso provato rom varie per trovarne una definitiva. Tre giorni fà ho aggiornato l'Hspl con il 1.93 Olinex, e fin quì tutto bene. Oggi pomeriggio provando a flashare una rom (io flasho sempre dalla memoria interna, rinominando il file della rom in DIAMIMG.nbh...), durante l'aggiornamento il diamond mi ha dato un messaggio d'errore e si è bloccato. Ora mi ritrovo con il telefono morto. Non si accende più, non entra nel bootloader e non ricarica la batteria... Cosa posso fare? Grazie a tutti. Aiuto...
Sorry for my bad english... :-(
Google translate.
Hello everyone, I need help. For a long time I own a diamond, and I have often tried to find a different rom final. Three days ago I updated the Hspl with 1.93 Olinex, and thus far, so good. This afternoon trying to flash a ROM (I always flash from the internal memory, renaming the files of the Rom in DIAMIMG.nbh ...), while updating the diamond he gave me an error message and it was locked. Now I find myself with the phone died. Not turn on again, never enters the bootloader and does not charge the battery ... What can I do? Thanks to all. Help ...
help me please... 33 visit and 0 reply. tanks to all..
Perhaps no reply because nobody has an idea to solve your issue.
This might be a stupid question, but did you try a hard reset of your phone? Did you try to remove the battery, put it back in place, and starting the phone with the volume down key pressed?
Try removing the battery for like half an hour and then putting it back. If that doesn't help, then you have an expensive paperweight.
gp01 said:
Perhaps no reply because nobody has an idea to solve your issue.
This might be a stupid question, but did you try a hard reset of your phone? Did you try to remove the battery, put it back in place, and starting the phone with the volume down key pressed?
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Forgive me for having responded, but I am very sorry for my diamond .. Anyway thanks for the advice, but I had already tried to power on it with combinations of different keys, but nothing ... I do not know what to do, something other opinions .. Greetings to all ..
davil333 said:
Forgive me for having responded, but I am very sorry for my diamond .. Anyway thanks for the advice, but I had already tried to power on it with combinations of different keys, but nothing ... I do not know what to do, something other opinions .. Greetings to all ..
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My Suggestion -----------
take the battery out , and then keep the power button pressed for 20 seconds without the battery .
Then put the battery back in , connect the charger , power on Diamond with volume down and action key (center
key ) .........
Let me know if it helps
XDA-Geek said:
My Suggestion -----------
take the battery out , and then keep the power button pressed for 20 seconds without the battery .
Then put the battery back in , connect the charger , power on Diamond with volume down and action key (center
key ) .........
Let me know if it helps
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Tanks for the advice. I've tried, but nothing... :-(
keep volume down+select key(center round key) and reset it
it means hard reset
keep volume down+select key(center round key) and reset it
it means hard reset
DO the following as I had the same problem :
1- Enter boot loader, by turning off the device, pressing down volume key, and turning phone on.
2- Flash any original OS from HTC
3- Download OliNex 1.4 unisgned
4- extract Olinex, move the ssplmanual.exe into ur device after finishing flashing, then connect it into usb cable. then run ssplmanual on ur device.
5- after the screen become black, flash olinex 1.4 sspl into ur device.
6- after this u should be able to flash any rom. PS: do not use radio, it may cause this problem
mua30 said:
DO the following as I had the same problem :
1- Enter boot loader, by turning off the device, pressing down volume key, and turning phone on.
2- Flash any original OS from HTC
3- Download OliNex 1.4 unisgned
4- extract Olinex, move the ssplmanual.exe into ur device after finishing flashing, then connect it into usb cable. then run ssplmanual on ur device.
5- after the screen become black, flash olinex 1.4 sspl into ur device.
6- after this u should be able to flash any rom. PS: do not use radio, it may cause this problem
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Tanks, but my diamond do not turn on... Is completly off. Dont charge the battery. I dont can enter in bootloader mode...
Remove the battery, press volume key down, insert the cable, and power on the device. pls update me in order to help u as mush as i can
mua30 said:
Remove the battery, press volume key down, insert the cable, and power on the device. pls update me in order to help u as mush as i can
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Thanks for your help. So I removed the
battery, hold down the volume down button,
plug the USB cable and turn on the diamond,
but nothing. Not turn on. I also tried with the
cable from the charger .. I do not know what
to do ...
Now there is something wrong, all HTC mobiles support this operation.
I guess now u need to search for MTTY operation in this forum to repair soft boot of the bois. but before, pls do one thing. in connection settings of active sync or windows mobile device center, remove USB connection, and try again.
Pal I push on this, hence i face these troubles 2 times.
if nothing working pls advise me
mua30 said:
Now there is something wrong, all HTC mobiles support this operation.
I guess now u need to search for MTTY operation in this forum to repair soft boot of the bois. but before, pls do one thing. in connection settings of active sync or windows mobile device center, remove USB connection, and try again.
Pal I push on this, hence i face these troubles 2 times.
if nothing working pls advise me
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I've used mtty in the past to format the
diamond before installing a new rom. In Active
Sync I have disabled the USB connection .. The
fact is that no turn on at all, I can not link to any
program ... Do I just have to try to turn it with
a charged battery of another diamond ...
Thank you.
its Luck
davil333 said:
Ciao a tutti, ho bisogno di aiuto. È da molto che posseggo un diamond, e ho spesso provato rom varie per trovarne una definitiva. Tre giorni fà ho aggiornato l'Hspl con il 1.93 Olinex, e fin quì tutto bene. Oggi pomeriggio provando a flashare una rom (io flasho sempre dalla memoria interna, rinominando il file della rom in DIAMIMG.nbh...), durante l'aggiornamento il diamond mi ha dato un messaggio d'errore e si è bloccato. Ora mi ritrovo con il telefono morto. Non si accende più, non entra nel bootloader e non ricarica la batteria... Cosa posso fare? Grazie a tutti. Aiuto...
Sorry for my bad english... :-(
Google translate.
Hello everyone, I need help. For a long time I own a diamond, and I have often tried to find a different rom final. Three days ago I updated the Hspl with 1.93 Olinex, and thus far, so good. This afternoon trying to flash a ROM (I always flash from the internal memory, renaming the files of the Rom in DIAMIMG.nbh ...), while updating the diamond he gave me an error message and it was locked. Now I find myself with the phone died. Not turn on again, never enters the bootloader and does not charge the battery ... What can I do? Thanks to all. Help ...
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Last week my Diamond slipped from my pocket and went straight into main hole full of water. but guess wtt?
after two hours of drying in front of gas heater , my diamond came back to life.not even of one drop inside it.Now its running very smooth. if it came back to life after dropping in a water then how come your diamond dead after flashing any rom.Dont waste it, just keep trying. If nothing happen then please send me its original accossories..i.e. battery,handfree, empty box and booklet.Please..What you say?
x2umer said:
Last week my Diamond slipped from my pocket and went straight into main hole full of water. but guess wtt?
after two hours of drying in front of gas heater , my diamond came back to life.not even of one drop inside it.Now its running very smooth. if it came back to life after dropping in a water then how come your diamond dead after flashing any rom.Dont waste it, just keep trying. If nothing happen then please send me its original accossories..i.e. battery,handfree, empty box and booklet.Please..What you say?
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Hello, I want to continue to try to resurrect my
diamond, but if it fails I have a friend who
wants it as spare parts. I'm sorry. Hello
ok, search for HTC elph repair tools in google, read the steps correctly of how to bring a mobile live again (there a lot of tools that will help y). I was faced this problem before, i have the topic, but its in arabic langauge. this is the best man, do not loose ur mobile, it had nothing, just little patient, and u will bring it a live again.
do you actually read his posts? the devices doesn´t start at all....
seems to be a hardware failure.
mua30 said:
ok, search for HTC elph repair tools in google, read the steps correctly of how to bring a mobile live again (there a lot of tools that will help y). I was faced this problem before, i have the topic, but its in arabic langauge. this is the best man, do not loose ur mobile, it had nothing, just little patient, and u will bring it a live again.
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LORDShadowMan said:
do you actually read his posts? the devices doesn´t start at all....
seems to be a hardware failure.
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i read it, and i know its bios failure not hardware. i faced this before with elf pal.

A few questions of a HX2490b owner

Hi everybody, I'm new on the pda's world.
I already have a HP iPaq model hx2490b with Windows 5.0, and I wanna upgrade to Windows 6.5. I'm spanish, and I have the Spiaatie's version of windows mobile 6.5 in spanish language. Until here all good. In theory, it's too easy to install the 6.5 version. But when I push the buttons for bootloader mode (iTask + agenda + reset button), the Pda screen turns slowly white, then, slowly, a darks lines vertically appears. I think that in the bootloader mode must appear letters or something, or not? What can I do?.
Another question is that yesterday I was bored and I prove to install the 6.5 version without the bootloader mode. The upgrade begin and, in 0.1% appears a error:
"ERROR 608: Coult not initialize device.
RUUClientDriver.dll Coult not initialize this device.
This may not be the correct dll for this iPAQ Pocket PC and this NBF file.
Click Cancel to quit."
I prove everything and I don't know what can I do more. Some help, please? Thanks very much, and sorry for my bad english.
anyone can help me? please..
I'm sure that it will be take one minute of your time :/
So, if you're spanish, I'm gonna write spanish...
Tenés que apretar el botón Calendario para que la PDA se conecte con la PC, si no hacés eso luego de entrar en modo bootloader, no podrás actualizar.

