I am looking for a motion based alarm. (software) - Windows Mobile Software Development

I am looking for a piece of software that will ring or sound an alarm based on input from the G sensor. I have a young child who seems intent on picking up every gadget he sees. I would like for my phone to ring/alarm if the phone is moved. Does anyone know of such a program? I have a Samsung Omnia so the HTC program isn't completely compatible I do not believe. Is there such a piece of software available for non HTC devices?

ask the developer for the g-alarm to do it for you

there is an app named "don't touch me" that should do what you want.

I have Dont Touch Me, but it is made for HTC devices. I will run on the Omnia using HTCEmu but it will not function if the screen is off, or when in standby. it also does not allow the phone to go into standby when tis running thus killing the battery since the screen remains on. It is a good program just not made for non HTC devices
there are apps to remote wipe a stolen phone, locate it via GPS, all sorts of things, but there doesn't seem to be anything that will simply cause the phone to ring loudly if it is taken by someone who is not authorized to do so. I would like to keep my phone from being taken at point A, instead of only having an option to do something after the phone is already at point B.


Windows Phone 7 owners, test an app?

Hey, i just got my dell venue pro today and was finally able to try out my app i created!
I added it to the market on the 15th of oct and it received poor reviews from the guys in the UK (not sure why).
Using it on the dell and it works great.
Anyway i was wondering if you guys could give it a try and give a review of what you thought.
My app is in the Health Fitness section and it is called My Workout.
It is a handy app that allows you to save your workout routines to an easy to access and easy to read schedule. My app also has a stopwatch and 1 rep max calculator.
It doesn't keep track of workouts, nor does it have any pre-loaded. This was created to allow gym savvy people (anyone who's worked out before) to digitally have their workout routine with them at the gym (i use my phone for music) to replace paper.
Video of app:
1. The lock screen wipes out any in progress routine that you were entering. Same with stopwatch.. If you are running the stopwatch and the screen locks, the stopwatch will reset. ( will fix with new lock screen guidelines that were just released)
2. I need to make the return key allow for the exercise to be added to your list instead of always hitting the add button.
Discovered that new users to windows phone 7 are oblivious to pivot controls and they love hitting return to enter data. WILL fix the return bug, the pivot control is essential to the metro ui. Cant change that.
* End bugs/features**
If you guys find anything let me know!
do not mean to hijack this thread but does the venue pro have a sd card slot? if it does it will be the phone i get.
I have nothing to test it on, but I do think the timer should have milliseconds as well.
the dell venue pro does NOT have a sd card slot.
Nice app, wish I had it when I was in the gym.
It's simple and straight to the point. Good to keep up with your routines.
Micro I just tested it in my HD7. Very nice app. I don't go to the Gym. (Too many posers there). Instead I ride my mountain bike and go swimming. Still your app will come in handy to many.
I've just written a brief review on Marketplace and given it 5 stars- user name jfsfoster.
Looks solid, I have two issues, but they're just aesthetic. The flexed arm doesn't really fit in too well with the default icons. I know, silly gripe, but it caught my eye. I'd try something more low key. Such as a round weight.
Remove the white border around Start/Stop and Reset and remove the speedometer graphic. It will fit better with the WP7 look.
These are just my opinions. The actual usefulness of it looks great and I will be downloading it once I find a Venue Pro.
After having friends use the app for the first time (first time wp7 users as well)
The most common problems were:
1. Unable to figure out that the navigation is pivot.
2. Why hitting return doesn't add exercises to the list.
I cant do anything about #1
However i have made some significant changes to how the textbox entry is maintained and have fixed some major bugs:
Disabled the lock screen from enabling via phone idle (microsoft wont like that i bet..) - Had to do it, if you are half way entering data and you set the phone down for 30 seconds it locks and then guess what, NO MORE DATA, you have to start over if you haven't finished the routine.
Allowed for the return (enter) key to add exercises to the list.
fixed misc bugs.
Version 1.4 look for it in about 2 days.
what do you mean navigation is pivot? as in, how they have to slide left/right? people just have to get use to that with the phone, it's not your fault. if they owned the phone, after a couple of days use they would work it out and it would be natural.
what do you mean no more data? i thought the new guidelines said the app could stay alive even if the screen goes to stand by? can you write to isolated storage upon screen lock?
Yes, you are right. People do need to get used to that but what's happening is that they download the app, attempt to use it for 2 min and then rate it 1 star and uninstall. I've noticed many apps getting poor ratings and they seem perfectly fine to me.
You are allowed to run in the background, however you cant have any timers running as per power saving guidelines. So that would mean that my stopwatch would have to be disabled.
I'd rather just disable the phone idle while using my app..
Also as for the data erasing, I write to isolated storage but not until the routine is at a specific point in the process. If you are say entering exercises and you have to go do something and set the phone down and it auto screen locks, the app re-sets and all that data you were entering gets cleared since it didnt get to the isolated storage save point yet.
that is fixed, it's just up to microsoft to see if it passes testing now.
Will download and test it, but can't report back for a few weeks. Can't go to the gym this week and next I'm out of the country.
App updated 11/10/2010
Added the ability for users to import exercises from previously entered routines. This saves time for those who do the same routine throughout the week.

[Q] Background process possibilities?

I know that there is no multitasking on WP7 currently. However, I noticed that on HTC WP7 phones, there is some settings to control the ring tone volume. Things like, turn it off if the phone is turned upside down or make it ring louder if in pocket. I have Omnia 7 and I don't have such settings.
So, obviously, HTC has been able to write a program that is running in the background and monitoring the sensors (and based on that, change the sound levels). Or have I completely misunderstood what they do?
And the real question is then, how can I do the same?
My understanding is, "normal" developers can't do such things. HTC can because they are device manufacturers and as such are "allowed" to make native/un-managed calls to hardware, like LG can with their augmented reality app.
Yeh, if your not an oem or big time customer you have to write in c# managed code and don't get any direct access.
Although the forth coming update is (not sure on delivery date) multi tasking is for third parties is coming see the demo here,

HTC has given a powerful device without the characteristics and potential

I have purchased a device, one X, but I did not see features in the system impressive when seen on the subject of galaxy S3 See some of the properties that characterize the system ((i say the system and not the device)) my question for programmers and developers you can add features that our system beloved of (one x) and such
1 Property of lock the device (which is linked to eye)
2 Feature video calling(
It's supposed to be present because the camera front available)
3 Face to open the device footprint
And many things I do not remember
It is well known that the device (OneX) features a powerful Hardware
But I do not see anything useful on the system
You need the Samsung eye sensor hardware to use the screen on feature. There are apps for video calling. I didn't know HTC removed face unlock but it should be in most of the dev os. Sense is not going to grow much on this so if you need Samsung then sell before it drops value any further.
My one x has face unlock, go to settings then security then screen lock and pick face unlock.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
There is a new property which is not mentioned when the arrival of a new message and the message you want to contact the owner all played by the lifting device directly at the ear and it will automatically connect to the owner of the message
samsung only. just tap the persons name at the top of the message and hit the green call button
kasserx said:
I have purchased a device, one X, but I did not see features in the system impressive when seen on the subject of galaxy S3 See some of the properties that characterize the system ((i say the system and not the device)) my question for programmers and developers you can add features that our system beloved of (one x) and such
1 Property of lock the device (which is linked to eye)
2 Feature video calling(
It's supposed to be present because the camera front available)
3 Face to open the device footprint
And many things I do not remember
It is well known that the device (OneX) features a powerful Hardware
But I do not see anything useful on the system
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Video calling IS available. You just need an app like Skype or Fring. Do note that carriers are moving away from "video calls" and are servicing video calls through your 3g data connection instead. Years ago, phone plans included credit for calls, sms and VIDEO calls. They don't do that anymore. It's all through your data plan/Wi-Fi now.
kasserx said:
There is a new property which is not mentioned when the arrival of a new message and the message you want to contact the owner all played by the lifting device directly at the ear and it will automatically connect to the owner of the message
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Very gimmicky. Just like Facetime and Siri, it's something that will rarely be used outside of the first week/month.
phil112345 said:
samsung only. just tap the persons name at the top of the message and hit the green call button
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I think Samsung has people hypnotized. I mean seriously, your hands are already on the phone working in either a contact, e-mail, or text. So how difficult is it to press the dial key or long press and then the dial key? They slap a name (Direct Dial) on holding the phone to your ear instead and people are awe struck. And what is it going to do if there are four numbers listed for a contact? By the time it asks you which one you want and to confirm pressing the dial key would have been faster.
I'm curious to see what kind of battery life the phone gets. Keeping all these sensors active 24/7 waiting to detect movement or watch you blink has to take a toll on battery life. That and S-Voice constantly listening in case you say something.
Don't get me wrong, some of the soft features their introducing are cool; but they're not life changing (to me). I had Vlingo and it was neat but I never used it and activating the listen feature just killed the battery in the i9100.

intrusive spyware

hey just got myself the note II yesterday and of course I went looking for apps on the samsung app store and I noticed something very troublesome and makes me very concerned....there is WAAY too many apps that wanna record, monitor and process your phone calls (whatever that means) for example a lightning live wallpaper...why the f***k would they want to monitor, record your phone calls? this is very alarming to me!!! is this some sort of new trend with android phones? am I the only one that finds this alarming? its getting very bad that we are loosing our privacy just because I would like to have a lightning live wallpaper! also am I being overly paranoid? what do you guys think? also I noticed this isn't happening or less frequently on the google play store....I find this very very suspicious and concerning...I wouldnt want some shady person auspiciously getting my sensative info and robbing me blind!
I'm not saying all apps require all the permissions they require, but depending on what the app does and how it functions may dictate requirements that appear odd.
If the screen saver acts on phone state, it may need to know if the phone is ringing or in sleep state. Check the API docs, its a good way to see what functions need which permissions.
It's easy to cry that the sky is falling, but make sure it's not just someone dropping dirt from your roof.
Sent from my Inspire 4G

Wizards, help an old man with Moto notifications...

People Smarter than Me (anyone in this thread),
I'm looking for some help...I have a Moto360 paid with a WORK S5 that is SEVERELY crippled. Can't install anything not on the company white-list (and there ain't much on there). So, out of the gate, no Moto Connect. (BTW, if someone knows a way around THAT, there's $3 in it for you...)
Anyways, I have a GearFit, and I guess because it's Sammy, it's baked in. So, on the Fit, I get ALL notifications (SMS, email, At Bat, KNOX, etc). Even when there is a sent item from, Knox, I get the notification (a buzz on the wrist and an on screen notification). I like that.
Enter the Moto. I get a buzz on calls and SMS, but I get nothing from Knox (which is severely delayed), nothing from At Bat, etc. The cards are there, but nothing to alert me I have new notifications without looking. Most times I keep the phone on vibrate, but some apps vibrate (SMS) some don't (At Bat, Knox). I can't find a setting anywhere to make all notifications alert. I can see where to BLOCK them, but that's it. Am I missing it? The point of me getting a wrist wearable was to not miss stuff on the device, even when I don't have it physically on me. The Fit handles it, but I would like to get the Moto there.
Any ideas??
Do you (can you?) have Android Wear installed?
Sorry, yes. I think "they" (the corporate overlords) cranked down even harder, since at one time you could install some core Google and Samsung apps. For example, I got a Gear 2, and I could install the base program, but during setup, it needed some additional files, and they were blocked. Never got it to pair.
I have AW installed, but that's it. I can't install watch faces, or any additional programs on the phone. I saw a guide to installing apps to the watch from a PC, but haven't explored that yet. The watch is paired and working through AW, or the "base" version of it (it does update itself when there's one).
Teach a man to fish...
So, it looks like if I set the profile of each application with a sound, THEN set the entire phone's profile to vibrate, I will get a quick burst vibrate. So, there's that. So far, anyway.
Is my best best for installing apps and watchfaces the whole bluetooth tether to a phone connected to a computer with the adb shell?

