ATT tilt2 vs Telstra TP2 - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

I have both phones, TP2 from Telstra and now a Tilt 2 from ATT, I am on ATT network.
My Telstra running only 850 for 3g gets a much better signal than my ATT tilt 2 running both 850/1900, I have used them side by side and the Telstra always out does the tilt 2.
I have used the same radio with the same cooked ROM on both phones side by side, I have tried different radios in both phones and found radio to work the best in the Telstra and radio (ATT) worked best in the tilt2. I did not dump my shipped radio 4.48 for the tilt2 so I have not been able to test it, does anyone have a copy?
Concussion, is the radio hardware of better quality in the Telstra?

Hi Alwayslearning,
Thanks for that post. I am very torn in what to do, I am seriously contemplating to buy the telstra version because instead the tilt2:
-I like the design much better
-I hope to avoid paying $30 for the internet instead my present $15
-I would buy unsubsidized anyway
but I feared that the 850MHz is not proper 3G coverage without the 1900 band.
Did you ever run into not having 3G with the Telstra where having 3G with the tilt2? Is there any way to find out where is 1900MHz coverage?
What area in CA do you use it in? (I am mainly in LA, CA and Silicon Valley, CA)
Where did you purchase/where would you recommend purchasing the Telstra version?
Thanks very much!

i_z said:
Hi Alwayslearning,
Thanks for that post. I am very torn in what to do, I am seriously contemplating to buy the telstra version because instead the tilt2:
-I like the design much better
-I hope to avoid paying $30 for the internet instead my present $15
-I would buy unsubsidized anyway
but I feared that the 850MHz is not proper 3G coverage without the 1900 band.
Did you ever run into not having 3G with the Telstra where having 3G with the tilt2? Is there any way to find out where is 1900MHz coverage?
What area in CA do you use it in? (I am mainly in LA, CA and Silicon Valley, CA)
Where did you purchase/where would you recommend purchasing the Telstra version?
Thanks very much!
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I am in O.C.I have used my phone all over O.C. and some of LA, I have never run into an area where the ATT tilt 2 had 3g and the Telstra didn't in fact it has happened the other way around. I have had a strong "H" on my Telstra and my tilt 2 had an "E". At work the tilt 2 would go back and forth from "G" to "E" and the Telstra stayed at "H" sometimes it would go to "E". At home the Telstra would be from 2 bars to full bars on "H" and the tilt 2 would have 2 bars sometimes 3.
I got my Telstra from I have decided to make the Telstra my everyday phone.
edit: forgot to tell you I like keyboard of the Telstra better and it has two cameras as ATT now has video sharing it could be useful, I also like the color of the Telstra better as well.

Thank you so much for the info. I am really leaning towards getting the telstra.

I think in Southern California (and maybe NorCal too), AT&T uses mostly 850 because their arrangement with T-Mobile pretty much involved them giving up a lot of the 1900 to TMO a few years ago in this area. I think in other parts of the country it may be different where they rely more on 1900 where they didn't have the roaming sharing agreements with TMO.

pinoymutt said:
I think in Southern California (and maybe NorCal too), AT&T uses mostly 850 because their arrangement with T-Mobile pretty much involved them giving up a lot of the 1900 to TMO a few years ago in this area. I think in other parts of the country it may be different where they rely more on 1900 where they didn't have the roaming sharing agreements with TMO.
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that helps in understanding the 850/1900 issues. I am wondering if Telstra has a better chip in it for it's radio, that would explain the quality difference

alwayslearning said:
that helps in understanding the 850/1900 issues. I am wondering if Telstra has a better chip in it for it's radio, that would explain the quality difference
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If I were a betting man, I would think the chip is probably the same, but maybe software implementation on the Telstra version is better tweaked.

Hey Always,
Can you take a look at this thread and tell me your findings.

Would be nice to merge threads so one with all model comparatives


Why no 3G with ATT

Having owned several HTC phones, it seems to me that if they want to be a leader, then why release the TP2 with no 3G speeds in the US market? I have read that there is some talk about a release on T mobile's carrier for a TP2 with 3G. If so, hey ATT get with it.
fredm said:
Having owned several HTC phones, it seems to me that if they want to be a leader, then why release the TP2 with no 3G speeds in the US market? I have read that there is some talk about a release on T mobile's carrier for a TP2 with 3G. If so, hey ATT get with it.
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You've got it there. There is no US 3g on the euro devices as per basic agreements with the carriers to let their branded versions come out. The local carrier versions are coming so just hang on.
first of all, the TP2 wasn't released in the US market. the model that you're talking about that has no US 3G is the European model. some people just preferred to buy it unlocked and save themselves a lot of waiting time.
secondly, yes, T-Mobile is getting it around August 12 here in the US. you would know that for sure if you read the very, very numerous posts around the Rhodium forum. all the major US carriers are getting the phone, including AT&T, Sprint and Verizon. there are speculated release dates about the other 3, but they will come eventually.
to me, this seems like a redundant thread. just my opinion. I vote for thread to be closed.
why wouldnt att not have 3g with the fuze when they have 3g on older phones?.....
fredm said:
Having owned several HTC phones, it seems to me that if they want to be a leader, then why release the TP2 with no 3G speeds in the US market? I have read that there is some talk about a release on T mobile's carrier for a TP2 with 3G. If so, hey ATT get with it.
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The better solution would be for ATT to embrace the same 3G standard that Europe and Asia have, and change to 850/1900.
850/1900 isn't Europe nor Asia, but North American bands actually
As for the "fail" comment or criticism:
The current phone available is the EUROPEAN model, it works in EUROPE. The same goes for many many other phone makers. They make dual band 3G phones (quad-band GSM) for Europe and then make the specialty ones for the US and possibly Canada.
Originally they tried to make 850/1900 the standard for North America, but so many companies are planning alternatives like 1700 and whatnot. It's like that one company in Australia using 850/2100 instead of 900/2100. If you HAVE to blame somebody it would be ATT for starting the usage of 1700 as a 3G band, or blame the lack of spectrum which caused ATT to opt for 1700.
To make a phone truly universar 3G-wise it would need to use 6 different bands, and personally I've only seen specs with up to 3 bands (though I heard about mysterious 3G 4 band phones).
If you HAVE to blame somebody it would be ATT for starting the usage of 1700 as a 3G band, or blame the lack of spectrum which caused ATT to opt for 1700.
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ATT uses 850/1900 and are moving to add 2100. T-Mobile use 1700.
I agree it will be good if ATT does actually get 2100 going.
Oops, my bad, I get the two confused. And yeah, it'd be good if they had the 2100 going, especially if it meant interoperability, even if limited, with European models (and they could reap the benefits of charging for 3G data roaming).
solsearch said:
850/1900 isn't Europe nor Asia, but North American bands actually
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I stand corrected. Too much coffee, too little brains.

Buying TP2 from US to use in UK?

Hi, I have been looking at getting a TP2 in the UK but they seem to be gold dust at the moment (as evident by a few other posters here complaining that T-Mobile and O2 are currently not stocking the phone due to "similarity with iPhone, N97, etc".). Anyway I am thinking of buying it on eBay and as I might be heading to the states soon, I was thinking of getting the TP2 in the US, unlocked. But I am not sure if the networks are compatible for use on O2 network in the UK. Apologies in advance for the ingorance...! Any advice would be helpful. Cheers.
Go Vodafone. Far better customer service than o2. Was a loyal o2 customer for about 5 years and was sick of not being able to understand indian accents on customer support. Gave up went to vodafone, got TP2. Profit.
As for the bands I am unsure. Just my input about netwroks. Sorry if it wasnt what you wanted.
I believe that that T-Mobile US version is compatible and the AT&T Version (which isn't out yet) definitely is. None of the US versions have front cameras, though. You will also need to find someone with AT&T that will request the unlock code for you (unless you find it unlocked on eBay).
Thanks for your quick response!
I tried going via Vodafone but the TP2 is currently only available to business customers. And because I have only moved house last month they rejected my application (didn't pass their credit check, apparently, despite having not missed a single credit payment, ever, in my life...). They did say I can apply again in 3 months, but I don't think I can wait that long, as I've been eye-ing the TP2 for like 3 months, waiting for my O2 contract to end!
I hear that the TP2 in the states are getting a regular 3mm plug for audio, which is a plus, but loses the front camera... hmm, trade offs! But at the risk of them incompatibility... perhaps a UK version is in order...
there you go
yep go to MPD get a unlocked unbranded with a voda contract thats what i did £25 for the phone and 750 mins 250 text unlimited internet for £33 a month
Thirding MPD, 25 quid contract 18 months + web and walk.
Paid £50 for the phone. This gets a pristine unlocked oem phone which can be invaluable later on when the roms etc start coming out!
As far as the bands go- Im pretty sure you will be fine- if you have a look at this list:[0]=3478&phones[1]=2879&phones[2]=1590&area=2
It compares the Euro TP2 with the US touch pro and a sidekick (which should give a fair indication of what bands are used)
This site gives the bands and coverage for a load of networks over the pond so you should be able to check if you will get service:
The Tmobile US version will work with 2G in Europe but not 3G.
The Sprint, Verizon, and Telus ones will work with 2G and 3G. Though I don't know if you need to unlock it or not...
solsearch said:
The Tmobile US version will work with 2G in Europe but not 3G.
The Sprint, Verizon, and Telus ones will work with 2G and 3G. Though I don't know if you need to unlock it or not...
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Thanks that is very helpful. I think I will follow the advice of others and go with MPD for a new contract. Thanks again everyone! I cant wait to get my hands on the TP2.
If you are calling them, persist in re-dialing - don't bother leaving a message - it's worth it.
I dealt with Lucy - excellent service.
CuteCutie said:
Hi, I have been looking at getting a TP2 in the UK but they seem to be gold dust at the moment (as evident by a few other posters here complaining that T-Mobile and O2 are currently not stocking the phone due to "similarity with iPhone, N97, etc".). Anyway I am thinking of buying it on eBay and as I might be heading to the states soon, I was thinking of getting the TP2 in the US, unlocked. But I am not sure if the networks are compatible for use on O2 network in the UK. Apologies in advance for the ingorance...! Any advice would be helpful. Cheers.
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When and where are you coming to the US? I have Euro version of phone and live in the US. If you buy US version you can not use 3G in ohter parts of the world. Same for Euro 3G can not be used in States. Maybe you can get US 3G version and then we can trade
If you come to New York City you can buy from or at their actual store.
At0mAng said:
When and where are you coming to the US? I have Euro version of phone and live in the US. If you buy US version you can not use 3G in ohter parts of the world. Same for Euro 3G can not be used in States. Maybe you can get US 3G version and then we can trade
If you come to New York City you can buy from or at their actual store.
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AT&T's HTC phones with 3G all have 2100MHz, I am sure the Tile 2 (Touch Pro 2 for AT&T) will also. This means it will work with European 3G as well as AT&T 3G.
I don't know about the AT&T version working in Europe. According to statements here and elsewhere the AT&T band, despite being classified as 2100mhz is slightly different from the rest of the world's 2100mhz bands, making it incompatible with them (I can't testify to this, it's just what I've read).
solsearch said:
I don't know about the AT&T version working in Europe. According to statements here and elsewhere the AT&T band, despite being classified as 2100mhz is slightly different from the rest of the world's 2100mhz bands, making it incompatible with them (I can't testify to this, it's just what I've read).
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Thats the T-Mobile version with the different 2100MHz. It has 1700MHz and 2100MHz, one for download and one for uplink. The European 2100MHz is 2100MHz for both downlink and uplink. The 2100MHz included on AT&T handsets is the European 2100MHz and not the T-Mobile version (which is referred to as 1700MHz to get around confusion).
The T-Mobile version's specifications list 1700MHz/2100MHz. I do not know if they are referring only to their bands where one is downlink and one is uplink or if they mean 1700MHz (1700MHz/2100MHz) AND European 2100MHz. I would bet that it includes European 3G but I am not positive.
Sorry, my bad. I get those companies mixed up
Yes I have been worried about the whole slightly different band and therefore it may or may not work in Europe!
I am having trouble with phone contracts at the moment because I have just moved home so my credit rating is completely annhilated and it just takes too long for the credit company to sort it out. In the end I have used eBay and bought a Vodafone branded TP2. I am sticking with O2 simplicity SIM at the moment as a rolling 30 day contract. I've not had too much trouble with O2 customer service, I always seem to get non-Indian, English speaking folks, but retention line was unprepared to make any offer at all which baffled me!
Anyway, onto the exciting (and somewhat scary prospect!) of getting to grips with Hard SPL and custom Roms!
PS, sorry At0mAng I got your message too late! I was thinking of California.

Let me get this straight - So TP2 is not a true "world phone"?

I'm a little green when it comes to 3G stuff, but please correct me if I am wrong...
Yes, you can put foreign SIM cards in US TP2's but not get 3G coverage in Europe. On the other hand from what I have read, European TP2's (even the unbranded ones) will not work with 3G is the US.
And if I am wrong... can someone please point me to a TP2 that will work on 3G networks in most of the world?
Or does one have to have two TP2's to enjoy 3G.. one for the US, and one for Europe, etc.?
quid246 said:
I'm a little green when it comes to 3G stuff, but please correct me if I am wrong...
Yes, you can put foreign SIM cards in US TP2's but not get 3G coverage in Europe. On the other hand from what I have read, European TP2's (even the unbranded ones) will not work with 3G is the US.
And if I am wrong... can someone please point me to a TP2 that will work on 3G networks in most of the world?
Or does one have to have two TP2's to enjoy 3G.. one for the US, and one for Europe, etc.?
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Where have you heard that a NA TP2 won't work with 3G in EU?
The only limitation I'm aware of is a NA TP2 won't work w/ NA GSM 3G.
Oh SoS said:
Where have you heard that a NA TP2 won't work with 3G in EU?
The only limitation I'm aware of is a NA TP2 won't work w/ NA GSM 3G.
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Until someone hacks it
I can't remember where I read it. But someone said if you wanted 3G in Europe, better to get a Euro unbranded model.
So perhaps this is under the assumption that it isn't hacked... not sure.
Slightly, off-topic Q but rather than start a new thread.... once a HardSPL is out for both the CDMA and GSM TP2's... will they effectively be "equal" devoces?
I really would like to pick-up a TP2 in the next few days... I like the VZ unit, but it's CDMA and since I travel quite a bit, really prefer and need more of a GSM phone, but don't like the TMO as no 3.5mm jack.
quid246 said:
I can't remember where I read it. But someone said if you wanted 3G in Europe, better to get a Euro unbranded model.
So perhaps this is under the assumption that it isn't hacked... not sure.
Slightly, off-topic Q but rather than start a new thread.... once a HardSPL is out for both the CDMA and GSM TP2's... will they effectively be "equal" devoces?
I really would like to pick-up a TP2 in the next few days... I like the VZ unit, but it's CDMA and since I travel quite a bit, really prefer and need more of a GSM phone, but don't like the TMO as no 3.5mm jack.
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The Verizon unit already has international GSM bands unlocked, AND international (2100MHz 3G). If you've been a Verizon customer for 60 days or more you can call them up and get an unlock code for free and use any SIM card in your phone so you can get a cheap prepaid SIM and not pay the high Verizon roaming costs. There's also a small (I'd say around 25%) chance that the NA 3G bands will be found/unlocked, but at this point who really knows if they are there or not.
Actually the Telus CDMA TP2 supports the European 3G bands but not the American ones becuase technically you will be using it in North America on CDMA and outside America on GSM. So its the other way around
It seems that if you have the Sprint TP2 that it won't register at all on US GSM networks, but comes unlocked by default.
On Verizon (which I have) a simple phone call to support they'll give you the unlock code and you're good to go. I use an Orange (UK) Sim in mine just fine in the US and others in other forums have reported that using US SIM's from TMobile/AT&T work fine also in the US.
TP2 = best 'World' phone I've ever owned.
quid246 said:
I'm a little green when it comes to 3G stuff, but please correct me if I am wrong...
Yes, you can put foreign SIM cards in US TP2's but not get 3G coverage in Europe. On the other hand from what I have read, European TP2's (even the unbranded ones) will not work with 3G is the US.
And if I am wrong... can someone please point me to a TP2 that will work on 3G networks in most of the world?
Or does one have to have two TP2's to enjoy 3G.. one for the US, and one for Europe, etc.?
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I have an unbranded HTC factory TP2, and it works in 3G mode anywhere I take it that has the 3G network... and I travel all over the US/Caribbean and back to EU/UK. Have not found one spot it hasn't worked (inlcduing some of the very obscure Carib countries), and I like the fact that it automatically picks up HS when within range without having to change any settings.
Just have to make sure that your provider gives you a 3G SIM (most of them are these days) and that you have the 3G service enabled on your account in the respective country.
Many people say they can't pick it up yet don't have it on their account, or think that their EU provider will automatically provide it as part of the roaming service... which is not a good assumption to make.
TyTanIc said:
I have an unbranded HTC factory TP2, and it works in 3G mode anywhere I take it that has the 3G network... and I travel all over the US/Caribbean and back to EU/UK. Have not found one spot it hasn't worked (inlcduing some of the very obscure Carib countries), and I like the fact that it automatically picks up HS when within range without having to change any settings.
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3G in North America? I doubt that. The phone does not support North American 3G bands. Are you sure it was 3G in North America??
Man, this is all confusing... I swear somebody has to come up with an HTML table of what phones work with what and where and stickify it.
Can people just put this to bed already!!!
The Sprint (North America) TP2 is suppossed to be used on CDMA in the US and GSM worldwide, hence the GSM radio is unlocked for outside America GSM use. This is how it comes default. If that is so hard to grasp, then there is no hope for some, sadly.
As for the title, the TP2 is a world phone, it works in the US (and North Ameria) on CDMA and elsewhere unlocked on GSM. That to me is the true definition of a World phone from a U.S CDMA perspective (and especially moreso as this is the CDMA version).
To put it in perspective, a Sprint customer (in this case, moi) gets the best of CDMA in the U.S and when traveling to visit his sister in High Wycombe in the U.K (like i'll be doing this Autumm) gets to pop in a PAYG U.K sim in the same phone and use it while over there. This phone doesn't get any "worldlier" to me than this scenario!!
Is the O.P attempting to specifically define a dual mode CDMA/GSM-unlocked World phone as not world phone because it's locked by default from doing GSM in it's primary market which happens to be CDMA (and in this case Sprint)?
This is not rocket science folks, it really isn't.
LordLugard said:
Is the O.P attempting to specifically define a dual mode CDMA/GSM-unlocked World phone as not world phone because it's locked by default from doing GSM in it's primary market which happens to be CDMA (and in this case Sprint)?
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Point taken. It's just that with that same Sprint phone (correct me if I am wrong), you can't travel to Canada pop in a Rogers SIM card and get Rogers 3G.
Wouldn't the phone want to swing towards it's CDMA cousin, Telus or Bell?
mmmhhh86 said:
3G in North America? I doubt that. The phone does not support North American 3G bands. Are you sure it was 3G in North America??
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AT&T 3G runs on 850/1900 GSM, the TP2 supports both of those bands, how would it not work with 3G on AT&T in the US?
T-Mobile runs 3G on 1700/2100 GSM bands, both of which aren't included on the TP2, as far as my research has lead me to believe.
Basically while it may be a quad band GSM phone, it is only a dual band 3G device. It comes in two flavours - UMTS 900+2100 or UMTS 1900+850
The 900/2100 version is far more common than 850/1900
.mak said:
AT&T 3G runs on 850/1900 GSM, the TP2 supports both of those bands, how would it not work with 3G on AT&T in the US?
T-Mobile runs 3G on 1700/2100 GSM bands, both of which aren't included on the TP2, as far as my research has lead me to believe.
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It supports those bands for HSDPA CDMA not GSM 3G
Network 3G EVDO Rev A (800/1900 MHz), UMTS/HSPA (2100 MHz), GSM/ EDGE (850/900/1800/1900 MHz)
This is the Telus version btw
quid246 said:
Point taken. It's just that with that same Sprint phone (correct me if I am wrong), you can't travel to Canada pop in a Rogers SIM card and get Rogers 3G.
Wouldn't the phone want to swing towards it's CDMA cousin, Telus or Bell?
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"it Depends"
The US CDMA phone operates in 3 modes.
1 CDMA Only
2 GSM Only
3 'Global' (whatever it can find).
If you have it in Global it will generally take the CDMA local carrier over anything else. However, not always. I've had mine switch to GSM for a bit then go back to CDMA. But mine is Verizon and unlocked so it works everywhere in the US and I also have a UK sim card in it. So I'm a little 'different'.
But, in any case, you can tell the phone which mode to use if you want. All upto you.
(verizon TP2)
here we go again... (tp2 3g na)
"I have an unbranded HTC factory TP2, and it works in 3G mode anywhere I take it that has the 3G network... and I travel all over the US/Caribbean and back to EU/UK. Have not found one spot it hasn't worked (inlcduing some of the very obscure Carib countries), and I like the fact that it automatically picks up HS when within range without having to change any settings."
So, maybe he's wrong. But either way...
You wanna know why this keeps coming up again and again?
(not because we're all dumb and thick headed, which we may very well be)
Because we just have trouble imagining them hardware "band amplifier" hobbling the hardware when it's so much easier to do it somewhere in firmware.
We all know that the less you fiddle with the hardware for multi-region functionality the less you have to fiddle with the production line and fiddling with the production line is the Last Thing a manufacturer wants to do.
Someone even once said that there wasn't room in the Rhodium platform for quad band data support. But now we're expecting the tilt 2 to do just that.
So, all protestations aside, those of us who paid ~700 us clams for this beauty, and who like the kbd layout.
And who have like me (as quite the Early Adopter), forked out for an sx56, sx66, 8135, x7510((quad band data)
Just feel a leetle wee bit of a sense, dare I say it, of Entitlement for the TP2 to be enabled into a fully world wide phone.
So we keep hunting, and digging, and dreaming, and .... posting.....
well here is my two cents i have the original unlocked euro version of the tp2 and all i get in the us it edge. it is really impossible to get 3g in the US (2100) because this version of the phone literally does not have the attena for it. and so that you can see all the different types of tp2s and the technical and physical differences between them here is a link:
drae1980 said:
well here is my two cents i have the original unlocked euro version of the tp2 and all i get in the us it edge. it is really impossible to get 3g in the US (2100) because this version of the phone literally does not have the attena for it. and so that you can see all the different types of tp2s and the technical and physical differences between them here is a link:
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3g in the USA must be on the 1700 band then, as thats the only gsm band that the euro version doesn't support.
Euro version
GSM850, GSM900, GSM1800, GSM1900, UMTS900, UMTS2100
TMOUS version
GSM850, GSM900, GSM1800, GSM1900, UMTS1700, UMTS2100
Anyone know of a good site to order a prepaid SIM card? I plan on using my VZW TP2 in Spain and France. I was also wondering if I should or could disable data and use my TP2 with Garmin XT so I don't get nailed for data usage. Your thoughts would be appreciated...

Where can I get a Tilt2 in Canada (for use on Rogers)

Does anyone know where i can buy a Tilt2 here in Canada? I want the Tilt2 because it'll give me 3G speed on rogers whereas the TP2 from the UK won't
There are Tilt 2s on eBay now.
Funny you can buy it on eBay before you can from AT&T...
make sure it is a t7381
that is the Australian model that supports Rogers 3G, HSPA
the north american ones do not, they are 7373 i believe
it needs to work on gprs 850 for use with rogers, otherwise all you get is edge
look for the australian telstra phones on ebay, i got mine from personal digital
thanks for the ebay link.
thanks for that critical piece of info.
I actually own a HTC TP2 (purchased from the UK) and I'll i get is Edge speeds (just like you said). I'm looking to replace the one I have with one that supports 3G speeds (including simultaneous voice and data connectivity).
I assumed that since Rogers & AT&T share a common network that buying a Tilt2 would work on Rogers. Obviously i need to do much more research before buying a replacement.
johnmclean said:
thanks for the ebay link.
thanks for that critical piece of info.
I actually own a HTC TP2 (purchased from the UK) and I'll i get is Edge speeds (just like you said). I'm looking to replace the one I have with one that supports 3G speeds (including simultaneous voice and data connectivity).
I assumed that since Rogers & AT&T share a common network that buying a Tilt2 would work on Rogers. Obviously i need to do much more research before buying a replacement.
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the tilt2 will work on rogers 3G because the tilt2 has 850/1900/2100 3G bands
omaralt said:
the tilt2 will work on rogers 3G because the tilt2 has 850/1900/2100 3G bands
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this seems to be the case, although you don't get the front camera (you do get a big ATT logo instead!)... i am sure there are other differences but as mentioned for rogers you need 850 umts for 3G
good news for you is prices are already cheaper than a month ago when i bought mine
Ya u get a few at&t logos and have to deal with the keyboard. Software wise i dont care because i've already flashed a cooked rom, so all is good. I would definitely prefer an unbranded device but 3g and price are quite important to me
thanks for all the feedback. i also noticed TILT2s for sale on I've used them before and know that they're reliable (in case anyone was wondering).
Pacific Mall
If you are in the Toronto area, you can also check out Pacific Mall. Caution, some of their vendors are questionable.
I bought the T-Mobile version, and I can not afford a data plan, so I'm good as far as 3G is concerned.
hiazle said:
If you are in the Toronto area, you can also check out Pacific Mall. Caution, some of their vendors are questionable.
I bought the T-Mobile version, and I can not afford a data plan, so I'm good as far as 3G is concerned.
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ya but 3G is not for data only. you'll also get better reception and voice quality. even if your not using data you want 3G. there are a few places down here (florida) where i would get no reception with an edge phone, but i'll get 3g reception

[Q] AT&T Tilt2 on T-Mobile no 3G or HSDPA only Edge

Looked everywhere but have only found a few comments mainly regarding the AT&T network.
I have a AT&T branded Tilt-2 with TP2_Core_Cell_Evo_V3.1_(23127) and am on the T-mobile network.
In my area we have HSDPA and 3G, and my HTC 3G Dash shows those connections and runs from 583K up to 898K.
My Tilt2 on the other hand runs between 36K and a max of 156K (usually its under 50K)
I have tried everything and a ton of different radios and nothing seems to help.
I can't believe I am the only one, and I am sure its in the forum but I havent been able to find it and I have been looking for 2 days now. Does ANYONE know if there is a solution to this or am I stuck with a great looking phone and ROM that is slower than my old HTC Universal.
So I am starting this thread with the keywords in the title to help others find the info/help/cab/settings to fix this issue.
Any help would be appreciated..
Can I assume from the deafening silence that there is no solution and this would be why I couldn't find anything when I was searching all over the forums.
I thought AT&T and T-mobile use different bands for their 3G...haven't met anyone yet that can switch between these two and get the others' 3G service to work on the phone from the other...only Edge.
Yep, 3G are are different bands and AT&T's unique.
Most likely, hardware limit and T-Mobile Touch Pro 2 version is what you wanted.
However, for my Tilt 2, I use AT&T Prepaid Pay-as-you-go and get full 3G service and for $20 get 30 days of 100MB data at full speed. The Pay-as-you-go offers a $3.00 per day for unlimited calls during 24 hour period when you choose plan.
But the settings on the phone even show the 2100MHZ band and other stuff.. thought quad band phones were useable on all GSM networks. I guess that must mean the phones are but not the data portion of the phone.
So it would seem I have a really nice looking phone thats about as functional as a Windows 7 computer with a 56K dialup modem. Great...
Anyone on AT&T and have a T-mobile Touch Pro2 that they would like to swap with me.
when you talk about gsm (gprs/edge/2g), there are 4 bands and pretty much all devices can work on those. when it comes to umts (3g/hspa encap) thats where proprietary bands come in. word wide you will have the 900 and 2100 bands, att uses the 850 and 1900 bands, and tmobile uses 1700. what bands a phone is capable of running on depends on the baseband hardware in the phone. theres no way to change this without basically swapping the phone out for the carrier branded device.
cdma like sprint and verizon is another monster...
cdgoin said:
thought quad band phones were useable on all GSM networks.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
They do, but working and working optimally are 2 different things. You should always buy a phone to work on the network you use regularly, and be happy it works at all on others when you travel.
Live and learn..
I wonder if anyone out there in the community has a TouchPro2 that they got for use on AT&T and would like to swap..?
Can't get 3G Either
I'm using an unlocked HTC Touch Pro 2 (Euro Version) on T-Mobile and can only get Edge. The funny hting is that T-mobile is stumped on the issue even though they've seen that I'm using an HTC Touch Pro 2, not the branded T-Mo version. I just started looking into hardware differences tonight and will post whatever I find. I'm glad you started the thread.
T-Mobile HSPA bands
Just confirmed my suspicions.
The branded T-Mobile Touch Pro 2 operates on HSPA/WCDMA on the following bands: 1700/2100 MHz.
The HTC Touch Pro 2 (unbranded) operates on HSPA/WCDMA: 900/2100 MHz.
So, if you want 3G, you need to stick with the T-Mobile branded phone.
Wow...I never thought I'd hear myself saying those words. *sigh* =(
I actually have a t-mobile branded HTC Touch Pro 2 I use on ATT, if you really wanna swap I'm totally down for that. My email is [email protected] shoot me a message and lets work out how to go about this.

