I currently installed VC 1.6 and everything is pretty much perfect, but one thing. Whenever I get a call and my phone is set to ring, it announces who is calling, while scaling the down the volume of my ringtone.
Is there anyway to mute that caller voice that without uninstalling the whole program?
Go to Settings tab
Choose 'All Settings' at the bottom
Choose 'Personal' Tab
Go to Voice Command
Highlight the 'Phone' (on left)
Choose Options button
Remove check from 'Announce Incoming Calls'
Piece of cake...!
Another Question
Is there a way to get it to ring or something when i private or unknown call comes in. IT rings and announces all other callers but not private callers?
jabberoo said:
Go to Settings tab
Choose 'All Settings' at the bottom
Choose 'Personal' Tab
Go to Voice Command
Highlight the 'Phone' (on left)
Choose Options button
Remove check from 'Announce Incoming Calls'
Piece of cake...!
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Hey thanks for that did not even know MVC could announce calls... as liked that feature on E71... might read the instructions
how do you get the call or text message announced only through the bluetooth?
j393567 said:
how do you get the call or text message announced only through the bluetooth?
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Tap - All Settings - Personal - Voice Command - Notifications - Then tap selection 1 (Announce Using BT only)
still goes through the phone speaker and not the bluetooth
ryushe said:
I currently installed VC 1.6 and everything is pretty much perfect, but one thing. Whenever I get a call and my phone is set to ring, it announces who is calling, while scaling the down the volume of my ringtone.
Is there anyway to mute that caller voice that without uninstalling the whole program?
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Hi. Could you please tell me which MSVC version you are using as I installed the 19209 onto my new TP2 and the incoming call announce does not work. Thanks Richard
rwcozens said:
Hi. Could you please tell me which MSVC version you are using as I installed the 19209 onto my new TP2 and the incoming call announce does not work. Thanks Richard
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yes my T7381 does not say who's calling either do the contacts need to be in sim or contacts memory or both?
palah said:
yes my T7381 does not say who's calling either do the contacts need to be in sim or contacts memory or both?
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By default MSVC must be saved to your phone's main memory and uses the contacts on your phone. I used to have a Tytn II running with version 19209 but the incoming announcements do not work with this version. I recall that you had replacement files you could copy to windows and MSVC in program files to overwrite the current files to make incoming announcements work but htis too does not work as it also froze when I went into settings.
To answer your question you need to save the MSVC program to your phone memory and if you still do not get incoming annouments and your settings under voice command (settings/personal/voice command are correct then you have the same problem I have. Richard
To answer your question you need to save the MSVC program to your phone memory and if you still do not get incoming annouments and your settings under voice command (settings/personal/voice command are correct then you have the same problem I have. Richard[/QUOTE]
well in same boat then as installed on device MSV only ever wakes up on emails etc when high importance option is sent nothing else ... lazy cow
Just off the phone to HTC tech (mainly about another BT headset issue) and he said Microsoft is working on a new version of MVC as the current V1.6 does not play well with many of the new BT stacks
Soooo i JUST found out that the google search can be used to make calls when my sister tried to google something and it started calling a friend.
what other cool commands are there that the phone will act on?
for completion sake the command was
"Call <name>"
if you have multiple names or names that are similar, such as christine, christina, kristen (i just said call chris) it will bring them up as options which is pretty nifty.
The options are limited right now. I know Froyo will greatly expand on this. Allowing you to do a lot more than just call. I am assuming compose text messages and much more.
Here is what I use:
"Call <Persons name>"
"Navigate to <location, address, name or zip>"
Those are the only 2 commands I know of. Everything else will result in a search. You can get apps that will allow you to compose SMS or emails to hold you over till Froyo.
If you are using the voice dialer app you can use "Open (app name". For instance in the car I use "Open Pandora".
I don't think it works with the search button, but if you use the voice dialer it does.
Anyone able to get Google Voice working? I want to use the SMS app, but it gets stuck trying to read my nonexistant voicemail configuration. Anyone able to get that working? Would love to have it on my home screen.
Works fine for me using gAppsInstaller_v4
pjcace said:
Anyone able to get Google Voice working? I want to use the SMS app, but it gets stuck trying to read my nonexistant voicemail configuration. Anyone able to get that working? Would love to have it on my home screen.
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Just put this on your drive and click on it with the file explorer. When it asks for voicemail setup hit the skip button. You have a google voice number right?
gAppsInstaller_v4 works for me too, I wasn't able to make it get past the voicemail configuration before I Tried v4 a few days ago.
MoonPhantasm said:
gAppsInstaller_v4 works for me too, I wasn't able to make it get past the voicemail configuration before I Tried v4 a few days ago.
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I just did. It asked to set up the voicemail but couldn't so it gave the option to skip it which I did. Google Voice on the 101.
mine just sits there trying to access my voicemail settings??????
pfer10 said:
Just put this on your drive and click on it with the file explorer. When it asks for voicemail setup hit the skip button. You have a google voice number right?
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I dont have a skip button what am I missing?
google voice hanging on voicemail setup
I had the same issue with it being stuck on the voicemail setup and never offering a skip option. I used a the version I found on this site and it worked. After getting past that problem now I can't figure out why I can't make calls from the google voice app. Does the dialer try to use a real phone dialer to make calls or why does it start to dial and then disappear? Anyone got a good solution for making calls from your archos using google voice? Sorry didn't mean to hijack the thread. Why does the Voice app not appear in the market either?? Can't even use the QR Code or the link from to install it. Have to find apk and side load. Would be nice to see this app show up in market with the most up to date version from google
I don't think you can use Google voice over work but texting works fine. You could use sipdroid and GV to make calls.
I installed Google Voice from the above apk. After much trial and error, I have texting working perfectly except for one thing. When somebody sends a text to my Google Voice number, the text goes to my cell phone and notifies me by a ringtone. The message also goes to the Google Voice Inbox on my Archos 101 but there is no kind of notification. Is there someway I can get a ringtone notification on my Archos for an incoming text message?
I installed the silence widgets from my phone and noticed the archos boots often with some functions silenced.i get a notification when i get text on. Archos
gashadow said:
I installed Google Voice from the above apk. After much trial and error, I have texting working perfectly except for one thing. When somebody sends a text to my Google Voice number, the text goes to my cell phone and notifies me by a ringtone. The message also goes to the Google Voice Inbox on my Archos 101 but there is no kind of notification. Is there someway I can get a ringtone notification on my Archos for an incoming text message?
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Try checking settings. There probably is an option to choose your Notification ringtone.
Ok guys - I know that this works on my Evo, and I will install it on my 101 when it gets here. But I wanted to put this down to see how it works for you.
This is taken from:
VOIP for Android devices
1. If not already done, install Google Voice on your device using the link already on this thread above.
2. Install Sipdroid from the Market on your device. Alternatively here is a link to it - Sipdroid
3. When you run the Sipdroid app for the first time, you’ll see a touch button at the bottom of the screen. This will setup Sipdroid, a background service at a site (a free virtual PBX site), and activate the VOIP service. You be prompted to enter your Google Account User ID and Password. This info is used to create an account at This service does background/transparent call management.
4. Sipdroid will auto activate when you turn on wifi and stays active until you disconnect from wifi. There will be a new icon (Round icon which should be green when connected) in the notification area of your device showing if you are connected to the VOIP service. Close out of Sipdroid - I haven't used it again after successfully signing in.
5. Install fring from the Market. You'll use this to initiate GV/SIP calls over wifi.
6. Setup your SIP account on fring - make sure your entire address is used as the login.
7. Make sure that it successfully logs in, and then press menu and open the dialer. Enter in a phone number to dial, and choose "SIP call". I entered in the phone number with area code but no "+1" or "1" in front.
That should be all you have to do. Let me know if it doesn't work and we can troubleshoot. I will be getting my 101 soon and then I will be able to test this.
The method above worked great but when calling its muting the speaker on my 101. Any suggestions?
no issues here, i text with it all the time, now if i could only make phone calls, for the ringtone you need to open settings in google voice, enter the app and hit the menu button and go to settings, make sure notifications are turned on.
bradgog said:
no issues here, i text with it all the time, now if i could only make phone calls, for the ringtone you need to open settings in google voice, enter the app and hit the menu button and go to settings, make sure notifications are turned on.
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I haven't tried the texting but I was able to make calls last night using the posted method. Once I dial I hear the ringing on the 101 speaker but the instant I pick up the line I am calling the Archos volume icon on the top right shows with the X (muted). This happens automatically. When I try to do volume control the volume description says "in-call volume" and is at the first level but I can't raise or lower it. As soon as I end the call the volume icon goes back to normal. If we can resolve this we can make calls over wifi using the method posted by jerdog.
hamzer11 said:
I haven't tried the texting but I was able to make calls last night using the posted method. Once I dial I hear the ringing on the 101 speaker but the instant I pick up the line I am calling the Archos volume icon on the top right shows with the X (muted). This happens automatically. When I try to do volume control the volume description says "in-call volume" and is at the first level but I can't raise or lower it. As soon as I end the call the volume icon goes back to normal. If we can resolve this we can make calls over wifi using the method posted by jerdog.
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It has got to have something to do with not having the Phone.apk or TelephonyProvider.apk. It seems that it doesn't know how to route audio input.... It works on my HTC Evo phone....
Does Archos have a tablet that has a cell radio in it that we could extract those apk's and try adding them in even though we know it wouldn't work as a phone?
And has anyone tried using a Bluetooth or a wired headset to see if audio works in that?
jerdog said:
It has got to have something to do with not having the Phone.apk or TelephonyProvider.apk. It seems that it doesn't know how to route audio input.... It works on my HTC Evo phone....
Does Archos have a tablet that has a cell radio in it that we could extract those apk's and try adding them in even though we know it wouldn't work as a phone?
And has anyone tried using a Bluetooth or a wired headset to see if audio works in that?
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I tried the wired headset but no luck, the system turns the sound off. Not sure if there is a cell radio in the Archos. I will try to play around some more today but I am still learning about Android.
I will also give a bluetooth headset a shot
Yeah That happens .... the only way now to solve the Speaker problem is by pressing the power Button and then choose Silent Mode and it will activate it
hamzer11 said:
I tried the wired headset but no luck, the system turns the sound off. Not sure if there is a cell radio in the Archos. I will try to play around some more today but I am still learning about Android.
I will also give a bluetooth headset a shot
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There isn't a radio in the Gen8 as far as I can tell - but I am wondering if any of their other models have one?
It's most likely an instance where we'll have to hack the kernel to include audio input - if the hardware is even capable of it. Or to allow BT audio in
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.instal new update 1.2t with new apps
2.set up gogle voice for voice mail
I update and flashed decks 1.2t i updated my ratios to the latest started using goggle voice as a voice mail default sign out google voice and then i start having issues not getting text messages and i am able to send them but i cant receive them also noticed an annoying call setting when recieving calls it asks to press 1 to recieve call or 2 to voicemail i tried wiping everything several times and reflashing already 5 times even went back to 1.0 i even try used vr superwipe and try other roms still issue idk what can i do i would highly appreciate your input
Which phone and version are you using?
htc evo 0003
latest ratios
I noticed that i could log into goggle voice and get my text messages but i would rather not used it anymore and i cant figure out that answering system thanks guys i would highly apreciate your help
I had the same issue. Went you integrate Google Voice it will automatically intercept your sms, along with calls. If you use a computer and go to Google and sign into Voice you will be able to modify your settings there. That or download the Google Voice app, sign in and sign out. That allowed me to use the native sms app
I tried signing in and out of the app but still doesn't do it anytime someone calls me I slide screen to answer then voice setting ask to press the #1key to answer or#2 to voicemailthis setting is really annoying I can't get rid of it
recently, my google voice app has been showing missed calls when i open the app. i don't need to see it in google voice since it shows in my call log. all i want google voice to show is my voicemails. can i turn off what labels get synced, or just turn off the option. i can't find it in settings. it wasn't doing this before so i'm not sure if a recent update started this.
does anyone know how to do this?
I think u can change it in GVoice settings thru web browser, I've actually changed it before to show those missed calls.
DiNoise said:
I think u can change it in GVoice settings thru web browser, I've actually changed it before to show those missed calls.
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??? its sunder settings/calls
Missed Calls
Place missed calls in the inbox
Send missed calls to my email
the thing is i already checked the browser setting and to place missed calls in the inbox is not selected, yet it's still doing it.
My Samsung skyrocket is doing this same thing and its driving me NUTS! Any solutions yet?
Ive got this problem too and tried to fix via the web interface -- didn't work. The best work around is to go to labels and select inbox and the messages go away. Quite annoying for sure.
i tried to disable the messages label, but i can't find how to do that. i don't want to be selecting the label everytime. that's even more annoying.
anyone know how to fix this