Stupid question - are ROM files REALLY ROM files? - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

Hi. I am relatively new with the PDA scene and as much as I would have loved to read an answer to my question from some other thread instead of starting a new one, I could not do it cos there are none. At least in "idiot's guide" style.
To the question that is stated in the title. As much as I have understood, there are (at least) three storage areas on a device (mine being Vodafone v1520) - the ROM, the EXT ROM and the files that we see on under "My Device" in Explorer. Some of the files have been marked as "ROM" if to look at the properties and those cannot be deleted (at least I haven't found any way) but they can be overwritten (with Resco or smth). The point of my question is that when I overwrite the WELCOME.GIF file (marked as ROM file, it's VF splash screen) it does overwrite it nicely (confirmed) but when I hard reset, it's back. Although I don't understand also why after overwriting I still see the VF logo instead of my own file, that is a separate issue.
The reason I am asking this is that nobody in this forum has been able to answer me how to unlock the EXTROM part on that ASUS P550 that I have. So I thought maybe if I change the STARTER.EXE or GENERALINSTALLER.EXE to something pointless, the EXTROM part won't be installed.
Although I suspect the VF logo is displayed from EXTROM part while booting, cos there is nowhere else that same file in normal storage.
1) Does changing files marked as "ROM" really change ROM files or is it until the next hard reset and why?
2) Does anyone know how to unlock and unhide the EXTROM part on ASUS P550?
3) Does anyone know where the VF splash screen comes from while booting?
If anyone has ANY information on these issues, PLEASE enlighten me. It seems that there are a lot of senior members who have the knowledge but are quite unwilling to share it. I don't know why but it seriously sucks that they don't reply to threads or PM. I thought this forum was for helping each other, not giggling behind the screen: "I know something You don't". At least that is the impression that I have recently gained when trying to contact people that have the knowledge.

The answer to your "stupid" question - "are ROM files REALLY ROM files" - is NO.
The question is not stupid and the files are really not the files.
Actually you have only the information about the files in ROM - the name, the size and other attributes. That's it.
You are not really overwritting anything when you copy the different file with the same name to ROM.
If you somehow dump the ROM from your device - you'll get real files.
Welcome Gif can permanently be changed only in dump.
Unlocking EXTROM .... I am not sure that I got what you mean. And why do you want to do that. But do the following: with Resco Registry go to
Change MountHidden value from 1 to 0
You will be able to see the EXTROM content.
VF splash screen definitely comes from Windows folder of your device while booting - it's a part of the ROM.

OK, thanks for a quite thorough reply, but I still don't get it then - why does Resco (or similar prog) ask to overwrite the file? OR, if it doesn't overwrite it, how do I see the new file in Windows folder and the prog looking for splash screen file does not?
The EXTROM fascinates me because after hard reset the device is installing some "Auto Installation packages" and as far as I have found out those come from the EXTROM. I suspected that the WELCOME.GIF came from there too but now I am not sure. Might have to dump the ROM somehow and look into it but there are not many people with P550 and like I said those who have, don't have the willingness to help with that.
BTW, thanks also for the tip about the registry, but I have tried all the registry tweaks that I have found (including the abovementioned) but none of the works...
Thanks again and looking forward to Your (or anyone else's) comments.

aiiro said:
OK, thanks for a quite thorough reply, but I still don't get it then - why does Resco (or similar prog) ask to overwrite the file? OR, if it doesn't overwrite it, how do I see the new file in Windows folder and the prog looking for splash screen file does not?
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Resco has been done like you have!
Try to do the following: copy your own Welcome.gif to Windows folder. You will be prompted to overwrite. Say yes. Then simply delete that file. It will not disappear - the old version of file will become visible again. ROM is not a number of files - it is one file which contains a copy of the data that later will be written (flashing process) straight to a read-only memory chip.
(Pay attention on my words "read-only")
Imagine yourself a wall painted with a hell of 100 dollar bills. You can see them. But you cannot take one of them. You can even glue you own bill upon the drawn one. It will work. But when you wash the wall (hard-reset) - your real paper bill will be washed down and the old painted one will appear (sorry for metaphor)
BTW, thanks also for the tip about the registry, but I have tried all the registry tweaks that I have found (including the abovementioned) but none of the works...
Thanks again and looking forward to Your (or anyone else's) comments.
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Nothing works probably cause the registry is write-protected. Unlock your registry by changing the following:
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001001 = 1
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001005 = 40
But! You would do it with the digitally signed regedit. For example - one is attached. Unzip it to your device, run it, change the security policy settings, reboot. Then try to tweak your Asus again.
The attached regedit has OEM Sign 2005 - hopefully it will work for you.

Thank You for a thorough explanation and especially for the metaphore - it was very helpful.
But about the registry - wow... I mean I haven't even heard of unlocking registry...
As usually, answers are generating new questions. The ones I have now are:
1) How come some of the registry tweaks made with Resco still work even now - like showing the clock instead of battery (changing the TBOpt key) etc and the values are still there after soft reset?
2) Resco is also digitally signed, isn't it?
3) If I use this app, will hard reset still create a clean registry? (The answer to this probably is "yes" but I still ask just to be sure).
4) Can I seriously f**k up something with this method?
Thanks in advance.

aiiro said:
... answers are generating new questions. The ones I have now are:
1) How come some of the registry tweaks made with Resco still work even now - like showing the clock instead of battery (changing the TBOpt key) etc and the values are still there after soft reset?
2) Resco is also digitally signed, isn't it?
3) If I use this app, will hard reset still create a clean registry? (The answer to this probably is "yes" but I still ask just to be sure).
4) Can I seriously f**k up something with this method?
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Read your PM - sure I don't have any subscriptions, but it's OK (I mean PM) - it works.
1. The point is that not the whole registry is write protected - only several "important" parts mostly in HKLM. Normally - if you change someting in HKCU - it will work even with the protected registry. The vendor only protects the keys and values that can cause some "critical" system changes.
2. If to tell the truth - I know that Resco has digital signature - but anyway the permission level of it does not allow you to modify the protected keys. So that's why I offered you to use Regedit, signed with the customizers.
3. For sure - after HardReset you will return to factory defaults completely - it means you registry will again become clean and write-protected.
4. It depends upon what you mean writing "seriously". The worst thing - to damage the bootloader, but you will never do that modifying the registry. So - feel free to do whatever you want - you will always be able to return to factory defaults.

OK, thank You very much for the explanation! I have bookmarked like 200 pages related to PDAs, which means that if even only every 10th page gets bookmarked, I have gone through thousands of pages in 4 months and I haven't stumbled on this information before. So everything You have enlightened me about here is most useful, thanks again!
I hope I will not push it but since You have been so helpful and seem to know stuff, I am risking asking some more questions. First of all, would You happen to know a good "idiot's guide to flashing ROM"? I have read those on the wiki but as they are for HTC devices and asus mobile club russia does not have any basic explanation in English, it's pretty hard to catch the idea. I know that much that there is a PC involved with some kind of programs etc, but that's about it. I don't even know what the hell is a bootloader. There also isn't any good PDA architecture drawings lying around in the net
The second question is also related to hardware. I have the Vodafone v1520 as mentioned above and it has a small annoyance - the earpiece volume adjustment during call does not work. The slider moves and I hear the clicks getting louder or quieter but the volume level of the caller voice does not change. I took it to a repair shop and they told me that it's a faulty hardware but I know that there are people with exactly the same problem in this forum and I find it hard to believe that they installed some kind of faulty earpiece on all these devices. Or is that possible? What do You think?

Sorry dude but both your last questions are about the specific device - your Vodafone. To answer - I should buy Asus P550 and get an experience first. It's only 700 bucks in my country but I am not sure that I really wanna have it. My current device (pretty old now) is P525 and the next one will probably be Diamond or something better and more expensive.
Second thing - I am not IT professional - I am just a user. OK, I always use my own (cooked) ROMs but it does not mean that I can give the answers to all your questions!

OK, I knew I was pushing it a little bit and in no way did I mean that You should make some kind of spendings. I just thought maybe You had any ideas and maybe ASUS devices are similar enough that they are compatible ROM-wise with each other or something like that.
Anyway, thanks for those thorough replies - You have been most helpful! As soon as I will have some time I will try the registry things out.
Thanks again and good luck!

try to install this cab file ,I make it .you can QQ me by my QQ:421264988 my E-mail:[email protected]
i'm sorry ,I chinese ,and my English is very poor
安装这个CAB文件试试,我的手机也是P320,安装完解锁成功,但在删除程序里看不到之后安装的程序,欢迎和我交流,我的QQ:421264988 E-mail:[email protected]

Modified registry values don't survive reboot?
Try switching the device off before reboot.
The registry is not flushed to disk at every write.
And search the net for
flushing registry pocketpc
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newxda-new said:
Try switching the device off before reboot.
The registry is not flushed to disk at every write.
And search the net for
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So if you reset the handheld without putting it into suspend mode before, you risk losing configuration data (registry settings)?


Extended_ROM_Unlocker functionality

I use this tool without an expected goal, I use another one ( Extended_ROM_viewer) with same effect andfinally I did changes in registry manually, but still without effect. Where should be the problem?
ROM 1.72.00WWE
Radio: 1.17.00
ExtROM: 1.72.901
What do you expect and what do you get?
Can you be more specific about what isn't working?
to: markutah
Described applications has clear functionality: to show Extended_ROM directory (lock, unlock too, of course). I want copy .cab files to pc and cook my own ms_.nbf.
So after aplying these tools nothing happens, no directory shows in root of my XDAII. Why? Can you help me with this mess?
Did you soft reset your device after applying the unlock tool?
If not then do a soft reset. If yes then do the following to read the content of your extended rom:
Go in the registry to
Change the key MountFlags to 0 (= zero)
Soft reset your XDA II/QTEK2020 etc
In the file explorer a directory Extended_ROM will show up. Now you will be able to copy the content of your extended rom.
Note that your extended rom is not unlocked so you will not be able to write something to the extended rom. As you've stated you're going to flash your rom then this will not be problem I assume.
to markutah
you didn´t read ny first post carefully - i did it already hudret times manually or with tools, but nothing happens. No directory shows. I´m not rookie user, but now i´m on the end with my power and nerves.
I used copyying rom through bootloader and usb terminal to sd card, but format of data is not readable for Windows PC....see
Sorry that my attempt to help you works on your nervers and sorry that I was trying to help you.
to: markutah
today seems my mood better, (because i found somthing about that problem) so sorry about my reaction, for a little apology i´m writting what i find out:
so i had ROM version 1.60WWE as original one with Radio 1.12, devide with CDL oerator. I was upgrading ROM many times (ROM, ExtROM, Radio together and separatelly too), but new ROMs was still from CDL operator. Last time I upgraded ROM to 1.72WWE, Radio 1.17 from TMobile, and I couldn´t do any change in registry with sucsess. My registry data stand changed, but nothing happens. (for example: i tryied to show Orange logo in Phone to substitute title ORANGE (in right up corner) withouth sucsess, and that ist far easier operation that this we are talked before (see - you are orangeman too, so change yours logo , when you don´t have it yet.)
finally i have no idea how to fix it (without downgrading ROM) and i´m not 100% sure if this is the point of problem, but i gues. bye

WM5 on BA - Why Upgrade?

In all the excitement of the hacked ROM coming out - I need to ask one question. Why should I upgrade my BA to the WM5 ROM? What benefits does it offer over the existing WM2003SE ROMS?
I'm tempted like everyone else just to bung it on and update it every day for the next few weeks until it's working properly - I'm also tempted to wait for the official O2 1.4 ROM that works properly.
I must admit that I'm going to wait before upgrading to WM5. I see no compelling reason to upgrade other than "beacuse I can". I wouldn't necessarily wait for the official O2 1.40 ROMs though, you might be waiting forever. I use the imate 1.40 ROMs with no problems.
Having said that, I hope to get hold of a "spare" Blue Angel this week & might experiment with WM5 on it
The existing 1.4 ROMs are annoying for me because I have problems with GPRS and disconnections and a few other niggles that are hard to live with - whereas tghe O2 ROMs have these niggles fixed - hence the wait for the O2 1.4 ROM.
I was thinking of tinkering with the WM5 ROM, but not for a little while until a few things are sorted out, just to see what the interface was like but if it's too much hassle.....
I've got my heart set on an O2 Exec which looks like it might be out soon.
I use it and apart from lack of camera function and a longer boot up time, I MUCH prefer it over 2003SE. First it has a revamped design and it makes 2k3se looks boring.
OK, there are some stability issues but what can you expect for a leaked rom?
If you don't vitally depend on your BA i'd give it a try, and if you don't like it, get activesync 4 and flash back.
Now, seeing how we came accross WM5, is there reason to believe we will be getting the FINAL version of the WM5 firmware for the BA??
In other words, is Mamaich's patched WM5 version the best we're going to get??
What do y'all think?
man(darkblak) is askins simple...if someone knows what benefits gets with wm5...if someone had experience should tell interested in that to... will be blueangel with wm5 faster or slower how will be in performances and itc...
10x in advance
WM5 on SX66 (Blue Angel)
I updated my SX66 to WM5 before the ROM was patched (by Mamaich)... and then spent the next few days working on the issues of performance/sound.
With sound disabled (prior to patch), the device was undoubtedly faster. I made registry changes to increase cache size, disable animations, etc. but I had made those changes in 2003SE as well... and WM5 still outperformed it by a significant margin.
As for the areas not dealing with speed/performance, the new OS requires some getting used to. Hardware buttons that are unassignable (old Windows and OK buttons are softkeys now) and a few other issues (such as GPRS on only when activated by Internet Explorer and Bluetooth shutdown on power off) were a little unnerving, but nothing that would make the OS unusable.
What makes WM5 indispensable is PERSISTENT STORAGE. This is the Holy Grail for all Windows Mobile devices prior to this OS. When your battery dies and your backup battery dies, you must re-load all of your aftermarket software and PIM info. Software such as Sprite Backup made this process easy... but what if you're mid-flight to another country without a laptop and your PDA crashes? This is not an issue with WM5. All after-market software and PIM data is stored to ROM (software install location is optional)... which means that it is stored in non-volatile memory. It is not lost during power/system failure. What this means in terms of device security is that the person that finds your PDA on your desk at work cannot simply "hard reset" it to remove all of your info and use it themselves... Your password/PIM data and software will still be secure/in place and only downgrading the device to 2003 and repartitioning the ROM will clear it.
At the moment, I have no issues with WM5 on my SX66. Editing the camera keys in the registry solved the issues with sound and there are plenty of patches available to reconfigure the hardware buttons, etc. But I'm learning to like the OS as shipped...
I've been using Windows Mobile for more than three years and this iteration is undoubtedly worth the upgrade. If you have the time and patience to read through these forums, make an installation checklist and then follow it to do the upgrade.
My checklist would read:
-Download patched WM2005 ROM
-Download MaUpgradeUT_NoID.exe
-Download all patch CABS
-Download DOC tool (Disk On Chip partition tool)
-Run DOC tool (if successful, the ROM size is now ~63MB in control panel)
-Copy and rename the HTCRUU.dll and HTCRUU.conf files to RUU.dll and RUU.conf
-Run MaUpgradeUT_NoID.exe (if the first try is unsuccessful, put device into bootloader mode. Rec/Media/Power/Reset all at once)
-After upgrade check functionality BEFORE applying any patches, there are as many differences between just SX66's as there are between all of the Blue Angel devices... some patches may NOT be required.
-Apply patch CAB's
-Apply registry edits suggested in the forums for performance improvement
I hope this enlightens those waiting to see the efficacy of this ROM upgrade. I have had a good experience with WM5, in spite of the initial problems. I'm happy with its performance and will not downgrade to 2003SE unless I screw up WM5 bad enough to make it necessary to re-partition the ROM... then I'll go right back to WM5.
Cheers all...
MRwheeler2: Where is the edited rom on the FTP site? I cannot find it where it says it was, BA/test or something like that. Where can I get it from
Also, I have noticed that using the standard rom I cannot change bootup images. It is constantly the stupid colour thing (how about that for a name!) and it's more like a TV test screen.
Download locations for patched ROM
Sorry for the delay... I was out.
You can download the patched ROM from:
There currentyly isn't a fix for the boot screen... I'm looking right now at the MSDN site for CE5.0 and searching their registry settings for Bluetooth and boot screen. Nothing yet... I'll post a new thread if I figure it out.
Hope this helps...
any reason that I'm getting permission denied errors?
I'm logged in but can't do it withe IE or FF, and firewall on or off.
One says permission denied, the other says can't find.
Download locations for patched ROM... continued.
Looks as if it was moved... Try the BlueAngel/BA_WM5/Shipped_Extracted_Updates folder and look for WM5_pack_v1.rar
That should do it...
Good luck.
Still says 530 permission denied. I tried looking in some of the higher level folders and still no joy.
Download locations for patched ROM... continued.
A 530 error is an incorrect login... Go to the "File" pull-down in Internet Explorer and click on "Log In" then when prompted, enter xda for both user name and password.
The default setting for Internet Explorer is to log in anonymously... most non-public FTP sites require some type of non-anonymous log in to ensure that the user has been referred from a site and not someone searching FTP servers.
Once you've logged in, you should be able to see a list of folders/files. You can use the "Folders" button if you would like to see a directory tree in the left panel.
Post a reply if you're successful (or if you're not)...
10x mwheeler2 i will hawe that what u write in my mind...but 530 error i hawe still in ftp ... hope that will solve soon...
Download locations for patched ROM... continued.
For those still looking for the patched ROM...
try this:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/BlueAngel/BA_WM5/Shipped_Extracted_Updates/WM5_pack_V1.rar
The above link is on the wiki page for the upgrade:
There is a walkthrough on the site and some helpful information...
Well - after reading all the stories about persistent storage and speed I was about to go ahead with the install until I found out that my main application TomTom 5 would not install - a quick search later found a workaround - seems like everyone is pulling together on this.
So I'm now running WM5 on my O2 XDA IIs and it's not too bad - it's no worse that O2's existing "beta/official" ROM (1.31) and there is very little reason not to go for the upgrade as it's easy to install - just a little hairy with the funny screens at the start.
I can't say that the I have noticed much difference with the speed issues once all my baggage is loaded on the machine. I'll keep checking the reg fixes etc from time to time.
The interface is much the same as the old interface apart from a few nice touches - but as someone said earlier the ability to re-map certain keys is a pain - until you become used to the context sensitive buttons.
All in all - probably worth the upgrade - you just have to get used to the new ways that some things work.
Where can I download the files to update my SX66 to WM5
I did try to search the fourm but can someone please send me the web link to where I can down load the files to upgrade my Cingular/Siemens SX66 to WM5?
Thank you and I have donate to BA***
mwheeler2 said:
I updated my SX66 to WM5 before the ROM was patched (by Mamaich)... and then spent the next few days working on the issues of performance/sound.
With sound disabled (prior to patch), the device was undoubtedly faster. I made registry changes to increase cache size, disable animations, etc. but I had made those changes in 2003SE as well... and WM5 still outperformed it by a significant margin.
As for the areas not dealing with speed/performance, the new OS requires some getting used to. Hardware buttons that are unassignable (old Windows and OK buttons are softkeys now) and a few other issues (such as GPRS on only when activated by Internet Explorer and Bluetooth shutdown on power off) were a little unnerving, but nothing that would make the OS unusable.
What makes WM5 indispensable is PERSISTENT STORAGE. This is the Holy Grail for all Windows Mobile devices prior to this OS. When your battery dies and your backup battery dies, you must re-load all of your aftermarket software and PIM info. Software such as Sprite Backup made this process easy... but what if you're mid-flight to another country without a laptop and your PDA crashes? This is not an issue with WM5. All after-market software and PIM data is stored to ROM (software install location is optional)... which means that it is stored in non-volatile memory. It is not lost during power/system failure. What this means in terms of device security is that the person that finds your PDA on your desk at work cannot simply "hard reset" it to remove all of your info and use it themselves... Your password/PIM data and software will still be secure/in place and only downgrading the device to 2003 and repartitioning the ROM will clear it.
At the moment, I have no issues with WM5 on my SX66. Editing the camera keys in the registry solved the issues with sound and there are plenty of patches available to reconfigure the hardware buttons, etc. But I'm learning to like the OS as shipped...
I've been using Windows Mobile for more than three years and this iteration is undoubtedly worth the upgrade. If you have the time and patience to read through these forums, make an installation checklist and then follow it to do the upgrade.
My checklist would read:
-Download patched WM2005 ROM
-Download MaUpgradeUT_NoID.exe
-Download all patch CABS
-Download DOC tool (Disk On Chip partition tool)
-Run DOC tool (if successful, the ROM size is now ~63MB in control panel)
-Copy and rename the HTCRUU.dll and HTCRUU.conf files to RUU.dll and RUU.conf
-Run MaUpgradeUT_NoID.exe (if the first try is unsuccessful, put device into bootloader mode. Rec/Media/Power/Reset all at once)
-After upgrade check functionality BEFORE applying any patches, there are as many differences between just SX66's as there are between all of the Blue Angel devices... some patches may NOT be required.
-Apply patch CAB's
-Apply registry edits suggested in the forums for performance improvement
I hope this enlightens those waiting to see the efficacy of this ROM upgrade. I have had a good experience with WM5, in spite of the initial problems. I'm happy with its performance and will not downgrade to 2003SE unless I screw up WM5 bad enough to make it necessary to re-partition the ROM... then I'll go right back to WM5.
Cheers all...
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Licenced Software CAB conversion

Does anyone know if you can take a piece of software that you have purchased in CAB format, with a Licence Key and change it into a package?
Since the software isn't OEM is it still the same method to create a package?
Any Takers?
This cant be to much of a hard question!!! can anyone answer? please
Tried it with Phone Alarm. sort of worked at the second attempt. But not quite. If I spent more time on it I reckon I could have got it to work but just don't have the time.
crazyC said:
Tried it with Phone Alarm. sort of worked at the second attempt. But not quite. If I spent more time on it I reckon I could have got it to work but just don't have the time.
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but you can actually do it? what do you do about the activation codes etc?
The code is probably just stored in the registry or a config file after you enter it, in which case just make an RGU in the package putting the right data into the right place.
Some software might encrypt the code.. but even then usually putting the right encrypted string in the right place will work.. You may have to have the owner information set exactly the same each time (as this may be hashed into the generated key) but this isnt a problem as you can set the owner information in the RGU as well.
If you get a program where you cannot track the installation to see what happens when entering serials etc.. try SKTracker.. you can use it to watch the ppc for changes to files, databases and registry and dump those changes for analysis... so you install it.. make a reference dump.. then install/register the app.. then dump again.. then compare to see what has changed.
Some apps it wont work with of course.. but i'd imagine for most it will be possible yes. The worst that happens is you have the app installed in trial mode.. and a text file burned to the ROM with the serials you have bought in it to re-register it when needed after a hard reset.
Yeah - SK tracker is fantastic. Generally it just involves exporting a reg key from your PPC and then putting it into the cab/package along with your owner name (in some cases).
All my licensed software has been set to install via cabs including the keys. Not found any that cannot be done this way.
Problems arise with more complicated installs that involve interfacing with the system. Just using the normal conversion process with the PA cab did not work, needed to run SK tracker and fix a load more reg entries that were changed by the instll prcess. Improved it but still had issues with no sounds etc. I must have missed something, and have temporarily given up. The cab only takes a minute to install anyway.

HTC Wizard/8125/(others) How-To....

As you can see below, it seems I have a lot to learn and the last thing I want to do is mislead n00b's like me. This was supposed to be an "easy" way to mod your HTC 8125 but unforunately you have to walk before run so I'm going to do more reading and hopefully I can help people like me who just want WM6 and an easy How-To to get this done. I'm going to keep the attachments as this may be useful, but the rest I'm removing.
Thanks again everyone for your constructive criticism. I will take everyone's advice and read more.
nnakao said:
Ok. So instead of posting a question, I figure I'd post a How-To.
Now I'm a n00b, so I did a lot of hunting these forums to get to where I needed to go. I will attempt to post all credits for work done at the end of the "How-To". If I miss anyone, send me an IM and I'll update the post.
First off, let me tell you what I have:
Cingular 8125 locked
CID Locked
G4 Version (look it up.... I forgot to document exactly)
Windows Mobile 5
T-Mobile 8125 Unlocked
CID Unlocked
ROM version: WWE
ROM date: 8/11/06
Radio version: 02.25.11
Protocol version:
XMA 6 r 3
Now you may be asking yourself "What?!?!?!?". Yeah, me too. To be perfectly honest, I have no idea what most of those means. Fortunately, if you're like me and just wanted to upgrade the damn thing from WM5 to WM6, you really don't need to know much more than the "Radio version" and SIM/CID Lock/Unlock.
Now for some terms. I've been searching this forum for some time and it took me a lot of asking and a lot of more searching to figure out what half the damn terms mean so I'll try to sum up what you'll need for this peticular procedure:
1. Wizard = The one of many names of the HTC 8125
2. nk.nbf = The image, or ROM, of the WM you want to use.
3. G3 = When you boot your HTC, it should say something like 2.xx.11. Any number less than 2.xx.11 is a G3 device. If I'm wrong, someone please let me know and I'll change it.
4. Brick = You got a useless phone! No No, that may not be true. Try searching the forums to recover from a phone that won't boot.... scared ya, didn't i?
5. (reserved for terms that I just can't think of that are important)
Ok. So let's get into what exactly I did to get to this point. Register for this forum to get the attached links).
1. Get the Lokiwiz02b/03a (attachments below)
2. Get SoftSPL or sSPL. For G4 users, this will temporarily allow your HTC Wizard/8125/(others) to be upgradable. I say temporary because G4 users only have 1 option (other than SPL) to unlock the CID and that's to pay like 40 bucks and if you're here, you probably don't/can't pay for it. It's a good work-around (attachments below) (
3. Get a ROM in which you want to use to upgrade from WM5 to WM6. Here is a good link given to me (credits at the end of the instructions): ( Think of a ROM as a Windows Install Disk, except it's virtual, not physical.
4. Get Active Sync 4.5. Google it and download it.
5. Get a Radio ROM (attachment below)
6. Get a mini-to-standard USB cable (for your phone.... did you get Active Sync 4.5 yet?)
Note: I've read that this process doesn't work for Windows Vista, but since I hate that damn OS, I don't have it and can't verify it doesn't work.
Ok. So now that you have all necessary tools, let's get started on the steps to SIM/CID unlock your phone. Why do you have to do both? I have no freakin' clue, but you do.
0. Unzip all .zip files (not .cab) to your computer (i.e. C:\Temp\HTC\(directory name).
1. Install ActiveSync 4.5 and connect your phone to your computer.
2. Copy the to your phone. You can use Windows Explorer to do this.
3. Run the on your computer.
4. Run the Lokiwiz.bat for LokiWiz02b.
5. Use "U." to SIM unlock.
5a. Do not do anything until your phone completely reboots!!!!
6. Run the LokiwizMsl.bat for LokiWiz03a. (Write down the PIN!!!!!)
6a. Do not do anything until your phone completely reboots!!!!
7. Check to see if you can use a different SIM card (if you have one).
8. Enter in the PIN you wrote down to unlock the Network.
Ok. Now we ca finally upgrade the OS/ROM/NBF to WM6.
0. Make sure you're phone is connected to the PC with Active Sync.
1. Copy the wanted nk.nbf/ROM/OS you downloaded to the SoftSPL-V0.1 directory.
2. Run the START-sSPL.exe
3. It will run throuth a RUU (ROM Update Utility) that you may or may not have seen before. Just check all the necessary boxes and "Next" your way through the wizard until it successfully updates your phone.
3a. Do not do anything until your phone completely reboots!!!!
That's it! Your phone is officially updated.... I/you/we hope....
First off, I'm going to list the linked sites and who was the original poster. Then I will list the people who've helped me.
1. the-equinoxe = sSPL
2. rudegar = helped with the terms and links to HTC Wizard info
3. ??? = I'm sorry but I don't remember where LokiWiz2-3 came from. I didn't bookmark it!!! dammit! If someone knows, let me know and I'll fill in the ???
If I have incorrectly said something in the above, please let me know immediately and I'll change it.
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this is all very confusing and misleading,
Sry to say but you,yourself are not correctly,clear about the whole process of differentiating between the G3 & G4 devices.
SIM/CID Unlocking/ method and upgrading a G3 and G4 are entirely different.
The procedure you have posted is mix up of both devices but not explained correctly.You have posted all tools for unlocking but have not given there description as which one is to be used for which device.
The upgrading method is also not correct,as I gather it's more like it's for G4 devices,you cannot do this method for G3 device,it's misleading here.
I'll advise you to first understand it all fully yourself,You still need a lot of reading to do and fully consume the process,rather posting a guide for Noobies!!!
Check Red markings for corrections
nnakao, I like your effort of putting in answers in the forum. However, as what I've experience so far, it isn't much of a use, in most cases (i.e. some people just do not search). However, nice effort.
Further, I would also like to ask you a favour (probably a copy paste job), to check with the wiki (i.e. this page, top portion, "XDA-Wiki"), to see if there are relavant section (under Wizard) on stuff that you've just mentioned. If
(a) they already exist, double check it and correct them if necessary
(b) if they do not exist, add in there. Usually, others will just point newbiew into there, easier than to find your thread.
you got errors will post later more errors if more but here are some
"3. G3 = When you boot your HTC, it should say something like 2.xx.11. Any number less than 2.xx.11 is a G3 device. If I'm wrong, someone please let me know and I'll change it."
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/
A G3 device has the ipl and spl 2.xx
A G4 device has the ipl and spl 2.xx.xx
Wizard = The one of many names of the Cingular 8125 (HTC Wizard)
Remember to post in big red letters "I am not Responsible for you bricking your device" and "That this is only for G4 devices" so post the difference of g4 and g3 on top.
After a couple of days of trying to search this forum for some basic explanation of some of the tools involved, I've come to the conclusion that it's next to impossible to find anything with the forum search engine.
The forum engine appears to filter out all three letter search terms, like ROM, IPL, SPL and NBF. Basically all the things I need to use as search terms get me nowhere. Put any one of those into the search box and you get no results, even though the forum is littered with references to them.
There are a couple of really useful threads, that have got me quite a long way, but I found them by searching the whole world with google, not by using the search engine in this forum. I'm sure plenty of other people have tried searching for the same information and just given up in despair.
Maybe some links to the correct information would have been more helpful than the criticism this thread received.
Here's quite a good place to start:
If anyone can add anything to help demystify the process of flashing phones and using this forum, I'd be grateful.
Yo, thanx anyway yo!

The opening of the Wave bootloader through FOTA

Hi everyone,
Many people have complained about the Wave bootloader being closed and that being major problem for the development of alternative OS.
I had a closer look at the booting process and would like to contribute my observations to the community. I shall have little time (next to none) to work on it further, so I'd like someone to take it from this point.
OK, that said I can introduce you to what I found:
The booting process starts with initialization of the hardware, interrupts, etc. and gets to the selection of the booting mode. This is the place that checks the key combination, JIG and possible problems. Basing on this the bootloader will run the phone in either normal boot mode, go to dowload or upload mode.
Normal boot shall start with checking the FOTA module. If you already tried flashing your phone you probably noticed that some versions of the FW include a file with *.fota extension. The file is unencrypted and not signed. It's about 2MB, but the bootloader reserves exactly 3MB for it. FOTA is intended to be used for firmware update over the air, but I know nothing about it being used for Wave. You may read something about the design and get a concept of that process here:
Basically, it is possible that boot would need to perform some actions that are a result of FOTA. Therefore, during the normal boot it reads the FOTA module from the NAND (0xC600000) and checks whether the module exists and is in the right version. That is done by checking a magic (text "FOTA_ENGINE_VER_INFO_2.0") under the 0xC600100. If it is found missing or incorrect you will end up with the message "FOTA Engine is not intalled" or "FOTA Engine version mismatch" on the screen and you will need to restart your phone in the download mode to load it.
After that, the code checks for additional magic values at 0xC880000. In case it is "BPDZ" it jumps to the code in the FOTA file. The contents of the file is loaded to RAM location 0x43800000 and executed from there.
I've made an experiment as a proof-of-concept and have a confirmed that the above is true and valid information. I crafted a FOTA file longer that the usual attached (to be bigger than 2,5 MB). In case you want to repeat that, remember that last 1024 bytes are not loaded and insert additional data before that. My file had two magic values:
"FOTA_ENGINE_VER_INFO_2.0" at 0x100 offset and "BPDZ" at 0x280000. At offset 0 I've placed my code that started with several NOPs (just in case) and code that called original bootloader functions to display text on the screen.
After loading the file with Multiloader, the message appeared on the screen as expected. Reloading of the original FOTA file made the phone boot normally.
The discovery opens wide area of possibilities starting with replacing bootloader without signing it or using JTAG, multiboot, etc.
As the original bootloader is in the memory as well, we can use it, but I would not recommend that approach as we would need additional version control and changing original routines and data addresses for each version.
OK. I hope I made it clear enough to understand, but I can clarify what I might have omitted in the description. The idea is that someone here would pick that up from where I finished and develop a decent loader leaving the original files (apart from FOTA) untouched.
Best Regards,
Edit: Added proof-of-concept FOTA file (based on XXJL2 FOTA). Use wisely - remember you take full responsibility for what you load on your phone. Works ONLY with XXJL2 bootloader.
Very interesting ... great job
My little knowledge/experiments...
Before I NEVER updated manually FOTA. I never seen any Errors like other user... with FOTA not installed or something similar.
Maybe reason is, because my testdevice has NO active SIM card, so no network...
I've tested examples from mijoma. On XXJL2 Boot...
Simple only flash FOTA with Multiloader.
At your own risk. Not all sideeffects known.
I had NO problems.
Results... I can't see any special after Flashing. But I can go through internal menu, see Pictures.
Normally I have more messages... but with modified FOTA Wave restarts. So the way is correct.
Delta files are sometimes in Firmware also with Boot... I will add next Link to what I found about Delta files...
Delta Files are part of FOTA concept...
Depend on Firmware... Software update... but sometimes is this point removed and I can't login, because no network...
In other words, I have to start FOTA over this internal menu to see that it is doing something.
Best Regards
I think you are testing the previous version. Could you confirm you are using mod version 2?
Best Regards,
You are right, not tested yet. Only prior Version.
I will test today mod2 and report later.
I have to flash back to XXJL2... as I play actual on Orange JE7.
Thank you.
Best Regards
YT: watch?v=A35k3E1F1O4
It's working....
Best regards.
Amazing job dude. It seems like this could help us to change booting stuff
Nice work mijoma !!!
I can confirm it works.
Now I see the same like on this Video:
Thanx jedil1 for Link.
Sorry mijoma.
I have no idea where I made mistake...
This time my first Test was Full Flash (without Boot)...
Second only FOTA and it works too... Original, then yours...
If you flash "Full", then you interrupt the Index process at Start, where Blue Screen shows...
Best Regards
Great job!!!
And my opinion,this is a single way to starting full working android on s8500,
because we need to initialize the modem at bootloader stage for fuel gauge.
i temporary use modem from m130k without fuel gauge.
Few Firmware packages have Delta files:
Around 16 MB...
If I use Google for "Delta Files FOTA"... then I can also find this:
What we also can do with this Security hole:
- maybe "move" folder System to SD or internal Memory, to have no more problems with RC1
- maybe someone is smart enough, to integrate Dump Function for Dump whole RAM or moviNAND... like JTAG
See Upload function...
Best Regards
adfree said:
- maybe someone is smart enough, to integrate Dump Function for Dump whole RAM or moviNAND... like JTAG
See Upload function...
Best Regards
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I think that Samsung have thought of that already. I had not analysed that as so far, but there's UPLOAD option in the bootloader (handled by a bit separate code from DLOAD). I haven't got the wave, so I never tested it.
You can make a patch on my mod and place a direct jump to that code. I've made a quick patch so you can try it out. I don't know whether there's any software that can handle that mode. I've made a look and there are several funny commands that can be used:
Remember that this time we're dealing with some real functionality of the bootloader and that may have some consequences so use on your own risk.
Best Regards,
Edit: Sorry if anyone tried loading it. By mistake I've used addressing from XXJEE. I've changed the name to represent what it was and added a correct file for XXJL2 bootloader
Upload to PC is in combination with Debug Mode higher then Low...
After you see Bluescreen with very interesting infos you can press Button, then Upload to PC on Screen. But I don't know how to catch Data, as no COM Port is visible.
Now I know where I made big mistake.
First tests I used XEKC2 Firmware with XXJL2 Bootloader, as I thought its only Bootloader related. Sorry.
My fault.
So there must be more then Bootloader from XXJL2 in handset, to run successfully FOTA Mod2.
About new Mod with Upload, I will investigate this time better, before I'll report.
Thank you.
Best Regards
We need to get this guy a wave to test stuff on! Who wants to donate theirs ha
sabianadmin said:
We need to get this guy a wave to test stuff on! Who wants to donate theirs ha
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It may have sounded like a joke, but I second that....
He's seems trustworthy and very capable of being sucessful Just like adfree, oleg_k and other guys over there.
I have my paypal account limited but in 1 month I'll b able to donate maybe 20€
Thanks guys, but I don't think it's necessary.
I do it for fun - don't need any other gratification. Wave got me interested with the effort the manufacturer put trying to keep it closed. I don't need a handset to disassemble the bootloader.
The question is more would you like a wave for you're efforts as otherwise you really won't be able to benefit from you're own work when we have meego, android, webOS etc booting on the Wave. Theres no extra pressure, sure you have already done the trickiest part of the work.
No, I'm being completely honest here. I find this rather a weird form of relax than work.
Wave is a nice phone and I think I'm going to get myself one, but I don't expect a gift.
mijoma said:
Wave is a nice phone and I think I'm going to get myself one, but I don't expect a gift.
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You are a champ, buddy
Good luck !
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