Sliding Panel Help - HTC Excalibur

Newbie here. I'm trying to modify the sliding panel media homescreen.xml file. My question is more for the general xml programming. Is there a way to include a "plugin clsid" within a "plugin clsid"?
See the attached xml file. There's "CCustomPlugin" section where you can create your own panel. I'm using Good mobile messaging and i want to be able to add the Good mobile email and unread email plugin.
Thanks in advance for your help!

Actually, to add a new panel, you need to add a new dir(name of you choice) in your reg under chome. Under the new dir, copy all of the info from CWelcomeCenter panel into it. Then you can modify all the values(text,picture,url) to what ever you want. No need to change xml except since you have a list of plugins in there(cclock,chome,etc), you need to add it to the list. Once you created the dir, with copied info in it, you could use chome configurator to modify the values(easier).

showaco said:
Actually, to add a new panel, you need to add a new dir(name of you choice) in your reg under chome. Under the new dir, copy all of the info from CWelcomeCenter panel into it. Then you can modify all the values(text,picture,url) to what ever you want. No need to change xml except since you have a list of plugins in there(cclock,chome,etc), you need to add it to the list. Once you created the dir, with copied info in it, you could use chome configurator to modify the values(easier).
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Thanks Showaco. Does the method you described allow me to add a plugin as well? What i want to do is this. I want to add a panel with a program (exe file). This program also comes with a plugin clsid that shows my online status. So the end product would be an icon, the program name, and my online status. I think the method your prescribed only would allow me to add the program and the description of the program. But not the plugin clsid...

Showaco didn't understand what you're trying to do. Let me explain...
In the homescreen xml file you can ONLY have two plugins (in the sliding panels configuration). One being CHome and another being the 20 pixels at the top. The top plugin can be anything... 99% of the time it's the iconbar, of course. People like rinku have made different plugins that show different information up there, but.. you lose the iconbar. So, to wrape it up, you can replace the icon bar GUID in the XML with your plugin's GUID(and settings) and have it show up at the top. BUT, you lose the icon bar.. and that's a NO NO if you ask me

I gotcha now, I didn't know realtime data involved. The only way I know is to use testuiplugin panel, but it would only work if the info that you want to display is written somewhere in the registry. Does the email program write info to the reg already?

I understand. So you can't have another plugin within CHOME..that sucks and makes what I want to do harder.
What I'm using is Good Mobile Messaging. I assume this program already writes to the registy? It would be perfect if I can just replace the CCalendar with GoodCalendar and CMessaging with GoodEmail.


sliding panel my faves and my photos question

hi. im runnin the latest rom by kavana and im very pleased with it but i have a couple questions.
1)how do i set the my pictures panel to read the pictures stored in my memory card
2)how do i add the my faves (if this panel is for the most used apps) or how do i add my own custom panel with the apps i used the most.
i've been looking around the registry and all i found was a few registries related to all the plug ins but none of them related to the folder where the panel reads the photos from.
There are all the plug ins a few of them whith a key nemd disable like myfaves, cwindowslive and ctestplugin and i was wondering if i remove this key will they be active? well i let the experts show me the rigth way to show my pics from my storage card and to visualiize a new panel with the recent used apps.
thanks in advance
kurtslashmx said:
hi. im runnin the latest rom by kavana and im very pleased with it but i have a couple questions.
1)how do i set the my pictures panel to read the pictures stored in my memory card
2)how do i add the my faves (if this panel is for the most used apps) or how do i add my own custom panel with the apps i used the most.
i've been looking around the registry and all i found was a few registries related to all the plug ins but none of them related to the folder where the panel reads the photos from.
There are all the plug ins a few of them whith a key nemd disable like myfaves, cwindowslive and ctestplugin and i was wondering if i remove this key will they be active? well i let the experts show me the rigth way to show my pics from my storage card and to visualiize a new panel with the recent used apps.
thanks in advance
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1. Read this post
Originally Posted by kavana
path of the picture folder is regular in chome.dll we can't change it only if hack chome.dll
supported folders are:
\Storage Card\DCIM
\Storage Card\Pictures
\My Documents\My Pictures
The new version of HTC camera store pictures in \Storage Card\DCIM,but we can't use the new version of HTC camera cause it's for 200Mpx camera.
Maybe next time I'll hack the chome.dll,to make it support \Storage Card\My Documents\My Pictures,maybe i'll success...
So basically we have to hack the .dll to support the location that our camera store the photos when using Storage Card for the location, or move the photos once they are taken into one of the above folders.
2. We are all coming to grips with the new Sliding Panel XML schema, and how to manipulate it. try a few things and post back your results!
please post results im tryna find out the same thing about the my faves and most used programs yo
kurtslashmx said:
hi. im runnin the latest rom by kavana and im very pleased with it but i have a couple questions.
1)how do i set the my pictures panel to read the pictures stored in my memory card
2)how do i add the my faves (if this panel is for the most used apps) or how do i add my own custom panel with the apps i used the most.
i've been looking around the registry and all i found was a few registries related to all the plug ins but none of them related to the folder where the panel reads the photos from.
There are all the plug ins a few of them whith a key nemd disable like myfaves, cwindowslive and ctestplugin and i was wondering if i remove this key will they be active? well i let the experts show me the rigth way to show my pics from my storage card and to visualiize a new panel with the recent used apps.
thanks in advance
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Download CHome Configurator by tlogix. It'll allow you to edit the 'Getting Started' (Welcome Center) panels. You can edit each panel to display the text and icons you want it to. You can also get them to go to the correct program of your choice upon clicking the center button. Each panel is broken up into 'pages'. Each page is a separate panel. (ALL OF THIS CAN ALSO BE DONE IN THE REGISTRY EDITOR)
ACTIONURL: This will take you to whatever program you want the panel to open. You must enter the correct target file address. (ex. \windows\start menu\java.lnk)
Soft Key 2 Text: Displays the wording you'd like the right softkey to show. (ex. View All)
Soft Key 2 URL: Works the same as the ACTIONURL, but is activated by clicking the right softkey instead of the panel itself. Re-enter the same address you entered in the ACTIONURL.
PICTURES: This is the large icon that's displayed in the panel. It'll need you to put in an address for the target icon. (ex. \windows\icons\camera.png)
The rest of the options should be self-explanatory. If you have any questions, just post them or PM. Hopefully I or someone else can help!
REMEMBER: These steps must be done for EACH 'page' (panel).
You RULE!!!!!!
Very helpful person, you are. (Yoda joke)
outerdepth said:
You RULE!!!!!!
Very helpful person, you are. (Yoda joke)
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Thanks, man. You guys help me when I have questions, so I just do the same when I can!

Chome Panel Chooser

Hey guys. Whipped this thing up to help people choose the panels that can be displayed on the homescreen. So far it only contains 7 entries, the ones I found on my phone. You can turn the panels off or on, by selecting a panel and typing it "off" or "on" respectively. After you make the changes, you need to reboot to see the changes. The last option will make that easier for you. Choose "Reboot", type "yes" and it will reboot for you. Let me know if there's any other panel names you would like me to add, or if you find any bugs. Thanks!
Look good but isn't this just like the chome settings (neoOrder) that is in Rockys ROM where you can enable and disable the windows you want and change which position they are in on the screen?
Clydeisthe**** said:
Look good but isn't this just like the chome settings (neoOrder) that is in Rockys ROM where you can enable and disable the windows you want and change which position they are in on the screen?
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Everyone isn't running rickwyatt's ROM. Some are still with Kavana's. Like me.
Rip Syntaxx said:
Everyone isn't running rickwyatt's ROM. Some are still with Kavana's. Like me.
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ohh ok I didn't know that it wasn't in Kavana's ROM I have never flashed one of his just Rickys .. my bad
Clydeisthe**** said:
ohh ok I didn't know that it wasn't in Kavana's ROM I have never flashed one of his just Rickys .. my bad
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To Clyde: It's cool. Contrary to popular belief, there are still some users that are on Kavana's ROMs. lol I have no problem with rickwyatt's, but I found them to have too many apps and tweaks that I found unnecessary for me personally.
To Org (and anyone who'll listen): This is great idea for those who aren't quite comfortable with editing their .xml files to rearrange the slider panels (like me)! I've noticed that many users have a panel called "My Programs". What do I need to do to create this? I think it's a really useful tool to "slide" straight through the programs you use on a regular basis. I've already read tons of posts on this, but it's not registering. Thanks in advance, guys.
It's difficult to sit here and do a step by step, but I'll point you in the right direction and answer your questions later.
1) Download a registry editor or use the one on the phone.
2) First off, keep in mind there's TWO places in the registry where you need to make changes. One is HKLM\Security\Chome\DefaultSettings\CWelcomeCenter and HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Chome\CWelcomeCenter
3) Look for a key that says "Disabled" and make sure it doesn't say "1". Or use my utility to turn the welcome center on.
4) When you're in the registry you'll find Page1, Page2, Page3 etc etc in both places. Each Page represents ONE slide. For each page you can makes changes such as... ACTIONURL is the path to the program you want to execute when hitting the middle button. for example "\program files\NRG\Chomeweathersettings\weather.exe" will run the weather program
SK2URL is the same, but for the right softkey. SK2Text is a label for that softkey. The "pictures" key points to the .png file you will be using as an icon for your program. Right now it probably says "2500". Change it to "\windows\weather.png" and you'll get the weather icon in its place, for example. The Title text is self descriptive... put in whatever you want the title of the slide to be.
I hope you can figure it out from here
OrganicM said:
It's difficult to sit here and do a step by step, but I'll point you in the right direction and answer your questions later.
1) Download a registry editor or use the one on the phone.
2) First off, keep in mind there's TWO places in the registry where you need to make changes. One is HKLM\Security\Chome\DefaultSettings\CWelcomeCenter and HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Chome\CWelcomeCenter
3) Look for a key that says "Disabled" and make sure it doesn't say "1". Or use my utility to turn the welcome center on.
4) When you're in the registry you'll find Page1, Page2, Page3 etc etc in both places. Each Page represents ONE slide. For each page you can makes changes such as... ACTIONURL is the path to the program you want to execute when hitting the middle button. for example "\program files\NRG\Chomeweathersettings\weather.exe" will run the weather program
SK2URL is the same, but for the right softkey. SK2Text is a label for that softkey. The "pictures" key points to the .png file you will be using as an icon for your program. Right now it probably says "2500". Change it to "\windows\weather.png" and you'll get the weather icon in its place, for example. The Title text is self descriptive... put in whatever you want the title of the slide to be.
I hope you can figure it out from here
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Thanks a bunch, man. I'm gonna finagle with this as soon as I get off.
OrganicM said:
It's difficult to sit here and do a step by step, but I'll point you in the right direction and answer your questions later.
1) Download a registry editor or use the one on the phone.
2) First off, keep in mind there's TWO places in the registry where you need to make changes. One is HKLM\Security\Chome\DefaultSettings\CWelcomeCenter and HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Chome\CWelcomeCenter
3) Look for a key that says "Disabled" and make sure it doesn't say "1". Or use my utility to turn the welcome center on.
4) When you're in the registry you'll find Page1, Page2, Page3 etc etc in both places. Each Page represents ONE slide. For each page you can makes changes such as... ACTIONURL is the path to the program you want to execute when hitting the middle button. for example "\program files\NRG\Chomeweathersettings\weather.exe" will run the weather program
SK2URL is the same, but for the right softkey. SK2Text is a label for that softkey. The "pictures" key points to the .png file you will be using as an icon for your program. Right now it probably says "2500". Change it to "\windows\weather.png" and you'll get the weather icon in its place, for example. The Title text is self descriptive... put in whatever you want the title of the slide to be.
I hope you can figure it out from here
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I'm understanding how to read the code. Thanks for breaking it down. I'm just having trouble finding the .pngs for my icons and also (noob moment) finding the target file for certain applications. It's keeping me from being able to input the file address for ACTIONURL and SK2URL.
Not Hard to Find
Just think of your program, "Where is it stored?"
That should be your only question when finding your target file. That simple, you should look in your Program Files directory on your phone or you storage card, that will then tell you where the link is.
2ndly, you can find other programs in your startup folder. They will be listed in link format, but this is fine, the link can be treated basically as the exact file itself (as far as your phone is concerned).
Long story short, use these locations for your entries for ACTIONURL and SK2URL. Have a blast!
Rip Syntaxx said:
I'm understanding how to read the code. Thanks for breaking it down. I'm just having trouble finding the .pngs for my icons and also (noob moment) finding the target file for certain applications. It's keeping me from being able to input the file address for ACTIONURL and SK2URL.
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outerdepth said:
Just think of your program, "Where is it stored?"
That should be your only question when finding your target file. That simple, you should look in your Program Files directory on your phone or you storage card, that will then tell you where the link is.
2ndly, you can find other programs in your startup folder. They will be listed in link format, but this is fine, the link can be treated basically as the exact file itself (as far as your phone is concerned).
Long story short, use these locations for your entries for ACTIONURL and SK2URL. Have a blast!
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Thanks, OD. I've figured out the file locations and such. I just need to know where you guys edit the .pngs for icons. I've found some icons, but they sucketh. I want them glossy and polished looking like the default icons.
By "where" , I assume you mean what programs do we use?
I use Photoshop do edit my pngs. I think other, cheaper software is available. Don't quote me on that. Photoshop can also be attained other "ways" (cough,cough).
Anyways, you can easily mod any pictures, turn them into anything you want, .png,.tga,.gif,etc. Look around.
Rip Syntaxx said:
Thanks, OD. I've figured out the file locations and such. I just need to know where you guys edit the .pngs for icons. I've found some icons, but they sucketh. I want them glossy and polished looking like the default icons.
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outerdepth said:
By "where" , I assume you mean what programs do we use?
I use Photoshop do edit my pngs. I think other, cheaper software is available. Don't quote me on that. Photoshop can also be attained other "ways" (cough,cough).
Anyways, you can easily mod any pictures, turn them into anything you want, .png,.tga,.gif,etc. Look around.
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I understand how to make any pic a .png, .jpg, .gif, etc... It's not the icons that I need, but rather, the program. I'll search for "alternate" ways to get photoshop. lol
Rinku has a pretty good description on how to add CProgs on his blog. It at the bottom of the page.
Thanks guys for all your help and input! I've figured it out, and in the process figured out how to change the small icons in the upper lefthand corner of the panels as well. It's kinda tedious at first, but once you get the hang of it--it's not bad.
Rip Syntaxx said:
Thanks guys for all your help and input! I've figured it out, and in the process figured out how to change the small icons in the upper lefthand corner of the panels as well. It's kinda tedious at first, but once you get the hang of it--it's not bad.
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For photo edtiting, i use GIMP,,,, it's the same program i used to modify the yahoo weather icons for ORG...... it's free and works just as well as photoshop CS3.
Go here if you want to try.
pudgedaddy said:
For photo edtiting, i use GIMP,,,, it's the same program i used to modify the yahoo weather icons for ORG...... it's free and works just as well as photoshop CS3.
Go here if you want to try.
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Thanks, Pudgemeister. I'll check it out.
pudgedaddy said:
For photo edtiting, i use GIMP,,,, it's the same program i used to modify the yahoo weather icons for ORG...... it's free and works just as well as photoshop CS3.
Go here if you want to try.
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I used GIMP for my icons, it was easy and I think they turned out quite nice. Here are a few that I found/made they all have transparent backgrounds. Feel free to use which ever you like.
A few more
Editing Slider Panels
Does anyone know the default setting for this registry key: \HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CHome\CMessage\ICONPATHS? I changed it trying to change the condensed icon (upper lefthand corner) for the message notifications panel. Instead, my weather panel's icon was changed. What're the default values for the key? (ex. 2xxx;2xxx)
It is 2201;2201

How To: Customize the Sliding Panels Homescreen

This was from the windows mobile team blog. More to follow but wanted to post it for those who don't read that.
Original link:
Customizing the Sliding Panel Homescreen
from Windows Mobile Team Blog by Jorge Peraza
Hi, my name is Jorge Peraza; I am a Developer on the Windows Mobile team that was responsible for the new “Sliding Panel” home screen in Windows Mobile 6.1.
When we were working on the visual style and functionality of the home screen we tried to make something that looked both professional and appealing while still showcasing all the information the user is going to need to know what’s important and requires attention. While I think the default design looks really cool, we added some customization features to enable users to make it their own.
Customizing the layout
The home screen layout can be modified using the same home.xml file from previous versions of WM, the schema of the file was extended to allow the customization of many of its elements, this includes the art assets that are used for most of the plug-ins.
When you open the SlidingPanel.home.xml file (inside \ApplicationData\Home) you will find the plug-in element that corresponds to the sliding panel home screen (its CLSID is {E9267CAB-02EE-4f37-8216-6BF6A8FF5A71}). All the child elements inside it are designed to tweak and customize the way the home screen will look.
The top level element is the plugins tag, this has one attribute called “Order” and it’s used to list the plug-ins that will be shown and the order they are going to be laid out on the screen.
The built in plug-in names are:
1)CClock – The big clock
2)CAppointments - The calendar plugin
3)CHome – The notifications plugin
4)CMyPhotos – The photos plugin
5)CMessage – The message center (this is off by default on all sliding panel built in layouts.
6)CMusic – The music plugin
7)Settings – The settings plug-in
8)Custom Plugin – Users can specify custom plug-ins with static content that can be displayed on the home screen.
For example, the XML snippet bellow moves the photos plug-in to the first position and enables the message center (which is turned off by default on both "Sliding Panel" and "Sliding Panel Media")
<plugin clsid="{E9267CAB-02EE-4f37-8216-6BF6A8FF5A71}" name="Bronze" height="266">
<Plugins Order="CMyPhotos;CClock;CMessage" />
There are many other ways of customizing the home screen using the plug-in settings like overriding the default images or even adding your own custom plug-ins that display static content, I'll post and updated entry latter on on how to do this in detail but for now, you can use the provided home.xml files to start experimenting with this.
The notifications plug-in and message center
In the sliding panel home screen, the notifications plug-in by default serves as a dual-purpose notifications/gateway to all you phone/message accounts where every page represents one account (so, if you have multiple notifications in one category they will be shown as one summary page).
There is however an alternative behavior where individual notifications are added as independent pages (Similar to what the T-Mobile shadow home screen does) and the plug-in only shows accounts that have new notifications in them. One cool feature of this alternate behavior is that each individual notification can be dismissed without having to leave the home screen.
You can enable this alternative behavior by setting the following registry key to a value other than 2 (The actual value indicates how many pages of each notification type will be added to the home screen before collapsing them into a summary page. We have tested 2 and 5 but feel free to experiment with other values)
PageCollapseThreshold: DWORD
Note that this prevents you from being able to access the email/phone account data if there are no notifications for it. If you still want to be able to do that you can always re-enable the message center as described in the previous section as a separate plug-in.
There is one more behavioral change you can make that allows you to “dock” the condensed view of the first plug-in to the top of the screen when it is not active, we added this for people like me that want to have the clock always visible. To enable just set the following registry key to “1”
DockOperatorBar: DWORD
Advanced layout modification
There are even more advanced things you can do to further tweak the look of the home screen but it is unsupported by Microsoft at this moment so you’ll have to experiment on your own J (Hint, look at the following files \windows\CHome_240x320.cpr and \windows\CHome_320x240.cpr).
Thanks to djNutz for posting this information & OrganicM for his efforts.
I wanted to create a post with info about what the different keys do in the CHome section of the registry. So, I'll start with a brand new one, that I bet nobody knows about....
PageCollapseThreshold: 2 or 5 (DWORD Value)
This will collapse your Notifications panel to only show active notifications. You can enable this alternative behavior by setting the following registry key to a value other than 2 (The actual value indicates how many pages of each notification type will be added to the home screen before collapsing them into a summary page. 2 and 5 were tested and work pretty well.
More to come of course....
should this change be made to the security section too, or does that matter? actually, do changes to the security section ever matter, cause they seem to apply even when you only edit the software section.
i'm pretty sure people are gonna ask, so maybe i'll save some trouble instead of looking like an ass by answering preemptively. This DWORD value must be created with your registry editor, it's not already there, at least on ricky v24.
2 = default or normal (i assume cause it looks the same as before) and 5 = condensed.
But for the rest of us who don't have the time to be on every WM blog and forum at once here's my favorite:
To “dock” the condensed view of the first plug-in to the top of the screen when it is not active, set the following registry key to “1”
DockOperatorBar: DWORD
This is so you can have the clock always visible, no matter which panel you're on. You could also set it so that CHome Weather's compact view is always on top. Whatever plugin is first on the list.
More info from MS coming down the pipe:
We can get the day of the week on the clock plugin at the top of CHome by doing this:
Replace this portion...
<!-- Date --> <Text ID="Date" Left="180" Top="83" Width="110" Height="19" FontFamily="Segoe Condensed" FontSize="9" FontStyle="Bold" Wrap="False" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter"></Text>
With this!
<!-- Date -->
<Text ID="Date" Left="180" Top="83" Width="110" Height="19" FontFamily="Segoe Condensed" FontSize="9" FontStyle="Bold" Wrap="False" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter"></Text>
<Text ID="Day of Week" Left="65" Top="83" Width="110" Height="19" FontFamily="Segoe Condensed" FontSize="9" FontStyle="Bold" Wrap="False" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter"></Text>
I will incorporate this in Chome Weather fore sure!
Here you go, the first is my Home
2nd is Scroll Down once
3rd is Scroll Down twice
4th is Scroll Down Thrice
Edit: Tried Month in cpr, no luck.
will keep trying
I'm glad people are finally getting this information out. It makes customization that much easier. I'm adding the tips to the wiki as well, as they come out.
How to Reload the Homescreen
I have two questions:
1. After editing my CHome cpr file, how do I reload the homescreen without having to reboot the device?
2. How can I show any text on the clock panel? Regular text is defined by Text ID = "xxxxx", where xxxxx is something like Time, Network Name, etc. However, suppose I want to have the text "Knowledge Rules", how do I set it up in XML?
I have very little programming and Excalibur experience. So, I apologize if these questions are too naive or have been answered before.
Thanks a lot in advance.
you can use this if you dont use OrganicM Chome Weather
I don't think Microsoft has put out much documentation on the sliding panels plugin yet. Most of the CHome configurations use
TextID="text 1"
as the delimiter for static text. But that's not to say that the clock plugin will recognize that as a valid section. Could work. Could make your phone useless.
beartard said:
I don't think Microsoft has put out much documentation on the sliding panels plugin yet. Most of the CHome configurations use
TextID="text 1"
as the delimiter for static text. But that's not to say that the clock plugin will recognize that as a valid section. Could work. Could make your phone useless.
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I do not understand. How do I make the phone know that:
text 1 = Knowledge Rules?
Typical syntax seems to be Text ID = "xxxx", where xxxx is a variable name, which is recognized by the device. If Text 1 is a valid variable for the device, how do I assign it a value? Am I rambling here?
No, you're not rambling. As far as the information coming from Microsoft and disseminated here on this site goes, it's a best guess right now.
someone at msdn blog asked the same question.
Someone at msdn blog asked the same question. Let's wait to see if we get an answer from there...
"Jorgeba, thanks for taking the time to educate your user. I have some questions.
How do you change the text in the condense clock? The .cpr file has Text ID="Text 1". How is "Text 1" define? I would love to add the date to the condense layout.
The ActionURL and Softkey2 URL in the Appointments plug-in always open calendar in the today view. Is there a way to make one of the button opens calendar in the month view? Setting the default view for calendar does not help."
Easy as pie......
If you know what you are doing.
If you have any xml experience,then you'll know how to adjust x and y values to position things in different places. Yes, you can do that. Just change x=whatever and y=whatever to where you would like them to be. Just know this means that it will start on the left and move x pixels over and y pixels down. If you put in negative values, it will shift them in the opposite direction.
Eg. x=-whatever will move it to the left vs a + value which will move it to the right. Same for y=
Also, you can adjust the valignment and halignment to center, left, or right.
Have fun with these. They apply to everything in your cpr (That's the layout for your homescreen.It's in your \Windows directory on your phone).I mean everything, from where your network displays, right down to your pictures.
That's it. Have fun!
jaymit said:
Sorry Im kind of a newbie :s, is it possible to edit home screen panels? I wanted to change the layout and look of the clock plugin.
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Does anybody know how to change font color for certain panels or certain lines of text in the panel? Is it only possible for the whole homescreen?
As far as I know even as far as old xml coding works, you can only change a font color for a selected word or unselected word. Meaning, if you have the old 6.0 your plugins that are selected could have a different color, but unselected could be another color. This applied to the entire homescreen. I have not seen different colors for different plugins, since each panel style is basically its own plugin (each has its own unique GUID), then I doubt you can change font color for each plugin. You can more than likely only change the active selected panel and inactive panel fonts. I am not sure what their titles are in the cpr, but I know that in the old 6.0, the homecolor was one of the fonts colors and the other was called something else.
Eventhough this is 6.1, it doesn't look like much has changed as far as the fonts color goes. You could, however, always try adding a "fontcolor=" command in the cpr and a hex code and try it, to see if it works.
Hope this helps.
Edit your registry or get CHome Config
Both do the same thing. You want to change the plugin order for CHome. It's located in HKLM\Security\CHome\Default Settings and in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CHome. Edit the order you want your plugins to go. Reboot your phone and the new edits should be reflected in your homescreen layout. If you are having trouble cause this is new. Just search this thread for CHome Configurator. It's stickied at the top of this forum. Download it and it will let you select the order in a much easier way. Make sure you reboot, though, or else your changes won't show. Hope this fixes your problem. Later.
tae-xda said:
How to change the default location for where the CMyPhotos plugin
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rollingondubs1 said:
I have that already, All my games are under a folder which i cant make it as a action url
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try this
"ACTIONURL" = "\Windows\Start Menu\Games\xxxxx xxxx.lnk
or this
"ACTIONURL" = "\windows\fexplore.exe; \windows\start menu\games"
Yes you can
One last time, I think I've figured out how to help you.
1. Open Chome Config.
2. Scroll to MyApplication and select it with your center button.
3. Scroll to any page you want to edit. Then scroll down to where it says ActionURL. Press menu.
4. Once in the menu select the "1 Change URL" item.
5. Once you have selected that it will take you to a file explorer. Go to \Windows\Start Menu\Games. This is where your games should be. If not, then wherever you store, your games, navigate yourself to that folder and select the file you want.
I think this should cover it. Hope this solved your problem. HOLLA!!!!
rollingondubs1 said:
I have that already, All my games are under a folder which i cant make it as a action url
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How to change the location of CMyPhoto to \Storage Card\My Documents\My Picturs

CHECK OUT NEW WEATHER APP & THREAD! (This Thread Retired) ODSHOWeather.CAB (8-07-08)

CHECK OUT NEW WEATHER APP & THREAD! (This Thread Retired) ODSHOWeather.CAB (8-07-08)
**Note**Thnx to Rafer,NRG/Z28,Pudgedaddy, Luckybandit!!!
Updated: (7-08-2008) ODSHOWeather v1.0.2b (8:37 p.m.)
Please read all instructions before posting. Thanks.
Showaco, I are happy to bring you what will be one of the final installments of the weather panel. I have worked on testing this thing for a while. The new addition is the radar page to the forecast panel. This includes a new app that is included in the cab. It's called Weather Radar. It is located as your right soft key link. Just click it from your phone to set it up. This is a separate app that runs in our panel, but is not required to use the panel at all. I just included this, because it is frickin' sweet. Just input your location and it shows an updated radar image for your area that is updated by the NOAA every 6 minutes. Trust me, if you work outside for a living, this is a godsend.
Like I said, this weather radar app is not part of our weather update or any panels display properties or anything, it is simply a link to a separate (yet related) app. That's all.
With that being said. This radar page is pretty sweet. Follow the instructions below to make sure your clock weather, forecast panel, AND radar are setup properly, before you use this. Hope you enjoy, there are 4 wavs for you to check out as updated voice messages. There are 4 panel borders that you could display. You have an option for now forecast panel (lite version) and an option to display a forecast panel (full version).
Look at the 3rd url below, in it is a zip that you can use to replace your digits in your clock panel. The digits1 are the originals, the digits 2 are the HTC Diamond Font numbers. If you are curious as to what they look like, just search HTC Diamond. Luckybandit posted these, so thanks to him. In order to have these display, just rename either folder to digits and drop it in your \Program Files\Outerdepth\KPWeather folder. They will overwrite the ones you have, but don't worry, I have supplied you with both. They will not completely show up until the forecast panel update has run, so set your fupdate value to 1 in your reg, and then run the update. The location in your reg is HKLM Software\Outerdepth\KPWeather.
Lastly, we do have a banner, so you can also edit your banner's display text. It is located in the options menu as well. It will be displayed in the scrolling texts in your clock panel. ENJOY!!!!!
1. Download cab from link below.
2. Copy cab to smartphone. Using explorer or Total Commander, click on the
cab. It will install. If you have downloaded the cab before, don't
worry about uninstalling it, it will do all the work itself. That's it. All installations are done.
3. Go to your weather options and set them up. Do all of the options, if you want or expect all of the features to work!!
4. Run Weather Update. It will write your forecast panel and radar. That's it.
Link: Updated (7-07-2008) (8:37 p.m.) 3 Direct Link Downloads !!
URL #1: the ODSHOWeather NO RADAR Showaco Productions ODSHOWeather
URL #2: the ODSHOWeather RADAR FOR YOUR PHONE!! Showaco Productions ODSHOWeather
URL #3: the extra digits you can replace in your panels!!!
For our wavs, we have male, female, and even ones for our Latino(a) compadres!!!!
More Links
Here's links to a blackjack site:
and a moto q site:
Here's the original 320x240 sliding panel cpr file for anyone who needs it to remove cclock weather and fat panels.
Looks nice! I'll have to try it out soon.
Looks great
The thumbnails look great. I have a couple of questions:
1. Looks like you are using the fat panels. Is it possible to use just a fat panel for this, and slim panels for the rest of the panels?
2. Will you be posting a cab anytime soon that automates the installation?
Great job
Can't wait to load your app on my Excalibur and try it out but I am at work and need to wait until I get home since you do not have a cab file.
Looks great but !!!! Even though I have added quite a few things to my phone your installation instructions are beyond my knowledge.
Step #4? More explanation needed. Are these registry files. Are they exe files? Where do I copy them and how do I run them.
Also, one other thing that I would like you to include. When you include the new option of radar, can we choose our own radar. The local TV station has an great radar screen for mobile phones that I would like to use.
Thank for all your work,
debabratadey said:
The thumbnails look great. I have a couple of questions:
1. Looks like you are using the fat panels. Is it possible to use just a fat panel for this, and slim panels for the rest of the panels?
2. Will you be posting a cab anytime soon that automates the installation?
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1. In sliding panels, as of now, all panels must be same size, no exceptions. But if there is interest, it is possible to kinda create the illusion of different size panels using panel backgrounds.
2. We hope to have cab up in a few days.
tf442 said:
Can't wait to load your app on my Excalibur and try it out but I am at work and need to wait until I get home since you do not have a cab file.
Looks great but !!!! Even though I have added quite a few things to my phone your installation instructions are beyond my knowledge.
Step #4? More explanation needed. Are these registry files. Are they exe files? Where do I copy them and how do I run them.
Also, one other thing that I would like you to include. When you include the new option of radar, can we choose our own radar. The local TV station has an great radar screen for mobile phones that I would like to use.
Thank for all your work,
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To run the reg files, you need to use a reg editor, I use resco explorer which does a great job but there are others.
As for as radar, It is possible to use custom radar, but that isn't the way we were headed right now. But we will consider it.
thats sweet.....its goin on mine as soon as I get home
The one thing I might like to add it that if you have any issues after uninstalling NRG's Chome Weather , where it gives a whie screen with an error unable to find weather.exe it's because it's still stuck in your notifications queue. Run Sktools and locate your notifications and find the offending notification and check it, then remove it. This will stop that error.
I'm only mentioning this in this thread as to warn others about this possible issue just avoid any confusion that by installing outerdepth's weather app, it does not cause this error.
Locked out of Messaging
After following your directions I am unable to acces messaging on my Dash and there is no weather. Please give more detail on step 4 on how to actually "Run" and reg file. Is it an import?
You're going to have to tell me where to edit the scrolling marquee stuff. I dont see where to customize it.
Nevermind: I found it.... for anyone who wants to know, you have to edit the KPWeather.mscr file in notepad or other text editing software and locate the txt8 value about a little past half way down the page and edit it. then overwite other original .mscr
Update: Where would i go to edit the Condensed Text in the forecast panel. I want to read something else besides CWeatherODSP
Nevermind on update: I figured out how to change the condensed text in forecast panel too.... i'm such an idiot sometimes... was an easy find.
pudgedaddy said:
You're going to have to tell me where to edit the scrolling marquee stuff. I dont see where to customize it.
Nevermind: I found it.... for anyone who wants to know, you have to edit the KPWeather.mscr file in notepad or other text editing software and locate the txt8 value about a little past half way down the page and edit it. then overwite other original .mscr
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For non weather related additions to text loop, it can be easily added in the loop.mscr as a regwritestring added to bottom of current list.
showaco said:
For non weather related additions to text loop, it can be easily added in the loop.mscr as a regwritestring added to bottom of current list.
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It would be nice to add that as an option in the weather options .mscr.... other folks may not be saavy enough to use a text editor. It would kinda of "idiot proof' that function
Awesome App
Congrats Outer & Showaco. It's a great app & it works flawlessly. Only suggestion I have is if it's possible to make this for normal panels (I use normal, not slim). I know it's very difficult to put that much of information on this size (and I must say the clock panel looks AWESOME) but my other panels look really fat with too large fonts.
Anyway it's just a suggestion. The app is really cool and I have to say thank you for all your hard work
Hey Outerdepth, this is awesome. We're finally going away from CTestUIPlugin. However, after copying my weather script line for line, even down to the directory names and graphics used... I would at least appreciated a little statement that this is all possible because you're using my application But hey....
pudgedaddy said:
It would be nice to add that as an option in the weather options .mscr.... other folks may not be saavy enough to use a text editor. It would kinda of "idiot proof' that function
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Will be done later tonight, thanks for the input. We will add a user text line that can be edited from options panel.
You may also want to edit the Title on the consensedtitle panel. It currently reads: CWeatherODSP .... which to me doesn't seem to descriptive. I personally changed it to read "7-Day Weather Extended Forecast". that seems a little more descriptive to me. Of course you can do whatever you want to it, but using the title i use or some other variation of what i use may be a little more descriptive.
Slim Panels
showaco said:
1. In sliding panels, as of now, all panels must be same size, no exceptions. But if there is interest, it is possible to kinda create the illusion of different size panels using panel backgrounds.
2. We hope to have cab up in a few days.
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If possible, I would like the slim panels. I hope that there are others who would want it enough to motivate you to create the illusion you are talking about. Thanks, and waiting for the cab...
Yeah! A Real Weather App
Great job guys and will be even better when you add the "Doppler Radar" with automatic updates. Please use the newly released "Doppler Radar" for smartphones and pocketPC devices, again guys, this is a super awesome job.................!

[TUT] A mini-tutorial on rearranging the Manila Home Screen

Rearranging the Manila Home Screen​
What do I need to know?
Manila uses few types of files: qtc, xml, mode9 and lua. First one is for graphics, second usually for different languages (although not only) and the two last ones are the ones we are interested in. Mode9 files contain information on position, visibility and other properties of almost every element on Manila tabs. Lua files contain different functions, used for animations, updating info and so on.
For editing the Home Screen we need the mode9 file - 1c684cd8_manila and the lua script - 25d04412_manila. You can find these files (from each Manila, starting from 1.0 and ending on 2.5) on this forum.
What tools do I need?
Editing mode9 files is quiet easy. You just have to run m9editor, open the file, make the changes you want and save it. Changing stuff in lua scripts is a bit more complicated, as you have to decompile it. Shorter scripts are easily decompilated by luadec, but some longer ones require us to correct errors. Fortunately, the lua script we have to change is easily decompilated (though there can be a problem with the if condition). To do this follow these points:
- copy luadec.exe and luac.exe to the folder you where you have the lua script (let's say it's c:\compacthome\mod\)
- press Windows Logo + R (or Start > Run) and type cmd
- go to the folder containing the lua script (in this case it's cd \compacthome\mod\)
- type luadec script_name > script_name.txt - where script_name is the script you want to decompile (for example 25d04412_manila) and script_name.txt is the name of the output file, which we will edit
- in case of errors you have to correct them (look for the lua decompiling tutorial by sztupy)
- once you have the script decompiled you don't need to do it again.
- open the output file and change whatever you want
- to compile the file just type luac -o script_name script_name.txt, where script_name is the file we want to have the script_name.txt compiled
What can I change?
When you open the mode9 file we want to edit, expand the tree and you'll see many sections called 'Object'. Below them there are few lines called 'Property'. What you can easily change is:
- Position - just change the value of X and Y (center position (X=0, Y=0) and axis are different for most of the objects - you have to test this)
- Visibility - True or False (sometimes you may have to change the size of a image to 0x0, so that it won't show never)
- Font
- Font Size
- Color of text in RGB format - if Property is not available, add it
In the 25d04412_manila script you can change positions of many objects in both portrait and landscape mode.
- TabsLeft - left part of the clock (animated)
- TabsRight - right part of the clock (animated)
- clock_tabs - background of the clock (pile of tabs)
- alarm_clock - alarm info and date
- NotifiCamera3D - notifications & appointments
- NotificationShiftY - shifting of appointments when changing to small clock
To change the position just modify the first two parameters of Vector3(X, Y, Z) - both CameraPosition.value and LookAtPosition.value.
How to save and test the changes in a fast way?
Open a cab creator (for example WinCE Cab Manager) and add the files you changed to /Windows. Save the cab, copy it to your device, install and reboot Manila. You can also copy manually the file, but I prefer the first way, because in case of any problems you can easily uninstall the cab and get the default Home Screen.
How to get the Home Screen working with Background4AllTabs?
Just open the 1c684cd8_manila file by m9editor, look for 'HomeBackground' and delete the whole paragraph which contains it (from <Object>Type="Group" to the next <Object>Type="Group").
- - -​
If you have any suggestions, propositions or ideas, please write them in this thread, I'll try to complete this tutorial, so it will be useful for everyone. Thanks!
i cannot come up with suggestions, but that tutorial is very nice on your side!
Although not actually about the home screen arrangement. I do think we need the information on how to patch the EXE for weather and especially non-HTC devices to be made public. The few people that know how to do it don't seem to want to SHARE that knowledge, which is damned frustrating!
Kamill, what an excellent idea. I'm looking forward to your tutorial. I wonder will it be for Manila 2.0?
Here are some ideas:
Change touch flo colour
Appointments for at least one week
Linking big clock with another application (similar to Ssmaho)
Changing soft keys names/applications
Changing font sizes/types
Changing date formats on appointments
I hope this doesn't make it too difficult (I think the second one is though for some Manila versions!)
UPDATE in first post - an early version of the mini-tutorial.
FloatingFatMan, unfortunately I don't know how to do it...
mitsi, thanks, I'll work on that.
Kamill, My question is what needs to be changed to get appointments in dates after tomorrow to appear? Do I need to edit both the mode9 and the lua script? Or is it just one of those? I'm willing to get my hands dirty to fix it.
The easiest way is to get the files from hallatore's mod for Manila 2.0 and compare them to the original. There are mainly 3 differences, you'll find them for sure. AFAIR all you have to change is in one script, you have to add an option to display the date, change the place from where appointments are being taken (poomappointments(TAB_Calendar) instead of poomappointments(TAB_Home)) and change the number of appointments in the for loop.
Hmm. Well I changed the TAB_Calendar and added the option to to display date. Those were easy. Finding the loop is harder. I forced A loop to go 5 times and I got 5 calendar events, but the ones past tomorrow were the default ones in the mode9 ("Review design comp (Dan's office)"). I did it in the InitializeFullAnimation function just below this if statement:
if l_15_15 > 5 then
l_15_15 = 5
So those items are not being updated from the calendar. Any ideas? Am I looking in the wrong loop?
Anyway you can post hallatore's mod de-compiled? I think I have the original, but when I use m9editor the lua has a lot of decompiled errors.
Here you go. Are you doing this on the Manila 2.1? I tried so many things to get this working, but with no success
how to change home tab
Hi, I have read all the posts here and in some other threads related, and I'm still confused
I did try to install the cabs posted, and it totally messed my home tab, so I had to hard reset every time (because uninstalling didn't fix it up).
All I want to have is this:
1. move the alarm notification on the upper-right corner (to cover or remove the ATT logo)
2. make the Call History to auto-hide if there is no missed call (or to delete it, if it is easier)
3. have more appointments visible (2-3) with the big clock, and to be able to flip the clock upwards in order to have even more appointments visible
4. when I click on the appointment, to open the Calendar (this is already possible, and I'd like to remain this way)
I apologize if this is a silly question: is this possible to be done only by editing some manila files, and if so, which ones and what should I modify?
I opened some manila files (e.g. 1c684cd8_manila) using notepad and m9editor.exe, and, honestly, I had no clue as to what should I do
I am sure that you guys know this stuff already, and it is very easy for you. If it's not complicated to explain it to me, please help me!
thank you very much
Kamill said:
Here you go. Are you doing this on the Manila 2.1? I tried so many things to get this working, but with no success
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Thanks. I am trying for Manila 2.1. There's gotta be a way.
tatarasi said:
Hi, I have read all the posts here and in some other threads related, and I'm still confused
I did try to install the cabs posted, and it totally messed my home tab, so I had to hard reset every time (because uninstalling didn't fix it up).
All I want to have is this:
1. move the alarm notification on the upper-right corner (to cover or remove the ATT logo)
2. make the Call History to auto-hide if there is no missed call (or to delete it, if it is easier)
3. have more appointments visible (2-3) with the big clock, and to be able to flip the clock upwards in order to have even more appointments visible
4. when I click on the appointment, to open the Calendar (this is already possible, and I'd like to remain this way)
I apologize if this is a silly question: is this possible to be done only by editing some manila files, and if so, which ones and what should I modify?
I opened some manila files (e.g. 1c684cd8_manila) using notepad and m9editor.exe, and, honestly, I had no clue as to what should I do
I am sure that you guys know this stuff already, and it is very easy for you. If it's not complicated to explain it to me, please help me!
thank you very much
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Here is the solution to all 4 requests, but it is for Manila 2.0, so be careful. Back-up first just in case. Your screen will then look similar to the one shown.
Been trying...
I've been trying for some time now to get more than today's and tomorrow's appointment's displayed in manila 2.1. I added in the code that Hallatore added (can be found in stupy's lua thread) but there seems to be something limiting the amount of days shown ahead (I hope is not limited by the manila.exe, but I think not).
As additional info, the lua file that use to be embedded in the Home.mode9 isn't any more and is named 53cc1e4f_manila for 2.1 manila and 652ae0f4_manila for 2.5 manila,
mitsi said:
Here is the solution to all 4 requests, but it is for Manila 2.0, so be careful. Back-up first just in case. Your screen will then look similar to the one shown.
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This is exactly what I'm after.
Unfortunately, I tried that alternative and, again, it totally messes my TFLO, and I had to hard reset again.
What do you mean by Manila 2.0, is this the TFLO version (in Settings, I see that I have ver. 3.0 build 29946)?
thank you
Change Home tab display
Hi, thank you very much for your interest and trying to give me solutions for my request. It is amazing how people from different corners of the world are connecting and helping each other.
I presume that the file to work with is 1c684cd8_manila.
I opened that with m9editor It's a lot of info there
Could you guys be so kind and give some clues as to what should I look for in order to change:
- the alarm notification - to move it on the upper-right corner
- the carrier logo - to delete it
- the Call History - to delete it
- the Appointments - to have at least 2-3 shown
Also, important clues as to what NOT to touch, in order to
- continue to be able to flip over the big clock
- continue to be able to open the Calendar when click on the appointment
thank you again
tatarasi said:
- the alarm notification - to move it on the upper-right corner
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Change the X and Y in the 'Position' Property of these objects: AlarmClockOn, AlarmClockOff, AlarmTime.
tatarasi said:
- the carrier logo - to delete it
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To the object 'OperatorLogo' add a property called 'Visibility' and change its value to False - if it won't work change it's height to 0 in the 'Size' property.
tatarasi said:
- the Call History - to delete it
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The same as above, objects: MissedCall_SBar1, MissedCall_SBar2, MissedCallIcon, MissedCallText.
tatarasi said:
- the Appointments - to have at least 2-3 shown
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You need to decompile the 53cc1e4f_manila script and find l_15_0.MaxShowCount and change the value of it to the desired one.
Kamill said:
You need to decompile the 53cc1e4f_manila script and find l_15_0.MaxShowCount and change the value of it to the desired one.
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If only it was that easy... I've been trying all kinds stuff including what you suggest above. I have decompiled the 53cc1e4f_manila I'll attach it here (it's the one from yozgatg's r1.5),
I mean you CAN change the number of appointments, but in a range of 0 to 6 (5 with big clock). I've tried to get more appointments shown, but I failed...
Kamill said:
Change the X and Y in the 'Position' Property of these objects: AlarmClockOn, AlarmClockOff, AlarmTime.
To the object 'OperatorLogo' add a property called 'Visibility' and change its value to False - if it won't work change it's height to 0 in the 'Size' property.
The same as above, objects: MissedCall_SBar1, MissedCall_SBar2, MissedCallIcon, MissedCallText.
You need to decompile the 53cc1e4f_manila script and find l_15_0.MaxShowCount and change the value of it to the desired one.
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Hi, Kamill,
Apologize for double posting, I am growing impatient feeling that I am so close to a solution
Regarding the Manila, I checked where you told me to, and I found out that I have TFLO 3D 1.2.37896.1_1813.6. Thank you.
Thank you for your advices, I already tried to remove the logo
- first, I added the <Property> Name=Visibility Value="False" - did not work
- then, I changed the Height=0 - still ATT was there
- lastly, I deleted the entire Object GLESSprite2D (which was above the "OperatorLogo" property - still no result
What do you think I am doing wrong?
Speaking of the number of appointments, I amazingly discovered that I do not have 53cc1e4f_manila file. What do you think that means?
thank you very much, again
Manila 1 is a bit different from 2.0 or 2.1, the 53cc1e4f_manila script is embedded in the 1c684cd8_manila mode9 file (one of those at the beginning).
AFAIK you can replace the logo file with a blank one (don't ask me which file is it, I don't know ). Or you can try to add a 'Position' property and move it out of the sight (but it may come back in some situations) - though I do not guarantee it'll work.
I hope you'll success in modifying the Manila 1 homescreen, I guess there is still a couple of people who use that version of TF3D.

