Alarm issues/solutions for Dell Axim X50v WM6 - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

This thread is for the discussion of alarm related issues in MagLite's WM6 ROM for X50v. Please keep all alarm discussion in this thread.

After installing A02 RTM, one of my first test was the alarm sound. The first time (default settings, just the hour was set) it was mute . Then i edited the alarm and chose other sound. It worked. Could be helpful...

It would probably be helpful if everyone specified which alarm issue they're having.
Actual built-in clock program alarms vs audible alerts associated with notifications vs 3rd party alarm clock programs (Spb Time, Chronos, PTravelAlarm, etc).
Also if any 3rd party software is installed that directly affects the triggering of alarms like PocketPlus, Battery Bar, SuperAlert, etc.

Did someone have founded a solution to fix the problem with the alarm??


Alarm Clock

I dont know if any of you use the alarm clock function on your mobile but in the past (on previous phones) i found it very useful. The alarm clock on the blackstone seems to have much more limited funcitonailty than my previous model phones though. ie there is no way to change what it uses as the alarm (meaning you cant use custom sounds from mp3s) and there is also no snooze function. I was wondering if anyone new either a way of doing this on the existing built in alarm function or another app which i can load onto the phone which do have these functions.
you can select custom sounds under the clocks and setting by clicking on the little bell.
i use galarm personally and find it quite usefull. together with secondtoday and the today plugin it's easy to manage.
I use klaxon as it integrates into the TF3D alarmclock and is g-sen enabled like galarm. you can also use custom sounds with klaxon

Alarm notification display

I've recently installed a new set of topbar(Taskbar) icons, and all look fine afterward.
however, there is 1 problem occurred when alarm notification poped up.
the problem is the language of the alarm notification, usually, under english version, there are two options which you can choose, one is dismiss and other is hide, but since my alarm notification showing in other language interface, I can't understand a word, and I want change it's language to english?
is that possible, any help will be grateful!
use G alarm ... it is the BEST and free ...
thanks for your advice, I'll try it but at the meantime, I'd also want my topbar functioning properly

PDA as an alarm clock

I recently upgraded from an O2 Atom Exec to an Ipaq 612c and I realised that I could us emy old phone as a rather full featured alarm clock.
Now I was wondering if I could get any suggestion on how to turn it into a useful alarm clock.
The key thing I have yet to find on this forum is an alarm clock that will make use of the FM tuner.
Any help?
I was thinking in the end it would be something like a chumby but with an internal battery and many more apps available for it.
I will not be using this PDA with a SIM card so also any hints on skins or layouts that ignore the phone part of the PDA would also be appreciated.
Oh well.

How to disable calendar appoitment alarm at when appoitment begin?

When i put calendar appoitment (meeting) example clock 15:00 and put reminder 30 min before. I get appoitment alarm at 14:30 and that is what i only want, now when clock comes 15:00 then i get appoitment alarm again and if im in meeting i dont want alarm at that point. I think this is WM 6.1 and WM6.5 feature, because in wm5.0 alarm didnt come up at clock 15:00 ( as example ). I have WM 6.5, is there a registry hack for that?
I use phonealarm to switch to quiet profile when in meeting, but it takes about 20 seconds when profile changes, so alarm is played before phone switches to quiet mode.
Sorry for my english, hope somebody understand what i meant. I tried search but i dont know any good keywords that put in search.

alarm doesnt work correct - wm6.5

my default alarm app from wm6.5 is just playing the sounds once and doesnt repeat it. can anyone help??
download an app called klaxon. winmo's alarm is garbage and it's been well known for years. they are obviously never going to fix it.
Not sure if I should start a new thread given the age of this one but I was experiencing this problem. I found an answer from 2003 on another site which I adapted to newer WinMo versions. The following registry tweak works for me to create a looping/repeating alarm.
Right click: New>String Value
Enter Value Name: Script
Enter Value Data (for no vibrate): apr
Value Data (with vibrate): av0pr
If you want to add a delay between each ring add 'w(delay)' before the r(repeat), for example: av0pw3r would have a vibrating alarm with a 3 second wait before looping the ringtone
Delete the 'Script' value to revert back to the normal alarm ring.

