How to increase the FPS on XDAIIs camera? - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

i want to increase the fps of my BA's camera, in the registry, it stated there that the default fps for large recording (mp4 large) is 10 fps, i've try to change it into 15-20 fps but when i turned my camera, there is a message and it closed it self... anyone can helpme?


[REQUEST][4.1.2][APP][MOD]Camera with ability to choose proper fps

Hello, respected developers!
As the topics concerning camera app are slowly fading down, I start a new one here.
I tried both existing mods/apps of a 4.1 standard camera and a custom apps like lgCamera. Still I can't get 25 fps in recorded videos even when I set it to this particular value. I can get it when i use AxelVoyager in-car videorecorder, but it's quite buggy and not that common-to-operate and this setting must be applied manually every time before I start record.
I need this 25 fps setting because my other video recordings are in PAL (25 fps) and it's not a common task to convert fps correctly to match each other.
As far as I can understand with my many-years-ago-IT-background, this should not be a problem for an experienced person to compile a version of a standard camera app with pathced media profiles that have 25 instead of 30 fps in 1080p and 720p HD media-profiles. So I kindly ask for that.

240 fps with HTC 10

Although they have same processors, I saw s7 has 240 fps slow-mo video recording but our devices have 120 fps. Can anyone mod HTC camera to record 240 fps videos ? Or is there any other way to record 240 fps slow-mo with HTC 10 ? Thanks.
Anyone to give answer to my question, please ?

Recordo video in 60fps or 120 fps?

Does anyone know a way to record videos with 60fps or 120fps?
I on Team-OctOs 6.0.1 ROM and the stock camera doesn't have a fps option. I have tried Open Camera an set it to record at 120 and the camera froze. So I set it to 60 but it still only record at 15fps. (ouch).
Does anyone know an app or how I can record video in 30 to 120 fps?

Fix FPS to 120 always

Is there anyway to mod MIUI in Mi 10T to fix FPS to 120hz always?
Have you found any way to do it?
Games that are locked 60 fps (like in emulators) play horribly stuttery in 90 and 144 hz. They play ok in 60, but the touch screen response is very laggy at that refresh rate.
120 hz would maybe fix the issues (being double 60 maybe i could use some tweaks inside emu app to make it all smooth).

Question 30 fps limit

Hi guys,
Do you know if it is possible to bypass the fps limit imposed on third-party apps. The 60 fps is usable on the native camera app. But when I try on streamlabs or Larix broadcaster, the maximum offered is 30 fps.
To complete my first post, I've just found this on the streamlabs FAQ
Why doesn't the stream do 60 fps when it's set to do so?
Encoder FPS is enforced by camera hardware and Android API. We support 60fps whenever possible. In many cases the manufacturer’s Camera app offers 60 fps but it bypasses the Android API to allow this, and we don’t have access to that (us or any other app as well). As a result they might only present 30 fps as the max. FPS, and only allow 60 FPS in their own dedicated manufacturer’s app.

