Overhaul XDA2i - Any suggestions ? - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

Hi Guys !
I've been going through this forum since I got my XDA2i a couple of months ago. I have the following config :
ROM 1.10.00WWE
ROM Date 12/24/2004
Radio Version 1.00.00
Protocol Version 1337.39
ExtROM Version 1.10.124 WWE
Model No PH10C
I wanted to know if there is a possibility of better versions of these, even if they are of other models/manufacturers, to be put together on 1 XDA2i and make it work like one helluva machine ?
Can you recommend / attach the files to this question and tell me a little more about it as I am a non techie !

you can get the new rom version off the o2 website .just follow the links

My extrom is blank should there be something there ?- it seems to work ok.

Thanks for the inputs, the reason I have put the question up is that I have seen people having higher versions of the various stuff. They've got ROm from somewhere and Radio stack from somewhere else etc.
1. I wanted to use your expertise in creating an all powerful tool.
2. Add Blackberry functionality as was advertised earlier by O2, what
a let down now that they've removed all mentions of the blackberry.
Would really appreciate help in this regard.

There are two upgrades i know of ... one is the new I-mate upgrade, which came before the O2 one and has a newer Radio version .
the newest upgrade is the O2 upgrade, even though it doesnt have an upgraded radio.
A solution is to use the Rom "pug" posted, which uses the O2 upgrade but also includes the i-mate radio version.
You get the latest, and best of each so .... heres the link ... ftp://xdaupload:[email protected] XDA_IIi_Upgrade_v1.11.162 Radio_1.3.rar
I suggest you read through this 3 page thread first though as it will give you all the advice you need.


latest o2 update

im am going to update my xda2 but haven't decided on the rom version yet
currently i am on
rom 1.60.00wwe
radio 1.10.00
protocol 1337.18
extrom 1.60.50
it is the O2 XDA2 unlocked and using an orange sim card.
i was just going to get the O2 standard update but now i am on here and am tempted by the new 2003se rom. i still have detailed reading to do b4 upgrading but the questions i haven't found answered while scan reading are.
1.does it matter what bootloader version you have? (i have read conflicting reports about 1.06, how do u find what bootloader u are running?)
2.if i upgrade to the latest O2 rom will i have any additional problems if i then upgrade to WM 2003 SE at a later date.
3.O2 told me if i do the offical upgrade my orange sim wont work in it. I presume this is Bull ****?
i see that Sin and [Krueger]Dr.Stein have produced guides on how to upgrade and zeroextreme has produced an extended rom so it shouldn't be much of a problem following their instructons.
4. has anyone tried all the different varient ? if so did u think 1 was better than the other? have these been compared in another post?
5.i believe a while back there was 1 rom that was considered the official unoffical rom is there a newer 2003 se rom like this?
my main reason for upgrading is i can't send mms messages and i just like being ahead of the game.
after much trawling the net and speaking to orange data support i need to upgrade to the latest O2 Rom. at first i thought this was just orange incompetence but i really have tried a lot of stuff now gprs works fine but mms is a no go.
im off now to continue reading thanks for any responses

rom update

I'am new to all this and was wondering if its worth updating my XDA IIs these are the settings
Rom Version 1.31.00 WWE
Rom date 12/13/04
Radio Version 1.06.00
protocol version 1337.38
ExRpm Version 1.31.139 WWE
Could anyone let me know if there are any benefits, also how easy is it to update, ie can anyone explain in basic terms as I have never done this sort of thing before, also if it all went wrong what would be the worst case senario.
Is there a simple program that does all updates?
Thanks in advance
Hi Popupstands
I upgraded mine a few weeks ago from the O2 ROM like yours to the config detailed below. Have found that this ROM is a bit more stable and has better control over wi fi switching than my old one. still have the same old bluetooth connection problems. You will also have to modify the below EXTENDED ROM to replace the caller ID file with an older version to avoid GPRS disconnect problems...
before you do anything, you should read ALL the INFO at following wiki link
On a practical note, if you are reasonably happy with the stabilty of your device then the upgrade may not be worth it for you. I believe the official O2 rom update is imminent, so you may want to wait for that..
Hope that helps

Anybody want this???

Hi All,
After being a user of an SPV m2000 (HTC Blue Angel) for over a year, I've unfortunately decied I need a "proper" phone, and have now got the Motorola v3i as well.
However, shortly before i upgraded, I got a replacement SPV, with an upgraded rom set from my original one - details below.
Couple of questions:
1. Are these upgrades useful to anyone, or are they readily available out here anyway?
2. Is it possible to dump ALL of them in one go to my older SPV?
Details on ROMs follow:
_____________OLD SPV________________New SPV
Oper. Vers.____5.31.00wwe____________5.40.1.179
ROM vers._____1.31.00wwe____________1.40.00 wwe
ROM date______12/13/05______________03/10/05
Radio Vers._____1.06.02_______________1.06.02
Prot. Vers.______1337.38_______________1337.38
ExtROM Ver_____1.31.124 wwe__________1.40.179wwe
Feedback / details / requests for upload - all for the asking!
PS - just like to say a big thanks to all the experts here that helped me along the way. Now maybe I can give something back!
this is rather old ROM. There is already 1.42 main rom and 1.15 radio

Need Advice on Upgrading Plz help :)

Greetings! I am new here and I recently bought an xda exec here in china. Problem is, the exec was loaded with a chinese rom because it was intended for chinese users so i asked the seller to make it in english. It seemed they had a problem with changing the rom, Im not really sure coz i cant understand half of what theyre saying. After a long wait, I was given an exec with a dopod rom.
Now having a different rom from the supposed manufacturer's one, it seems my unit has a few errors, for example im frequently having a sddaemon (which i found out has something to do with the contacts list) and sddialer (which i think has something to do with voice dialing) errors. Another thing I have a problem with is, the boot screen, since it was loaded with a dopod rom, it says "dopod enjoy mobility" at the boot screen. I feel kinda uneasy with it, simply put, i dont like it.
Also, I think my problems would be solved by flashing a different rom, but im not sure what to use tho. Actually, I want to use a 'proper' o2 rom because i like to have the boot screen back to o2. Yet, it seems everyone is suggesting the JasJar rom, do you think i should use the JasJar rom? If so, How can i change the boot screen to the o2 one?
For anyone who can help, Advice on how to address my problems is very much appreciated. I tried searching the forums but i cant seem to get how the search function working. I humbly ask guidance and advice to my problems and a proper redirection is highly appreciated. thanks in advance!
Also, I'm also considering upgrading to WM6. Is it advisable to upgrade to WM6?
WM6 has a better looking than WM5, and most of the software are newer.
If you want stable, you can use WM5, most of the new ROM are all for the WM6, I am also a user in China, I am now using WM6 with a chinese language supporting package.
How unstable is wm6? Does wm6 have features or anything to offset the instability?
@XingYun: are you using an english rom with chinese text support or is your rom purely chinese? Im thinking of copying your setup, would you advise it?
BTW, my Device information says the ff:
ROM version: 1.30.111 WWE
ROM date: 04/06/06
Radio Version: 1.04.02
Protocol Version: 42.37.P8
ExtROM version: 1.13.188 WWE
Any more help and advice is very welcome
Later builds of WM6 for Universal isn't really unstable. It's actually better. There's only one problem. NO VIDEO CALL.
You can get the latest WM5 ROM here:
You can get the latest WM6 Crossbow ROM here:
Use the Search facility... It really helps.
Ok, ive decided to upgrade to wm6. Since I want to have an o2 boot screen, should i use the o2 rom from the jwright link? Will it be compatible with my unit even tho I am running a dopod rom? All I need to do is follow the directions from the wiki :
http://wiki.xda-developers.com/inde...tion On How To Upgrade with Bootloader method
Am I correct? Sorry for sounding like a n00b, but I'm quite scared of making a mistake, so I want to be extra sure and extra careful. Advice and help is appreciated. thx.
I am using a English ROM with Chinese language support, and YouYuan text format, my machine infomation is like this:
ROM version: 2.05.00 WWE
ROM date: 04/09/07
Radio version:1.15.00
This is the ROM I am using:
Finally upgraded with Jwright wm6 rom, works fine now, thx everyone.
Hi, HProvider
Could you tell me where did you find the chinese language support package?
Mine does not work well with the Jwright ROM.

Upgrading to the Official WM6 ROM, but have questions

When I got my replacement AT&T 8525, it came with the AT&T WM5 ROM. I decided to downgrade to the Cingular WM5 version since I didn't like the AT&T one. I've been skeptical about upgrading to the official WM6 release, and I figured that since I have some time tonight that I would. However, I do have a couple of questions about how this will work since I had to install a different bootloader in order to make the change back to the Cingular WM5 version possible.
Currently my settings are:
ROM version: 1.34.502.1
ROM date: 09/21/06
Radio version:
My question are, do I need to modify my radio version before I upgrade? Also, should I modify my bootloader before I upgrade to the official WM6? Thanks.
Firstly good job on flashing HardSPL.
your radio doesnt need to be changed at all, but if you want to take a peek at my tests here that might help you choose an appropriate radio version.
For WM6 DEFINATLY go for it, the updated stacks/drivers/kernel are definatly faster than the WM5 versions.
Give the pandora naked 7 ROM a shot........it will FLY.
Your settings can be restored for AT&T using the HTC network wizard (easily found with a search).......and make sure you backup all your contacts etc... using PIMBackup (in the development forum).
I keep getting an error 264 connection error saying that the update utility cannot connect to my phone. I've followed all the steps. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. The only thing that sparks my mind that I don't remember occuring before is that when I plug my phone in via USB ActiveSync automatically begins, so I wasn't sure if I needed to disable that function or not since the instructions mentioned something about being sure that happens before installing the new ROM.
Any help? I'm still stuck here.
I just did mine (I am a brand new to all this) and I followed these steps word for word in this thread, adn man what a difference .
read these all the way through.
Nates good people and willing to help although he is a caffeine addict
and after you upgrade the rom do this, but read it all before doing so
HTC plug in , great look for the 8525
Oh i forgot, the HTC att WM6 included the radio upgrade to the 1.48. which works great.

